#also i shouldn't feel like i have to apologize for asking my leadership at work to place fhe daily orders bc its not like i planned this but
audiovisualrecall · 10 months
So much for sleeping early
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Leadership Skills
Bayverse Leonardo x Reader imagine
Info + Warnings: Leo handles stress poorly. And emotional vulnerability. And apologies- basically, he's doing his best, and he's lucky Reader is so patient. No gendered language, pronouns, or Y.N used for Reader, but they are described as shorter than Leo. Friends-to-lovers type beat, with some bullshit as the catalyst. Set a few years after OOTS.
Commentary: Leo's kinda shitty with his emotions. This is mostly me trying to figure out how the fuck to write him. Written with Into You by Ariana Grande on in the background.
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Your phone buzzed, and you knew who it was before you even looked.
You weren't sure if you were glad to be right, to see "Fearless" pop up in your notifications.
Can I call?
A small part of you wanted to say no. An even smaller part, angry and defensive and petty, wanted to tell him to fuck off.
Give me five minutes. Busy rn.
All but instantly, he sent back a thumbs up emoji. You leaned back in your chair, pushing your food towards the center of your small kitchen table and away from you, suddenly no longer hungry.
Five minutes didn't feel like enough time to gather yourself, but you also didn't see any point in putting it off. Under all of your leftover anger and hurt, you could remember the look on his face when you'd left the lair the night before- he probably wasn't any better off than you were.
He cared about you. You knew that. And he'd upset you and you knew he knew that- it wasn't like you'd been subtle- and knowing him, he was probably kicking himself harder than he really deserved.
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Donnie had mentioned this exact behavior to you a while back; this tendency of Leonardo's to become overly critical under stress, to lash out and snap at people and say things he didn't really mean. It had been at Raph, then, pushing his buttons into a fight that let both of them blow off steam and get back to some semblance of normal.
With you, it was different.
It had been hours of frustration for everyone, poring over data from a string of robberies to try and find any sort of connection while Donnie ran some sort of cross-referencing software to double check your findings. Leo had been snippy with all of you; clipped answers, cold tones, and an abandonment of the basic manners that were his constant.
You'd slipped away to the kitchen on a drink run for the group, and he'd joined you a few moments later, visibly exhausted and tense.
"You holding up alright?"
He'd laughed, a bitter, empty thing, reaching past you for a container of leftovers. "Just peachy."
"I've got to stand here anyway," You had said quietly, nodding at the brewing coffee pot. "Captive audience, if you want it."
He'd looked at you, jaw working as he weighed his options for a beat, two, before he'd sighed and absolutely deflated. "I know I'm missing something."
"In the case?"
Leo had nodded. "I know there's a connection. It's- it's like it's staring me in the face, and I just can't see it."
You'd hummed quietly. "Yeah. It's a good thing we have so many eyes on this, because it's definitely a puzzle."
"Yeah," He'd grumbled, "Lot of good that's doing us."
"Hey," You'd chided. "They're doing their best, Leo."
"Well, maybe their best isn't good enough."
You'd shifted, pushing off the counter you'd been leaning on and crossing your arms. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"We should be done with this already. I shouldn't be chasing everyone around to get answers."
"You just said you weren't finding any, either."
"Whatever. I shouldn't have said anything."
"You didn't need to. You've made your disapproval crystal clear."
"And yet, nothing's changed."
"So, what, you want Don to magically find the solution you can't manage to come up with?" You asked incredulously, waving at the door. "I know you're angry, Leo, but taking it out on us-"
"I don't need you to tell me how to lead my team," He'd said sharply, the tension back in his shoulders. "I'm doing fine alone."
"I'm not trying to tell you how to lead," You'd shot back. "I'm only trying to get you to-"
"If you don't like how I'm handling this, maybe you should just leave."
You had blinked at him, an offended "Excuse me?" leaving you.
He hadn't even had the decency to falter. "You heard me."
