#also idk about the bread emoji. it just felt right LOL
luna-of-ophelia · 1 year
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interiors of my main house 🍞
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tryingtobts · 6 years
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x m!reader ft. Best friend!Yoongi
Warning: Unhealthy eating habits, slight body shaming
A/n: Oof I’m back! Here’s the second request by @astroboy257, hope you Enjoy!
Y/n’s Pov
I quickly got ready for Jin’s and mine’s date. Putting on a simple white dress shirt and black pants, I checked my hair and smiled at myself. I grabbed my phone and waited for my boyfriend to pick me up. Notifications from Twitter popped up and I looked through them. They were pictures of Jin and I. I smiled at the sweet pictures, saving them on my phone. Albeit it is kinda creepy being stalked but we looked cute so I didn’t care. I looked through the comments and my mood dropped a bit. ‘Ugh, idk why Jin likes that pig.’ ‘Did (Y/n) gain weight or was he always that fat?’ ‘Lol look at that whale next to Jin.’ I rolled my eyes a bit. I knew they were just jealous so I tried to not let them get to me. There was a knock on my door and I stood up excitedly to open the door. Jin stood there with a smile and flowers. “I thought I could give you more than one flower so I got you a bouquet. Even if their not as pretty as my face.” He said with a air kiss. I rolled my eyes at the gesture but took the flowers and kissed him before putting the flowers in a vase. I hugged him once more before we went to his car. “Where we going Jinnie?” I asked as we pulled out of the driveway. “A restaurant that I found. Apparently it’s good for lighter meals while being delicious.” He said and gave a pointed stare at me. I rose my eyebrow, “That’s new. Usually you take us out to a nice family restaurant. But if it’s good food, it should be fine.” I hummed. He sighed a bit and I noticed the mood dropped a bit. I was confused but decided to ignore it. Once we got there, the hostess greeted us and showed us to our table. The menu didn’t look like anything we usually eat so I didn’t know what to get. “Hey Jinnie?” I asked. He hummed in acknowledgement as he concentrated on the menu. I looked at him weirdly, usually he would smile at me and give me his full attention. I tried to not let his unusual response bother me and asked, “What are you getting? I don’t know what to get.” He looked up from his menu and suggested, “I’m thinking of pasta but I think you should get a salad.” I narrowed my eyes at him, “What are you implying Seokjin?” He shook his head and turned his head back to the menu. I tightened my grip on the menu and looked down at my body. Were those comments right? No, Jin is just in a bad mood. The waiter came with bread and took our orders, I ordered a chicken salad and Jin ordered pasta. After the waiter left, a silence enveloped us and I fidgeted under Jin’s gaze as I took a piece of bread. Being slightly fed up I asked, “What? What’s wrong?” He sighed, “Well, I’ve been meaning to tell you something but it can wait till later.” I gulped and nodded. There was no fun banter, no conversation, just an awkward silence. The waiter finally came with our food and we ate in silence. I took another piece of bread and ate it with my salad. Jin sighed at my actions and I tried to not let it affect me but couldn’t so I put my fork down. “Did I do something wrong?” I asked quietly. He shook his head and looked off to the side, “I guess I should tell you now since you’re obviously not getting my hints. But don’t you think you should start dieting?” I looked at him in disbelief, “Excuse me?” “I mean it’s just kind of, I said kind of but not really, embarrassing to be seen with you sometimes especially when you eat a lot.” He said cautiously. My hand immediately went to my stomach and I looked down. Suddenly, my appetite went away and I pushed my salad away. “Fine, whatever. I-If you think that’s what’s best. Fine.” I said quietly but turning my head away so he didn’t see my eyes tearing up. He gave a noise of happiness and proceeded to eat while telling me about his day. He didn’t even notice how I kept a grip on my stomach or hear its grumbling. I kept quiet for the rest of the date but Jin didn’t notice. “Bye babe! Love you!” He said and gave me a kiss before leaving my apartment. I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in disgust, so I guess this is what the world sees. A pig. Maybe a diet won’t hurt.
3rd person PoV.
It’s been a week since the date and no one had seen (Y/n). Jin, busy with his schedule, didn’t notice since not seeing (Y/n) for this long is part of the idol lifestyle. He didn’t really notice the younger’s absence until (Y/n)’s best friend, Yoongi asked about him.
