#console: mad as a crow
acircusfullofdemons · 4 months
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It is, officially, the 7 year anniversary of when I made Eternal Labyrinth. Yippee! So, to celebrate, here's a hopefully coherent introduction to the shit that's taken over my life for. seven goddamn years holy shit.
Eternal Labyrinth is the overarching name for my main 3 paracosms: Phantasmagoria, Mad as a Crow, Fractured Fables. They are all connected thanks to Multiverse Bullshit! The 3 also have AUs  that are semi-canon, in which they have crossovers and the characters interact with each other. The AUs are:  the Mad Rabbit AU (MaaC/FF), the Tamagotchi AU (Phantasmagoria/FF), and Constellations (Phantasmagoria/MaaC).
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A quick rundown of what each paracosm is about: 
Phantasmagoria: VRVerse || Major oddcore/weirdcore/dreamcore vibes, literally almost anything can happen. Behaves like a video game most of the time, I suppose.
Mad as a Crow: Superhero Universe || A terrible DC/Marvel crossover that’s trying to have one coherent storyline with consistent characters.
Fractured Fables: FairytaleVerse || Fanfiction I don't feel guilty for writing because all of the source material is in the public domain. Quite literally my city now.
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You can find me talking about each paracosm on these blogs: 
For Phantasmagoria only content, go to @acircusfullofdemons.
For Mad as a Crow only content, go to @madasacrow.
For Fractured Fables only content, go to @fractured-fables.
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Each paracosm exists inside each other, if that makes sense?? It’s kind of like the Nickelodeon Sitcom Universe. They are both real events and also taking place on a reality show at the same time.
Phantasmagoria is a video game, Polybius, that can be played at JoyHall Arcade.
Mad as a Crow is a comic book series/company, Mad Crow Comics (similar to DC or Marvel).
Fractured Fables is a tv show, Toybox Tutors, aimed towards children.
When doing crossovers, the general vibe is “oh hey, this is like that [media] I like, just slightly to the left”. The only exception is for things like the APOCALYPSE AU, where the ‘cosm they’re from doesn’t really matter as they’re all put in a Situation.
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The (Dimensional) Hub — All dimensions are tied together due to “The Hub”, aka Earth I. The Hub is an endless void that often takes the form of an empty arcade or mall. Each dimension also has its own unique door and key.
Player Hub — A mini version of the Dimensional Hub, except now it’s suited for a singular person. Everyone that has played Polybius has one.
Holius — Space, primary home to Aliens.
Heaven — Primary home to Angles, mirror of the Netherworld.
Earth I — The original earth. Used to be full of animals before Vitalis added humans.
Earth II — Thisverse/our earth, no magic or supernatural creatures. Mirror of Arcadia.
Earth III — The apocalypse, technical ‘sequel’ to Earth II.
Earth IV — Magic exists, but only in specific locations. Supernatural beings also exist in secret.
Arcadia — Supernatural beings are the majority. Mirror of Earth II.
StoryBrooke — Where various fairytale & classic lit characters live.
Avalon — Fae realm.
Cyberspace — Dimension made by Genesi H. Voltrian. Only Computer Errors can enter.
Mirje — Dimension made by Myriam Travers/Bloody Mary. Only Spirits can enter.
Netherworld — Primary home to Demons. Mirror of Heaven.
Afterlife — Specifically the Arcadian afterlife. Primary home to Spirits.
The VoiD — A pocket dimension that people can clip into on accident, basically the Backrooms. Often used for storing unwanted stuff/trash. 
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Aliens —Extraterrestrial/celestial beings.
Aquaentians — Aquatic supernatural creatures.
Computer Errors — Sentient Errors that spawn within Cyberspace. They can only be created if an existing CE kills you AND takes your Soul into Cyberspace — the process won't work otherwise. Because of this, some may see them as a subtype of Spirit, though as they're still relatively new classification is still being debated. Their appearance is very upsetting, often giving people headaches, and they make circuit-like markings under their eyes / neck / shoulders.
Dragons — A now extinct species.
Gods — So, this one brings up the concept of religion in Arcadia as the Gods are a part of their own pantheon and such, but that's not really related to this topic. They are omnipotent & omniscient in their specific domain (ie; the god of nature knows everything about nature, but very little about space). Gods can be either born or given their powers from another God.
Onerioi — Personified dreams & nightmares.
Puria— Angels, Demons, & Faed.
Avians — Humans with wings.
Cambions — Hybrid between Human & Demon.
Dhampir — Hybrid between Human & Vampire.
Elementalists — Humans that can control an element.
Empaths — Humans that can control an emotion.
Halflings — Humans that can turn into animals, basically werewolves / werecats / shapeshifters.
Regular / Purebloods — Humans with 0 magical ability or Zaryis DNA.
Seers — Humans that can see Spirits.
Witches — An old term used to refer to a Human that uses magic. By now this is the standard / expectation.
Reapers — Zaryis that takes Souls to the Afterlife.
Grim Reapers — Reapers that take anyone.
Ritions — Reapers that take those who died of famine.
Valkin — Reapers that take those who died in battle.
Pestis — Reapers that take those who died of sickness.
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I’m gonna…try and keep this brief, but y’know. I’ve had this for about 7ish years so it’s kind of a Mess.
ORIGINS — Everything on Earth I was fine and chill until Vitalis (God of Life) introduced Humans. After some conflict between the Humans and Sentient Animals that previously lived there, a pair of twins get separated from one another. Theia (Goddess of Death) and Vitalis take in a twin each: Theia with Shadow, and Vitalis with Lumi. Ketrill (King of Shadows/Darkness) & Eloise (Queen of Light) are also made by the Gods, in order to protect the twins. Ketrill cares for Shadow, while Eloise cares for Lumi. Each twin is cared for by their patron until they almost die. Shadow is revived and Lumi is made immortal. The twins manage to reunite, and all is well until Vitalis grows jealous of their friendship, because he and Theia can’t really be together. So, he sets out to kill the twins. With Emory’s (The Librarian/God of Knowledge) help, Theia, the twins, Ketrill, and Eloise manage to escape Earth I. Unfortunately, they all get separated. 
CROSSFIRE — Shadow, now named Nox, winds up on Earth II. His memories have gotten wiped, forgetting about his supernatural origins, and lives a normal life until Emory finally finds him, where he’s then taken to Earth IV while Emory searches for the rest of their little family. While there, Nox meets Jake, an Angel shoved into a Human body as an experiment of sorts. The two team up to unravel the mess of supernatural shit going on. 
FAUX PIXIES — Lumi, now Lucien, and Eloise, wind up in Neverland together with their memories intact. They live as Fairies in Pixie Hollow, with Lucien longing for her twin, wondering if he even made it out alive. Despite her oncoming depression, Lucien befriends Captain Hook, and helps him ward off Peter Pan from time to time. After helping Wendy attempt to get her brothers back, Lucien discovers that Fifi (Goddess of Time) has trapped StoryBrooke in a time loop thanks to a deal she made with Blake Grimm. Unfortunately, Lucien doesn't have the power to stop her. So the loop keeps going and she's kinda scared her & Eloise will get stuck in it and lose their memories. 
REUNION — Thankfully, the two wind up reuniting with Emory after arriving in StoryBrooke. He takes them back to Earth IV, where Nox is. While Emory was away, Nox had managed to get most of their memories of Earth I back. He also reunited with Ketrill! After Emory gets Theia from Arcadia, the gang's all back together and helps Nox piece a few more things together. Of course, there’s still the problem of Vitalis, who’s been mainly focused on Nox but now that they’re all together? Yeah he’s not gonna be happy.
THE FIGHT — The twins get the idea to take the fight to Vitalis. Theia tries to advise against them, but basically everyone agrees that he needs to be stopped sooner than later. The only problem is, how do you kill Life himself? The answer: with Death herself! Though Nox and Lucien did most of the fighting against Vitalis — with Ketrill & Eloise’s help — Theia is the one to land the final blow. Her and Vitalis exchange some words, he basically apologizes and explains he just wanted to be with her, but clearly he did it all wrong. Theia extracts his soul/essence and becomes the Goddess of both life and Death. Earth I, and the rest of the multiverse, can finally know peace. Kind of.
CURRENT — Upon Vitalis' death, Nox and Lucien are granted godhood, with Nox becoming Entropy — god of chaos — and Lucien becoming Harmony — goddess of order. As Harmony, Lucien now has the power to order Fifi to stop the time loop in StoryBrooke, which she finally does. Still concerned over StoryBrooke, Harmony asks her family to help keep everything, well, harmonious. Without the time loops, then the Fables will have children and more Tales will take place. Given that she used to be Tinkerbell, this is a valid concern for her. Emory, too, as he was Cheshire. Not wanting his role anymore, he gives it to Entropy, who is ecstatic to be one of their favorite literary characters. Harmony, meanwhile, decides to settle into Neverland, so she can keep an eye on Peter Pan and help any other Lost Kids who wind up there.
tldr: life & death get a divorce and have a custody battle so bad it becomes the entire multiverse's problem
And that’s it! I guess. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but y’know. Side-stories and multiple other paras that don’t have anything to do with the actual plot … well, this is all technically going on in the background of all my other paracosms. so. really, THIS has nothing to do with the plot lmao.
