#also if you're seeing stuff about abi on twitter - esp that clip from MONTHS AGO presented to look like a follow up to her recent tweets
bogunicorn · 1 year
the conversation that's been happening on twitter and youtube about abigail thorn's stance on gender dysphoria as a diagnosis (i.e. that it's a general term made by cis doctors and is used to gatekeep gender-related healthcare from trans people while the same treatments are given to cis people without the gatekeeping, and because of that, the trans-only nature of gender dysphoria as a diagnosis is a category error that shouldn't exist in any healthcare system) is fucking wild.
because all of the same hypersensitive types of people who absolutely tore natalie wynn to shreds over perceived transmedicalism are suddenly really really cool with transmedicalism if it means they get to scream at a prominent trans woman they already don't like.
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