#also idk what lou is doin but he's having a blast
rebouks · 1 year
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Bruno: What would you do? Oscar: Don’t ask her! She’s more impulsive than all of us combined. Courtney: [laughs] I would’ve said yes there and then.
Bruno: Psh, I’m surrounded by reckless extroverts. Ivan: How is it reckless though? Bruno: It’s a pretty big deal.
Oscar: Only if you make it so. Ivan: It ain’t like we can have biological kids, is it? They’re handin’ you the next best thing n’ you’re gonna say no? Bruno: You know it wouldn’t be our baby, right?
Ivan: I know, but it’d still be your flesh n’ blood; n’ don’t forget, they said y’could be involved if y’wanted. Oscar: You wouldn’t have brought it up again if you weren’t tempted. [Bruno rolls his eyes, wishing he hadn’t said anything]
Oscar: Look at that lil’ face n’ tell me you don’t want one. Bruno: That’s not the point. Courtney: What’re you scared of?
Ivan: He still reckons he’s gonna end up in the slammer. Bruno: Well, I don’t wanna cause them any grief. Oscar: I doubt you’d have to worry about that, you wouldn’t be a legal parent-.. unless they made you one.
Bruno: I’d make sure they didn’t. Courtney: Ah, that means you’ve thought about it. Ivan: I still reckon y’should talk t’the feds, it’d be a weight off y’shoulders.
Bruno: [sighs] Unlikely. Courtney: You knew more about what went on than these two ever did, maybe you should tell them. Oscar: How much do you know?
Bruno: Not much more than you lot… Oscar: Hm. Ivan: It’s not like y’gotta bring up anythin’ else.
Courtney: I think you’d know by now if they were after you personally, helping them could put your mind at ease? Ivan: That’s what-… Bruno: I’ll think about it, okay? Fucking hell.
Bruno: If you’re gonna try and convince-… Oscar: I’m not. Bruno: I know I ought to help, but it shouldn’t be up to us.
Oscar: If you told me, I could pass it on? Bruno: No, you have a family. Oscar: Ivan would-…
Bruno: I’ll do it myself. Oscar: Maybe you oughta find a lawyer. Bruno: [sighs] A lawyer would tell me to keep my mouth shut.
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