#also if anyone else has done this i sincerely apologise ive just not seen this before
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A Team Effort - Chapter 1
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Well this has been a long time coming. My dear friend @lurkingwhump​ and myself have finally done a collab project. 
This is a promo tag to 5x05. I have written the first instalment and lurkingwhump has written the second. The second chapter will be up in a short while. 
I have take it upon myself to fill in my @badthingshappenbingo​ bingo square “internal bleeding”. 
Please let us know what you think 🥰
Tasha had gotten back to the bunker over an hour ago, but there was still no sign of Jane or Weller. 
“Maybe I should go and look for them.” she suggested yet again. 
“Not yet.” Patterson said, continuing to search on her computer, “We don’t know what’s happened and we can’t have you go missing too.”
“Exactly!” Tasha replied, fear evident in her voice. “We don’t know what’s happened to them… they could be injured… or someone might have found them…”
Rich tapped his nose. “Or… they’re making up from the fight they had earlier?” 
“Wait, they’re fighting?” Patterson asked, frowning. She looked up over her monitor at Rich, giving him a pointed look. 
He shrugged, before mimicking buttoning his lips closed. 
Patterson squinted at him. She was sick of him keeping secrets from her… wait? Why was everyone going to Rich in the first place? Rich?
There was a short, yet heavy silence, before Tasha spoke up. “I can’t just sit here and wait. I’m going to go find them.” she said jumping to her feet. 
Just as she finished speaking, the elevator started to descend. Patterson followed suit, standing beside her anxious friend. 
“There… see. Safe and sound.”
“Or not…” Tasha whispered when the elevator doors opened and it revealed Jane hunched over, her shirt covered in blood. 
“Jane!” Patterson cried, running forward to support her. “What happened?”
“I ah… I got shot… but it’s just a graze.” Jane said limping to the table, Patterson helping her sit down. 
“You got shot?” Rich asked incredulously. 
“I’m fine.” she ground out. 
“Really?” Rich replies in a disbelieving tone. “Because you don’t look fine, because you’ve been shot!” 
Jane gave him an exasperated look. She didn’t have time for his antics at the moment. 
“Where’s Weller?” Tasha asked, saving her from having to answer Rich.
“They took him.” she muttered. She looked over at Tasha. “After we went our separate ways, I was attacked. During the fight I heard Kurt calling my name. I managed to knock the guy out and I ran back to Kurt, but they already had him. He was unconscious… they put him into a black SUV.”
“Ok, ok, black SUV, black SUV.” Patterson mumbled, sitting back in front of her computer. “I’ll try and hack the cameras around the area…” she said looking at Jane, “For now though… go clean yourself up.” she said in a softer tone. 
Jane nodded her head in agreement. Her main priority was finding Kurt and if they knew how bad her wound truly was, the focus would turn onto her. No, she needed them to keep thinking it was just a graze for as long as possible. 
“I can’t believe this! So far this SUV has avoided every camera that we have managed to hack into! I am so sick of not having my actual lab!” Patterson cried, her voice laced with frustration. 
“Ok… so what’s next?” Jane asked, blinking heavily, black spots starting to dance across her vision. She had patched herself up quickly and returned to the others, though the wound seemed to be a lot worse than she had initially anticipated. She was bleeding heavily, and she was guessing she was also bleeding internally. She knew that she was fading fast, but she needed to ignore her own affliction in order to save Kurt. 
Rich and Patterson looked at her, at a loss for words. How do you tell your friend that you can’t find their husband… that there might not be any hope left?
Tasha spoke up softly. 
“There is no next…”
Jane’s eyes widened in disbelief. There was no way they were giving up now!
“We’ve lost him… at least for now.” Tasha continued. “All we can do is change where we are. I know that Weller is strong, but he is still human. If they manage to get anything out of him, we are sitting ducks down here. We need to abandon the bunker. Now.” 
Pain flared in her abdomen, causing Jane to clutch at her side, her eyes falling closed as a wave of dizziness washed over her. Her ears started ringing as the darkness rose to swallow her whole. 
“There’s gonna be a problem with that…” she slurred before her world went black and she collapsed onto the floor with a thud. 
“Jane!” Rich cried out as Patterson and Tasha rushed to her side. Tasha lifted her shirt quickly, inspecting her wound. 
“This is not a graze.” she said, glancing at the other’s in horror. She shared a look with Patterson. This was bad. 
