joka13 · 1 month
FANFICTION (REQUEST): Weasley Twins x Reader (Hufflepuff Girl) - Unrequited Love - Part 4
You dreamt something magical.
You found yourself casually wondering about downstairs in the Hufflepuff common room. This particular room had always given you a warm, happy feeling, though not today. Today, the weather was grey and rainy outside, and the coldness of it seeped through the walls of Hogwarts. There was nothing to light your surroundings but a faint, clouded glow coming from above. Even the plants hanging from the balcony that circled the center of the room appeared to wilt depressingly.
Cold, dark, and sad. All of these things reflected the feeling that you held in your heart.
You were lonely. For all of your life, the things that brought you joy always drove others away from you. You were torn between two options: having friends or being yourself. You could only have one.
At some point, you realized that true friends would love you for who you are. You promised the world that from then on you would always be no one but yourself... You kept your promise, but naturally remained alone in doing so.
You couldn't stand it anymore. You stopped in the middle of the common room and fell to your hands and knees, weeping. You usually would've let this sort of emotion out while in the confinement of your dormitory so as to not to disturb other students, but you knew you wouldn't be bothering anyone because there was no one to bother. You knew that you were completely, utterly, and now even literally alone.
The echoes of your sobs rang loud, but no one would come running to comfort you. The tears rolling down your cheeks felt heavy, but no one would offer a handkerchief to dry them. Instead, you continued to cry and cry, watching your tears fall and become absorbed into the decorative rug you knelt on.
Then the large fireplace about ten feet in front of you that had been cold and flameless was suddenly bursting with green light.
Your cries were cut short by a gasp. You watched in awe as two identical boys with red hair and handsome smiles stepped out of the green fire. Despite the fire then quickly burning out, the room was no longer cold and dark, and the sorrow that had overwhelmed you only seconds ago seemed to haven't existed at all.
At the same time, the twins cocked their heads to the right, wearing worried expressions as they noticed the peculiar state you were in. They came forward and each held out a hand. You sniffed, chuckling weakly as you took their hands and the boys helped you to your feet.
"Are you alright?" the slightly taller twin asked as the other lifted his hand to wipe a tear from your cheek.
You weren't alone anymore. "I... I am now," you replied.
About every forty minutes, you would cough up petals, and there was a constant, aching pain in your chest. You'd heard of the Hanahaki disease before but never imagined that you'd ever suffer through it yourself. In the morning, you had gone to Madame Pomfrey for a treatment to ease your sudden illness, but the nurse wouldn't help. At least not yet. She promised to give you a cure if you weren't able to cure yourself the "natural" way. And so, you were tasked with admitting your feelings to... Fred and George Weasley.
Ever since your first day attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you'd greatly admired the Weasley twins. They were fantastic jokesters, knowing more than anyone how to have fun. You had viewed them more as celebrities and less as boyfriend opportunities. They were too good for you, and that was that.
But that brief moment with the twins in Filch's office gave you hope. You felt an instant connection with Fred and George (and that's saying something because you didn't often connect well with other people). This was also no ordinary connection. It was one of love. It all seemed too fast to call it love, but the fact that you had the Hanahaki disease was proof that it was full, real love.
Now, fear was the only thing keeping you from telling the twins of your love for them. You feared that your love wouldn't be returned, though not because it would do nothing to hinder the progress of the spreading roots within your body. You knew that Madame Pomfrey had something that could heal you physically, but emotionally? You weren't confident that there was such a remedy for heartbreak.
You sighed wearily as you made your way to the Great Hall for breakfast. You knew you would hate yourself if you didn't confess. If you didn't try, you'd never know if there'd been a possible chance at friendship... or even love. Rejection was the worst that could happen, and you were quite used to that already (at least from any long-term, friendly social interaction you'd ever attempted in the past). You decided then and there that you were going to go for it.
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin
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joka13 · 2 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 29
You don't go to your next class and instead head to the library. You pull a random book off the shelf, sit down at an unoccupied table, and start reading. You've always found comfort in the pages of a book no matter the issue, so it comes as a surprise when tears begin to blur your vision. You quickly hide behind your book, propping it up vertically on the tabletop.
You silently cry, and you wonder why. You know for certain that you're afraid of what Professor Umbridge might do to you during your detention, but that's not all. There's something else that's been bubbling up inside you for a long time, and it suddenly dawns on you that it has to do with Fred and George.
You realize that, ever since you met the Weasley twins, your school life has not been easy. You're always having to look over your shoulder to be sure that a teacher isn't watching you too closely. Your grades are dropping fast. You're getting detention. You lost your best friend to your enemy. All of these bad things have occurred and you know it'll only get worse if you continue to stay with the twins... Yet you feel that what you've gained throughout all of this completely outweighs your amount of loss.