“Jin-hyung, has (Y/n) contacted you recently? He’s been ignoring my texts and the maknaes have been bothering me about him since they have no one to annoy.” Yoongi asked with concern bleeding through his words even though he tried to sound annoyed.
Jin thought about it and shook his head, “No, now that I think about it. Hold on, let me try texting him real quick.”
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Jin looked confused at his phone. (Y/n) always accepts an invitation to dinner. His texts seemed very different than his usual happy and upbeat texts. No heart emojis or even a I love you.
“Well?” Yoongi asked interrupting Jin’s thoughts.
“Uh he responded. But something feels wrong. He rejected my offer for dinner.” Jin answered, sounding unsure.
Yoongi’s eyebrows furrowed and mumbled something about visiting him later before leaving his hyung to contemplate his boyfriend’s unusual behavior. Jin shook his head, maybe he’s over thinking about it.
Yoongi knocked on the apartment’s door in quick urgency. Something felt wrong, his friend hasn’t even sent a single text to him this week whether to just talk or fanboy over Jin. The door opened to reveal a pale (Y/n). The weak man leaned on the door and smiled at his best friend.
He greeted Yoongi with a small hug, “Hey Yoongi! Wasn’t expecting a surprise visit-“
“You look like shit.” Yoongi replied bluntly and hugged back noticing a slight difference in his friend’s body.
“Wow, geez you haven’t seen me in a week yet you’re still mean to meeee.” The (H/c)-ette laughed.
Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, “Did you lose weight or some shit? Are you on a diet?”
(Y/n)’s eyes lit up and nodded eagerly, “Yep! It must be working if you were able to notice.” He smiled to himself.
“Anyway, what can I do for you, my lovely platonic soulmate?” (Y/n) asked letting the other in.
“You’ve been ignoring everyone. The maknaes are annoying me because they miss you. So you can start by explaining why you’ve been distant.” Yoongi said and settled on the couch.
The other chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, “Well, I’ve been busy trying to make this diet work. Also I didn’t want to embarrass you guys anymore than I have until I get skinnier.” He explained.
“What do you mean? You don’t embarrass us (Y/n). What did I say about reading those dumb comments again?” Yoongi said with slight anger that his friend is being bullied again.
(Y/n) shook his head, “I’m not reading them! I swear. Jin-hyung said that I should start dieting! So I’m just doing what he thinks is best.” (Y/n) tried to defend.
Yoongi stood up, “He told you what?” He said dangerously low.
“Look don’t get mad at him! It’s true! Look at me now! I’m getting skinnier!” (Y/n) said with slight hysteria.
“You look like you haven’t eaten in days! When was the last time you ate an actual meal?!” Yoongi yelled.
(Y/n) gulped, “Last week…” He said quietly.
Yoongi looked at his friend like he was crazy so he laughed, “Wow. So you tell me to eat proper meals and yet here you are, not even eating. That’s not dieting, hyung. That’s killing yourself.” He seethed.
(Y/n) flinched at his friend’s attitude and stuttered, “Y-Yoongi-“
Yoongi grabbed his friend’s hand and dragged him to the door.
“H-Hey! Where are we going?” (Y/n) said in a slight panic.
“We’re going to get you a whole meal, dumbass.” Yoongi said simply.
(Y/n) managed to retch his hand back when they reached the entrance.
Yoongi glared at (Y/n), “(Y/n) don’t be difficult!”
(Y/n) growled, “Leave.” He said quietly.
Yoongi’s eyes morphed into confusion, “What-“
“I said leave!” (Y/n) yelled and pushed his friend out the door, “This is why I avoided you all! You wouldn’t be supportive of me trying to actually become skinny!” He screamed
“You were perfect the way you were! You weren’t fat (Y/n)!” Yoongi yelled back, trying to get (Y/n) back.
“No no no! Stop lying! Everyone said otherwise! Jin even said otherwise so leave me alone!” (Y/n) yelled and pushed Yoongi one more time and slamming the door.
(Y/n) leaned his back on the door and slid down. Yoongi pounded on the door, yelling at his friend to open up. He gave up after an hour and yelled, “Fine! Believe whatever! But don’t say I didn’t fucking try!” And he left.
(Y/n) cried but shook his head and thought, ‘A few more pounds and I’ll show Yoongi that I’m perfectly fine.’
