Oh no I made myself feel things about matt and Kate again on accident
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telejkin · 7 years
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It is not ship, it just shadow. 
thnx:  MattKat
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for the otp game gimme the og pairing, kate and Matt Murdock c'mon u kno u want to
Getting back to my ROOTS love it
1. What was their first impression of each other?
“WHOMST this garbage can?” with a side of “oh no he’s hot” for Kate like, okay, it was more of a “oh you’re a COMPETENT garbage can” but still, a garbage can. 
2. What is their ship name?
Mattkate? amongst my various playlists and document names they are also “feathers and horns” and “evil eyes and daring dodos” “
3. Describe their relationship dynamic.
garbage just kidding. in a lot of ways they are opposites attracting--Kate is good with big plans but has trouble with details while Matt is ALL about details. Kate is a contingency planner, while Matt is more impulsive--at least when fighting crime. Kate has a LOT more practical experience than Matt does. That’s flipped in their romantic relationship--Matt’s more likely to slow play something or be cautious while Kate has a “ah fuck it” mentality. Go for broke, fix the damage later
4. What was their relationship like before they got together?
pftpfpfpf antagonistic but in a dumb way, like, both of them constantly spiritually eyerolling at each other but also secretly impressed with the other’s skill. they were weirdly touchy-feely with each other early on in their friendship, due to checking on each other’s injuries, etc (weird for them, not weird touching)
5. How would they describe each other?
they both think the other is reckless which all of their friends would think was hilarious if they all also didn’t have a stash of bloodstained towels that are Matt and Kate’s fault
Matt thinks Kate is one of the strongest people he’s ever met, and she’s...not forgiving, exactly, but always willing to give people a chance. he also thinks she’s really funny.
Kate describes Matt as simultaneously the smartest person she’s ever met and the dumbest person she knows. He’s brave, selfless to a fault, and has a “look at all the fucks i give” mentality that she really admires
6. What do they love about each other?
Matt loves Kate’s determination and her steadfastness. In a lot of ways, she’s easily distractible, terrible with time, but if she says she’s there for you, she’s there, no matter what.  She’s also not afraid to tangle with powerful people, so the have that in common,
Kate loves Matt’s “Stick it to the man” attitude, how deeply he cares for his friends, and that he’s normal, mostly, but saw a problem and decided to do something about it.
7. What do they have in common?
also looking at people they have no business tangling with and fucking with them anyway. 
8. What are some differences between them?
Kate is very aware that she’s human. This is something she’s aware of in fights and forgets after, so she’s bad at taking care of herself.
Matt knows he’s human and ignores this fact during fights but is VERY aware of after. So he makes sure Kate takes care of herself.
Matt also angsts a lot more than Kate about the morality and legality of vigilantism, whereas Kate’s been doing this since before she could vote so she’s kind of over it. Matt also has a lot more doubt over being a superhero and Kate’s all in. 
9. What made them realize they were in love?
they’ve lowkey been in love for most of their relationship, honestly, so for both of them it was a lot of little things building up over time. One morning Kate was tying Matt’s tie for court and he had a split lip--he was going over his opening statement, drumming his fingers on her hips and she just went ah. that’s what this feeling is. it wasn’t like, a startling revelation, just something that settled back in her gut, something that was always there.
Matt realized he loved Kate, like, truly madly deeply, one day listening to her snoring in the vents between his office and hers. Looking back, though, he thinks he first started falling in love with her when she threatened to get into a physical altercation with Stick
10. What are their love languages?
cuddling. they’re SUPER physically affectionate. or not even affection, just touching to check in on each other. 
they also bandage each other’s wounds
11. Do they get married? Who proposes and how?
i know nobody will believe me but I DON’T KNOW!!!! Because Kate doesn’t see the point but Good Catholic Boy Matt MUST GET MARRIED. Matt probably resigns himself to them never getting married and then Kate proposes to him after some fancy event--basically her in a full length evening gown on one knee (that pops very loudly) and Foggy whooping in the background. 