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
i wrote davesprite and jade dialogue while i was cozy level stoned last night lol i think i characterized them good
inspired by looking at pictures of davesprite while high and this art i saw yesterday
we never got to see what they got up to i think this is how it would go roughly
DAVESPRITE: you know being fused with a bird is kinda strange DAVESPRITE: theres all kinds of mad shit going through a crows head DAVESPRITE: like id pick a fight with a motherfucker any day of the week for a peanut DAVESPRITE: but i think the best possible consequence is the feathers JADE: theyre soooo soft!!! DAVESPRITE: yeah DAVESPRITE: shits like the stuffing to your favorite pillow DAVESPRITE: down as soft as a bird babys bottom JADE: heheh DAVESPRITE: here comes harley parking her arms round the back JADE: beep beep beep beep JADE: mission jade arms landing is successful........we have TOUCH DOWN DAVESPRITE: copy that shoosh position locked and loaded JADE: whoa dave :o DAVESPRITE: what JADE: there is a clicking sound coming from your chest! DAVESPRITE: oh uh DAVESPRITE: bird things i guess DAVESPRITE: dunno im not in control of that it sort of just happens JADE: happy bird noises!! wow thats so cute JADE: my doggy ears are very sensitive :p JADE: i can hear your heartbeat too by the way DAVESPRITE: damn it JADE: its super cozy DAVESPRITE: oh well thats a relief
JOHN: oh, dude. JADE: hi john!!! DAVESPRITE: what DAVESPRITE: cant a birdboy and a doggirl get their snuggle on DAVESPRITE: is there something so wrong with that DAVESPRITE: aside from the fact we may have fulfilled our mutual dreams of becoming furries in the most unprecedented ways possible JADE: theres nothing wrong with it!!!!! it is awesome JOHN: bluhh, no there isn’t. i was just wondering if you’ve seen the remote. DAVESPRITE: oh DAVESPRITE: cant help you there buddy DAVESPRITE: lost in snugglesville unfortunately DAVESPRITE: well not unfortunately for me JADE: :D <3 JOHN: that i can see! DAVESPRITE: front gates to this enchanted place are locked DAVESPRITE: no escape is possible until jade falls sound asleep to the crazy array of instrumentation under my wicked plumage DAVESPRITE: on account of being half feathery little bastard DAVESPRITE: but if its any consolation it isnt under my ass because id feel it if it was JOHN: i’ll check back later then. well, you guys enjoy! JADE: thanks john! DAVESPRITE: peace egbert
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petvampire · 23 days
Monty & Charles (most chaotic duo I could think of) in the Kitchen, with a wrench.
Have fun ❤️ love your stories!
Yessss thank you for the chaos! 💖
Oddly domestic shenanigans, and two idiots just idiot-ing. 🤣
“You sure you know how to fix this?”
The response is a spate of curses that Charles will admit he finds mildly impressive. It’s a little muffled, since Monty is currently halfway under the counter of the kitchenette he’s finally convinced Mick to let him build in the back of the shop. The sink has been finicky all week, and has finally stopped working altogether, and rather than call a professional, or rely on any of the people with actual bloody magic they know, the crow has gotten it into his head to fix it himself.
He’s mentioned, four or five times, that it probably isn’t the best idea. Monty has told him, four or five times, to fuck off, that he knows what he’s doing.
It’s pretty clear that he doesn’t, though.
He can understand the other’s insistence to a degree. He’s still learning how to be human, and every so often he feels a need to exert his independence, make it clear he’s not just going to rely on his partners to get by. But this particular obsession with fixing the sink himself is a bit mad, in Charles’ opinion. Not that he’s said that outright.
A squeal of metal on metal, and Monty lets out a triumphant sound, finally worming his way out from under the sink. “There! Told you, I’ve got this,” he says smugly, and Charles has to chuckle, shaking his head.
“Yeah, all right, you win. Might as well make sure it—“
Of course, the second the crow turns the faucet on, water is spraying everywhere. Charles isn’t even sure what the other would had to have done to make that happen. Monty is drenched and cursing up a storm, quickly cutting the water off again, and the ghost is very much trying to hold back laughter as he looks at the bedraggled, damp bird. The other glares at him, but it’s half-hearted at best as Charles pushes the wet hair back off his face, lightly kisses his cheek as something of a consolation.
Still, he can’t resist ribbing him. “So… sink, three, Monty… still zero.”
“Shut up and hand me the damn wrench.”
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19burstraat · 10 months
anyone want to hear my six of crows x jane austen's emma au. yes of course you do don't be silly. the only person allowed to be silly is me as I descend into madness in the course of trying to cast this. (if you think 'I've heard this before' yes I've posted abt it before tho I think it was on my main)
kaz is emma, a bored, overintelligent rich bitch stuck in a country house with a bunch of shit idiot neighbours and almost no one to entertain or match him. fucking useless dad per haskell / mr woodhouse is a weaksauce hypochrondriac, and jordie / isabella has gone and got married and ditched kaz, the bastard. the only consolation is their neighbour inej / mr knightley, who is rich, sensible, popular, and elegible as hell... glory be, an intellectual equal for kaz!
in order to be less bored, kaz takes on a protege, mysterious randomer and natural son wylan / harriet smith, who kaz decides to mould in his own image and make a good match for. wylan is in love with gentleman farmer jesper / robert martin, but kaz is a snob and tries to push him towards local vicar kuwei / mr elton (I KNOW. I'M SORRY KUWEI), but that all goes tits up bc turns out kaz is a fucking terrible matchmaker, who'd've known.
meanwhile, unassuming and a little cold, but locally well-liked matthias / jane fairfax has arrived back in the village, and kaz busily commences hating on him because he's another accomplished young man and he makes him feel inadequate. hot on his heels comes the mysterious nina / frank churchill (NINA I'M SO SORRY I FUCKING HATE FRANK BUT THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR THE COUPLES YOU CAN BE A NICE FRANK CHURCHILL ): ), who kaz is kind of fascinated by and enjoys sparring with, and hence kind of misses the really obvious signs that nina and matthias are secretly engaged, even though inej, ever thief of secrets, has lowkey noticed something's up, like matthias getting mysterious gifts from someone. kaz ends up being convinced that possibly it's inej that's pursuing matthias, which nina encourages because it helps her cover, and kaz kinda panics.
everyone has petty village drama which culiminates when kaz sneers at pekka rollins / miss bates (LISTEN. LI actually you don't need to listen bc I laughed out loud when I thought of this comparison but hear me out, if you just think of it as the equivalent of the church of barter scene except instead of 'I buried him' it's 'when have you ever stopped at three?' it kind of works. sorry to miss bates tho who is still kinda my fave austen character) at box hill, which culminates in inej going BOY WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM and kaz is like wow she kind of has a point should I be a better person :/
uhh what else even happens. there's a ball after nina massively encourages one, inej saves wylan from being partnerless and later dances with kaz (think of the gloveless dance scene from the 2020 adaptation? yeah? yeahh??). the regency gender conventions here are getting so messed up lmao, never mind. in emma harriet fancies herself in love with mr knightley and emma is forced to realise that she likes him, so let's say that wylan pretends to be after inej, in order to strong arm kaz into realising that he's wanted to marry inej this entire time. wylan's dad turns out to be minted (I'm stretching the book here to make it work w SOC but never mind) but that's after kaz has admitted he fucked up and sent wylan off to marry gentleman farmer jesper, yaaay. nina's relatives who are stopping her from marrying matthias die and hence there's a massive revelation with 'oh they were engaged this whole time lol', kaz is PISSED bc he didn't clock it. uh. everyone gets married and now kaz can escape the shit village and actually go places. the end.
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halfamask · 4 months
Soft gentle life between dark signers and Grand Prix headcannons of the garage apartment boys who absolutely do not know how to live a soft, normal life. (Inspired by that one filler episode of jack trying to a get a job)
- Yusei does most of the cooking because while the other two can scrape together a meal they either put together the bare minimum for nutrition (chicken and rice with a veggie smoothie style) or go absolutely ham with sweets and expensive products and he cannot live with that. Plus he enjoys cooking because once you figure out the basics you can get creative and trial and error and It’s kind of like working on his bike.