Jin’s Pov
I knocked on (Y/n)’s door in worry. It’s been two weeks since I saw him and a week since Yoongi came home fuming with tears in his eyes. He wouldn’t talk to me and glared every time I tried to approach him. I tried to get (Y/n) to tell me what happened but he refused to tell me anything. The fact that (Y/n) has been refusing to go out with me or any of the others has also got me worried, he usually likes to go out with me or the maknaes when I’m busy at least 5 times a week.
There was no answer, looking at my phone to check the time it was 7:00 pm. (Y/n) is usually home by now. I bit my lip in worry and reached above the door frame to get the spare (Y/n) keeps. I found it and unlocked the door.
“(Y/n)? Are you home?” I called out while taking off my shoes in a hurry.
I looked around the living room and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I checked the kitchen before moving onto his bedroom and noticed the lack of snacks on his counter that he puts out for the maknaes and himself. I shook my head thinking I was overthinking the whole situation.
Going to his bedroom, I heard shallow breaths coming from the other side. Gulping, I opened the door and saw (Y/n) on the floor passed out. I quickly ran over to him and placed his head on my lap.
I tried to shake him, “(Y/n)?! What happened?!” I fruitlessly asked.
I noticed how sharp his facial features were and how his cheeks were sunken in. He looked like a skeleton.
‘When was the last time this boy ate?!’ I thought in a panic as I scrambled to find my phone.
“Hyung?” (Y/n) groaned and weakly opened his eyes.
I quickly tried to calm down so I can comfort him, “Shh, I’m calling an ambulance so save your strength and you can explain to me why you would do this to yourself.” I soothed him as I dialed 911.
(Y/n) looked confused but also out of it so he smiled at me and asked, “Am I handsome yet hyung?”
It was my turn to look confused and I asked, “What are you talking about? You’ve always been handsome.”
Before he could answer the emergency operator picked up, “This is 911, what’s your emergency?”
“Yes I’m at (address). My boyfriend collapsed and it looks like he hasn’t been eating, p-please send an ambulance.” I said as calmly as I could but I couldn’t stop my voice from cracking.
“Alright sir an ambulance is on its way.” The operator said before I hung up.
“Hyung, why’d you call them? I’m fine and you said I’m handsome now!” (Y/n) said weakly with a small smile.
Tears made its way to my eyes, “You look like you could pass out any minute (Y/n)! What would of happened if I didn’t get here in time?! Why would you do this to yourself?” I yelled at him.
He flinched and looked at me with slight delusion, “B-But Jinnie-hyung said I needed to so I don’t embarrass everyone-.” He said quietly before his eyes drooped down and he went limp.
“H-Hey. (Y/n), sweetie, that isn’t funny. Come on, wake up.” I said and shook him.
I kept desperately shaking him until the paramedics came and got him. I watched in disbelief as they quickly put him the stretcher and carried him away from me. With shaking hands, I called Yoongi.
“What?” A cold response answered.
I whimpered, “Yoongi-ah, can you pick me up from (Y/n)’s. H-He- I- hospital.” I managed to choke out before sobbing as reality hit me.
“Shit- okay Hyung. I’ll be there, just fuck- hold on.” He said before hanging up.
I dropped my phone down and laid next to where (Y/n) was and sobbed. It felt like I cried for hours before a tap on my shoulders brought me out of my crying fit. I looked up to see Namjoon with a worried face and Yoongi looking off to the side with tears on his angry face.
“Hyung, let’s go to the hospital yeah?” Namjoon spoke softly, holding out his hand.
I nodded and let him help me up. Yoongi stared at me and I looked away. He sighed.
“It’s both of our faults so hurry up and get in the car.” He murmured before turning around and walking out.
Namjoon patted my back and walked me to his car where Yoongi sat in the passenger seat. We drove to the hospital in worried silence.
We quickly walked to the front desk and asked for (Y/n)’s room.
The nurse hummed as she looked for his name on the computer, “He was brought in a few minutes ago so only family is allowed to visit and have information.”
I resisted growling at her and with clenched teeth I said, “I’m his fiancé, they’re his brothers.”
She looked surprised, “Oh sorry sir. The doctor said Mr. (L/n) is in stable condition. He’s in room 135.” She said.
I turned towards Yoongi and Namjoon, who looked at me with unsurprised faces.