“I’m fine! I’m fine!” Jane breathed, though her voice cracked from the pain. “Look Kur- Kurt is the priority… we have to get him back before…”
“No no no no no.” Patterson cut her off. “You’re the priority. Ok?” she said before pressing down on the wound to try and slow the bleeding. 
“There’s no exit wound, but with this much blood, the bullet must be pressing up against something… an artery or an organ.” Tasha said, looking up at Rich. 
“We’ve gotta get her to a hospital or at least a very shady veterinarian!” Rich cried out, watching Jane gasping in pain. He had never seen someone who was still alive, look so dead. How had they not noticed how serious her injury truly was?
“No, no!” Jane ground out through clenched teeth. “We can’t risk me or anyone else getting caught right now.” she closed her eyes and took a sharp breath through her nose. “We’re doing the surgery here.” she finished, giving Patterson a pleading look. 
“I’m sorry... surgery?” Rich exclaimed in alarm. 
“Ok let’s prep!” Patterson said, not wasting a moment. “We don’t have much time.”
Tasha nodded in agreement. 
“Rich you stay with Jane while we get things ready.” she said, getting to her feet. 
“Hold pressure here.” Patterson ordered, signalling for Rich to quit hovering and actually do something useful. 
He dropped down to his knees, hesitantly replacing Patterson’s hands. He pressed down on Jane’s abdomen, almost jumping back a foot when she cried out in pain. 
“I’m sorry Jane.” he said softly, placing his hands back on her stomach. “You should have told us… why didn’t you tell us?”
Jane forced her eyes open, staring weakly up at Rich. 
“Kurt…” was all she managed to get out. 
Rich nodded in understanding, continuing to apply pressure to her wound. 
Her breathing had picked up and Rich could see her deteriorating before his eyes. 
“Guys!?” he called down the hallway, where he knew the others were prepping in the infirmary. 
Tasha ran to his aid, swallowing anxiously at the puddle of blood pooling on the floor. 
“Oh god…” She and Rich shared a look. Their time was running out. “Let’s get her off the floor.” She bent down and pulled Jane’s left arm around her neck, Rich doing the same on her right. Together they guided her to her feet. 
Jane couldn’t help the cry of pain that escaped through her clenched teeth from the change in position. Gravity did not agree with her. The moment she was vertical, her vision started to swim again, nausea bubbling up her throat. She leaned heavily on her friends. 
“Come on Jane.” Tasha urged. “It’s just up the hallway. It’s not far.”
Jane moaned in pain, though her expression was one of determination. 
“Should you be doing this much lifting in your condition?” Rich muttered at Tasha. 
“Rich. Shuttup.” Tasha warned, though their conversation was falling on deaf ears. Jane’s only focus was making it to the infirmary without passing out. 
They took it one painful step at a time, before rounding the corner into the small infirmary. Jane noted they had already put a fresh set of blue sheets on the medical table. 
They lay Jane gently on the table, Rich moving straight away to reapply pressure to her wound. 
Tasha got to work starting an IV, while Patterson continued to sterilise their surgical equipment. 
“Here.” Patterson said, passing a few packets of gauze to Rich. He opened them silently, placing them on top of the blood soaked bandage that Jane had slapped on there earlier. 
“It’s going to be ok…” he said softly, seeing the fear in her eyes. “Though I still think we should be getting her to a hospital.” he said, directing the second part to Patterson. 
Patterson gave him an incredulous glare. 
“No!” Jane shouted. “We can’t risk it. We do it here or not at all.”
“Ok… ok… I’m sorry. I’m just not overly comfortable about the fact that we are performing surgery in a dusty old bunker with no medical training whatsoever.” Rich replied, his voice rising an octave.
“And I’m not overly comfortable with her getting caught by Madeline and not getting any medical attention at all!”
“Guys stop it!” Tasha yelled. “We don’t have time for this.” She turned back to the freshly inserted IV line and connected it to a bag of saline. “I’m all set here.” she said, moving to help Patterson finish. 
“It’s a good thing we inventoried all of this.” Patterson said, looking at their basic set of surgical equipment. 
Tasha moved off to wash her hands as best as possible, before donning a pair of gloves. She opened some more gauze pads before relieving Rich of his position beside Jane. She started cleaning down the wound with saline, apologising softly at Jane’s groans of pain. 
Patterson finished sterilising everything and quickly scrubbed her hands, following Tasha’s example and putting on a pair of gloves. 
“Rich, can you go and get the ether and the mask out of the supply closet?” Patterson asked, coming over to inspect the wound more closely now that Tasha had cleaned it off. 
