#also i've barely been online these past few days. hiiiiii everyone
liapher · 2 years
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@robertcapajpg​ tagged me to share the books I plan to read soon; I cheated and also included the ones i already started:
currently reading:
"Bi-scriptual: Typography and Graphic Design with Multiple Script Systems" by Ben Wittner, Sascha Thoma & Timm Hartmann (combining typography my beloved <3 and writing systems my beloved <3)
"The Birthday of the World, and Other Stories" by Ursula K. Le Guin (anthropological scifi short stories)
"Skönheten i kaos" ("The Beauty in Chaos") by Julia Ravanis (theoretical physics for laypeople)
planning to read soon:
"La Terre vue du ciel: Un portrait aérien de la planète" (transl. "Earth from Above") by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
"Khalid und das wilde Sprachpferd: Geflüchtete begegnen der deutschen Sprache" ("Khalid and the Wild Language Horse*: Refugees Encountering the German Language") by Dunja Ramadan (interviews with Syrian refugees about learning German. *I think one of the interviewees compares learning a language to taming a horse, hence the title.)
"Two Titans: Mardersteig & Tschichold: A Study in Contrasts" by Hans Schmoller (typography)
"Inka History in Knots: Reading Khipus as Primary Sources" by Gary Urton
"Buchillustration heute (da gibts nur wenig zu lachen)" ("Book Illustration Today (Not Much to Laugh About)") by Kurt Löb
"Inne i spegelsalen" ("In the Hall of Mirrors") by Liv Strömquist (about the concept of beauty)
tagging @lakecoded​ @deanhisnippleisout​ @donthebreeze​ @genly​ @asalesbian​ @veikonvihannekset​ @chatwiththeclouds​ if any of you feel like doing this 💙
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