I walked passed them and whispered, “Well, I’m not going to let him wake up to no one am I? I already fail”
They sighed and followed me. We rushed to the room and as soon as we reached it I froze. I didn’t want to go in as guilt weighed down on my shoulders.
“Hyung. It’s okay.” Namjoon said and I felt two hands on my shoulders.
I looked back and saw Yoongi and Namjoon give me a reassuring nod. I gulped and reached for the door but before I could open it, the door opened and the doctor who opened it looked up from his clipboard with a slightly shocked face.
“Are you here for Mr. (L/n)?” He asked.
I nodded, “Yes. I-I’m his fiancé.” I lied.
He briefly looked at my bare hands and rose an eyebrow before shaking his head. I felt my ears heat up in embarrassment and I quickly hid my hands.
He sighed, “I’m assuming your ‘Jinnie-hyung’? Mr. (L/n) was mumbling about you in his delusional state and kept asking for us to call you as soon as he woke up, don’t worry he’s no longer delirious. Let’s talk out here first.” He said with a slight smile and closed the door behind him.
I heard chuckles behind me and I glared at Namjoon and Yoongi to shut them up. They only looked away with teasing smiles.
The doctor looked at his clipboard and stated, “Mr. (L/n) was very lucky someone called him in. He was very malnourished and is underweight. If he had went another day or so, he wouldn’t have made it.”
I gulped as tears welled up in my eyes again and I nodded my head in understanding. The doctor moved away from the door and we rushed in.
I wanted to throw up at the IV hooked up to him to give him all the nutrients that he needed. (Y/n) was staring outside the window and looked at us as we walked in. He gave a weak smile. I walked up to him, grabbed his bony hand and started to sob.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I started to apologize.
He looked confused and gave a small smile.  “Why are you apologizing? It was all my fault in the first place for being fa-” He explained before Yoongi interrupted him.
“You weren’t fat to begin with, damn it! All those comments about your weight were wrong! Jin-hyung was wrong!” He yelled.
I looked at him shocked before realization hit me. I wanted to punch myself in the face. This was all my fault.
“Yoongi-“ (Y/n) said.
I interrupted him, “He’s right. I’m an asshole. I-I didn’t want this to happen! I wasn’t thinking when I said that. The comments were getting to me too and the stress of that day- God I don’t deserve to even see you right now if I’m making dumb excuses.” I said and scrambled to get away from (Y/n).
But (Y/n)’s grip on my hand tightened and he looked at me with hints of sadness and shock, “Jin-hyung. It’s okay.” He tried to sooth me.
“No! You could’ve died! It’s my fault! I almost killed you.” I cried out.
He let out a broken chuckle, “Jin-hyung. It’s my fault for being me-“ (Y/n) said again but this time his voice cracked a bit.
I cut him off with a hug, minding his IV, “No. You’re perfect the way you are. I love you for you, it’s why I asked you out in the first place so don’t say shit like that anymore. I should have told you this and not that bullshit on that date.” I said calmly.
He gripped my shirt and softly cried before full out sobbing. I cried with him and comforted him. (Y/n) pulled away and looked at Yoongi, who was sniffling quietly with his back turned away from us.
(Y/n) chuckled and called out, “You can come over here too, you big baby.”
Yoongi turned around angrily and I saw the tears in his eyes, “You’re the one crying!” He defended himself as the tears slowly made its way out.
Yet he still walked over, and hit (Y/n) on the head before softly crying in his lap.
“I’m sorry I left you even when I knew you needed help. I could’ve done more.” He whispered.
(Y/n) shook his head and patted Yoongi’s head. “No, it’s alright. I wasn’t in a right state of mind and would’ve just pushed you farther away. I should say sorry for being a bitch to you.” He comforted him.
Yoongi chuckled, “Good.” He looked at me, “If this happens again, I’ll kill you.” Yoongi gave a small smile and left with Namjoon.
I looked back at (Y/n) and smiled, “I’m sorry. When we get you out of here, I’ll treat you to any food you want then make a statement about those hate comments okay?”
(Y/n) smiled brightly and nodded, “Anything? Even dessert?”
I giggled, “Yep. Because I love you.”
He kissed me on the lips softly, “I love you too.”
I held on to his hand a little tighter and kissed him again. It was perfect, just like him.