That, or one of them is hospitalized and there’s some Shenanigans with letting the other in and Matt’s like “never again. we’re getting married,” and Kate’s like “fine but we’re using my insurance” (while she’s hooked up to an IV and oxygen)
it’s the least romantic thing ever but both of them think it’s PEAK romance and get very sappy and emotional about it. Sister Maggie is over the moon. Father Latte is stoked. They are completely unaware of the fact that Kate actually has to be convinced to have a Cathoic-ish wedding, and that Clint is very upset he’s not allowed to perform the ceremony
Kate’s dress is fabrics Matt likes to listen to against her skin. Matt wears a burgundy tux with an arrow tie bar. 
12. What would happen if they never met? Matt’s life is the show, Kate probably winds up back in California. I hate to be like “Matt dies young” but that’s what happens, folks. 
13. Who dies first? How does the other one react? this isn’t real life. fuck death. also, considering Matt has been missing, assumed dead, i can say Kate reacts Not Well, takes down a drug smuggling ring, becomes invested in Frank Castle as a human person, (re)joins SHIELD, and teaches Karen self-defense (seriously, it’s like...a whole thing I started writing)
14. Are there any love rivals? Frank Castle, Elektra Natchios, and movie!Matt. Two of those have polyamory potential. one is just getting his ass kicked
15. Describe your favorite moment of that ship!
their UST cuddle sessions. where they’re like “we’re not cuddling” but they TOTALLY are
16. What do other characters think about this relationship?
mostly varying shades of “oh my god, they’re gonna die”. Most of their friends think it’s cute--Frank Castle doesn’t get it at all, Foggy sometimes wonders if Kate is a bad influence. Father Latte LOVES them together, can’t wait to marry them. Clint doesn’t think Matt’s good enough for Kate, but that’s pretty typical. 
17.Describe or write a really fluffy scene!
this is a post-midland scene where father latte yoinks Kate into the church
Sister Maggie glares and bitches—who knew nuns bitched?--but the other bed gets pushed up against Matt’s. Kate’s not entirely certain what Sister Maggie thinks is going to happen—Matt’s clearly not in any position to do much more than sleep and moan in misery—but the nun’s eyes soften a bit when she sees Matt’s hand still clasped between Kate’s.
“I’m not leaving him,” Kate repeats, aware that she’s starting to sound like a petulant child and not much caring.
It’s done, though, and Kate lays on her side, facing Matt and still holding his hand like it’s a lifeline. Exhaustion settles around her like a heavy blanket and Kate fights through it to wriggle just a little bit closer to Matt, close enough to press her forehead against his arm, remembering other times they’d slept like this that seem so long ago.
Matt doesn’t wake so much as he slowly drifts toward consciousness. There’s something different about it this time, something he can’t quite remember that makes him anxious and excited all at once.
Someone is holding his hand, something is warm all along his side, and even though his hearing is muffled, Matt can hear someone crying out.
He breaks the surface and gasps for air.
So much pain, his leg feels like it’s on fire and his skull feels two sizes too small and his ribs crackle with pain every time he breathes.
But something--
Someone is holding his hand, hugging his arm and he can’t smell or hear or taste but the calluses and the scars are familiar and Matt's heart leaps into his throat.
“Kate,” he croaks, squeezing at her hand while tugging at her arm. “Kate, it’s nightmare, wake up.”
Matt can’t even count on one hand the number of times that method of waking Kate up has worked, mostly because it never has, but this time, someone’s looking out for them because it does.
Kate jerks upright, her breath coming in sharp pants that echo in the silence, loud enough that even Matt can hear. Her hand tightens around his as she catches her breath, gulping in enough air to make a sad, heartbreaking little noise. “It’s real, you’re alive?”
Matt doesn’t respond because he’s using what little energy he has to reach for her with his free hand, his fingertips clumsily bumping against her cheek.
She makes that sad little noise again, one that Matt knows would rip right through him if he wasn’t already in excruciating pain.
She’s leaning over him, then, the tips of her hair brushing against his bare skin before she’s raining kisses on his face, light, gentle, sweet kisses.
This is familiar, Matt thinks, feeling like this might have happened a few hours earlier, before someone changed the room so she could lay down next to him.
