#also i might have straight-up made up stuff that didng happen in canon. thats fine.also may have gotten things wrong
blazeball · 11 months
parkermegan is just so good like. you were created to be a star in the sky and you failed the instant you were created. you are a failed sun and a failed son. but you are a good blaseball player. so that has to be something. your mom is even kinda proud of you for it. you even develop a rivalry of sorts with this guy. and she's so fun. has a whole thief gimmick going on. kinda cute. time passes. you start burning up, like you were meant to do in the first place. you start burning everything else up. you feel guilty but you just can't stop. and its all their fault anyway. they did this to you. you were content being a failure and then they lit you up. so they have it coming. but they are dying. you are killing them. so you get it when you're trapped in the forcefield. but that guy. megan. she's been keeping an eye on you. your rivalry is kinda dead without you being able to like, play. you're on the plate (as always) and you can't move (as always) and usually this inning would pass and you' d just sit and sit but megan. has her thief thing, right. she walks right up to you. proposes a trade, doesn't wait for your answer. and you can't help but burn everything up. everything. and megan is. well. she should be dead. and she kinda is. but she can't die, because she's stuck. that forcefield. she's burning up, and you can't stop it, and why did she even fucking take it. she's gonna burn up and you're gonna burn everything everywhere. but, again, she's stuck. she's stuck so bad, reality can't handle it. she's wiped out, which is kinda worse than just straight up dying. and then someone who looks just like her is raised from the flames. and she's the same guy she's always been, kinda, but at the same time. you do not know her at all. and she does not know you. and you killed megan, and she killed herself, and new megan ito is alive, right there. entirely different and entirely the same. you guys can even fall for one another again, but it'll never be the same. she made you kill her. she made you start killing everyone again. the whole league will burn. but you still love her in some twisted way. and maybe the person who rose from her ashes will love you too
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