#also i've been going through some old crackship posts so feel free to send me some crazy ones!!
Ship asks - Kate/Matt!
Send me a ship and I will answer the following questions about them:
1. Who kissed the other first? Kate! Matt was doing some wishy-washy nonsense and Kate finally cracked. They had a few false starts before their first kiss, like a few thisclose moments. Is it telling that their fist kiss was Matt’s first night in the Daredevil armor? probably.
2. What was their first fight about? vigilante stuff. they fight about that a lot, tbh, because Matt’s so Conflicted about doing it. 
3. Who sleeps in the couch more often? Kate, simply because she is more likely to fall asleep any-fucking-where. I hc her as a former SHIELD agent and she got used to sleeping in very uncomfortable places. And like, Matt. The bed is SO FAR AWAY.
4. Who drinks coffee and who drinks tea? they both drink coffee like monsters. Matt makes pretty good coffee, and when Kate’s had a rough night sometimes he gives her a travel cup so she can start drinking in the shower
5. Who goes grocery shopping more often? I wish I could say Kate but it’s definitely Matt. He’s much better at picking out fruits and vegetables, and he has higher standards for what he eats than Kate does.
6. Who brings breakfast in bed? it depends on who is beaten up more, but Matt is more likely to. he has this thing where he doesn’t quite believe Kate is actually With him, and he’s got to be the best boyfriend ever
7. Who sleeps first? again, kinda depends on who is more beat up. they trust each other a lot, so it’s not like either of them usually feel compelled to stay awake for safety reasons
8. Who watches the other sleeping? listening to Kate sleep–especially after he’s had a bad night or Kate has been injured–is viscerally comforting to Matt. She’s been close to dead enough times that her heartbeat, her pulse, the sound of her breathing, is enough to drown out the constant thrum of the city.
9. Who met the parents in law first? Matt met Derek first when he was acting as Kate’s legal representation to try and take control of her stock in Bishop Publishing
10. Who does the laundry? Matt, because he has higher standards and ALSO is the one who gets blood everywhere
11. Who washes the dishes? Kate, she likes doing things with her hands
12. Who clean up the house? both of them. they have to keep it tidy to make it easier for Matt to navigate
13. Who washes the car? that is KATE’S CAR and NOBODY TOUCHES IT. she just. really loves her car. Matt’s been told several times that he’s missing out, not being able to see her wash her car. He doesn’t believe it. She takes it too seriously to be intentionally sultry.
14. Who brings take outs? they both do, but Matt gives everything a sniff test before they eat. 
15. Who calls the other to ask if they want something from the street? Kate.Kate is always in weird places doing PI work and somehow always is within half a block of a food truck
16. Who’s more likely to make plans? pffft neither of them. kate has to be super flexible with PI stuff and Matt has to be ULTRA organized with his work, so for fun times they’re more likely to just laze around. They can be roped into plans, but are mostly planned-out when it comes to fun things
17. Who dreams about a big wedding? bless his Catholic heart, it’s Matt. Kate’s not opposed she’s just realistic about the fact that her wedding would be crashed by, like, Madam Masque, or Wilson Fisk, or Doom, or an alien, or a ghost, or a…
18. Who breaks the cups? neither of them. well, Matt, when he has concussions. Kate knows to use plastic.
19. Who holds the umbrella? Matt, because it gives him an excuse to hold Kate really close when they’re walking
20. Who takes the other to the dance floor? Kate frequently drags Matt into rooftop dance parties
21. Who does the big romantic gestures? they have weird definitions of “big romantic gestures” so like. Neither of them
22. Who’s more likely to serenade? Kate, but Matt does occasionally sing softly to her when she’s injured and they’re cuddling. once they were in the middle of a stupid argument and Matt went “anyway here’s wonderwall” and Kate nearly choked to death. it was an effective way to end an argument.
23. Who forgets the wet towel in bed? that is so gross, neither of them
24. Who don’t pick up things when they fell? again, neither. Matt picks everything up and Kate has good hand-eye coordination so she usually manages to grab it before it hits the floor
25. Who keeps losing the keys? things fall out of Kate’s pockets all the time
26. Who sings the rap part? Kate has forbidden Matt from doing so 
27. Who pretends to be sad just so the other will cheer they up? they don’t have to pretend to be sad, they both have depression and anxiety and PTSD. Kate will pretend to be offended at things. She will also drape herself across Matt’s lap and say “give me attention.”
28. Who wakes up ready for a marathon? Again, this goes back to my Kate-in-SHIELD headcanons, but it’s Kate. Will she be immediately tired again once she realizes there’s no reason to be up? Yes. If she receives some sort of bad external stimulus right after waking up, will she be ready to fight for the next three hours? also yes.
29. Who buys them tickets for shows? Kate, because she is sort of rich. They go to a lot of concerts
30. Who chooses the movie? Kate
31. Who says ‘I love you’ more often? that was a big hurdle for them to get over. they were both really afraid to say it, to not mean it. Kate said it first, but Matt says it the most often. 
32. Who keeps waving at people after they got engaged? Kate, but it’s like a wave-and-point, a “LOOK WHO I GOT ENGAGED TO” wave. the “i scored!” wave. Matt is the one who constantly saying “my FIANCEE”
33. Who uses the most ridiculous nicknames for the other? Kate calls Matt EVERYTHING. She calls him her lil purple demon, her guardian demon, a lawyer from hell, boo, babe, it’s a very long list and Matt pretends to hate it and he DOESN’T
34. Who’s responsible for date nights? Kate can’t be trusted to plan SHIT
35. Who wakes up one day and decides to stay in bed? Kate, usually. Kate’s the one who convinces Matt to stay in bed with her, tangling herself around him like a clinging vine, pressing her face to his neck and altogether being a compelling reason to not leave. 
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