He doesn’t know how to comfort her. Before—this, before everything, he would have listened to her heartbeat before deciding if he should ask her if she wanted pressure or space. And he would have either scooted to the far edge of the bed, or he would have rolled on top of her, setting his weight on her to keep her grounded and present.
18. Describe or write a really angsty scene!
sooo uhhh not strictly mattkate but from a wip where Matt doesn’t let Kate know he survived the explosion at midland and Kate stumbles into the punisher season 1 storyline uhhh i have nothing to say for myself
“He left me.”
“What?” Frank’s thunderous gaze is fixed on Kate now, and she falters under it.
“Matt. He, um. When he. At Midland,” she stumbles through the thought and Frank softens. “he didn’t just—I don’t know what Karen told you—he didn’t just die—he--he stayed. Her name was Elektra.” Kate takes a deep breath and it’s like she’s rehearsed this, how she would say it and the words come too easy.
“She was he ex-girlfriend, former love, from college. She came back into his life about the same time we met you. And it was rough, you know? They still had feelings for each other, but he picked me—or maybe he didn’t, maybe it was because she died and that made the choice for him. There’s a lot of magic bullshit in this story,” Kate answers Frank’s unspoken question. “And it was magic bullshit that brought her back to life, only not quite right. Not quite human. She’s who they were fighting at Midland.” Her eyes prickle hot with tears as she says the worst part, the part her mind worries like a dog with a bone when she can’t sleep at night. “He chose. To, to not let Elektra die alone, he chose her over me. He decided that life with me was worse than death with her,” and there it is, the whole ugly, painful truth,  I wasn’t enough, it was Elektra all along, and it burns the back of her throat, it constricts her chest. The tears burn tracks down her cheeks, cooling along her jaw. “I hate him. He made me believe—I thought what we had was real. I thought he loved me--”
Her voice breaks on a sob she can no longer contain, and all at once Frank surrounds her, his arms crushing her to his chest, his gentle shushing ruffling her hair. “Hey there, sweetheart, hey, it’s all right. He loved you, anyone could see that. He could have gotten trapped, could have gotten hit in the head, we don’t know.” His hands drag up and down her spine. “I’m right here, sweetheart, it’s okay.”
19. Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before. so it’s not exactly MattKate but Kate was married to America, once, in space, and they just...forgot to get divorced after they broke up. So there’s a whole thing with the three of them that involves Matt and America becoming really good friends--I mean, they both like punching stuff, that’s a solid basis for a friendship, right? And they get lunch every few months and Kate’s just like “why is my ex-wife texting you” and, of course, the “Kate and Elektra dated” headcanon, which dovetails really nicely with Matt/Kate/Elektra ot3. Kate and Elektra just sprawled on Matt’s couch asking him to bring them food because they’re heiresses they’re too pretty to get things themselves
20. What does a typical date look like for them?
Kate trying to keep Matt from listening for crime. Kate grilling Matt about the kitchen, Kate guessing the relationships of the other diners and Matt telling her if she’s right or wrong. Stopping a mugging on the way home and making out in an alley.
21. What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
WHOOPS MISSED THIS, but it’s the first time they take Fisk down. it was them working as a team, recognizing their romantic feelings, just. all around a good day. it’s an anniversary they celebrate every year
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Kate, sobbing: what the fuck,, is the tattoo a requirement for the glowing fist or is it the other way around, i don’t--what the fuck is going on with the three of you
davos, danny and colleen: uh
Kate: except you, colleen, you’re an angel and we’re glad to have you
Matt: she has a crush on you
Kate: I do not!!! unrelated, if you ever want a different punchy boyfriend and also a shooty girlfriend, Matt and I are available
danny: hey--
Colleen: no no let her finish
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i would LOVE to continue matt and kate’s story so that i can finally write frank btut sometimes i forget how ANGSTY it is, like, i wrote most of it before dd3 came out and it basically looks like “dying with elektra was preferable to living with kate” and like WHY did i WRITE that???
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Ship asks - Kate/Matt!
Send me a ship and I will answer the following questions about them:
1. Who kissed the other first? Kate! Matt was doing some wishy-washy nonsense and Kate finally cracked. They had a few false starts before their first kiss, like a few thisclose moments. Is it telling that their fist kiss was Matt’s first night in the Daredevil armor? probably.