So you had. You'd marched right out of the kitchen, right past his grimacing face, stopping briefly to grab your bag from by Don's computers.
"Woah, you alright?" He'd asked, watching you angrily collect your things.
"Just peachy," You'd hissed, pausing briefly to collect yourself- and put the venom back where it belonged, away from the innocent turtle in front of you, because you were not about to be a hypocrite- before continuing in a much softer tone. "I'm heading out. Let me know if you find anything, yeah?"
"Ye- yeah, yeah. Of course. Uh, thanks for your help."
You'd nodded curtly. "I'll let you know when I get home. Coffee's almost done."
His eyes had widened slightly, darting quickly to the kitchen and then back to you. You had been able to see the question on his face- your "home safe" texts went to Leo, they always did, so letting Donnie know was an odd move- but to your immense relief, he didn't verbalize it. "Alright," He'd said instead, "Travel safe."
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Your phone rang almost exactly five minutes after the thumbs up, like he'd been watching the clock.
It almost made you laugh.
Instead, you took a deep breath and answered, voice flat. "Hey."
"Hey," Leo said, voice heavy and tired even through the distortion of the phone. "How are you?"
"Depends on why you're calling," You answered dryly, finger tracing the edge of your table.
He sighed quietly, and you could picture the eye rub that followed as clearly as if he was in front of you. "To, uh, to apologize."
"The way I spoke to you in the kitchen. And the- the way I spoke to all of you last night, but- but especially you. You were trying to help and I treated you like shit."
"And you were right."
"Also true."
"And... I probably should have planned this better, I just- I'm sorry."
You hummed in acknowledgement, not ready to accept his apology, but also not wanting to make him feel worse.
He was quiet for a moment. "Don probably told you, already, but we found something. The suspect for the robbery on 18th has an uncle that runs with the Purple Dragons."
"He did. Think it's important?"
"I think it's the best lead we have. And I think you were right about the chemicals being the key to this whole thing. He- Donnie- says they could be pretty dangerous if they get combined with a few other key ingredients. We're gonna stake out a few Dragons locations, see if there's any movement."
"Tonight?" You asked.
"That's the plan."
You hummed thoughtfully, weighing his apology. Weighing how much you'd actually missed him in less than a day (which, you realized begrudgingly, was a lot).
Yeah, he was an asshole, but he was trying. An olive branch in return would be okay, right?
"Text me when you get home?" You asked quietly.
Leo let out a small huff of laughter, one you knew to be a sign of relief, and it was enough to replace your stubborn frown with the start of a smile. "Yeah. I can do that."
You sat quietly, listening to the sound of something moving on the other end of the call. You wondered what it was; it sounded like paper, or plastic of some kind.
Your unspoken question was answered a few moments later by the sound of a whistling kettle, signaling tea time.
"I'll let you go deal with that," You said.
"Yeah," He mumbled, almost sounding reluctant. "I probably should."
"We'll talk later, yeah?"
"Yeah," He said quickly, as though worried you'd rescind the offer if he waited. "Sounds good."
"Play it safe tonight."
"I- we will."
"See you, Leo."
"See you."
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You hadn't expected to literally see him, but a few hours later, you got another text asking if he could stop by on the way home from their stakeout.
You said yes.
He knocked on your window not even five minutes later, a soft, measured rhythm you knew like your own heartbeat. You opened the window, pushing the curtains aside to let his broad figure slip through with a tired, tentative smile, and drew them shut again behind him.
"Hey," He said quietly, something raspy in his voice. "I'm sorry to drop by so late, I just..."
You leaned against the windowframe, watching him falter and trail off and meet your eyes for the first time since he arrived. "Probably should've planned this better?" You teased gently, repeating his comment from the phonecall.
Leo huffed a laugh, hanging his head and rubbing the back of his neck roughly. "Definitely should've."
You took pity on him, leading the conversation back to something solid and matter-of-fact instead of whatever he was flustered about. "The job go okay?"