- They really lean into the bachelor pad lifestyle thing. The most expensive things in the apartment are their duel runners and their video game console for the tv. They have a shabby beat up couch but sit on the floor half the time anyways. Jack insists on having one spot he likes on the couch be “his” spot and Crow and sometimes Yusei will run, like literally haul ass, to the couch to sit in that spot and piss him off.
- They have had physical altercations over this spot.
- They don’t bother with bed frames and just toss mattresses on the floor of their one bedroom. They tend to have their fair share of nightmares, especially Yusei dreaming about his duels with Kalin, but when one of them wakes up in a cold sweat one of the other two will undoubtedly be up out of bed making them their favorite tea (akiza put them onto tea it’s doing wonders but only jack will admit to liking it). Sometimes yusei’s nightmares will get so bad that jack and crow wil say fuck it, move their mattresses to his, and use the warmth of their bodies and the weight of their arms around his to get him to feel secure enough that he’ll finally rest, physically knowing that his friends are ok and alive and literally on him. When they wake up no one mentions that they’ve been three way spooning the whole night basically.
- Jack is such a coffee snob and will treat the boys to the best beans and a nice espresso machine which crow thinks is the hugest waste of money ever but uses more than he does (because he is perpetually tired from work)
- It takes a second for Jack and Crow to get used to Leo, Luna, and Akiza just coming over to talk to Yusei or hang out. Leo immediately closes the gap by gushing to Jack, well, about himself, and Jack’s soon regaling him with tales of his best duels and Crow’s competing by telling him about his run ins with sector security (only the PG stuff) and teaching him to build things. Jack eventually forms a connection with Luna and Akiza because he gets what it’s like to be more reserved but still be dramatic and have a rich life and eventually they’re talking about dueling or books (for some reason I headcannon jack as the biggest reader of the three but also that Luna loves to read) or things to do in new domino.
- They also have chill table top duels with Leo, Luna, and Akiza and Jack and Crow are surprised when Luna and Akiza give them a run for their money. (Sorry Leo but Luna’s the dueling prodigy).
- The three boys will have their own three way duel game nights. These inevitably end in them physically tussling around the living room.
- Yusei and Crow have to make a chore chart bc Jack never wants to do household chores (living with Goodwin’s funding made him mad spoiled) Jack will do the chores when put up to it but by god will he complain and trash talk then the whole time.
- They don’t talk about Kalin a lot. Or about those years when he was locked up and the three were living separately. It’s still obviously in the air, noticeable when Crow and Yusei go visit different groups of people in the Satellite and Jack stays with Martha basically the whole time. The days they go to visit though, they finish off with a meal at Martha’s so filling their stomachs hurt and a ride back to new domino city that’s slower than they usually ride, like they’re savoring the existence of the bridge and prolonging their time on it for as long as possible.
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urarakasdiary · 2 years
Muzan Kibutsuji x reader
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Tengen knew he had fucked up
The wives looked at him weirdly. He whispered to them to go inside and leave them alone for a while. They nod and go inside leaving the two of them. "[name] I'm sorry"
She couldn't even look at him. she wanted to scream and cry and hit him, but she didn't. "ill promise to never do this again [name] please just forgive me" he said sitting next to her and rubbing her back.
she didn't forgive him but she told him a classic "yeah sure ok" Tengen thought it was enough and smiled at her. little did he know she was still very mad at him.
After 3 days of Tengen and his wives to staying home, they had to leave. the wives didn't say goodbye as usual. Uzui hugged you and tried to give you a kiss but you turned your head around and he had to kiss your cheek. he was in disarray by your action and he tried to console you but his crow didn't allow it. you scrubbed your cheek super hard after that.
"I'll come home early today ok?" he said hugging [name] again and successfully giving her a kiss on the lips.
It was the evening now, [name] got dressed up. she had decided to go to the festival alone. when she reached the festival she wanted to cry. there were so many couples deeply in love, happily eating and talking.
she wanted to cry. she knew Tengen would never give her that type of love ever again. Then she started herself as a woman altogether. she started crying just thinking about her marriage. [name] started making her way home, still crying. Of course, no one cared about her, they just gave her strange looks.
but there was someone. someone who cared for her in the crowd. Our demon king Muzan. [name] didn't even notice him. but he did. it was as if time slowed down for him when you walked past him. that sweet scent and melodious heartbeat. had his past lover really been reincarnated? When he was about to call for you his human daughter called out for him and he had to go. he would come for you tomorrow.
It was now the next day. Tengen and the three others would arrive home today. they would be tired so you wanted to make them a warm dinner. you made your way to the market for some last-minute shopping for dinner. then you saw more couples shopping together. you thought about your marriage. if you could see into the future you about never marry him.
[name] was so lost in thought that she didn't notice the vegetables dropping from her bag. Luckily Kibutsuji was there, "excuse me miss you dropped something" she turned around to meet the red-eyed man. "oh Im very sorry" she replied. oh, how happy Muzan was by hearing that sweet voice of yours again. he kneeled down picking up the tomatoes.
You continued to conversate with him, you have never felt happier. while talking to him, there was something familiar with him almost like you had seen him or talked to him before. but you couldn't pinpoint it.
time went quicker when you were with him. You two got along so well that he even won you a pretty little clip from the claw machines at the festival. he was so sweet! if only Uzui was like him.
as he placed the pin on your hair, you felt how unnaturally cold he was
"oh it looks like it's late I shall head home now" you spoke as you smiled.
"of course, we could meet another day. it's really late now its dangerous to go alone let me accompany you"
"you're too sweet! alright let's go"
it was weird that you were taking a stranger to your home. but does it really matter? it's not like he could get inside your home after all.
while walking to your home, Kibutsuji kept the mood up by making various conversations that kept you interested. "well this is my stop" you said. "ok. goodnight sleep well uhh.." Muzan spoke
"its [name] what about yours," you asked him "you can call me KIbutsuji" he smiled "oh ok, Kibutsuji I hope you have good sleep"
after he left you went inside and started cooking dinner. You were so much happier now. meanwhile, Uzui wanted to get home as soon as possible and grab his love, his wife his [name]. When the trio arrived they saw you, they saw how you were so much cheerier and even singing a song while cooking.
you were even wearing perfume, your hair was done, and your makeup looked lovely. and he saw the pin she was wearing. the pin Muzan won for her. Tengen immediately started assuming that his wife was cheating on him. he grew angry.
later on, Uzui once again left [name] out and went to the festival with the other three. they got into an argument about it and he brought up how she was cheating on him with another man.
"whore...?" [name] had tears in her eyes uzui immediately tried apologizing but she had enough of this. this was her time to fight back.
Tengen was in tears hearing those aggressive words leave your mouth. he did deserve it.
"I've had enough Tengen I think its time we part ours ways, you enjoy your life" said [name]
"no please [name] I promise I will trust you! please just don't leave me" Uzui got down on his knees begging for you to stay. "I'm sorry Uzui but its over"
she made her way to her room, leaving Uzui and the three wives crying. well not exactly the three wives, they didn't even know you properly it was Tengen himself crying his eyes off.
You had to sleep in Tengen's estate today. it was already midnight and there would be demons outside. Only if you knew that you shouldn't worry about that since your lover was their ruler.
that night you had the weirdest dreams ever. almost like a rewind of your past life, you saw the same man you called your friend killing so many people, and you learned his name Muzan Kibutsuji.
The next day, you waited till evening to move. the new 'friend' you met at the festival yesterday told you that he'll be at the festival when the sun sets and you wanted to go with him.
Tengen and the trio had another mission somewhere nearby yesterday and left after your argument so they would be back by this evening. as you were about to leave they arrived. he begged you not to leave but you refused, alas he had to set you free. it was his fault after all.
after meeting up with Kibutusuji you went to a bar to get some drinks. You told him everything that had unfolded in your home and he seemed to genuinely care. "you know Kibutsuji, I really like you" he seemed shocked. yes, you did drink but it was not enough to get you drunk. it must've been an honest thing.
he took you to a hotel, and it happened so fast. All the unreleased love just unraveled itself and for the first time ever you actually made love with someone.
in the middle of the session, you uttered his full name. He froze and started choking you! he asked you how you knew his name. Out of complete fear you told him about the dream you had about him and that you knew he was a demon but you couldn't stop loving him. he cried after those pretty little sentences. he has never felt so loved ever before.
