#also im titleing it using tom cardys mixed messages
kalaidosnail · 2 years
When they were 8 years old, Jonathan Sims watched one of their bullies die at the hands of the Leitner known as Mr. Spider. They found themselves unable to share their experience with his grandmother, instead delving into whatever books he could find to soothe their mind. This led them down a path which eventually found them with a small notebook in his hands, scribbling down notes as he scrambled through abandoned buildings, poking Artifacts with sticks. After being saved once or twice by a disgruntled Gertrude Robinson, they continued to investigate, becoming a sort of ward of many of the Avatars of London. He observed the process of skin burning on many afternoons spent with Jude Perry, trembling but ultimately standing still, wide eyed, drinking it all in. They learned how to spin a baton and balance on a tightrope while Nikola Orsinov clapped delightedly at his efforts. Annabelle Cain herself helped him find closure and peace after they confided in her what had happened with the Leitner. Many others would ask after his well-being, sending them birthday gifts and dropping by with treats the one time they became sick with the flu. Gertrude, reluctant as she was to let a child be claimed by a Fear, helped him forge a connection to the Eye, and taught them how to hide from James Wright, then from Elias Bouchard. Now, they have found a position as her replacement, the Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute. 
   How will they manage to handle their grief for Gertrude, evade Bouchard’s schemes, diffuse political tensions between the Avatars, and wrangle their trio of disconcertingly attractive and devastatingly mischievous assistants? 
Well, for once in his life, he really just doesn’t Know. Should be interesting, at least.
In other words, I've decided to do a chatfic. Kinda. Jon knows how to use a phone, that's it that's the premise.
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sardonic-the-writer · 3 years
cc!Tommy x Reader
━"Keep the change"
━Tw: None
━Notes: Be respectful please. It's just fluff anyways, nothing to get upset about
━Song: "Mixed Messages" By Tom Cardy
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The soft clicking of a keyboard filled the air. Combine that with the steady hum of a PC, and you had the perfect lullaby for a lazy Saturday afternoon.
Inside a room decorated with calming accents sat a young figure, typing away fluently on her grey keyboard.
Their name was (Y/n), and although it appeared to be a relatively minor moment, thousands of thoughts were flying around in her head at speeds only she could keep up with.
You see, (Y/n) was a twitch streamer. A well known one in fact. But instead of your average gamer screaming at pixelated screens all day, she took on a rather unique approach to the well known website.
Ever since she had been a young girl, (Y/n) wanted to help others. But due to her subtle, yet noticeable, awkwardness around people, she had found a separate way to get her voice out there.
At the ripe age of 17, she created an account under the name DontOverlookUs. Cheesy, I know, but it got an unexpected reaction in such a short amount of time. Now, after months of hard work, (Y/n) was finally getting recognized for her strange content.
What she did that made her so different from the average gamer girl, was that (Y/n) would stream a live podcast. Then after finishing it, she would upload the lengthy content to an alt account on YouTube. (Also undergoing the name Don't Overlook Us.)
Most of these so-called "podcasts" were actually just (Y/n) talking about the problems in today's society and providing verbal support to the people. She focused mainly on her generation, which ended up attracting many fellow Gen Z'ers with a thirst for change.
Currently, her most popular uploads were "Boys will be boys; but respectably" and "Eating disorders. Also known as a pain in the ass."
You can probably guess what they're about.
If one had stumbled across these cheesy titles on their own, they might have filed them away as some inspirational shit that the government required high school teachers to dish out. But because of her bubbly and humorous attitude, nearly every teen on the internet knew who DontOverlookUs was.
Networking. It did wonders for the virtual world.
That's why back in the present, (Y/n) was currently finishing setting up her streaming surroundings. (Yes, she did her streams a certain way. It helped calm her anxiety when facing such a prestigious platform as Twitch and YouTube.)
The influencer pulled up her screen, reached for a fuzzy blanket to wrap around her shoulders, and then clicked start.
It took a moment before she started to talk.
"Hey." The woman greeted her screen calmly with a small smile and a tiny wave. Immediately, countless numbers of people flew in, the numerous comments reflecting in her (e/c) pools.
"Glad to see everyone here today." She made sure to do her signature greeting that made the fans' hearts glow with warmth. To them, there was just something so precious yet empowering by the young activist that made them log on over and over again.