"Yeah," He said, immediately loosening. "Yeah, Raph and Mikey spotted a truck at their location. Got the plate, saw it heading out of the city- Don's gonna do some digging, see if it's connected to anyone with any history with biology or chemistry. He thinks the Dragons are creating some kind of weapon."
"Sounds like some deep shit," You said bluntly, making him chuckle.
"Good thing New York's got you guys to look out for us."
You'd said it lightheartedly, almost affectionately, but it made him grimace.
"I just-" He cut himself off, pausing to take a quick breath before turning to look you in the eyes, shoulders squared and head held high. Textbook "hiding behind leadership" Leo behavior, not that you'd call him on it. (Even if you kind of- really- wanted to.) "You're an important part of this team. We need you, and I never should have dismissed your concerns. Or you."
Interesting. "Important part of the team, huh?"
"And, uh, of other things."
You'd known him for years. You knew when he was being evasive. You knew when he was holding something back.
Usually, you'd wait. He'd come to you when he was ready.
Today, your patience was a little thin.
"Other things?" You questioned, holding his gaze.
He said your name, carefully neutral, but his eyes gave him away- as always.
Fearless was nervous.
"No, no, you said it," You responded firmly, lips just barely tilting up into a smile. "I want to know what you meant."
Leo shook his head, looking away from you and being the very picture of exasperation.
"Don made it clear that you're a critical part of our group dynamic-"
As much as the mental image of Donatello giving him hell on your behalf was hilarious, there was something else going on, too. You really needed him to get to the point before that dangerous spark of hope in your chest caught fire.
"You're important to me!" He blurted, whirling back to face you before quickly softening his tone. "You're important to me."
"And that was that painful to admit?"
"No. Yes. I-" He groaned, running a hand down his face, and you bit back a laugh. "I-" He sighed, bright blue eyes finding the floor, before finally, quietly, "I don't mean as a friend."
You could feel your heart bouncing off your ribs, going about mach 3. "Like an advisor, then," You quip breathlessly.
He snorts. "Yeah. Like an advisor."
"Anything, uh, else?"
He studies you, not moving. "That... depends."
"Like I said, you're important," He says carefully. "I don't want to ruin that. Especially not after... last night."
"I think you're going to need to work pretty hard to ruin this."
"I hear I've got-" He did little air quotes- "'A talent for being a fucking asshole,' so it might not take as much work as you think."
You couldn't help it- you snorted. "Was that a Donatello verbatim?"
"No comment."
"Well," You said with a smile, "Why don't we see what happens, huh?"
"Leonardo," You interrupt. "If you don't tell me, I might start to draw conclusions of my own."
"Blackmail. Classy."
"Evasion," You counter quickly with a snarky nod of your head, "Real brave."
He sighs, squinting at the ceiling for a beat. "This really isn't how I pictured doing this."
"Such is life."
Leo smiles, a weak little thing, before he brings his eyes back to yours and takes a deep breath. He says your name, soft enough to send your heart into acrobatics. "I have feelings for you. Deep, deep feelings, that seem to get deeper every time I talk to you, and I'm starting to feel like I'm going to drown in them, and I can't even bring myself to be upset about it."
Well, shit.
How the fuck do I respond to that? You wonder, staring at his sky blue eyes.
Increasingly nervous sky blue eyes.
Fuck it.
"Same," You breath simply. You nod once, twice, wetting your lips. "Yeah. I'm- the only thing you ruined was my chance of being coherent."
Leo's face slowly split into a grin, and a small chuckle escaped him. "I can live with that."
"You're going to have to. Damn," You mutter, smiling broadly. "Yeah, same. I- I have feelings for you, too. Deep as hell."
"Would you let me take you out on a date?"
You cocked a brow playfully, grin never faltering. "Are you telling me you already have a plan, mister?"