It's now been 2 months since you and Muzan have been together. Now there's even a little half-demon half-human baby growing inside your tummy! you were so happy with him. who knew demons could love this well.
one day, when Muzan was gone with work or something you had gone to the market to buy some baby clothes for your little one. Unfortunately for you, there were demon slayers nearby. one of them being Tanjiro.
hellloo! thank you for reading part 2 of Soulmates. thank you for reading and please leave a like and a repost that would be very helpful!!👯‍♀️💖 special thank you to @z3r0art for this wonderful request and happy Halloween! 👻✨
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putwerewolvesindbd · 4 months
anniversary stream notes
twitch drops again. oh boy. until may 28th.
announcing new dbd game. what the fog is a co-op roguelite which you can get for free if you have a behavior account for a limited time
year 9 roadmap announced, including:
addressing rubberbanding issue, hopefully in the current ptb
six new chapters, some survivor-only:
june is the dnd chapter
july is a licensed survivor
august licensed killer & survivor duo
december original killer & survivor
march '25 licensed killer-only
april '25 original survivor-only
modifiers in july and september
special event-specific queues so you can play vanilla dbd if you like
adding new game mode in summer, 2v8 mode. has bigger maps, replaces perks with classes. no hooks, uses pyramid head's cages. can only choose from 5 original killers, but plan to add more if it goes over well. killers cannot both play the same killer.
more dlc bundle packs
new challenge system, can complete passively without having to select them & can do multiple at once
inbox system to remove news popups while still conveying announcements
finisher mori changes- basekit but can only use on last remaining survivor. mori offerings changed to just offer bp for finisher moris
cross-progression coming later this summer between console and pc dbd
expansion for the dbd board game, bringing in original characters up to knight
dnd chapter:
killer is vecna. he casts spells. survivors can pick up magic items from chests, specific contents determined by roll of d20. voiced by matt mercer.
killer perk: weave attunement. first time an item is depleted, survivor drops item. survivors in range of the dropped item have auras revealed. survivor who picks up item is oblivious.
killer perk: languid touch. if a survivor scares a crow within the terror radius they're exhausted
killer perk: dark arrogance. killer is blinded and stunned for longer but gain faster vault speed
survivor is aestri yazar. like legion, can play a different character with cosmetics, baermar uraz
survivor perk: mirrored illusion. after finishing a generator, can press ability button near a generator, chest, totem, or exit gate to conjure and illusion
survivor perk: bardic inspiration. do a performance around other survivors with different results depending on the roll of a d20.
survivor perk: still sight. stand still for a bit to see auras of generators, totems, and chests
[shoutout to dvveet on twitter who posted graphics with the perk details! they did not tell us on stream]
new map is a dungeon
new mechanic- passage. magic teleport doors
casting of frank stone updates: it's a game that exists. new trailer.
some bits from the unnamed pve game by midwinter was shown. given codename "project t." play as trespassers in the backwater, fight thralls, shoot them with guns. maybe drive trucks.
anniversary event masquerade details:
pre-masquerade login events with outfits + currency boosts each week
mad designer makes an appearance. not a playable character. will show up in trials with bag of tricks. will give players abilities at start & after certain "points" are accumulated, with up to 5 tricks in play per match.
do not have to escape with invitations to get cosmetics. cosmetics connected to even currency. can also get older masks in the store
new masks for: clown, doctor, hag, plague, skull merchant, twins, adam francis, kate denson, renato lyra, david tapp, thalita lyra, yun-jin lee
survivors can use invitations to go into quiet mode and not make noise. killers can use them to immediately send downed survivors to a hook
outfits for the unknown, bill overbeck, and the pig
dbd 7-piece dice set up for pre-order
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e20 pac-man fever (w. robbie thompson)
(same sam, same. every day)
okay. OKAY. this is very reminiscent of the ghost ship xfiles episode. the music in one scene in the hallways was used in the crow too so i did a little post about it here but it's one of the best (maybe the best???) sequences in the entire series and so i had to include it in its entirety here and now (eternal crush on gillian anderson started in the early 90s and she's such a doll in the 40s getup)
supernatural s8e20 (night hop by benny carter) / the x-files s6e3 triangle (hot liquorice by dick walter)
mitch pileggi aka skinner aka not-so-good-grandpa also briefly appears in the xfiles clip :)
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same vibes. (hannibal s1e9 trou nomand)
DEAN In the neighborhood? How the hell does she know where we are? SAM Uh, well, she doesn't. Not exactly, at least. It says she tracked our cells to a twenty mile radius, then the signal went out. Huh. This place must be in some kinda, like, Bermuda Triangle.
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sweetness ♥️
CHARLIE Well, after you guys left, I dug into all things monsters. I'm a wee bit obsessive. If "wee bit" means completely. I also found this series of books, by a Carver Edlund? [SAM and DEAN exchange awkward looks] Did those books really happen? CHARLIE (cont'd) Wow. That is some meta madness. [to DEAN] Thanks for saving the world and stuff. [to SAM] Sorry you have zero luck with the ladies.
the awkwardness of this situation if you think about it for more than a second is off the charts
CHARLIE What about, uh, Castiel? He seems helpful, and dreamy.
not the word choice i'd expect but okay
DEAN He's MIA, with a tablet of his own, doing God knows what. I mean, to be honest this whole thing is... I mean, Sam's a tough son of a bitch, but... Cas is saying that these trials are messing with him in ways that even he can't heal. CHARLIE If it's any consolation, having read your history, there is pretty much nothing the Winchesters can't do if they work together.
pretty sure i said "that's nice" out loud
CHARLIE Must be nice, having a brother, someone to always watch your back.
not that their thing is on any scale of normal. also *squints* whatcha gettin at here, show. are we adopting charlie?
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DEAN Nuh-uh. Back on the horse, kiddo, come on.
operation adopt-a-sister engaged
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same, charlie, same.
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hey, it's jason mendoza from the good place! didn't recognize his face with the hair being up but his voice immediately rang the bell
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the good place s1e8 most improved player - manny jacinto as jason mendoza
DEAN I know you wanna help, I do, but— SAM Dean, you cannot take care of the both of us. I need to be out here. Play through the pain, right? DEAN Come on man, don't quote me to me.
but dean taking care of you is kind of a non-negotiable you know that
CHARLIE So the boys said they noticed something on the body's arm before it covered them in years of future therapy. Said it looked like a blue handprint. DEAN Sounds like something you should read about. In a book. At home. SAM I'm not leaving until we find out whatever is doing this. DEAN Whatever. [stalks off] CHARLIE You guys fight like an old married couple.
CHARLIE Alright, well, breakthrough means snack time to me, and I wanna just stretch my legs. I will pick us up some grub, and unlike you, Sam, I will not forget the pie.
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sweetness x100
isn't it nice to have someone else they can be affectionate with and there's no need to worry about ~romantic tension~
none of the emotional trauma of the previous episode, some very solid heartwarming moments, not too many cringe inducing moments of embarrassment. i'll take it, robbie
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modrntravlr · 2 months
A Love Letter to Avians
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Pairing: The Doctor/Rose Tyler
Rated: General
Summary: When Rose decides she wants the Doctor to take her to see the dinosaurs, she discovers that they're a bit more complicated than she originally thought. The Doctor takes her through time as he teaches her the history of avians and how 21st-century birds are directly descended from the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era.
WC: 3.3k
hi everyone,
just a bit of doctor who tenrose/timepetals (could be read as either) fluff inspired by some readings done in my biological evolution class. most of the dating and geography is scientifically accurate, but of course the actual physical descriptions of the dinosaurs and flora of the Mesozoic era is all inspired by artist interpretations. hope you all enjoy!
p.s. the two main sources i used when writing this have been uploaded to my internet archive and are linked at the end for anyone who wants to read up on it for themselves.
“Right then, Rose, where’re we off to next? Your choice.”
“Well, you still haven’t taken me to see any dinosaurs, how about we go there? Plus, no people there to cause any trouble.”
“‘Yet to see dinosaurs’, Rose, we see dinosaurs every day,” he half-chuckled, scrunching his face in a slight mocking disapproval.
“We do not! How could we possibly see dinosaurs every day if we’ve never even gone further back than the 18th century on Earth?” Rose cheekily retorted.
“We just saw that pigeon eating outside the TARDIS before we came back in!” he exclaimed, dramatically pointing to the door as though the bird in question were still outside the box and not at least a few light years away by now. 
“Pigeon? I said dinosaurs, not pigeons, Doctor. Have you gone mad?”
“No, I have not gone mad! Pigeons are dinosaurs. Crows, penguins, turkeys, ducks, that whole lot. All birds are dinosaurs. Every last one of them. You can’t possibly tell me you’ve never seen a bird before.”
“How can birds be dinosaurs? I’m talking about actual proper dinosaurs, like T. Rexes and Velociraptors and Pterodactyls, and that Loch Ness Monster-looking one.”
“Well see, those last two aren’t actually dinosaurs. Jurassic Park did irreparable damage to the dinosaur image,” he frowned to himself. “Right, but who am I to deny the brilliant Rose Tyler of Mesozoic dinosaurs, about 67 million years back should do it. Just about a million years before the big meteorite wipes ‘em all out,” he said, beginning to type the coordinates into the TARDIS console.