The tears stop falling as you think of them: Fred and George. They make you feel happy. They make you more than happy; they make you free. When you're with them, you don't have a care in the world other than to make them feel as happy as you are. Before you met the twins, all you were concerned about was school, getting good grades, earning the respect of the professors, and whatnot. All of those are fine things, but... isn't this wonderful feeling worth so much more?
It is, you tell yourself, and you haven't been so sure of anything ever in your life.
You then remember the unexpected boldness that had driven you to almost telling Fred and George that you loved them. (You would have if old Umbridge hadn't spoiled the moment.) That boldness returns now as you relish the certainty of your genuine love for the Weasley twins. You quickly stand up, disturbing the silence of the library as the legs of your chair drag on the floor. The abrupt movement knocks the book you'd been pretending to read off the table. (Typically, you hold a much higher respect for texts of knowledge and would never dream of treating one so poorly, but right now you've got your mind totally set on something else.) Even if the truth is so obvious it'll sound silly when you do, you're going to profess your love for Fred and George as soon as possible!
You leave the book and rush to the library's exit. You're practically bouncing with joy and excitement as the words you plan to say to the twins form in your mind. Right as you come to the doorway, you smack into someone entering, sending you both to the floor.
"Y/l/n!" Malfoy's voice growls. Your happy emotions quickly give way to ones of hatred as you look up to see him getting back to his feet.
"Sorry," you mumble out of habit, then wish you could take it back.
"I ought to tell Professor Umbridge about your reckless behavior. You could have injured me," Malfoy sneers as you stand up.
You snort. "Oh, please. Don't be such a milksop."
"You won't be calling me such things once I get you in detention," Malfoy retorts.
You roll your eyes. "Don't bother. I've already got detention scheduled with the pink toad."
"Well, then," Malfoy says, grinning wickedly. "If that doesn't turn out to be enough punishment, I'll just have to wait to make my complaints until after she's become headmistress. Then she could do some real damage."
You raise an eyebrow in mild surprise at this. "What? Why would she ever be made headmistress? If anything happened to Dumbledore, I'm sure Professor McGonagall would be his replacement."
"But something has already happened to Dumbledore." Malfoy brushes past you, lingering too long when your shoulders touch. Your immediate desire is to move away, but now you're curious to hear what Malfoy has to say. "He's gone mad, you know," he half whispers into your ear. "And the Ministry of Magic will soon be wanting to make a... permanent statement about it."
Malfoy's words linger long after you leave the library. Though it's a bit early for dinner (not that you'll be around for when they serve it), you head down to the Great Hall, not wanting to be anywhere near Malfoy. You have a seat by yourself at the far end of the regular Slytherin table in hopes that no one will attempt conversation with you while you think.
Is what Malfoy implied really a possibility? You were upset about Umbridge's educational decrees when they first began making their appearances but also grateful that she didn't have any more power than that. She doesn't have the power... but the Ministry of Magic surely does. Could they really be so set on taking Dumbledore down if only for the sake of the students? Or is there more to it? If they truly cared about the education of Hogwarts' students, they wouldn't have sent someone like Umbridge to "put things in order". What you've read in the paper makes you think that the Ministry just doesn't want people to worry about You-Know-Who... Dumbledore's a very influential wizard, which is why they would need to hurt his reputation if he was wrong. But he's not, and, as far as you can tell, about one third of the public knows it, so the Ministry still has a good amount of opinions to win over... Is this the "something" that Maddy warned you about? Or would it only be the beginning...?
You aren't prepared for it when the intimidating dong of the clock tower lets you know the time: five o'clock.
You scramble off the bench and run as fast as you can through the halls and up the stairs, dodging students and faculty as you go. You'd hate to make Umbridge anymore upset with you by being late.
You reach the third floor, winded and panting heavily. For the first time, as you approach the door leading to Umbridge's office, true anxiety takes hold of you when you really imagine the situation that you're about to put yourself in. You feel sick. Every step closer to the door decorated with an ugly pink bow seems like an eternity, and you want to turn and run.
But you're a good student. You've always obeyed your professors because it's always been for your own good... Is this for your good? You extend a shaky hand toward the door handle...
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin
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joka13 · 2 months
FANFICTION (REQUEST): Weasley Twins x Reader (Hufflepuff Girl) - Unrequited Love - Part 3
WARNINGS: British swearing
"Ah, yes," Madam Pomfrey said in an uncharacteristically happy tone. It was early in the morning and the twins stood anxiously in the entrance of the hospital wing as the school nurse examined the sample flower petal they had brought to her. "Witches and wizards in Japan call this the Hanahaki disease."