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ramentravel · 7 years
Wulai is LIT how come I aint ever been here before!!!
We started the day off by going to bitan!
Couldn’t find my old socks so I wore my new ones.
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I actually went to bitan four years ago with jobo and steven and damn did we have an adventure. I’ll honestly never forget that day lmao
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mrt was empty on the way over so i snapped a pic!
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This time my parents and I took it easy by just walking around and crossing the bridge!
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It was bright and sunny in the morning so I was actually pretty hot. This time I put on sunscreen and used my umbrella at almost all times though lol
Since it was hot we stopped by 7 eleven and got some ice cream! Since I got one of the ice creams I always used to get, this time I decided to get the other.
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It was so good omg, better than I remembered tbh. No wonder I used to get it so often
After that I was like “where are we going dad” and he was like “wulai” and I’m like “the fuck is that? I’ve never heard of this place, must be boring” but anyways we got on the grueling bus ride in which we stood for like 40 minutes on a swervy mountain road with rickety handholds and it was just. A mess. We got there in the end but I was in extreme mental and physical pain by the end of it lmao
BUT it was worth it cause wulai is totally gorgeous!
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By the time we got to the marketplace it was already lunchtime but we popped into the aboriginal museum to check out the stuff there first!
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It was very cool and had free admission! it was super informative and I’m glad we went. The facial tattoos that the Atayal people use is also really pretty!
After the museum we got lunch at some random restaurant that I didn’t take a pic of. BUT the food was actually surprisingly really good!
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We got bamboo rice, purple rice, some fish thing, and two vegetable dishes. I thought it’d be too much for 3 people but turns out it was perfect since we finished it all and didn’t feel uncomfortably full! it was a little expensive but I can appreciate that they didn’t rip us off with bad tourist trap food. Like japan did lmao I SEE U JAPAN AND I CAN READ (SOME) JAPANESE OK
Anyways more scenery of wulai.
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After lunch we were like… ok are we done or do we hike 50 minutes up to the mountains (keep in mind I am Weak and my mom’s knees aren’t doing so well)??? In the end we took a taxi up which was AMAZING and totally worth it. Saved my life. Saved all of our lives
At the top (I think?) we decided to take a cable car to the hotel at the top of wulai! It used to be a hotel called yunxian and it was constructed when mom and dad were just babies. It was a luxury hotel for $$$rich$$$ people and had amusement parks and gardens attached. I knew none of this so damn was I IN FOR THE TIME OF MY LIFE
So here’s pics from the cable car
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Once at the top it was just… *100 emoji* weather was SO nice and it was just beautiful all around. Amazing foliage and wildlife and it was just… gorgeous. We spent some time just sitting there by the cable car and taking in the nice weather and everything. We’ve really been blessed on this trip with good weather; it’s going to get hot again tomorrow and then with the month of may comes humidity, mosquitos, and summer, BUT we won’t be here so we dodged it right in time!
But anyways. Back to wulai
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this plant is so cute!!!!!!!!
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Afterwards we began the stairs up to the hotel. There were a few cute landmarks along the way!
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The small Buddhist temple seemed well-visited! I’m glad it’s not neglected.
We even saw little statues on the cliffside! This pic was taken on a steep rock; idk how anyone got them up there!
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After a few hundred steps (probably over 200 but idk for sure tbh) we made it!!
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Saw a dragonfly by the bathroom. It was huuuge
We spent some time with our feet in the water but actually it was FREEZING COLD though I got used to it after a while. My feet turned bright pink lmao
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Honestly I can’t remember all of the sections of the hotel/resort so I’ll just picdump nau
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Lovers’ swing except im single :(
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This was a very unstable looking bridge that we crossed anyways. The handrails had rusted and broken off and the concrete foundation was crumbling a little bit, but to my surprise my parents just walked on it like it wasn’t a big deal. It was pretty high up and did not look safe… but whatever. It was very fun! And it led to a beautiful train-track kind of forest… thing. Very Ghibli
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#aesthetix (i’m actually looking at a very large ant on the post)
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The amusement park part was probably my favorite! The resort is (probably) not used anymore and all of the equipment is old and unattended so it has a post-apocalyptic feeling to it. Y’all know I’m all bout that. BUT the best part is, IT’S ACTUALLY STILL IN USE like you can pop in some money and go on these rides for real!!! I didn’t do that tho I just took some pics
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There are some old stages in use too! Accompanied by fish and black swans. Only time I’ve seen black swans was when we were visiting that chiang kai shek garden with black army swans I think. Nts maybe I can find that blog post in helloformosa? Edit: FOUND IT!