“Wait, but now I’m all curious about the birds and stuff. Are they really dinosaurs, or are you just taking the mickey? I mean they’re not really that old, right?” Rose asked, self-consciously biting her lip. 
“Well your modern birds haven’t been around that long, but they’re direct descendants of mesozoic dinosaurs, and still just as dinosaur-y as their ancestors were. Some of them looked and sounded similar to the modern ones though,” he absentmindedly replied, still focused on the console screen. 
“Wait, Doctor! I want to see them,” she spoke up. “The bird relatives or whatever they are, I mean.”
He cheekily smiled looking up from the screen and at Rose. Rose, who was fearless as ever. 
“Quite right,” he gave her that signature crooked smile of his that made her melt. “Even further back then, 150 million years ago. Late Jurassic period, Rose, further back than we’ve ever gone before!”
He was right. It was the furthest back they had ever gone. Further back in time than any human, apart from Rose herself now had ever been. The trees were absolutely massive, and all had what Rose could only describe as fern-like qualities. The sky was bluer than she had ever seen it during their travels across various times in Britain, and she had never breathed cleaner air. 
“That, Rose, is the earliest ancestor of your modern birds. It’s called an Archaeopteryx.”
Rose had met a lot of unfamiliar and uncanny creatures during her time with the Doctor, but this one by far had to be the most interesting. She watched attentively as the bird elegantly soared above their heads, gliding from tree to tree, hand clasped to the Doctor’s slightly nervous of any unknown dangers that may be lurking in the foliage surrounding them. It was a fairly small bird, not much larger than the average bird she’d see flying around London in the 21st century, but it was undeniably beautiful. Its short legs ended in clawed feet made for perching on the tall trees of its time, and its tail was decorated in the most brightly beautiful blues Rose had ever seen that matched its wings, which had the most noticeable difference from 21st-century birds. Unlike the birds Rose was familiar with, this one ended with long, spindly claws, making the bird appear as though its feathered wings were merely decorative sleeves it had attached to its arms. Its head though was long, with a relatively large and pronounced beak, forming a nearly perfect triangular shape with its vertices slightly rounded, that housed sharp teeth she had never seen on a bird before. The Doctor had been right though, it was undeniably a bird. 
“So where exactly are we right now? I mean what country would this be in the 21st century?” Rose asked, still staring at the bird, seemingly unphased by their presence.
“150 million years from now, this is Central Europe. We’re more or less standing in Germany right now,” he answered, eyes solely on Rose as she awed at the creature. 
“And where are the T. Rexes I was asking about earlier?”
“Not around yet. Archaeopteryx predates T. Rexes by about 80 million years, give or take a couple million.”
“So what came next then, if not the T. Rex? How did this become a pigeon?” she asked, finally meeting his eyes.
“Well why don’t we have a look?” he said smiling, cocking his head towards the parked TARDIS.
They walked hand in hand back to the TARDIS where the Doctor swiftly made work of the console and sent them a few million years closer to Rose’s time. In hardly any time at all, the TARDIS landed. 
“Welcome, Rose, to the Early Cretaceous Period. Congratulations, you’re the only human to have seen the Jurassic Period and lived to tell the tale,” he announced, ceremoniously opening the TARDIS doors.
Rose stepped out to see what looked quite similar to the Jurrasic period they had just seen. There were more fern-like plants, and the trees differed slightly, trunks and leaves slightly thicker than their predecessors. 
“This is now 129 million years before your time. And that,” he said pointing to a new creature “is Confuciusornis, in the flesh. Or rather, feathers. As you probably could’ve guessed by its name, we’ve now landed in what would be modern-day China,”
Once again, Rose thought, it was undeniably a bird. It was slightly smaller than the previous one and bore quite a few differences. Unlike the Archaeopteryx, this new creature had two thin tails, each bald except for a few short feathers at the ends. Its head and clawed wings were relatively similar to both the Archaeopteryx of the Jurassic period and the birds of her own time. This bird, however, had beautifully white feathers dusted with shades of pale yellows, oranges, and blues. 
Not far off in the distance, a twig snapped, sending the poor bird flying away in fear. It was then that movement caught Rose’s eye as another creature moved into view, out from behind a tree. Now this creature was truly and utterly unlike anything Rose had ever seen. It was small, no bigger than a house cat or smaller dog, but it looked much more like the kinds of dinosaurs Rose had seen in films and television shows. It walked on two muscular, but short hind legs and had two even shorter arms, resembling a sort of mini T. Rex, with a tail that was about its own length and a half. What Rose found the most shocking though, was the feathers that coated its body head to toe, nose to tail. They looked nearly identical to those of the bird that it had scared off just moments before but with a distinct deep orange color mixed with patches of white. 
“Doctor, what on earth is that?” Rose whispered nervously. 
“Oh, that’s a Sinosauropteryx, how brilliant! It’s not a bird, but it does have feathers like one, and it is in fact a dinosaur. A few non-avian species, like this one, had feathers but none of them survived beyond the Mesozoic era. Right then, best be off so we don’t disturb it. Besides, we haven’t even gotten to the exciting stuff yet.”
It was a much smaller jump this time, only 5 million years into the future, and still in what would eventually become China. The Doctor explained to Rose the late great species of the Caudipteryx as they walked out of the TARDIS. 
“It’s a bit larger than the ones we’ve seen so far, at least a meter tall. Quite funny looking to be completely honest with you, but brilliant nonetheless, Rose.”
He was right, it was taller, and it walked on two long and sturdy hind legs. It reminded Rose of something like a turkey, except with the head and neck of what she thought a proper dinosaur ought to look like. It had a long tapered tail decorated with an elaborate fan of feathers at the end of it. The feathers that covered its body were dull shades of browns, but Rose thought they complimented the odd bird nonetheless. 
“You know, I’ll never get tired of this. Seeing all these things, with you,” Rose smiled at the Doctor standing by her side. He returned the smile, about to speak when something caught Rose’s eye.
“Oh my god! Doctor, it’s a bird. An actual proper bird and it’s chirping,” she said, wide-eyed and staring just beyond his head. 
“Oh, that’s a Sinornis,” he announced, upon directing his attention to the small bird perched on a nearby branch. “Almost a Cenozoic bird but still not quite yet. Sort of a transitional species.”
Rose watched attentively as the Doctor stuck his arm out and whistled to the bird. The bird, for the first time, seemed to notice their presence before curiously flying over to him and perching on his hand. It was the smallest bird they had come across so far and was about the size of a pigeon standing at only a few inches. Rose however, thought it looked a bit more like a sparrow, only with a much thicker beak.
“It’s a close relative of the Archaeopteryx that we saw earlier, and if you look closely, it has those same claws on its wings, just a bit smaller. Look there,” he said, holding it closer to Rose and carefully exposing the underside of its wings tucked into its side. He was right, the three claws at the end of its wings were there just as they had been on all the others they had seen. Rose reached out and gently petted the small animal. It leaned into the touch briefly before it finally flew away and back into the trees. 
“Come on now, back to the TARDIS. How do you feel about digging out your winter coat for a short trip?”
“Why? Where are we going?”
The Doctor allowed the TARDIS to linger for a bit on the way to Antarctica, 6 million years into the future from where they’d previously been. He and Rose took to the various wardrobe rooms aboard the TARDIS as they fished out their warmest winter gear. According to the Doctor, Antarctica wasn’t anywhere near as cold as it is in the 21st century, in fact it wouldn’t even be frozen, but it was still the south pole nonetheless, and would certainly be chillier than Rose’s London. 
To Rose’s surprise, not only was Antarctica not frozen, but it was thriving with life. There were actual plants and animals as far as the eye could see, and quite a diverse group of them too. Her and the Doctor had only made it a few steps out of the TARDIS when something suddenly landed a few feet in front of them. Rose had hardly even had the time to register the odd animal before it did the most unexpected thing. 
“Doctor,” she whispered under her breath in an attempt to not startle the creature. “Did that thing just quack at us?”
“It did!” he whisper-shouted. “That Rose, is a Vegavis. Isn’t it brilliant?” He was carefully approaching it now. Attempting to get a better look. 
“Doctor, that’s a duck.”
“Not a duck exactly, just looks like one. And quacks like one. But not a duck. Look, it has bigger wings than a Cenozoic duck.” He carefully reached out and gently lifted the bird's wings, extending them out for Rose to see as well. They were long, and its feathers were neither as colorful nor as slick as a ducks, but apart from that it had a similar shape and sound. 
“Does it swim like a duck?”
“Oh yes! That’s why their wings are so long, good for diving and gliding through the water to catch food. Right now, back in your time, 2006, there’s a group of archaeologists that just discovered a Vegavis fossil for the very first time in human history a few months ago. They haven’t told the public yet, haven’t even thought to call it a Vegavis yet. They won’t know much about it for a while, but by the time you're about 30, they’ll have figured out just how similar to a duck it really is,” he said, looking at her with that smug smile of his.
