#also i love the twinge of obsession and envy- it adds an extra omph to the words
fancifulflora · 1 year
Magnolia ( Kulîlk Teyran x Reader)
The Crown of Arsur was perfection itself.
She had an air of grace about her, her every movement as slow and deliberate as the waters lazily following along the river under the summer sun.
Her voice was light, pretty, like the jingling of siren flowers in the breeze.
And the way she looked at those around her, with a soft, golden glow that made the hearts around her skip a beat. It was a capitvating gaze, a gaze where one could easily find themselves becoming lost infor hours at a time.
One that you found yourself lost in.
The long awaited Crown of Arsur came from humble origins, the enchanting sight of her tending to her garden evidence of that. 
Even some in the nobility could never deny the beauty of Her Imperial Majesty, her carefully cultivated blossoms adorning her hair. 
Each part of her as carefully cultivated like the rest of her.
You however, knew the truth.
Kulîlk wasn’t perfect. She wasn’t infallible.
You knew of the days and nights Kulîlk spent perfecting her every movement, from the way she picked up items to the very way she took air in her lungs- all done honed to perfection.
You heard her voice beyond the doors to her chambers, drilling speeches and pulling at every vocal chord in her throat, all in an attempt to find the proper voice.
You’ve witnessed her different masks yourself, how quickly that brilliant smile fades from your Crown, just to appear once more when rounding the corner. The very same smile you’ve seen her practice over and over in the mirror. 
And while many enjoy seeing Kulîlk’s work when strolling the gardens, you instead see her hands, you see the cuts and callouses she tries her best to hide away from the world. All signs of her hard work, the many labors she’s had to endure to become the Crown she is today.
And they were beautiful. Every last one.
How could they not be? After all-
Kulîlk Teyran was perfection itself.
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