#also i've said a couple times that boston isn't a good lay and i want to be clear that that is because no one is good at sex with everyone
forcebookish · 1 year
First of all, thank you for being one of the few people with a brain on my dash in regards to Top in Only Friends. I swear, everytime I see you post something I'm like YES SOMEONE WHO CAN THINK CLEARLY.
Secondly, I wanted to point out something I haven't seen people talk about with the car sex scene. Whilst we can debate all day about the consent issues and Boston's manipulation, it is VERY clear that Top doesn't actually want to be there. There's a bit where (and excuse the rather pornographic language XD) that Top makes a face and seems to be (*ahem*) hammering up, and the second I saw that I was like, he doesn't want to be here, he's just letting frustration out, he isn't even thinking of Boston, in his mind it's not Boston he's with. Like, even then they were first stripping each other and whatnot, Top looks so full of doubt and anger.
I'm not defending what he did, but I do wish more people would realise that manipulation and gaslighting like Boston is doing can REALLY make people fuck up. I mean, if someone can listen to that kind of ear poison and NOT react, then well done to them, but we aren't all that strong, you know?
i'm just calling it like i see it! but thank you <3
you make a good point about top letting out his frustration. besides actual pleasure and connection (like with mew), top has two modes when it comes to sex: shutting down and frantic. this was both. while i don't think that top would have rushed out to find someone to fuck if he "found out" and boston wasn't coming on to him, it definitely wasn't about boston
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and it definitely wasn't because he's a good lay lmao
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don't u think top would have re-sampled ur wares earlier if that were the case, u fucking dickhole
anyway. it honestly seems like top never wants to be around boston. the throughline of topboston's relationship is that top is irritated, angry, or uncomfortable around him - the only thing that changes in that scene is that top is also heartbroken. i think his anger here is at least a little bit about boston, but definitely mostly about mew.
personally, i'm Team Top Didn't Do Anything Wrong. i will defend what he did, because i don't think he thought he had any other options and had been convinced by boston that it didn't matter (that nothing mattered, that he didn't matter). sexual assault, coercion, and rape will never be "cheating." believing someone's lies will never be worse than lying to get someone to fuck you.
there's a lot of stuff that top "should" have done instead, but that's always the rape culture argument with shit like this - and unfortunately, that kind of thinking is going to plague top for the rest of the series. his lying to mew is going to be an issue, but i can't pretend like shame isn't going to be a big factor in how top navigates these irrevocably altered relationships. also kind of think he's going to try to dump mew in the next episode but we'll see🤔
great to hear your thoughts!💗 (also it's very cute that you say "excuse the rather pornographic language." you should read my fics sometime😂)
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