"As many of you might know, today's stream is a tad bit different. I notice how you all really seem to like my weird sense of humor when I talk about things, so I figured we could do a stream to get to know me more."
dry_w4ater: Can I be the first question? I love your eyes btw. They're just so prettyyy <333
uwu187: Nice blanket yo. Where'd ya get it
fathotpockets: You saved me from doing chores lol :')
(Y/n) laughed at the eccentric comments. They never failed to surprise her; and most of the time it was for the better.
"I guess this is sort of like twenty questions, huh? And of course you can ask the first question dry water. Fire away."
y0urm0msmushr00m: NUUU I WANTED TO ASK IT
WEt_watEr: *cries in 'I know you aren't talking to me'*
dry_w4ter: What's your favorite colour, food, animal, and why?
(Y/n) took a second to find dry_w4ters question through all the strange usernames and uplifting compliments.
The positivity was not a new thing to her channel. In fact, sometimes people compared her streams to the comment sections in Bob Ross videos. Rarely would you find any hateful words in either of them. It was one of the few things (Y/n) actually prided herself on.
After finally spotting it, (Y/n) leaned back and prepared for her stream to officially begin.
"A good question my watery friend. I would have to say my favorite color is (f/c). As for why-"
And it went on like that for a while. Comments would bombard the comfy girl with questions, a few even donating to get recognized further.
In the sea of query, it was only a matter of time before a particular one caught her eye.
She just didn't expect it to be so soon.
s1mpforg0gy donated $10 Sorry I was late to the stream. George was playing and I had to finish seeing it. You always put a smile on my face. That being said, what's your opinion on the DSMP?
(Y/n) paused mid sentence after the automated voice had read off the donation. There was a clear difference in her expression now. Her face had lit up with a genuine toothy grin.
"Um, well, first off, thank you for the donation Gogy simp. I'm glad I can make you happy." She cleared her throat, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart.
"As for the smp, hold all the questions for now guys. I have quite a bit to say."
StanLee'sFountainPen: all good things i hope...
underURbed: *sips tea quietly*
Heneamn: ooOoooOooooOooO
"Okay, right off the bat, I'm just going to let you know I have, in fact, seen little to no content off the huge fanbase." She chuckled nervously. The chat blew up, in disbelief that such a widely known girl as herself had never even watched any of their videos.
"But! But but but-" She wagged a finger in the air. "-I have been watching this one kid recently. They're these vlogs that he does. I can only describe them as "crackhead energy". But I'm blanking on the channel name right now." (Y/n) tapped a finger to her chin in thought.
hermosas_and_cheese: TOM SIMMONS?!?!?
(Y/N)_MY_BELOVED: Tom Simmons lmao
dreamslefteyebrow: THE CHILD
(Y/n) snapped her fingers in recognition.
"Tom Simmons! That's right! I quite love the channel, I even have it pulled up on my recent watch history. Here."
(Y/n) shuffled out of her comfortable position to shimmy over to her mouse. After a quick screen share and navigating smoothly through her YouTube account, the girls history was up on the screen.
After going past a couple of 80's music playlist videos (which did not go unnoticed by the chat) she reached her goal.
"This was my favorite." She beamed, laughing at the memory of first watching it. It was the Tom Simmons video titled 'I DO THE CRAZIEST OBSTACLE COURSE IN ENGLAND!!!'
"I ended up spitting out my water while laughing at a couple points. The chaotic energy that all of them produced was too much for my sleep deprived brain at three am."
JoinMySiriCult: 3 am gang, ayo-
y0urm0msmushr00m: saaaaame honestly
SubToFoolishAye: L
ReadYouFucks: who didn't spit water out tbh
stanjesus: Meh, Tommy's annoying to me. Too loud and weird :/
"Oooh, really wish you didn't say that Mr.Jesus Stan." (Y/n) snapped her fingers with a sigh. "I actually thought he was quite adorable with his wild energy and all. And don't clip that. I'm just stating a fact." (Y/n)'s voice became more serious towards the end. The chat was filled with suspicious comments soon after.
tellatubysupremacy: *quietly screenshots*
3vilD1shwash3rsUn1te: haha, us? clip that? hahaha
dontdomilkkkkk: >:)
(Y/n) narrowed her eyes playfully at the screen before brushing it off with a smile. Twitch always knew how to make her laugh.
