#also idk if sleep shorts are actually a thing but i've definitely heard them mentioend in fic before so
aspecbuddie · 4 months
Hiiii Sam 💕💕💕
Buddie + tucking the other in bed
Saturn!! My dude!! This actually isn't the one I told you I was working on but here! Hope you like it! 💚💚💚
The house is silent when Eddie returns home, which he was expecting. His shift had overrun by several hours, and he'd kept Buck and Christopher updated as much as he could, and so had hoped they would be asleep by the time he eventually returned, rather than awake and waiting for his return as confirmation he is alive.
There is a light on, but that's just something Buck does when he knows Eddie is going to be home after everyone else has gone to bed. So that he doesn't walk into everything on his way to the bedroom, apparently. (He's only had bruises from that twice, thank you very much.)
He drops his work bag in the entryway – to the side and out of the way. It can wait until the morning.
Tiptoeing through the house, he silently thanks himself for remembering to shower, change, and grab something to eat before leaving the station. Not only does he not feel like doing any of it now he's home, but he doesn't want to make any more noise than absolutely necessary. Nor would he have wanted to climb into bed with his boyfriend smelling like the aftermath of an abandoned factory fire.
He strips down to his underwear in the hall and slips on a pair of sleep shorts (that could be Buck's - it's too dark to see without turning another light on) that he grabs from the laundry.
There is a dull glow coming from around their bedroom door, so maybe his boyfriend isn’t quite as asleep as Eddie assumed. He pushes the door open quietly – Chris is asleep, even if Buck isn’t – and is about to greet Buck when he stops himself.
Buck is asleep. Eddie can’t help but smile at the sight. This man – his man – has fallen asleep sitting propped against the headboard, on top of the covers. He’s got a t-shirt and sleep shorts on, phone in one hand and a pen loosely gripped in the other, puzzle book in his lap. He has clearly tried hard to stay awake for Eddie’s return and lost the battle at some point.
As cute as the sight is, it also looks uncomfortable as hell, so Eddie allows himself one more minute of committing this image to his memory before he pads over to Buck’s side of the bed and tries to figure out the best way of getting his – frankly gigantic – boyfriend lying down and under the covers without waking him up.
Deciding there’s not really a way that’s better than any others, Eddie gently grabs Buck’s legs and lifts them slightly, trying to simultaneously pull the covers out from underneath. Buck stirs a little and Eddie freezes, silently praying for Buck to stay asleep. It seems to work, until Eddie once again moves Buck’s legs.
“Hrmph, wasgoinon?” Buck mumbles, wearily throwing an arm over his eyes, even though the only light in the room is the dim glow from the lamp on Buck’s own bedside table.
“Shh, just lift your ass up a little and then lie down properly and then you can go back to sleep, sound good?”
Buck removes the arm from over his face. “Eddie?”
“Unless you have other men over when I go to work without you, babe,” Eddie whispers, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead. “I just got back. Get under the covers, Buck. And lie down properly or you’ll hurt your neck.”
Buck makes some sort of noise that may have been intended as words, but ended up as gibberish to Eddie, but does push himself up just enough for Eddie to pull the covers out from underneath and wrap them back around him once he’s lying back down, now with his head on the pillow rather than sat upright.
Allowing himself one more moment of taking in the beauty and calm and happiness of having Buck in his bed – their bed – and wondering for the twentieth time this week just how they managed to finally sort themselves out and allow themselves to have this and be happy, Eddie smiles and turns off the lamp.
He climbs into bed, wraps his arms around Buck (who immediately moves in closer still), and drifts off to sleep with that smile still on his face.
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