“So you mean, I’m sort of like the first human to know what a Vagavis is?” she smiled back at him.
“Something like that.”
They’d spent a few more moments watching the Vegavis from a distance before finally deciding to head back to the TARDIS, this time with the Doctor’s promise that a T. Rex would be at their next stop. As the TARDIS drifted off into the future, she and the Doctor made their way back into the wardrobe room to shed their thick, warm layers and put on something a bit more suited for relatively temperate weather. 
“America, Rose, in the summertime. Plenty of sun to soak up while we’re there, no need for coats and what not.”
The Doctor had set the TARDIS’s coordinates to roughly 68 million years prior to Rose’s time, somewhere in the North West United States, up near the Canadian border. The more-or-less modern Wyoming-Montana area he had told her. 
In just a few short moments, the TARDIS had gently touched ground, and finishing up their final touches on their respective outfits, they made their way out of the TARDIS and entered the world of the Late Cretaceous period. In all of Rose’s time spent with the Doctor, she had seen an immeasurable number of absolutely magnificent things, although she could definitely count quite a few of them that she had seen in just that singular day alone, but this was like nothing she had ever seen in her 20 years. 
The sun was beating down on wide, long grassy fields that stretched out in every direction as far as her eyes could see, and although there were a bit fewer trees in this part of the world compared to some of the other places the Doctor had taken her to see that day, there were more animals leisurely grazing the fields than she could’ve ever imagined possible. Some of them were absolutely massive, their heads, reaching the treetops as they lazily munched on leaves pulled straight from the highest branches. Others, much smaller, zooming past her legs in the tall, swaying grass, hardly reaching the height of her knees. 
Almost immediately, she realized the Doctor had kept his word, and there were a few of the strange looking animals that she could vaguely recognize and name herself without the help of the Doctor’s vast bank of knowledge. She could see T. rexes, running through the fields, some of them play-fighting with one another like they were a couple of stray dogs she'd see running through the streets of London, forget the fact that each one looked to be about the size of the Powell estate. A bit closer to where her and the Doctor stood, and only slightly smaller than the T. rex, she could see quite a few Triceratopses, each distantly spaced away and seemingly ignoring one another, their majestic crowns and massive horns looking even more colorful and spectacular than any picture she’d ever seen them depicted as in books and films. 
Aside from those two, there were definitely a few that she couldn’t necessarily name off the top of her head, but they were certainly the type of dinosaurs she’d had in mind when the day had begun. Each longer than they were taller, with their bulging muscles and hunched backs. However, now that her eyes had been trained for it, she noted that there were in fact birds. More birds than she had seen in all the times and places she had been previously that day and they were everywhere, far outnumbering the T. rexes, and the Triceratopses, and what the Doctor had helpfully reminded her was a Brontosaurus. They came in every size, and every shape, and every color she could’ve possibly thought to imagine, and they were so undeniably bird-like, now looking like an odd mixture between the birds she knew from home, and the archaic ones the Doctor had introduced her to throughout the day.  They had their wings, and their tails, and their feathers, and beaks. She was in absolute awe.
“There’s just so many of them,” she said, staring out at all the animals in front of her and around her, shock on her face.
“Well of course there are, Rose. Why’d you think they’re the only lineage of the dinosaurs to have survived. Each and every animal serves an individual purpose, a niche. Look at those T. rexes, and the Gryposaurus. Sure, they’re big and scary, but that’s limiting. It’s like the sharks and whales, and tigers in the Cenozoic era. They’re already at the top of their ecological pyramids, so confined by their environment’s expectations of them, although you humans definitely don’t help much either, but I digress. My point is, Rose, they have nowhere to go from the top but down.
“But these birds, Rose, these brilliant, beautiful, magnificent birds, they are putty in the hands of the world. Look at how diverse they are, each and every one of them unique in their own right. Not just these here in front of us, but each and every single one we’ve seen today. For a brief period of time, after the asteroid hits, the Earth becomes a sort of biological wasteland, but those that survived did so because they adapted. They had purpose, niches to fill, an entire world to repopulate. You humans go on and on and on bickering and arguing and going to war over diversity and differences, but this Rose, this is nature. This is life. ”
They had spent more time there in Montana than they had in any other place they had visited that day. The Doctor introduced to Rose and taught her about the Pectinodon and the Anzu and Archeroraptor as they freely wandered through the fields alongside the dinosaurs, occasionally stopping to look at a rather interesting tree or foliage that wasn’t being occupied by an animal at the time. By the time they’d made it back to the TARDIS, although still light out, the sun had already disappeared beyond the horizon, and Rose was right and proper knackered after all the travel. 
“Thank you,” she sighed into the Doctor’s shoulder as she tightly clung to him as he sent the TARDIS into the time vortex to drift while they rested. 
“What for, Rose?” he dryly laughed as he returned the hug once his hands had finished with the console. 
“For today, for everything. For just being you.”
They stood there for a moment, just enjoying one another's touch and their oh so rare moments of peace with one another.
“Right, off to bed, before you fall asleep standing here in the console room like a horse,” he said, both of them laughing as they finally let go of each other, Rose off to her bedroom, and the Doctor left to pass the time until his most beloved companion was rested and ready to set off on their next adventure together. 
Sources for Further Reading if you're interested: https://archive.org/details/dinosaurs-that-didnt-die
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sunshine-cult-unhinged · 10 months
Here is the entirety of the "Mad scientists more like sad scientists" fiasco in the cult. A Roleplay thingy that grew on its own. I thought it was fun so here is all of it :)
(it grew naturally from a joke, so excuse the often tone changes)
People involved: @crystallized-crow @kandibeetle @local-tragedy17
(Necessary Knowledge: Corvidae was telling Kyle about the effects of radiation, which led him to make a joke about radiation pancakes, thusfar creating the image that would be Carnis' doom.)
Kyle: hey carnis..... eat the yummy pancakes....... I promise your bones won't glow afterwards......
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Carnis: ooh tasty. Those look so yummy, Thank you!
Carnis: These taste like radiation! 😟
Kyle: yummy yummy!!!
Corvidae (Dr Radiation): I am frankenstein and you are my monster. with the information i have given you, you poison my best friend.
Kyle: but don't you know, Frankenstein is the true monster himself?
Corvidae (Dr): i have been well aware all this time
Kyle: Am I wrong for using the knowledge you have gifted me in the way you described it?
Corvidae (Dr): yes, yes you are. I was describing a theoretical- cautionary tales.
Carnis: Its ok guys haha im oka☢️☢️☢️ what was thay.
Kyle: you taught me, with words of death and poisoning, and you're upset when I only understand it in that way?
Kyle: But if I did not grasp that the tale was cautionary, is it really my fault? Did you clearly describe that I am not meant to do the things you have taught me?
Carnis: Guys dw about me being irritated is kinda fun
Kyle: your bones will rot soon.
Carnis: My b🦴ones! owie!🤣
Corvidae (Dr): i had assumed that you had a firm grasp on morality, common sense, and logic- yet i was wrong to do so.
Kyle: You use the metaphor of Frankenstein and his creature, and yet you treat me like I will understand everything but what you have taught me. The creature was just a child who didn't know the world, as I am.
Corvidae (Dr): and yet, frankenstein- whilst controlled by hubris- victor was just a man, as am i. mortal as flesh and blood can be.
:this is when I started talking about mpreg ("I FORGOT I WAS GOOGLING MPREG"):
Kyle: he was a cruel man- a child himself. He had no right to dabble in his hubris, he was immature and he did not deal with the repercussions of the child he created. He was a man, yes, but man is inherently evil.
Kyle: STILL, VICTOR WAS SELFISH AND ABANDONED A CHILD WHO KNEW NAUGHT OF THE WORLD, OUT OF FEAR. and while that's what man has always done, it doesn't make it right. He should have protected the outcome of his hubris.
Corvidae (Dr): THE HUMAN NATURE IS NOT SOMETHING I CAN CONTROL. if we are inherently evil, should we fight our nature? am i out of control in your eyes? DO YOU THINK I HAVE LOST IT, KYLE??
Kyle: YOU ADMIT WE ARE EVIL YET ARE SHOCKED AND UPSET WHEN I AM EVIL MYSELF. Being evil is human nature, yes, but it can be changed. It SHOULD be changed. I learn of evil, I am of evil, but you are surprised when I act of evil? Why should we NOT fight this hurtful nature. Why should we not change? And yes In fact, I feel you are spiraling out of control. Talk of human nature then reject it. you have lost it. (I feel as this made no sense)
:we compare this argument to Laplace's angel:
Corvidae (Dr): AND YES, yes kyle. YOU WOULD BE RIGHT! I, DOCTOR CORVIDAE RADIATION, HAVE LOST MY MIND! if you believe that i, considering you wrong for poisoning my best friend- corrupting flesh and blood that is mine as it is his means i have spiraled out of control, GET ME CONSOLE! GET ME CONTROL!! justify your actions to me one more time and i will require restraints- i am hysterical.
