#also if you have ANY ideas for SQY help. i need help. sdfghjgh
ink-flavored · 6 months
Poetry Collection Plans
been meaning to do something like this for a while!! i feel like i can more easily publish a poetry collection before i finish any of my prose WIPs so i want to think a little bit more about how i'd actually organize a manuscript. here is me attempting to do that.
Planned themes: my personal queer experiences and feelings, celebrating queerness, embracing sex and sexuality, polyamory, gender stuff, breaking down the arbitrary binaries in society, etc. Length: I’d like it to be 50-100 poems, maybe around 70? Structure: Separated by theme or one huge book of poems? I feel like separating them into strict categories (like… gender/sexuality or pre-out/after out or something) kinda goes against the whole point of the book being about living outside of society’s rigid binaries. Separating my queer poems into categories that aim to define their entire meaning is… a little on-the-nose lmao I think that it would be thematically better served as a huge book of poems that aren’t separated by sections. However, that might make it harder to organize from a “which poems go where” perspective. What do I even start with? What order should the rest of them go in? Does it matter? Can I craft a coherent narrative here, even if they aren’t separated by sections?
Fear, Me
Planned themes: my struggles with anxiety/other mental health things, and my journey through recovery Length: Will probably be the longest of my collections, since I have so many poems about this shit. 70-120? Structure: Separated by themes or narrative 1) In school when it was really bad -> recognizing it and getting help -> recovery 2) Anxiety -> recovery 3) Fear -> Me - demonstrates that my anxiety is not who I am as a person, and in fact moving past it and recovering is how I discovered my true self - also like… I am still recovering and managing my anxiety and constantly discovering myself so jot that down 4) A narrative of the poems starting really heavy/dark, and gradually becoming more hopeful, without being separated by chapter/section blocks
The Theory of Love
Planned themes: this is the Life Is Wonderful collection; there is love everywhere in the world, inside and all around us, and it’s up to us to put that energy back into the world by loving ourselves and each other Length: Depending on how many poems I can make fit this theme, 40-70? 100 at the most Structure: Not sure if this can be made to fit a narrative or be broken into sections. Might be better served as a giant poem pile. I guess I can separate it into romantic love/love of the world/loving yourself? 1) In Love -> To Love -> Self-Love 2) To Be Loved -> To Give Love -> To Hold Love 3) There really isn’t a coherent narrative I can follow here tho
Life, Death, and Other Mild Topics
Planned themes: the catch-all collection; I think I want this one to be more about like… my observations of the world and the thoughts I’ve had in my life. How much I love living in the city, my reactions to things I see in the world, grief, heartbreak, loneliness… idk. This one is vague rn Length: I can probably make this one 70-100 poems easy Structure: Separated by sections for SURE since this one will have so much going on in it 1) Life -> Death -> Everything Else 2) Everything -> Nothing -> In-between 3) Big Things -> Little Things (or vice versa) 4) Me -> You -> All of Us
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