She then proceeded to talk back at the chat for a couple more moments before it began to blow up for no reason.
sleepwhatsthat: THE CHILD
probablypoison: THE CHILD
(Y/n) pulled a face of confusion. Why was everyone going crazy all of a sudden? Well, more crazy than usual at least.
She was about to ask before the automated robot voice cut her off the second time today.
TommyInnit donated $100 A WOMAN WATCHES ME?! POG
(Y/n) blinked once. Was that-
I think it was.
"U-um thanks for the dono Mr. Innit. But you didn't have to give me that much money." She said, heat creeping up her face. Shock coursed through her veins.
What was he doing here?! Surely not watching her streams...
That would be absurd!
TommyInnit donated $100
What are you going to do about it??? >:)))
"Fuck you." She said. But a round of laughter clashed with her harsh words, making sure that everyone knew she didn't mean it.
"Never thought the infamous Tom Simmons would invade my stream." (Y/n) placed a dramatic hand over her heart, playing up the moment to its fullest.
TommyInnit donated $100 Don't act like you don't love me
"Seriously dude! Stop donating so much! Keep your money!" She sputtered out. The situation was overwhelming her a bit. It didn't help that the chat was now spamming things like "SIMP INNIT' and '(y/n) x tommy? pog???'
A small grin creeped on her flustered face however. And a steely glint in her glittering irises told you that she had a sudden idea.
"Hey chat..." She twirled with a lock of her hair innocently, however the look in her eyes was anything but. "Can anyone tell me if Tommy is live right now?"
putdownthe9jamal: YUP
closethegoddamndo0r: YESSSS
Technosuport101: *tea intensifies*
Ermmm: This is going to be all over Twitter later, I'm calling it
"Well isn't that nice." She clapped her hands together before cracking her neck like a bad bitch. Somewhere in London, Tommy was probably sweating his ass off.
Without taking down her screen share, (Y/n) speed clicked her way back to twitch, finding Tommy's live stream in a matter of minutes.
She could see the blond panicking frantically as he watched (Y/n)'s chat rat him out.
"Shut up! Shut up you fuckers! She's going to see me!!!" He laughed loudly. But with the way his eyes were darting around the room, (Y/n) could tell he was nervous about her intentions.
She smiled cheerily while typing out a bit of information into her computer. Seconds later, a purple icon appeared on Tommy's screen with a variety of words underneath it.
DontOverlookUs donated $500 Keep the change you insufferable child :D
(Y/n) leaned back in her chair with a triumphant grin, waiting for a reaction from the boy. I mean, sure. There goes her allowance for the next year, but this is the most fun she's had in a while.
(Y/n) observed as Tommy went silent; a first for him. The chat was blowing up, but neither of the streamers were paying any attention. They just continued to watch each other through their computers.
"I hate you. I hope you die in a fire." Tommy hid his face behind his hands embarrassedly while shouting his words at her. You could tell he didn't mean any of it though, and (Y/n) laughed.
Logging out of screenshare, she redirected her attention back to her own stream.
"Thanks for all the fun Tommy. You seem like a pretty swell person. I don't normally plug a lot of people, but sub to Mr. Innit guys. It'd mean a lot to him." The corners of (Y/n)'s mouth tilted up as she saw all the responses.
HoundDog: DU DU DU DU-
tommys100thsimp: *glances as usersname nervously*
User7: lmao okay
Satisfied with the sudden responses to her announcement, she blew an unexpected kiss at the camera.
"Looks like I'm going to have to go do some more digging on this Dream spm thing. Loved the stream today and thank you for all the generous donations. This'll be up on YouTube whenever I get off my lazy ass to edit. Now go get some sleep or no updates for a year." She took one last look at the chat's sweet farewell messages before ending it.
A strange silence fell over her room as she closed all her recording platforms. Editing could wait, (Y/n) wasn't kidding when she said that she had some digging to do.
Whipping out her phone, (Y/n) flopped on her bed and pulled up Tommy's channel. Funny thumbnails and over exaggerated titles flooded her vision.
With a snicker and a fast click, a lengthy playlist of the child's contents uploaded itself onto her screen.
Wouldn't this be fun.
Subtle Tommy. Verrrry subtle
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Hope you liked this. This was the first inspration for the book, so buckle up. It's going to be a long ride my friend...
A heads up too, my authors notes will increase further through the story, so there's that. Can't say I didn't warn you :)
1517 words
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