“Whatever happens, promise me you’ll find Kurt.” Jane said weakly. 
“We will.” Patterson replied sincerely. “I promise.”
Jane blinked heavily, her breathing becoming shallow. Her head lolled to the side, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head. 
“Jane!” Tasha gasped, shaking her shoulders, trying to rouse her. 
“What happened?” Rich exclaimed, coming back into the room with the ether and a mask. 
“She’s fainted again.” Patterson said urgently. 
“What can I do?” Rich asked. He needed to help. He couldn’t just sit there and do nothing while a member of his family was dying. 
“Get the ether ready.” Patterson ordered. They were running out of time. 
“Jane? Can you hear me?” Tasha called. Jane groaned in response, her face screwed up in pain. “That’s right. Come back.” Tasha sighed in relief. 
“I’m going to give you some morphine.” Patterson said, then we will start administering the ether. 
She injected the morphine into Jane’s IV line, before taking the ether bottle and mask off of Rich. 
“Everything’s going to be ok Jane.” Rich piped up. 
“Just find Kurt.” Jane grunted. 
“On it.” Rich replied. He knew he couldn’t help her here, so he left the room to search back through the camera feeds for her husband. 
“Right… are we ready?” Patterson asked, sharing a nervous look with Tasha. Were they really about to do this?
“Just do it… please.” Jane pleaded. She was running out of time and she knew it. 
“Ok, ok.” Patterson said, placing the mask over her face. It was made of wire, with a hinge that allowed them to put a piece of cloth in between and then clamp it shut. She dripped the ether onto the cloth. “Breathe it in.” Patterson instructed softly. “As deeply as you can.”
Jane grimaced, groaning at the sudden sick feeling in her belly. 
“Jane? You ok?”
She swallowed convulsively.  “Just a little nauseous.” she rasped out, breathing through her nose in short, sharp gasps. 
“You need to breathe it in Jane.” Patterson urged. “I know it’s making you feel sick, but I can’t have you awake for this.”
Jane complied, breathing past the sickness and the pain. 
‘Oh Kurt.’ she thought sadly. ‘What were they doing to him?’
She needed him here. She was just as scared for his health as she was for her own. She was about to have surgery… on her abdomen… in a bunker… by someone who was not a surgeon… or even a doctor for that matter. This was so incredibly dangerous.
She continued breathing in the ether, her consciousness slowly fading away, until everything was black. 
“I’ve found him!” Rich said, rushing into the infirmary. 
The surgery had been a success and Jane’s vitals were remaining strong. 
Tasha looked up from where she had been checking Jane’s blood pressure. 
“Give me the coordinates. I’ll go and get him.” she said, putting the digital monitor down. 
“Wha- by yourself?” he asked, his eyebrow rising in a pointed expression. 
Tasha stonewalled. 
“Why? Are you going to come?” 
“Well… no but…” he stuttered. 
“Exactly. You can’t come and Patterson needs to stay here and keep an eye on Jane. Give me the coordinates.” she said again. 
“You’re scary.” Was all Rich replied, handing over a piece of paper. 
“I’ll see you soon.” Tasha said, before leaving the infirmary. 
Patterson watched after her worriedly. She was right though. What choice did they have?
“How’s she doing?” Rich asked, moving closer into the room. Jane was still unconscious. Truth be told she looked awful. If it wasn’t for the soft rise and fall of her chest, he would have mistaken her for a corpse. 
“She’s holding strong.” Patterson replied. 
Rich sighed in relief. 
“How long until she wakes up?”
Patterson shrugged. 
“I’m not too sure to be honest. She’s lost a lot of blood. I don’t know how long the effects of the ether will last.”
Just as she finished speaking, she noticed Jane’s eyes squeeze shut, a pained groan escaping from the back of her throat. 
Patterson reached for the syringe of morphine and a sedative and injected them both into Jane’s IV. Within seconds, the creases in her face smoothed back out. 
“She should sleep for a few hours now.” Patterson said. “Hopefully Tasha and Kurt will be back by then…” she added trailing off. 
Rich could only respond by nodding. He took the empty seat on Jane’s other side, keeping vigil over his friend. He hesitantly reached out and took her hand.
Patterson gave him a surprised look at the action. 
Rich shrugged. “...until Kurt gets here…” he mumbled, keeping his eyes locked on Jane.
“They’re gonna be ok.” Patterson promised. “All of them.” she added for measure. She only hoped that she was right. They couldn’t survive losing another member of their team. ‘Please hurry.’ she urged Tasha. They all needed to be together again. 
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