#also i think ill make a post that has links to all inktober drawings
arttsuka · 11 months
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Day 30
Almost over.
I really have to re watch this show before autumn ends.
Look at these early stages too
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captainreverie · 3 years
ok I'm obsessed with ur au drop the word doc and I WILL cry about link and the fact that hes scared to reclaim the master sword 🥺🥺 also curious about the inktober thing u just posted with link in chains?? I think it was 10? what did the poor man do....
💕 I’m so humbled by your interest like seriously, blown away!💕
I have some things in my Master Doc that i should update but ill see what i can do over the next few days between inktober work.
In regards to Picture 10 - Wrong Side in A Strangers War - i was just going to post the 6 dot points from the Master Doc but naturally i went off on a tangent so i’m sorry for the 1.2k and if this makes no sense. Also there is a hint of this plot line in Inktober 08 - Rauru's viewing glass, Since the Temple of Light exists in the Magical plane and is therefore not subject to the laws of time.
I will also say it’s the darkest part of this AU and is more background history and happens before the start of the story proper. I’m not really knowledgeable on tag etiquette in 2021 so I’ll just say mentions of violence, war, bloodshed, character death.
It's dark but i swear this AU has a happy ending!
First thing to understand about this is that it’s got no roots in canon and i have been avoiding naming the billion OCs and Kingdom creation it required so bare with me as I use default descriptions. (I hate naming things)
Between Majora’s Mask and The start of The AU when Link returns to Hyrule (10 year span approx) he has been wandering throughout other Kingdoms, getting pulled into things because he is a good bean who can’t ignore people in need.
for 2 years he is caught up in a foreign Civil War (when he is about 19/20). The Kingdom is ruled by a Tyrant King who treats his people like absolute shit. A Resistance forms amongst the common people and Link joins it. Their goal is to depose the King and put someone else on the Throne. The King of course tries to wipe out the Resistance and crack down on any civilians that support it. He destroys entire villages, hangs people for treason and levies increased taxes to bully everyone into submission.
Link plays a mainly defensive role because a lot of the people of course have no idea who he is and still see him as very young. However he does prove himself and becomes a high ranked member of the resistance. He leads raids on supply caravans and rescue missions, proving himself a master strategist. Also while he tries to downplay his magic and the Ocarina, he over time reveals his overture of musical magic.
The Songs don’t function as teleportation anymore:
Minuet of the Forest = plant growth (Link used razor leaf its super effective)
Bolero of Fire = Fire creation and manipulation
Serenade of Water = Water manip
Nocturne of Shadow = Darkness and mirage
Requiem of Spirit = Aura cleanse
Prelude of Light = Glowing/ blinding light
Song of Storms = Storm creation, a bit OP but unpredictable
Suns Song = Breaks storm
Song of Soaring = Wings spring from back and can fly for awhile
Song of Healing = Sends souls to peaceful rest as per MM
His Brothers and Sisters in arms stop perceiving him by his age and see him as a powerful warrior for Justice. This of course makes him a target as a key member of the Resistance. He’s also the only Hylian so he’s recognisable (i want to portray this as Hylians ears are longer or something to make them seperate people. Like half-elves vs full elves ect)
One of his close friend turns out to be a double-agent working for the King who naturally betrays them all at a key moment. A lot of the Resistance are imprisoned or executed. Their supporters punished. Link is imprisoned and beaten/tortured for information because the Betrayer knows he has information also maybe he can claim this kid's power somehow..
This is basically what the drawing is about, the title of ‘The Wrong Side in a Stranger’s war, is in reference to dialogue the Betrayer says to Link in Prison. When he is reiterating, you had no part in this land and no reason to get involved but you are a foolish boy who got involved and you picked the losing side.
inevitably, having watched a lot of his friends suffer or killed and blaming himself for not stopping it he snaps. (hero label is a curse, he is expected to save people but he only seems to fail these days). The Trifroce of Courage activates and since he is beyond caring if he survives and is just 100% righteous fury at this point he destroys the dungeon and palace single handedly, freeing his comrades who are unable to process the god-like power their friend is wielding. He looks terrifying, He slays the King and the Betrayer.
In the end he stands in a shattered kingdom leaving the remains to the last surviving members of the resistance to try and put it back together and disappears in the night. They don’t know how to treat him after this incredible show of power. Spirit broken from failing the people and losing the war, he wanders down a road without direction and finds the road has led him back into Hyrule.
The main sort of idea I wanted with this plot history is that you don’t win in war. And in stories you obvious have heroes who fix everything or save the day but it’s doesn’t really fall in with reality. In OoT, it is implied that a lot of people were killed but with the reset of the timeline they are all alive again. Sure he experienced destruction while a child but in the end everyone survives and the day is saved as you would expect in the tales (Zelda’s perspective is obviously different).
With his experiences in MM and Termina he learnt that he can’t save everyone, if you decide to help one person, someone else will suffer from that decision. There must be balance. This of course is upsetting for him as a child whose idea of what it means to be a hero, his fairytale perception of it is being shattered with ever time reset. He only makes it out of the Termina when he accepts the truth that he can never save everyone. a choice must be made. Then you have the Rebellion and he witnesses the loss of a lot of dear friends and innocents. He views this as a total failure, that he has no grounds upon which to wield the mantle of a hero. Technically the Rebellion wins the war but it depends on whether you view victory in regard to power won or lives saved. Link’s beliefs all circle around the protection of life. He will always do what he believes his right but as time passes he is loosing confidence and begins second-guessing himself.
Of course those in Hyrule who know the legends and remember the Forgotten War (High Fae, Sages, aka those with strong connection to the magical plane) still see him as a hero. Even after hearing this story Zelda still views him as one because of course he has always fought on the side of good / light. So a big part of this whole AU in regards to Link’s arc is him coming to terms with what it actually means to be a hero of the world, and that the truth does not always match the fairytales that are told to children.
In regards to the Master Sword, after his return to Hyrule and his sort of rock bottom confidence i see him as no longer believing himself worthy of the Mantle of Hero of Time. Part of him doesn’t actually believe he could pull it from the pedestal, that the sword would probably act negatively to the darkness that’s grown in him. Zelda believes he could still draw it but she knows that this internal battle can only be fought by him, she can only support him in the healing process.
Big part of this AU is Recovery and Moving Forward despite your past so know it's angsty as hell in places but i swear it's got a happy ending!
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