2. What was their first fight about? vigilante stuff. they fight about that a lot, tbh, because Matt’s so Conflicted about doing it. 
3. Who sleeps in the couch more often? Kate, simply because she is more likely to fall asleep any-fucking-where. I hc her as a former SHIELD agent and she got used to sleeping in very uncomfortable places. And like, Matt. The bed is SO FAR AWAY.
4. Who drinks coffee and who drinks tea? they both drink coffee like monsters. Matt makes pretty good coffee, and when Kate’s had a rough night sometimes he gives her a travel cup so she can start drinking in the shower
5. Who goes grocery shopping more often? I wish I could say Kate but it’s definitely Matt. He’s much better at picking out fruits and vegetables, and he has higher standards for what he eats than Kate does.
6. Who brings breakfast in bed? it depends on who is beaten up more, but Matt is more likely to. he has this thing where he doesn’t quite believe Kate is actually With him, and he’s got to be the best boyfriend ever
7. Who sleeps first? again, kinda depends on who is more beat up. they trust each other a lot, so it’s not like either of them usually feel compelled to stay awake for safety reasons
8. Who watches the other sleeping? listening to Kate sleep–especially after he’s had a bad night or Kate has been injured–is viscerally comforting to Matt. She’s been close to dead enough times that her heartbeat, her pulse, the sound of her breathing, is enough to drown out the constant thrum of the city.
9. Who met the parents in law first? Matt met Derek first when he was acting as Kate’s legal representation to try and take control of her stock in Bishop Publishing
10. Who does the laundry? Matt, because he has higher standards and ALSO is the one who gets blood everywhere
11. Who washes the dishes? Kate, she likes doing things with her hands
12. Who clean up the house? both of them. they have to keep it tidy to make it easier for Matt to navigate
13. Who washes the car? that is KATE’S CAR and NOBODY TOUCHES IT. she just. really loves her car. Matt’s been told several times that he’s missing out, not being able to see her wash her car. He doesn’t believe it. She takes it too seriously to be intentionally sultry.
14. Who brings take outs? they both do, but Matt gives everything a sniff test before they eat. 
15. Who calls the other to ask if they want something from the street? Kate.Kate is always in weird places doing PI work and somehow always is within half a block of a food truck
16. Who’s more likely to make plans? pffft neither of them. kate has to be super flexible with PI stuff and Matt has to be ULTRA organized with his work, so for fun times they’re more likely to just laze around. They can be roped into plans, but are mostly planned-out when it comes to fun things
17. Who dreams about a big wedding? bless his Catholic heart, it’s Matt. Kate’s not opposed she’s just realistic about the fact that her wedding would be crashed by, like, Madam Masque, or Wilson Fisk, or Doom, or an alien, or a ghost, or a…
18. Who breaks the cups? neither of them. well, Matt, when he has concussions. Kate knows to use plastic.
19. Who holds the umbrella? Matt, because it gives him an excuse to hold Kate really close when they’re walking
20. Who takes the other to the dance floor? Kate frequently drags Matt into rooftop dance parties
21. Who does the big romantic gestures? they have weird definitions of “big romantic gestures” so like. Neither of them
22. Who’s more likely to serenade? Kate, but Matt does occasionally sing softly to her when she’s injured and they’re cuddling. once they were in the middle of a stupid argument and Matt went “anyway here’s wonderwall” and Kate nearly choked to death. it was an effective way to end an argument.
23. Who forgets the wet towel in bed? that is so gross, neither of them
24. Who don’t pick up things when they fell? again, neither. Matt picks everything up and Kate has good hand-eye coordination so she usually manages to grab it before it hits the floor
25. Who keeps losing the keys? things fall out of Kate’s pockets all the time
26. Who sings the rap part? Kate has forbidden Matt from doing so 
27. Who pretends to be sad just so the other will cheer they up? they don’t have to pretend to be sad, they both have depression and anxiety and PTSD. Kate will pretend to be offended at things. She will also drape herself across Matt’s lap and say “give me attention.”