"I will very soon. This... was not how I expected my evening to go," He admitted sheepishly, taking a slow step towards you. "But I'll figure it out."
"I never doubted you," You said fondly, matching his step and meeting him in the middle. "Yes, Leo, I'd love to go out with you."
He smiled again- beamed, really, the kind of smile that dazzles you and threatens to melt you right down to the floor- and the little space between you was enough to make your head spin.
As though he read your mind and took it as a challenge, Leo leaned down slightly, eyes darting to your mouth before returning to your eyes.
"You sure you didn't plan all this out?" You muttered, tilting your head up in invitation.
"No plan," He said softly, bringing one hand to rest tentatively on your hip. "Sorry."
You hummed, reaching up to play with one tail of his mask. "The great Leonardo, master of both plans and improv. Impressive."
"Y'know, some people say the key to good improv is a good partner."
You giggled, you honest to god giggled, and you found you couldn't even bring yourself to be upset about it.
Funny how that happened.
He cleared his throat gently, gaze holding your own, nerves visible again. It was adorable, really. "I... just to be clear, may I kiss you?"
"At this point, I'll be a little offended it you don't."
Leo chuckled again, and he was close enough that you could feel it through his chest and the air against your skin, and despite all of your quips and want you found yourself frozen, waiting.
Luckily, he didn't leave you waiting long.
His lips met yours.
Your eyes slid shut and your grip on his mask tightened and you melted, gently pressing yourself into his space as his second hand found your hip.
It was sweet, and soft, and tentative. It was a little clumsy. His neck was so tense that you worried briefly that he might strain something.
And it was perfect.
When he pulled back a few moments later, it wasn't far. Only enough to meet your eyes, smile shyly, and bring a hand up to brush against your cheek.
"I have a plan," He said quietly, warm voice barely enough to bring your mind out of the warm-fuzzy cloud he'd put it in.
"After all of this Dragons stuff is out of the way, I'd like to do a movie night. I'll bring snacks, and we watch the one you mentioned the other day about the murder. Just us."
You pressed your lips back to his for a moment. "I'd like that."
Before he could respond, his radio buzzed, making both of you jump.
The disgust on his face was enough to make you laugh.
"Yeah?" He sighed, answering.
"I've got a hit on the truck," Donatello's distorted voice said. "If we hurry, we can make it to the warehouse I suspect it went to and be back by sunrise."
Leonardo hesitated, gaze flickering from the radio to you and back.
You stepped in. "The sooner this is over, the sooner you can get back to me safely and we can have movie night."
It earned you a conflicted look- somewhere between gratitude and remorse. You decided to focus on the former.
"Alright, Don, I'll be right down. Get the others ready to roll."
"Will do."
Leo sighed, hand falling from the radio. "I'll text you when I get home."
"Please." You stepped back reluctantly. "Be safe, yeah?"
"We'll play it smart," He assured you. "Get some rest."
"Sure," You said noncommittally. He raised a brow, but said nothing as he slid your window open. "And Leo?"
"Thank Don for me."
He laughed, and disappeared into the night.
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A week later, you were leaning into his shoulder on your couch. Unbeknownst to you, his attention was wholly on the feeling of your cheek on his skin instead of the movie.
He hoped he'd have other chances to focus on the plot. More chances to offer useful commentary on suspects and motives.
For now, he couldn't bring himself to be upset when he had no clue who the killer was.
"What a movie, right?" You asked happily as the credits rolled.
"I loved every second."
