#also ignore that square shape going twice it was supposed to be diamond shape
its-spring-onion · 2 years
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Drawings i forgot to post in here
Merry Christmas everybody!
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
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;   ---   SHATTERED HILT   /   01
summary: ru’kali survives order 66. cal kestis does, too. while cal spends his days on bracca, stripping starships for parts, ru spends her days earning her protection from the empire in the fighting pits on ordo eris; both do what it takes to survive. but, when a wayward quest and a plethora of owed debts lead cal kestis straight back to his fellow padawan -- a once shy girl turned raging fire -- the pit fighter is left with a choice: leave, or spend the rest of her life a pawn in a game much bigger than her. pairing: cal kestis / original female character, ru’kali lof word count: 2k a/n: i cannot remember the last time i wrote something that wasn’t a reader-insert, and i’m not sure how this will do -- feedback is genuinely appreciated on this, since i know i’m mostly a reader writer! everyone loved ru from her intro to my clone trooper squad, which you can read here! 
Ru’kali Lof startles awake to the sound of three loud, rough bangs on the door to her quarters. 
She wonders bitterly, as she blinks up at the ceiling, if she can just ignore the sound. With any luck, they’ll leave her alone and Ru can go back to bed --
Then, the knocks come again. Louder and faster. 
“Rise ‘n’ shine, sweetheart!”
Ru snarls.
Beneath the durasteel door, she can see the long shadow of someone shifting back and forth in their boots -- immediately, the Mirialan, as she stands and throws herself to the door, knows it’s Atticus. The sheer bombastic chaos that follows the bounty hunter swims through the force to greet her before she even opens the door.
When she does, he’s got an arm on the doorframe and he’s leering. 
Atticus Rex isn’t much to look at, nor is he kind nor smart, but he’s muscle -- his head is shaved in a tight buzz, littered with scars, and his muzzled grin is picked clean with a toothpick that hangs from his lips. 
He smells like day-old ale and sweat.
“Where y’ been, Ru?”
It leaks out of him like a jab. She has to restrain the snarl that threatens to leap across her face. Her attitude is sharp and wants to go straight for the Haxion Brood Lieutenant’s throat. 
“Asleep,” she bites, crossing her arms and cocking a hip as she goes to hit the switch and shut the door, “Do you mind?”
Atticus snorts, hand planted on the frame and forcing the door to stay open. 
Ru leans back, peering into her room, to eye the chronometer hanging on the wall. The digits read 1038 -- it’s late, and she’d finally fallen asleep after she’d managed to quiet down the usual roaring river in her mind. Not an easy task. 
"Get dressed,” the Bounty Hunter chirps, “S’ fight night, sunshine.”
Fight nights were common.
But, fight nights were Ru fought? Those were rare -- and though she’s sure Sorc Tormo would put her in the ring every night if he could, she’s also aware that to the Umbaran crime-lord she’s an asset. A big asset. A big, money-making asset that draws a big crowd and big bets.
Huge bets.
(The exact kind of bets that got Greez Dritus into this mess in the first place, and by proxy his new-found friend.)
Ordo Eris, on fight nights, becomes more like a city than the cold, lonely, terrible astroid colony it really is. The space station fills with scoundrels and thugs from all across the galaxy who traverse the rocky space around the arena’s hub to get a spot around the ring -- Ru eyes the growing crowd, nearly every attendee with credits in hand, as the lift carries her upwards to the top level of the arena’s loge.
Beside her Atticus flicks the smoldering bud of his deathstick down the shaft.
Speaking of Sorc Tormo, the sleaze ball greets Ru’kali with wide open arms and a devious grin. 
“Ah! My prized warrior princess!”
Ru cross her arms and swaggers forward -- the small rope of lucky beads tied to her sash tinkers as she does, knocking against the chromium smelted hilt of one of her two sabers. One is hers from when she was a Padawan. The other is a recent build and it’s temperamental. Using a stolen, mined kyber crystal is to blame, no doubt.
