#also idk how 'canon' mary is. its mostly just small scenes in the vague future whenever i daydream abt her existence. but i love her anyway
acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
*slams this on the table* I have severe brainrot [Part One]
Ghost is very fond of horses & even owns a couple. He's taught Alice to ride & how to take care of them.
They have a kid!! I'll talk about her more in-depth later but her name is Mary & she was named after the nursery rhyme "Mary had a little lamb". She's born when they're around 24 & 48 and lives on Ghost's farm.
One of Ghost's hobbies is making stuffed animals / toys. He leaves them around the house & Alice ends up creating little stories for them, which Ghost sometimes watches / listens in on. It sucks when he misses an "episode", though, because then he's like "...why is this dog plush on the floor away from the others?" "HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID >:(".
Alice is obsessed with fashion. She's always making adjustments to her villain outfit so she looks "cute". Ghost, on the other hand, will wear the same damn outfit for the entire fucking month unless Alice begs him to change or complains about it. Yes, this also means Alice makes them clothes <3 hey, it beats trying not to get caught in Target!
Ghost talks in nursery rhymes & in poetry/book quotes. In fact, that's sort of the only way he communicates. Trying to decipher what he means is a...challenge. So far, only Alice has tried — and succeeded — in making sense of him.
When at ArkBat — idk if I ever explained AB, it's a psychiatric hospital/prison for the criminally insane, most villains go there — the two share a room! It's kind of a big deal & the doctors think Ghost allowing Alice around him at all means he's making some sort of progress.
Ghost LOVES Halloween — it's part of the reason why he's called the "King of Fear"; he's most active on that day — so much so that no other villain works that day. Alice, of course, has joined in on this little tradition.
Their age difference doesn't really come up all that much aside from when they talk about what movies/books/etc they grew up with. Alice does, however, make fun of Ghost whenever he complains about aging (usually when she's mad at him) ("ugh. my back really hurts today." "hm. perhaps you should go lay on your deathbed then.")
Ghost has chronic insomnia (along with a heap of other sleep issues). Cuddling Alice helps a little, watching her sleep calms him. When Alice can't sleep, he sings her lullabies & nursery rhymes.
Alice is, unsurprisingly, the only person allowed to touch Ghost. Even doctors at ArkBat have a hard time giving him treatment because of how touch adverse he is. Meanwhile, Alice can stroll in with a syringe of poison & Ghost will just "alright, do what you must".
Adding onto that, they trust each other so so so much!!! I'm sure I don't need to go into the fact that being a supervillain/full-time criminal is a risky business where you shouldn't put too much trust in people, but Ghost would willingly let Alice kill him if she wanted.
Ghost isn't really sure how to be....romantic. He's never had a girlfriend before, so he's never really sure how to show affection towards Alice. After a lot of trial and error (and I mean a LOT.......in retrospect, he really had no idea why he thought Alice would like dead mice) he found that she was pretty receptive to poetry! So now he leaves her notes of poetry around whatever hideout they share.
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