#also i was just reading the dialogue for AOZ and holy balls some of these are funny
steakout-05 · 5 months
ok i wanna say something real quick. i feel like the way Barry Steakfries is written in his more newer appearances is lacking a lot of the edge he used to have in the older games. like, i'm not saying his newer appearances are bad or anything. not at all! i love every bit of new stuff we get of him! i just feel like him being a hero doesn't really fit him and he's not really as mean as he used to be. i personally love the idea of him being less of an action hero who wants to save the day out of the good of his heart and more out of stroking his own ego because that's an interesting flaw he could have. i feel like in JJ2 he's too good-natured and kinda washed down a bit, you know? chronologically, JJ2 feels a little too early for Barry to be acting as a hero, but it'd be a perfect time for him to be kind of a jerk. i of course don't want him to be like yelling slurs at scientists or anything, but i feel like it'd be better progression to have him be more heroic around the time AOZ takes place and more of an ass around JJ and MD. at this point, Barry's still just some guy with a jetpack. he doesn't really have that "action hero" status like he does in AOZ. Red Photon even points this out in the Robo-Barry short. i think it'd be fine to have him be some Australian guy who's a real jerk sometimes! and i want this to go beyond just simple teasing, i want him to insult people. i want him to really chew them out and give them a piece of his mind, y'know, as a treat. i want him to actively endorse crimes and theft more. i want him to be kind of a bully to the scientists. or maybe have a bit more balance between his nicer side and his asshole side. i feel like he treats everyone a little too nice now and i'd like some more meanness.
and like,, i know Halfbrick's games are more casual and appropriate for all ages, but i'd love to see a Barry who still swears occasionally. even if it's censored. like, in the original AOZ, he's a gruff and tough Australian guy with a shotgun and a lit cigarette, he's definitely the type of guy to say fuck and shit and ass. i found that edge he had to be pretty entertaining and made him feel more like an adult than he does now. i mean, the third word he's ever said was literally "shit", and it was when he was insulting Professor Brains in the original AOZ. he's a 30 year old man with beard scruff and a jetpack, he should be allowed to say shitballs every now and then, lol.
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