I had a BLAST at the archery “field” which apparently I didn’t take a pic of (took plenty of videos though!) dad and I both tried and we were pretty consistently good! It made me wanna do archery again L it’s so fun and the weight that I got was so light I was like “damn I can do this” lol
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Three games of archery or paintball was 180! so we went for two rounds of archery and one round of paintball
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On second thought maybe paintball isn’t the best word to describe this but whatever. This was fun too! More of dad’s thing I think lol
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last few pics of wulai!
After that we went back down the cable car and took a taxi all the way back to xindian (where bitan is and where we started our day)!
Taxi driver was super funny; she is an aboriginal herself and talked a lot about her job and family and customs… she talked NON-STOP. I fell asleep for most of it but she said that her family still goes hunting (but not often) and she used to accompany her father to hunting sessions! And she and her family still speak the aboriginal language. They also eat the traditional foods, like the bamboo rice we had but she said that traditionally it’s just white rice, not the sticky rice we ate with meat and other condiments! It was very interesting and she had a very cute and easy-to-understand accent :)
Once we got to xindian we took the jieyun back to Taipei so we could go explore Taibei dixijie!
Otaku hell
Or heaven depending on how u wanna look at it
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All these brief pics of figurine storefronts don’t even capture the true scale of all the figurines. There are SO MANY of these shops. I didn’t go into any as 1. I don’t collect figurines, 2. I am done getting my friends gifts (FINALLY), 3. I’m with my parents and if they go in and see these titty nee-chans with their plastic panties out for the world to see then they will smite and disown me so no thanks
It was fun though and we did buy a few things! Mostly hygiene stuff (got some brush thing for cleaning and some nail stuff) and some more earrings… they’re so nice here I can’t help myself lol
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Is this familiar? EDIT: turns out today i went to bitan and taipei dixiajie. and when i went with steven and jobo, i went to bitan and taipei dixiajie in one day too lol
We didn’t go in. again
This time we decided to eat a little bit before heading to a night market so we went to some random 鍋類 place which was actually surprisingly delicious. And it was only 119 kuai so like 4 dollars? I didn’t even finish my rice and it also came with unlimited milk tea or lemon black tea. It was so good fml
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After semi-filling our tummies we started to make our way to the night market!
On our way we saw this beautiful temple… honestly it was stunning; seems like it’s not popular though L it has stone-carved walls like longshanshi does!
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And then we made it to our destination: ningxia yeshi!
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these shrimp were HUUUGE
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the line for this rice-stuffed squid was so long!
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it’s literally in front of an elementary school wtf
Today I was feeling much better and had an appetite so I got lots of food! Takoyaki, huasheng quan bingqilin, and jidangao!
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Everything was so good fml I love it :’( why did I have to get my appetite back on the NIGHT I leave Taiwan???
It also occurred to me I haven’t gotten bubble tea on this entire trip cause of my stupid indigestion problem and I thought it was too hot to get a milk drink so I always got that grapefruit drink instead. FML I REGRET IT I HOPE THERE WILL BE ONE MORE CHANCE SOMEHOW
EDIT: actually i got bubble tea at sharetea once in jinshan!
We stopped by the mitsukoshi and shops by zhongshan jieyun zhan and I got some skincare from too cool for school! Which is apparently an American brand wtf
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We also got bread for breakfast tomorrow!
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And I also stopped by banila co to get some clean it zero, too UGUU SO MUCH MONEY SPENT IN SO LITTLE TIME
After that we came back to our bnb and this is the last night we’re spending in Taiwan! Ok now that I think about it more, it just gets more and more depressing lol
I love this place so much :’( I didn’t cry like I thought I might when we landed but I sincerely love it here. Tbh at first I felt extremely out of place but I’ve gotten more comfortable since (maybe after I got my hair cut? Lol) and now I feel sad to leave. But I know japan will be super fun and I’m looking forward to eating all the good food and seeing the CUTE SHIT there!!!! THE TRUE MOTHERLAND OF GUDETAMA AND
I will update tomorrow hopefully! Fingers crossed japan goes well!!!!!!
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