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wooahaes · 2 years
hi daisy i know your semi-recent post wanted us to see how we felt about cheol’s leadership in the most recent chapter ! so here’s my thoughts from the chapter(i did have some random notes here and there) sorry it’s a bit long <3
ult spoiler’s (kinda) ?!!
not only cheol but i like that majority of the characters during the fight scenes where proactive in acknowledging both sides of y/n and seungkwan. rather than just picking one over the other.
for the fight (the honey & crumbs) jousha’s character did a nice job of the first point i mentioned. and i liked that he also didn’t coddle y/n just because they’re new.
for cheol (in the aftermath of crumbs argument) while y/n thinks its childish, his character made the right call in asking if they wanted to be separated for the day. (to prevent more petty arguments) and it gives the opportunity for the characters to kinda reflect about what just happened.
about y/n it was nice to read, their character explaining to josuha forcing an apology bc of “family” environment, bc it allows for genuine apologies from the characters
in reference to the (apple bruising fight) loved the line “It happens. I just need to know the whole story first before we can take care of this.” from the writing during this part cheol just wants accountability and like to explain its normal and fine to “fight” as long as there’s room for a solution.
AHHH the riverbed (if thats the right word) scene with them looking for the bracelet *chief’s kiss* both the verbal and physical reassurance from cheol, the vulnerability from seungkwan. yesss!!!
like i said earlier i do like how these characters are written to be able to cry and be vulnerable, i feel like ppl assume emotions are weak so i like reading it in literature it makes it feel more relatable &&& the small moments of physical acknowledgment from this chapter like the forehead kiss and head pats HESISNSOSM SO GOOD!
while i did get a bit off topic (sorry) overall i felt like cheol’s leadership in this chapter was good, it wasn’t harsh nor biased to either y/n or seungkwan.
time to read the updated version!
to address each of your points bc i want to
it was super important to me that every character during the fights acknowledged that both people had their sides. i think the only person who would ever blindly side w yn would be chan, and i think he'd only do it initially. it's 100% different in his eyes from when he and seungkwan bicker because for them it's more like a sibling squabble. with yn and seungkwan, it's elevated into something more and chan recognizes that.
shua's character was very important to me while writing this. while cheol is fully a leader of this group, jeonghan + joshua both have their roles as the oldest in keeping the peace and making sure people are comfortable. hope it becomes more apparent in their own parts about how deeply they trust cheol and try to do their own part to care for the entire group. there's a lot of people and cheol is only one person, after all. also its definitely important to me that shua not coddle reader at all because seungkwan did have a point about cross-contamination between foods. he took it a little far, but it's important that his side was recognized there.
oh cheol 100% made the right call. i think address yn thinking of it being childish is just showing that like... even if it does feel childish for someone to separate people after a fight, it's important.
ye ye!! i think i fully projected there that i think apologies should be genuine. like shua said: i think they would have already worked through emotions because cheol probably has a stance where they shouldn't go to bed with any ill will toward each other (although exceptions happen: sometimes you really do need to sleep on a problem and come back to it with a clearer head).
aaa thank u <3 fights happen in a group as big as this and i think pretty much everyone knows that? accountability was something very important for me throughout writing this. seungkwan might have started fights, sure, but i didnt want yn to be completely innocent in every situation if that makes sense? fights are going to happen. they're a big group, people don't always get along 24/7.
riverbed, riverside, river itself--it really makes no difference to me lol. not to be like "this is my favorite seungcheol moment i've written so far" but i think it really is? that's purely for writing and not planning since there might be one that tops it right now, but i'm glad his role as a leader really got to shine a bit.
hehe i love physical acknowledgement. little forehead kisses and head pats and hugs and reassuring hand holding... i think it's good for them to be able to cry and support one another and be vulnerable. i think that's the point i really wanted to push with this chapter (and with at least two more in the future): that it's okay to be scared and it's okay to be vulnerable with the people you trust and love. seungkwan was someone i felt really would put his happiness beneath others. he's not the only one, but those chapters will come out eventually.
thank you though for the long ask!!! i was really hoping cheol's leadership would be pretty solid since it was important to me that he listened to both sides and made sure everyone was cared for.
have fun <3 it's really not all that much, but just an expansion on one scene and an additional one where seungkwan gets to talk about his feelings with some people he really should have talked to.
thank u again for the long ask hehe i love getting super long asks and getting to talk abt my writing thoughts <3
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