Kyle: So you admit that you feel that human nature is to be evil but it is wrong to be so? That I, myself, am wrong for acting on the knowledge that YOU gave me? In a funny way, it's almost like YOU are the one that poisoned your friend. If I had never known these truths of the world that must I remind you, I learned from you, doctor-- nothing would have happened to Carnis. I understand why you are upset and I am glad you shared your ugly, beautiful, knowledge with me--but I feel that this is more your doing than mine. Who are we, if not who we come from? Become hysterical, I don't care. It will just prove that you not only hurt Carnis, and not only me, but also yourself. You're the truly corrupted one in this situation, doctor.
:E:"What's happening" C(Dr):"we are committing to the bit" S:"you are committing to BIOLOGICAL WARFARE!!":
:Carnis Joins the Moral battle:
Carnis: Is it even a bit anymore? The radiation has begun to leak into my soul, what once glowed a soft blue now shines a sickly green
Kyle: YOU CORRUPT ME, AND ARE UPSET WHEN I CORRUPT SOMEONE, JUST AS WHAT HAD BEEN DONE TO MYSELF. WHILE, YES, YOU NEVER INTENDED TO HARM CARNIS, FLOR WAS HARMED BY YOUR KNOWLEDGE. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND THAT I WASNT MEANT TO HARM IF IT WAS NEVER TAUGHT TO ME? I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE A VICTIM, MY GOOD SIR, BUT I DO CLAIM TO BE INNOCENT BY ASSOCIATION, JUST AS I AM GUILTY. Who is to say who is right and wrong here? None of this could have happened without you, just as it couldn't have happened without me. I do not claim to be innocent, but you cannot claim that either. We are both guilty, and we are both innocent. These two statement do not conflict as much as you are making it seem to be. Who is to say Carnis himself is not guilty, for partaking in the pancakes?
Corvidae: .
i will say this only once, and i will not say it again. if you insist that carnis is not innocent one more time, i will harm you.
Kyle: Then harm me. Harm me just as you have harmed your dear friend. No one here is innocent.
*I slam my fists against the cold, marble table insistently.*
Kyle: *I take a step back, shocked by your impulse.*
You did, Corvid. You hurt him and you continue to
hurt flor by not accepting the truth-- you are forsaking his pain
Carnis: Maybe i am guilty, i understood the dangers of consuming the pancakes, yet a voice in my head cheered me on to take a bite, just a small bite of the irradiated meal. i am not innocent, but neither are you, and neither is kyle. i believe we all have blame to take.
Corvidae (Dr): CARNIS PLEASE. don't let him blame you
Carnis: I am not letting him blame me. i understood the implications of eating the pancakes, of biting the forbidden cake.
*I put my head down and tap my foot*
Kyle: Thank you for understanding, Carnis. I am sorry that I have helped harm you, influencing your death. The pancakes were my idea
Carnis: It is ok. In the end, I died by my own fascination, as curiousity kills the cat. I dont blame you. You were curious, just as I.
:R: "What is this.why are you guys rping the second coming of adam and eve what.why is there a forbidden food":
Corvidae (Dr): *i erratically step forward, tears in my eyes. i shake as if infected with ferocious rabies.*
Corvidae (Dr): *i, distraught, violently step further, tears and anger filling my eyes-shouting in your face all the while.*
Kyle: *I stay calm, looking you right in the eyes.*
You have no reason to yell. I see, I see. You are blinded by your own pain. I see, and I understand-- but I do not condone. You call me a selfish monster-- which is only a reflection of yourself. You can't bare to accept that you took part in the harming of your dear friend. You refuse to take the blame and put that on me. I DO accept that I have a part in this. I AM to blame-- but you are just as wrong here as I.
Corvidae (Dr): *my eyes soften, as i turn to face you- the anger burning in my teeth quickly dissipating.*
I- sure.
Kyle: By god, we've both been too blinded too selfish-- to listen to the one hurt here. We should... we should listen to Carnis.
*I take several steps away from Corvid, allowing my face to relax.*
Carnis: Thank you.
*I scan the room, staring at you both with tired eyes. I was tired of the yelling.*
You have both had a part in this, but please, please know that i am not upset. I am scared, yes, but I do not feel anger at either of you. All i ask is to please make my death worthwhile? Don't let me go as just another victim of radiation.
Kyle: And how can we honor your life and death, dear friend?
*I look down at the floor, not wanting to face the truth. I hold hands behind my back, with an expression of guilt in my eyes*
Carnis: I give you both full permission to take my body and use it for science. Experiment, dissect, study.
Kyle: science... is that what will make death worthwhile, in your eyes?
Carnis: I believe so. And if you cannot bare to dissect a friend, then take me to somewhere where the radiation will not be a harm, and lay me in the ground.
Corvidae (Dr): *i look back, swallowing my pride as tears roll down my face. the near-feral anger is now completely gone from my eyes as i cover them with my hands.*
carnis- if... if that's what you want, i-
*the tears begin to further fall as i begin to choke on the pride i'd swallowed. i attempted to speak, yet nothing would come out.*
Kyle: perhaps we could... find a way to help others who may suffer the same fate as you.
Carnis: Yes! Yes that's it! That would be an honor!
*I grab you and corvids hands Of course, it will not take full effect for a while. Perhaps we could spend some time together before I pass?*
Kyle: I would like to apologize to you, Doctor. For blaming you, and hurting your friend. I never wanted to do harm I... don't know what I was on with...
*I look up, and hold out a steady hand.*
Can you ever forgive me?
Corvidae (Dr): *my hand shakes. i try to forgive you- to move on- yet my body refuses to give. i cannot make myself move my hand*
Kyle: I... I understand. I am sorry nonetheless.
Corvidae (Dr): *I shake further. I can barely keep it together*
Please... I would like nothing more than to spend your time with you.
Kyle: That sounds... wonderful. I would love to spend your last moments with you. Thank you forgiving us both, despite what we have done. I am sorry it had to end this way.
Corvidae (Dr): *with my last, hyperventilated breaths, i continue before completely breaking down.*
...it was never meant to go this way.
:S:"this was originally about green pancakes howd this happen":
Kyle: *I look away from you*
I feel the same. I don't know how this truly came to be.. Maybe no one is to blame.
Carnis: Its alright. I don't want to spend my last moment in misery, I want to spend them side by side with those I care about.
Kyle: What can we do for you, dear friend... to honor your happiness.?
Carnis: Go for a walk with me. Just a small one, out in the forest or somewhere where the sun is beaming down, then we can go for a snack, perhaps.
Corvidae (Dr): *they wiped their eyes.*
that. that i can do.
Carnis: The both of you, come with me.
Corvidae: *i follow- appearing malcontented yet swallowing back the anger i felt.*
Carnis: Lets go. Corvid, I know its hard but please try to forgive Kyle for me. I don't want to know my two friends are being split apart.
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thegreymoon · 1 year
Till the End of the Moon
Listen, you don’t understand.
I mean, this is pretty and all, BUT I WAS ROBBED OF THE SLAUGHTER.
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Anyway. His gorgeous face is always a good consolation prize. 
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The cutest smile 🤗
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Still not aboard this ship, but this is a nice step in the right direction.
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Aww, baby activated the happy spell 🤗 
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I think that you too need a visit from a couple of crows. 
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Here for moar pretty men 😋
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Oh, shut up, the whole lot of you.
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1. First of all, they weren’t even doing anything scandalous. 
2. Second, you both barged in without even bothering to knock. 
3. Third, they are fucking married. 
God, you’re annoying 😑😑
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1. First of all, shut up.
2. Second, what licentious act??
3. And even if it was licentious, she was doing it with her own goddamn husband! 
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This is shaping up to be a nice hateship too 😋
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OMG, it’s addictive! 
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LMAO, I love her 🤣🤣
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Yes, sister, make him strip and let us watch! 😋
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24 for the ask game, for any para of your choice!
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[ ASK GAME ] || Thank you! I'll be doing both Calypso & Salem, since both are on my mind rn lol
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24. Tea or coffee? How do you take it?
Calypso: Neither! I'm too hyper for coffee to make any major difference, and I think tea tastes gross. Except for iced tea. Does that count?