Master Yoda was right -- the crystals are supposed to pick the Jedi. 
Atticus meanders along behind you. Skulking as per usual.
Ru looks out past the arena to the screens bolted up along the pit. Pale blue eyes narrow tightly, the deep scar over her right eye warping slightly as she does. The broadcast is in the lower levels. Some idiot running around on the walls. Plugging wires in. 
A show, for sure.
Ru raise a brow.
“What’s all this about?” she asks, turning to eye Sorc Tormo.
The Umbaran man is eccentric, to say the least. His facial hair runs right down his chin in one fine line, green in color. That same green, punchy and vomit-reminiscent, echoes in his Canto Bight-esque outfit. Large, pompous sleeves and pants that are three sizes too tight. All green. 
He looks like seventy kliks of bad road, honestly. 
Hell, everyone on Ordo Eris does. 
Ru’kali is no exception -- she’s rougher than she was when she first arrived here. Littered in scars and bitter. The years of pit fighting have settled in her stance and though she’s athletic, she’s a rogue brawler with enough crackling, dangerous rage to power an entire Star Destroyer.
Fighting takes the edge off. Makes her feel less afraid. 
“Well,” the lone, pale fingers of the Umbaran curl around Ru’kali’s pale pink shoulders, nails drumming against the diamond shaped markings there, “I am glad you asked, my dear. We have a special contender for you --”
“Cut to the chase, Tormo.”
The egg shaped head of the Umbaran rolls as he steps away, waving off Ru’s evident irritation; the crime-lord gestures to the screen. “He’s friends with someone who owes me a lotta money. He was carrying this around --”
His fingers snap twice.
“Atticus --”
Ru’kali was not expecting Atticus Rex to procure, from the back of his belt, a lightsaber.
And she certainly wasn’t expecting him to hand it to Tormo and for the Umbaran to ignite it, presenting a glimmering yellow blade. 
The Mirialan’s face falls -- anger bubbles up there, warping the navy tattooed features of her face as she steps forward and yanks the hilt from the hands of the crime-lord.
Her lips twitches.
“What?” she sneers vengefully, “Did he pull this from a corpse, then?”
She has seen another Jedi’s saber three times now in this station. Once on the belt of a traveler who’d laughed in her face and waved the blue thing around, proudly proclaiming they’d bought it off clone trooper for drinking money. The second time, on a bounty hunter -- he’d murdered a Jedi Knight for Imperial credits, kept the blade though. The third, was now. 
Ru could only assume the weapon to be another stolen relic, a ground-in-the-dirt memory of her life before Ordo Eris. This contender probably had no idea how to use it, let alone the life this saber had before now.
A laxidasical wave. “Maybe. Don’t care. But! My sweet, sweet, Jedi -- I want you to kill him. Seeing two saber swordsmen dueling... Goodness, me oh my, that will certainly bring in the money, won’t it, Atticus?”
“Sure will.”
And it does.
Cal Kestis is having a pretty shit day.
Not that he’d ever say so -- no, because, sure, it might be terrible and he might be navigating some wild underground dungeon maze, but Cal has BD-1 back on his shoulder and that’s all that matters. 
He’s got a mission, he’s got BD-1, and despite being a little sore, he’s good. All good. Everything’s good. Totally good. 
As he rides the lift to the upper levels of this... place... Cal wonders if he’s gonna eat that sentiment.
The first thing he hears is the chants -- raucous roars of a large crowd. Before him lays a large square space, illuminated by stark spotlights and swarmed with drone droids, each with blinking red lights on their helms to show their recording status. 
It becomes abundantly clear to Cal that he’s suddenly in the spotlight. And, that the itching feeling that he was being watched was correct. 
The redheaded Jedi steps out from under the bay, suddenly exposed to the bright light of the arena. 
Around him on the upper decks are hundreds of people, all clamoring to get a view of him -- the large screens on the sides of the loge show him squinting, raising a hand and grimacing into the light. 