28. Who wakes up ready for a marathon? Again, this goes back to my Kate-in-SHIELD headcanons, but it’s Kate. Will she be immediately tired again once she realizes there’s no reason to be up? Yes. If she receives some sort of bad external stimulus right after waking up, will she be ready to fight for the next three hours? also yes.
29. Who buys them tickets for shows? Kate, because she is sort of rich. They go to a lot of concerts
30. Who chooses the movie? Kate
31. Who says ‘I love you’ more often? that was a big hurdle for them to get over. they were both really afraid to say it, to not mean it. Kate said it first, but Matt says it the most often. 
32. Who keeps waving at people after they got engaged? Kate, but it’s like a wave-and-point, a “LOOK WHO I GOT ENGAGED TO” wave. the “i scored!” wave. Matt is the one who constantly saying “my FIANCEE”
33. Who uses the most ridiculous nicknames for the other? Kate calls Matt EVERYTHING. She calls him her lil purple demon, her guardian demon, a lawyer from hell, boo, babe, it’s a very long list and Matt pretends to hate it and he DOESN’T
34. Who’s responsible for date nights? Kate can’t be trusted to plan SHIT
35. Who wakes up one day and decides to stay in bed? Kate, usually. Kate’s the one who convinces Matt to stay in bed with her, tangling herself around him like a clinging vine, pressing her face to his neck and altogether being a compelling reason to not leave. 
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honestly frank and kate’s friendship in what i’ve written for the first season of the punisher is one of my favorite things ever but it’ll never see the light of day because in order for it to make sense i actually have to finish mattkate daredevil season 2 and the defenders
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an update on the holiday AUs i am not writing but can’t stop thinking about, that all involve the house-swap-mishap trope that are all somehow still powers aus:
1.) Clint flies out to see Phil, who lives in Washington state, to do an extended idk, role-playing thing where they pretend they don’t know each other and that they’re falling in love over the course of the holiday. it’s an anniversary or something. But it’s a REAL house swap, and Clint’s apartment is being rented (or whatever) by Steve and Bucky. Clint asks Kate to check on them and also appoints her Temporary Landlord of his apartment building in case anything breaks over the holiday without telling her(thanks Clint). Guess what happens next.
2.) Instead of Fisk getting out of jail or the majority of Daredevil season 3, Matt does what he does in the comics--goes to LA! Just for a while, probably, though he doesn’t know for sure. He rents a trailer by the ocean from a very lovely couple who is celebrating their belated honeymoon. His new neighbor claims to be a PI but she also seems to get beat up a lot more than a PI should, right? Daredevil starts patrolling LA and Kate’s like “wait, aren’t you on the wrong coast?” Matt bonds with Lucky and makes Kate sandwiches; she drives him to the grocery store and the best cheap takeout she’s found. Matt eventually goes back to New York, having gotten his priorities sorted out in a holiday-movie fashion, to let Karen and Foggy know he’s all right. He and Kate agree to meet at the top of the Empire State Building on New Year’s Eve Day because An Affair to Remember and Sleepless in Seattle are CLASSICS, okay???? Kate is late for Reasons and Foggy and Karen kind of freak out when they realize that Kate is Kate BISHOP, Matt, she’s sort of famous! She did a spread in Vogue once!! (and Manufactured Drama because Matt and Kate don’t know each other’s last names)
3.) Something where the Young Avengers get invited to Asgard by Loki, who probably proceeds to grab David and ghost. What’s the pairing for this? What’s the goal? I have no idea
4.) Kate moves back from LA and doesn’t have anyplace to stay but luckily!!! Loki and whoever Loki is dating are going elsewhere for their holidays/the winter, so Kate can stay at Loki’s place!!! what a nice friend. Except the place Loki is living is THE SANCTUM SANCTORUM and he didn’t tell Kate about his super moody roomie, Stephen Strange. He’s very protective of the kitchen which is unfortunate because KATE HAS HOLIDAY BAKING TO DOOOO!!!!!
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Hi! It's me again. I was rereading Nazar for the billionth time (it's sooo good) and I was wondering if you could share your headcanons and thoughts on Kate's history with depersonalization and her other coping mechanisms? I also feel like I should actually introduce myself. Hi! I'm Sarah, I'm a huge fan of your work! :)
HI!!! It’s very nice to meet you. I love your icon.
