#also im planning a live stream soon on either twitch or youtube
spookyflavors · 11 months
First Video Game Crush: 1998 me was obsessed with this skeleman!
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Old habits die hard ig.
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sofialuu · 5 years
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( chou tzuyu, cis female, she/her ) it’s everyone’s fav, SOFIA LU! they are TWENTY and major in COMPUTER SCIENCE, and the group knows they’re AVID and EFFULGENT, but also OBSTINATE and RESERVED. they’ve got a big personality for the mix, so watch out in the close quarters this summer!
hello there!! my name is evie im 9teen and live in the gmt timezone,, i luv kpop ggs and dylan o'brien lots and im SOoOOoO excited for this roleplay and getting to know all of u!! but anyways,, enough about me bc its time to introduce you to the qt pie that is sofia lu!! if you want to plot (or even just have a lil chat bc why not) pls dont hesitate to hit me up w/ a message on either tumblr or discord uwu ♡
✦*.・゚BACKSTORY sofia was born in charlotte, north carolina and grew up with her older brother known as sebastian lu -- whom she has a great relationship with. with her stern taiwanese parents, sofia has always struggled to live up to their standards especially, when her parents constantly compared her to sebastian -- who is currently enrolled in an ivy league college. during her time as a child, sofia was always that timid girl sitting at the back of the classroom but, she grew up and eventually could feel herself escaping her own shell. she relied on video games as a source of comfort and entertainment while growing up and as a result of this, she decided to become a twitch streamer at 16. she frequently plays games like dead by daylight, overwatch, league (tbh whatever it is,, she has probably played it) with college exams and college in general, she hasn't had much time to do her regularly scheduled streams so, she ultimately went on hiatus. her parents don't understand her hobbies and say they are a "waste of time" and that she should be doing better things with her life -- just like sebastian. even though she feels disheartened that they think so she doesn't plan to stop doing what she loves. she was able to find some common ground with her parents by taking up computer science as her major in dumont. she has always had an interest for coding, the internet and computers in general. she has just finished her first year and shes genuinely excited for what the future holds for her. this summer, sofia has decided to branch out by taking up vlogging and jumping head first into new experiences (kinda like a comeback). shes certain that this is a summer she will never forget especially, with everything she hopes to achieve by the end of it. ✦*.・゚PERSONALITY (and some extras!!) effulgent: due to being a streamer, sofia hopes to brighten up the days of those who watch her -- if thats what they need. she radiates positive energy and strikes to make people around her laugh and smile. this personality trait of hers is what makes it so easy for her to make new connections with people!! avid: sofia is willing to do anything thrown at her. she loves trying out new things!! whatever that thING may be -- she will probably volunteer to go first. she loves creating memories for herself by doing these kinda thing yknoo sdfjkhsdff obstinate: sofia can be opinionated when she feels it is necessary. she sticks to her own view like 1009383% of the time and can struggle to relate to those who offer a different point of view. if she is passionate about something, there is literally no way to change her mind. reserved: due to her strict parents and her life as a twitch streamer, sofia is hella secretive of her personal life (dating, esp). she gets questioned a lot online and has to hide many sides of herself for her own safety. as a result of this 4 year-old habit, sofia can come across as someone who is quite private and closed off. it could take a while to really know who she is. she's hella good at being secretive (or atleast she likes to think that) sofia also luvs memes and dogs,, she will probably be watching dog videos like 90% of the time. bc of her obsession she also brought along her 3 y/o pom called laila cuz how could she even leave her baby behind??? fkldg ✦*.・゚GOALS FOR THE ROADTRIP to share this unforgettable experience with the world on her brand new youtube channel; sofialuu to try new things and find out more about who she is!! due to being bicurious, sofia wants to finally figure her sexuality and maybe find a special connection with someone. (she just recently realized tht o shit i might actually like girls um) actually have a life instead of playing video games and coding for uni projects 24/7
this is just what i have to far,, i hope its okay!! ill add more stuff to her final bio bc ill probably understand her more when it gets to actually roleplayingkldfgk
✦*.・゚CONNECTIONS (this is just what i have so far,, im happy to brainstorm tho!! ill probably have a full connections page ill post in the discord soon for some more ideas n stuff) ex toxic relationship: i thought it would be a good idea for sofia to mayb have an ex bf that she kept secret from every1(especially her parents). the two of them could of been equally bad for eachother,, perhaps it was when she was a senior and not in college yet,, then maybe she hasnt seen that certain ex around the uni but like sees them again after the break up... on... the... road... trip.. i- friends/enemies: since sofia is p sociable now,, she definitely needs friends!! they can be childhood friends or her roommates, tbh whatever u want!! i also think some enemies would be good and v interesting!! tbh literally anything: 4 rl just hmu
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