#also if it helps at all - i think w2ws are way harder to heal than raids
lifewithcake ยท 2 years
hi! i love your little healer tips or #healingwithcake. would you kindly share some more specifically for whms? thank you!
Yeah I'd be happy to! I'll give a breakdown of my Whm playstyle below. If you have more specific questions please feel free to ask. Bear with me, this won't be brief but it will be general :)
Oops this got sooooo long so I added sections for navigation:
A. General Tips
B. Dungeon healing
C. 8-man healing
Not sure what level you are so I tried to stay broad. If you're below 76, replace Rapture with Medica 2. If you're in ARR... lmk cuz the ARR Whm is very different lol
A. General Tips
Thanks to 6.1's changes to the Blood Lily, Whm is actively encouraged to use its lilies liberally. I even toss lilies out if I'm capped. You get three per minute and you rarely need more than two in a single minute. Use your Blood Lily before healing again!
ABC: Always Be Casting. When you're not healing, DPS! The majority of your time in a fight is spent DPSing.
Prioritize Lilies over Cure 2 and Medica 2. Lilies are on a veeery short 20s cooldown. I throw lilies at the tank whenever I feel like they need it, or I toss a lily at a DPS that ate a mech. Use Tetra to support this, as well. At worst, you need to switch to Cure 2/Medica 2 because people are eating a lot of mechs. When you get comfy with this, I even throw Rapture out when I'm capped just for the Blood Lily.
Use Lucid Dreaming as early as 7k MP. I use it anywhere from 50-75% MP and I keep it on cooldown. This will ease your MP burden by tons. I never have issues with Whm's MP unless you're rezzing a lot. (Thin Air is also a great for MP. Pop it before any of your MP heavy heals: Raise, Medica 2, Cure 2, etc.)
Get comfortable with your heal strength. You don't need to use Cure 1 or Medica 1 to keep the team topped off. Whm especially has many stronger options. Use the fewest heals to do the most. This pairs a lot with Tip #1. As you minimize your healing to maximize DPS, you'll start to see how little healers actually need to... heal.
B. Dungeon Healing
If you have issues with w2w's, mine kinda look like this:
Divine benison before tank runs -> Regen [tank is done pulling] -> Holy (Assize weave) -> Holy -> Holy
From there it depends how the tank is doing.
If their HP is dropping a lot still, I switch into focused healing. Might need Temperance here. I throw Asylum down and start popping Lilies/Cure 2 and weave a Tetra. When their HP feels more stable, back to Holy spam. Reapply regen as needed. You can also use Liturgy here as a beefy heal. Maybe you can rotate: Liturgy one pull and Benediction the next.
If the tank is rolling their mitigations well, you might get away with just reapplying Regen or dropping Asylum as you continue to spam Holy. Weave a Tetra as needed.
In both cases, know where your Benediction is and be ready to pop it. Sometimes it's an emergency tool, but try to get in the habit of it being a planned heal. Let the tank drop as low as you're comfortable to get more value.
C. 8-man Healing (and dungeon bosses)
In Normal content, my first resort for raidwides is Plenary + Rapture, then Rapture again if needed. I'm almost always using Rapture exclusively, but Medica 2 is my first backup in rough situations. (I've healed Aglaia without ever needing Medica 2!)
Asylum is a good supplement to Rapture, or is sometimes enough to heal alone! It has the heal strength of two Raptures, plus it has a healing boost. If you know you'll need Rapture, throw Asylum down first for the heal buff.
Temperance is a heal buff but it's also mitigation. If your team is doing well, I use it as mitigation and then top everyone off with Rapture. If your team is doing pretty poorly, I hold it for when things are going south. (Similar logic for Presence of Mind. Good/decent team? I use it for DPS. Bad team? Faster heals and raises.)
Liturgy is fantastic for any mechs with multiple hits, but in Normal content this is few and far between. At worst, use it before a raidwide and your party still gets a 1200 potency heal. That's normally full HP. (In Aglaia, use it during Boss 3's triple knockback triangle. It's magical ;)) Even if you didn't use it before a hit, use it anyways! Throw it down, pop it immediately, and you get a free 1000 heal. That's an instant Medica 2.
I like to use Assize on cooldown for its DPS/MP rather than healing. Your lilies are there!
Similarly, I'm not usually keeping Regen on the tank because I'd rather use a Lily or Tetra.
Watch for tankbusters and use Aquaveil and/or Divine Benison to help mitigate these. I also throw these on people with vuln stacks before a raidwide hit.
Thin Air + Raise are BFFs. Raise is so MP heavy, and Thin Air helps tons.
Benediction is not exclusively for emergencies, but it's great for them too. Just think of it a large heal, not necessarily a 1 to 100%. 40 to 100 is also very worth it. I often use it right after raising someone.
I hope this helped some. I blasted through a lot of skills very quickly, so if there's anything else I can help with, just lmk! This can be a lot to take in at first, but this will become very second nature to you with practice, and you'll become fantastic at split-second decision making.
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