So my original take on Kate and depersonalization during missions was inspired by a Clint-Hawkeye fic I read several years ago that I don’t remember the title of and don’t have saved and probably couldn’t find even if I wanted to, and I thought the idea was interesting.
I think, with the Hawkeyes even more than most other superheroes, there is so much less of a divide between the superhero identity and their civilian identity. I mean, their neighbors and friends call them “Hawkeye,” for goodness sake.
Still, though, there’s a big difference between Young Avengers Hawkeye and On Her Own Hawkeye. When Kate has a team, she’s far less likely to put herself in danger, and I believe that’s because she is aware on some level that she has to stay safe because she’s an important member of the team. Being self-sacrificing is all well and good, but if you’re the only one who can drive the getaway car….self sacrifice becomes not only useless but counterproductive. (not to reference my own works, but this is what I was trying to play with in Riptide–Kate’s self-sacrifice, when viewed objectively, is not only useless but in an immediate sense winds up doing more harm than good.)
In a lot of ways, for Kate and Clint, Hawkeye isn’t just what they do, it’s who they are, all the time, every day; and with other superheroes, who they are when they do what they do is different in many ways from who they are at home. Part of this is because Kate and Clint aren’t super, they’re just skilled. 
So for the most part, I don’t think Kate or Clint has much of a mental division between themselves and Hawkeye. I think that extreme circumstances make them need that division. For Kate, it happened a few times before the battle of New York, but Kate didn’t realize what she was doing at first, it just felt like she was–hyper focused on the things that were important, like the safety of the other Young Avengers. It’s not like she means to ignore her injuries until the rest of the team is taken care of, it just…happens. Post-Battle of New York and Cassie’s death, it happens a lot more, and to a much larger extent. 
Kate can’t be Kate-Hawkeye. She has to be Hawkeye-Hawkeye, who sees better from a distance. It’s her, still, but a purer, more distilled form of Hawkeye. The Young Avengers might not get what’s going on, but they do know that on some missions, Kate doesn’t crack as many jokes–she just feels different, you know? And Kate is also fairly good at compartmentalizing, so she can crack jokes and shoot three arrows at a time and keep an eye on the Doombots trying to flank Speed without viewing these events from slightly above her own body.
How many injuries are sustained in a job or mission also contributes to how likely it is that she’ll depersonalize, not that there’s an exact formula to it, or anything. She’s also far more likely to...disconnect from her own body if it’s in pain, because her own pain is distracting and if she’s distracted she puts her team in danger. 
(now that I’m thinking about it, Frank Castle definitely thinks Matt depersonalizes when he goes out as Daredevil. “You think, maybe it wasn’t you who did those things.”)
Depersonalization doesn’t usually happen post-mission. She might still be dealing with it, but what happens in Nazar is more like a delayed response to a big trauma. She has all of these instincts to protect people and one person to protect from, like…her toaster.
Billy, incidentally, absolutely gets what she’s going through because something similar happens to him when he taps into his Demiurge power/instincts (it will happen less and less as he uses magic more, but right now, it happens sometimes)
As for other coping mechanisms--well, she’s aware she has panic attacks, she’s okay about controlled breathing, and she is aware that pressure (physical pressure, not mental pressure) is helpful during them. Kate likes feeling enclosed; it’s comforting to her, which is part of why she likes tight spaces. Air ducts are calming. Having another person around is also helpful, as a way to remind her that she’s not just some lonely entity floating around the vast void of space (Billy. Billy gets this.)
Basically, though, it’s happened enough that she knows to sort of...shove herself back into her body, she has to really accept the physical sensations of her body. The breathing technique she uses in the fic is actually based on a meditation technique I learned in college, just reversed.
I hope that sort of answered your question? If not let me know!
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Danny Rand giving Kate Bishop a piggyback ride.