Salem: Coffee is disgusting. I hate it. It tastes terrible and makes me feel worse. Tea, on the other hand, is my friend. My comrade. Brother in arms. I like to drink it with Ms. Parker and MJ when they visit. I prefer mine sweet, with cookies or other treats. I...have a bit of a sweet tooth 😅
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ryderdire · 11 months
Anyways I’m joining the mommyclan desgin fight!
My preferences! (Feel free to pick and choose)
Things I really love
I’ve always been a big fan of space themed desgins! Weather it be cartoony space or a more realistic version consolations are a big thing for me too.
Werid freckles. Actually just freckles in general but werid freckles (ie star freckles or little eyes ect) drive me particularly mad /pos
Love me some glowing floaty liquid desgin features (just Not slime?? If that makes sense)
Fun markings! Big fan of markings that are a little silly.
Silly characters ln general
Serious characters are to!
Werid magic augmentations? Like a character with floaty magical hair or werid magic eyes or one very magical/ sci fi feature
Anything fantastical especially dragons
Crows and feathery beasts
When when the family is found
Some other stuff that doesn’t instantly make me feral but I really like
Cosmic beings???
Demonic or angelic themed characters
Things I don’t like
Generally there’s nothing that I don’t like! I DO ask That eye strain Is tagged!
Please note a couple things
1. I’m currently in shcool and finding time and engry to do these is hard sometimes Please be patient with my attacks!
2. Some of these characters mind end up in one of my various stories if your uncomfortable with them being either anything past a background character or even there at all please let me know in the tags or if you must my dm’s
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @kismetkiss ⟭
Satan was honestly pretty excited after a new book he recently bought. It took time to save up from part time jobs, but eventually he was finally able to afford it despite the high price. A book from one of his favorite detective series. It was honestly all he could talk about for months now, so much so he was sure everyone was tired of hearing about it.
However, when he arrived back in his room... The book was nowhere to be seen. His room was messy, yes but he remembered leaving it specifically on his bed for when he returned.
How could it vanish....? He looked around for about half an hour before eventually coming to the conclusion that maybe it was stolen.
That book costed him a fortune so there was only one scumbag he knew who'd do something like this.
Little did Mammon know that Satan was someone who went to great lengths to get revenge on someone.
So the next time he spotted Mammon, he'd clear his throat to get his older brother's attention.
Then holding up a familiar good credit card, and a pair of scissors. All while he smiled.
"It'll start with the card, and then your car and all your other most prized possessions. You should know what I want, Mammon. Give it back." Next time he'll certainly work on putting a curse for annoying brothers to not be able to enter his room without asking first.
"Though, if you end up saying you already sold it then you know what'll happen, right?"
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He was frantic, panicked, absolutely desperate. Like his younger brother, he was on a mad search for something he had lost, namely his beloved credit card. Although, he would swear to the deepest layer of the Devildom that she had been sleeping pretty in his wallet that afternoon.
"Where'd ya go, sweetheart?! Is this 'cause I said I'd use ya t'day, and I didn't? I swear, I was gonna! Ya can't stay mad at me forever!" He whined and griped, tossing every room in the House of Lamentation until — there she was, in his brother's hand.
His precious! His most valuable treasure!
And a pair of scissors, sharp edges poised precariously beside the slip of embossed plastic. Whatever excitement Mammon had felt upon seeing her dropped dramatically, glee turning to dread so fast it nearly punched a hole in his gut.
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"Hey, Satan! How the hell did ya get your grubby little hands on Goldie? Give 'er back!" He growled his demand, but the ferocity behind it gradually waned as Satan spoke over him.
His card, his car and other prized possessions. That meant the rings he always wore, the wardrobe he spent years curating, the consoles he had pinched and his familiars.
He wouldn't dare. Surely, he would understand that his crows meant as much to him as cats did for the Avatar of Wrath. No one with a single functioning braincell would dare to hurt his murder.
"I don't know what you're talkin' about! Sold what?! I ain't touched anythin' of anyone's today, but it ain't like you'll believe me! No one ever freakin' does. How 'bout instead's blamin' me right away, ya go an accuse someone else?"
Then he remembered that Goldie was his hostage, and that he needed to cooperate in order to ensure that she made it out of this situation whole. Hands up, empty and meant to prove he was vulnerable. He wasn't, but he had to do what he could to convince his extremely peeved brother that he wasn't to blame.
"Look, okay. You're mad, and I get it. It sounds t'me like someone snagged somethin' of yours, and ya want it back. Cool. Totally cool. How about I help ya out? I find out who took it, and ya give me Goldie back?"
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Facts about Alban
If Your wondering Why Alban Has a Bad Relationship with polisionalle , well if It was a Shin Megan’s tensei dorm it would be One thing since they are a Persona dorm well.. let’s just say Nintendo Consoles got the Short end when it came to Persona Related Games as in it only got the Spin offs of Person . Its only Now That a Nintendo console actually Got the main line series … after getting a another Spin-off on the Switch . So Polisonalle avoiding Alban as well as Alban disliking most of them actually makes Sense given these facts .
As For in Universe Reasons why , He Got Pinned between Flynn and Rubina on a bus for a School trip and Was Constantly Being Knocked around by Them especially when they decided to Argue and thats when the Bird Shit comment came up.
Also with His Bad luck was put In a Room with Flynn , Apparently polisionalle ‘s Dorm leader takes way to long in the Bathroom and uses up most of the hot water , According to Alban atleast … he also Sounds like “ a Dying Crow “ when he’s sleeps .
Alban doesn’t usually communicate what made him mad . Which Probably why a lot of the School thinks he’s a Ticking time Bomb or Gets mad for seemingly no reasons.
many people don’t understand how such a hot head became the leader of White sector the Calmest Sector of Nextunia .Answer, Geeze it’s like he not always grumpy and angry
Originally , He’s wasn’t going to be allowed in Combat class because of his Anger issues , But I though it would be kinda of a missed opportunity.
A lot of people though that He was some kind of Cold and Shy Boy before Hearing him Speak.
According , To Plutus , Alban dosen’t seem to Dislike his Body and That it’s more than he doesn’t like to be Reminded all the time about being
“ a pipsqueak
Short stack
small fry
A little cutie
little Guy
short stuff
being able to Fit inside( insert small space here ) “
Phera has ask why he doesn’t Try and change his Body through a potion or Something . He answered Kinda makes Sense
“ I don’t see the point in changing my Body to match other’s expectations, If I changed I feel like I’m losing .”
his twin Brother also Don’t like the Idea of Alban Changing his body drastically
“ We don’t want you to become Dumb and Stupid like… Gregory,a Ugly Melodramatic, Weirdo like Flynn or Scary and creepy like The Leech twin.”
this Based off a Scene Hyper dimension Neptunia Vll wher C-sha , Nepgear,Rom and Ram seen a Dream of Blanc getting the mature body she always wanted only for C- Sha, Rom and Ram to say Blanc sounds a lot more Jerkish and Arrogant
Why Do Get the Idea that Alban’s Idea of Handsome and mature is Worse(better) That Blancs .
Alban has Beaten Flynn in gambling , In Bird boy’s Defense they were Playing Koi koi and Alban Made him use Hanafuda cards . He still can’t beat this man at Koi Koi .
Alban and his brothers are said to look “like People from Onigashima or The Land Of Dragons “ instead of European .
Alban has Outrigh confirmed he’s a Monsterblood and was “ born” from Monster Blood Wishes and Desires that he Partially transforms in HDD.
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mason-says-blog · 7 months
As the sun rose over Yelamu, I heard a pair of crow lovers call out
 “Healing is not a gold rush”.
And though I want to deny the very blunt message, they are right; 
recovery is an ongoing journey of transformation. It is innocence and truth within horror and bliss —
Both straightforward requests and meeting the demands of the sky and soil
A deep knowing that whenever I refuse the scraps of black suffering and indigenous devastation, I pierce the veil of ancestral grief —  for all that I have mastered and continue to know absolutely nothing about, I invite you all to dream – may we remain in the warmth of miracles, prayer, knowledge, balance, gratitude, medicine, kindness, and community usefulness, 
I have seen Heavens embrace
and In the age of endings, returned to earth
Using action and fire gave me a new life
 Stillness and water to begin consoling the dead
The two spirits' duty to become columns of compassion and madness
speaking unruly, beautiful truths is not one I take lightly
Glistening long hair, wooden rings, rugged rocks in each pocket, and smooth gold on my neck
All transforming the lead of this world through a delicate process 
Safely bathing in Liquid Metal of emotional harmony 
knowing the old-world rituals offered only to a few
Prioritizing Access over assets so that divine expression can manifest in all I do
Amid times of delusion and lies
sipping nectars of alchemical elixirs
whirling in flames of acceptance
and scorching pastures of self-doubt 
everything that could interest grief-stricken sweethearts 
commands my devotion
both holy and sinful; two parallel spirits, the clown boy and woman warrior
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