BD-1 gives a worried boowoop. 
“I got a bad feeling about this too, lil’ buddy.”
Suddenly, a holo-projection fizzles in before Cal -- large and tall and to the excitement of the crowd. The man’s appearance is met with a rise in cheers, rolling off the voices of the spectators with thirst for action. 
Sorc Tormo laughs.
“Ah, finally he arrives!” 
The projection waves wildly, spinning about, and Cal watches carefully as this eccentric ego-maniac waves his hand with a grandiose flourishes as he speaks. 
“We had action on how long it would take for you to get here!”
Yeah, well, BD-1 was kinda his priority.
Irritation bites at Cal’s features. The Jedi scowls. His stance is tense.
“And who are you?” Cal calls out, voice rising over the roar of the crowd.
“Ha ha ha! Who am I? I’m Sorc Tormo, baby! I’m the boss of this operation!”
The crowd goes wild at that, whoops and hollers serenading the arena to the tune of the crimelord’s name. A television drone swoops close to Cal’s head and the Jedi side-steps it with a disgusted look on his face. 
“Right,” Cal snarks, “Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
“Maybe not you, but to your friend Greezy Four-arms it does! You’ve got him to thank for gettin’ you into this pickle!”
Of course. 
Cere had made a comment off-hand about the pilot’s penchant for gambling -- not that Cal was any stranger to the concept. Back on Bracca, Prauf had muscled Cal into tagging along to a few card games here and there. And though the redhead never partook in wagering his entire week’s pay on precious metals, Prauf had once or twice. On those nights that Prauf lost -- because he always lost -- there was nothing that could lift the Abednedo’s mood. 
Not even a signature Cal Kestis smile 'n’ pat on the back. 
Cal could use one of those right about now. 
“Yeah, well, once I’m finished with you, I will thank Greez,” it comes out just as cocky as it feels -- and maybe Cal shouldn’t had tried the attitude. 
Either way, when this Sorc Tormo guy laughs and waves his hand, proclaiming, “No, no, my friend, you won’t be fighting me...”
Suddenly, the air becomes electric.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the crime-lord turns on a heel, gesturing to the crowd with the all the practiced cool of an entertainer, “Our lovely little guest will be going head to head with our favorite...”
There’s a crescendo of excitement. Cal notices an uptick on the counter on the broadcast screens -- he realize, quickly, that they’re bets and currently, someone named Fropolo’f is betting the most money against him. Real confidence booster that is. 
“Someone get baby his toy! He’s gonna need it!”
His lightsaber is launched from the loge, and the Jedi catches it quickly, igniting it on instinct as his skin crawls in anticipation. The redhead looks around, eyes cast on the crowds of smugglers and thugs lining the balcony.
The wide angle shot of fear on his face is painted across the rumbling arena’s screens.
Before Cal can bite in a retort, the echo of boots on durasteel begins -- coordinated and rhythmic. Boom... boom... boom... boom, boom, boom.
“You know her well -- a pure whirlwind of rage! She’s pink, she’s tatted, she’s daaaaaaaangerous!” 
Boom-boom-boom. Boom-boom-boom.
BD makes a nervous boo-weeeeeeeep as the pace picks up. Cal swallows, gloved fist tightening nervously around the hilt of his glowing, golden blade. Green eyes dart around the square expanse of the arena, trying to get a gauge on where this opponent might appear from --
“Give it up for our girl...”
Boomboomboom, boomboomboom. 
The roar is deafening. 
Suddenly, the paneling in the floor separates, and from it emerges --
Ru’kali Lof is suddenly staring face-to-face with a ghost.
Her stance, wide-set with double blades humming in a hot white, seems to crack when she finally sees the face of her opponent.
She’s a handful of meters away but she’d know that flash of red hair anywhere.
Cal Kestis.
Cal fucking Kestis.
Oh, this is bad. 
This is really bad. 
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