Danny is SUPER OVERJOYED he’s handing her hotdogs and bagels and coffee
and Kate has her chin resting on his absurdly fluffy hair being a total grumpypants frownyface about this with a bandage on her nose and her arm in a cast (danny def drew the Iron Fist symbol on it and Clint has for sure written “Hawkeye <3 Daredevil” with a little arrow going through heart and Jess has written “FUCK OFF” on it and Billy drew a bird that looks more like a penguin than a hawk)
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I have made a fatal error
and started watching the defenders (finally)
and like
ya’ll know I am WEAK when it comes to mattypants
so like. beginning of the season, matt has noooobody around him
assuming anyone cares, is it more satisfying for you, as readers, to have matt be ALL ALONE and then it’s a get-back-together-with-kate thing
is it more dramatically satisfying for him to be all “no not me no daredevil here” while still WITH Kate, who is hawkeyeing it up all the time
because I know which one is cuter. and which one would be easier to write. and they’re not the same one
so would you rather have cuteness? or angst? i’m not sure which one intrigues me more tbh
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s.a. messes w/photo editing pt 2:
Nazar Instagram!
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so after going like. the entire summer without posting anything and writing maybe 100 words every few days, I’ve written like....a lot in the past two(ish) weeks and i’m kinda proud of this so I just wanted to share the new stuff and a rough wordcount: 
So to start off I made my Game of Thrones fandom debut with not one but three fics, with at least three more being worked on right now:
the way home, an ongoing series about Arya and Gendry and, of course, coming home Xenia (2300 words) The North and the Sea (1628 words) The Past Cannot Hurt, It Can Only Haunt (2956 words)
and then two minifics inspired by art and gifsets because I AM WEAK: King’s Landing Reunion with Arya x Gendry
Give Them Needles featuring the most badass child on television, Lady Lyanna Mormont
plus my personal fave, Arya getting justice for Jon when he is murdered at the hands of the Night’s Watch, complete with a lame Kill Bill reference,  Castle Black Mamba (5001 words)
and I finally stopped dragging my feet, finishing things unfinished and posting long-promised works including: Two reworked chapters of Riptide (over 10,000 words; at least 4000 added in edits from the original) The second and final chapter of the super ridiculous Mighty Ducks/Nazar crossover When Everyone Says It Can’t Be Done (Ducks Fly Together) (about 4000 words for the second chapter?) and a long-promised longer version of a Bucky/Kate soulmate oneshot, let your colors bleed and blend with mine, the vast majority of which was already written (11782 words, though)
most of the marvel stuff existed in some form, but required polishing and editing that I’d been dragging my feet on doing for weeks, months, or even, apparently, years (sorry buckykate)
but yeah anyway i was looking at my ao3 stats the other night and realized how much i’d done in like two weeks and was kind of impressed after a summer of like. nothing.
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when you’re looking through your WIPs trying to find the one you want to work on but can’t remember what dumb name you called it so you wind up going through a ton of WIPs including one where Matt and Kate acquired a number of children by accident mostly because Stick kept leaving kids on their doorstep and all of the children are girls and are named after at least one assassin or spy each
in case any of you thought that perhaps i was no longer trash
i just wanted to reassure you 
still trash
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Consider: a store in Hell's Kitchen that sells a variety of "I am not Daredevil" merch. How many people that Matt knows own at least a shirt or mug
real question: how many of those people were given those items by Kate Bishop
(the answer is all of them)
((kate has the following “I am not daredevil” items: booty shorts. a shirt. a sweatshirt. a tank top. socks. a hat. a mug. a bumper sticker. a scarf. matt knows when she is wearing one of them and refuses to speak to her))
(((YEAH OKAY FINE matt bought her the sweatshirt, okay??? she’d just gotten pulled out of the ocean and it was the only sweatshirt available!!!)))
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So Kate is really badly injured on a mission and is on a LOT of painkillers and Matt is cuddling with her because this is what you do when your superhero secret agent girlfriend gets thrown out of a window
and Kate is saying his name. “Matthew Murdock. Matthew Michael Murdock. MMM. MMM. If you flip your initials upside-down they’re WWW. Oh my god. Matthew Michael Murdock MMM flipped upside-down is WWW WADE WINSTON WILSON. Wade?” She starts poking at Matt’s face. “Wade is that you in there? Is this a mask?”
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