#also im not a furry i swear....................i guess asdfkjaskfn
lunian · 6 years
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Sooooooo Curse AU? >.> idk how it happened but @sphenodontia kinda inspired me with her designs and stuff asdjkflaf sorry, i suck
University times. Instead of Miraculous powers in canon boys got into a curse of ancient artifacts which were found and presented in Louvre (i wanted to make a comic, but WELL), gave them an ability to transform and sometimes its hard to control and handle it, as well as some kind of animal behavior of cat and snake lol 
Marinette was the only wintess of this accident, so she must keep this secret while they try to figure out how to deal with it and to cure them if its possible. But its not so easy for poor girl because these boys had made her such a mess before all of it, but now its much bigger disaster lmao
Thanks for the leaks, Zag
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