Fred's eyes widened. "Disease? This isn't some curse? Or the result of poisoning...?"
Madam Pomfrey shook her head, smiling, and went to store the petal in a small bottle. The twins followed further into the room.
"How does this illness come about in the first pl—" George coughed. A fresh cloud of petals spewed out of his mouth and fell delicately to the tile floor.
"You are going to clean that up," Madam Pomfrey said without looking while she placed the bottle in a cabinet.
George took his wand out, pointed it at the flower petals in the floor, and quickly spoke, "Evanesco," and the petals disappeared.
Madam Pomfrey explained, "Unrequited love. That's the cause. It's rather common, especially amongst teenagers such as yourselves. I see it all the time."
"Common...? It's strange that we are only now learning about it..." Fred half-mumbled to himself.
"Well, you boys have obviously never been in love before," the nurse chuckled. "It's about time. I've been wondering if I'd ever see you in here for it. I shouldn't be surprised that it's taken this long. You're always too busy with your shenanigans to care about such things."
George's brow furrowed. "No... what? Wait... Why are you so cheery about this?"
"Because you need it," Pomfrey replied, wiping her hands on her apron.
"Do you mean love or the disease?" Fred asked.
Madam Pomfrey laughed. "Both. You two need a firm push in the right direction. There is a medical cure for the disease, but I won't give it to you."
"Why not?" the twins exclaim in unison.
"Because I want you to try to use the natural cure. You must get whatever poor girl you have feelings for to admit that she feels the same way about you. Do this within the next week. If you come to learn that the infatuation is not mutual, then come back to see me."
Later that day, the twins had a table to themselves at the back of the Divination classroom.
George doodled a picture of a drooping flower on the corner of his parchment paper. "Didn't Pomfrey say that dreams were stage one of the Hannah-hobo-or-whatever-you-call-it disease?" he whispered. "And coughing up petals was stage three? Now that I think about it, we never went through stage two."
"You're right," said Fred. "Though I'm not complaining. I've never found myself wishing and wanting for chest pains and vomiting."
George brushed the tip of his quill against his cheek thoughtfully. "Wishing and wanting for chest pains and vomiting," he repeated. "That's got a sweet, poetic sound to it, doesn't it?"
"Yes, yes. I'm quite the natural artist, you know," Fred replied, chuckling pompously.
"That's disgusting!" Hermione Granger commented from a nearby table.
"Your hair is disgusting," Fred retorted.
She scoffed, "And you're so immature." She went back to her book and began to run her fingers through her hair self-consciously.
George went on, completely unbothered by the rude exchange. "I wonder... Could it be because this is our first time... being in love?"
"You gits are in love?" Ron, the twins' younger brother, asked. He and Harry Potter sat at Hermione's table, and the three of them stared with curious eyes.
"Mind your own bloody business, Ronald!" George hissed. He turned back to Fred, his expression reverting to something calmer.
Fred spoke as if nothing had happened, though quieter so no one but themselves could hear it. "It could be. I think it may also have something to do with the level of our love and how suddenly it came on. I don't know about you, and I know it sounds cliche, but I'll confidently say that I've never met a girl like y/n."
"Yeah, same here," George said, nodding. "How should we admit our feelings to her?"
There was a long moment of silence between the twins. Professor Trelawney's ramblings filled in as background noise.
"I don't want to admit my feelings," Fred eventually said.
"Me neither. This is probably something along the lines of what Pomfrey was talking about when she said that we 'need a firm push in the right direction'," George sighed.
"She also said we need love."
"But I love you, Freddie."
"And I love you, George. And we don't need anyone else's love," huffed Fred determinedly. He leaned back in his chair, coolly linking his hands behind his head.
Another moment of silence.
George clicked his tongue and copied Fred's relaxed pose, saying, "You're in denial."
"You're right again, Georgie. We also need dear Mum's love. Life's not worth living if I can't have her cooking in it."
"Ah, but romance...," George said, waving his hand in a dramatic rainbow as if to say, "Just imagine...!"
Fred folded his arms in front of his chest like a child with a made up mind. "We've gone without it for this long," he said.
"...A kind, beautiful, mischievous girl who will vandalize public property with you..." George exhaled wistfully. "Someone to be the inspiration for your 'natural artistry'... Someone who will cuddle with you on cold days..." George snuggled up to Fred's side playfully.
Fred laughed and shoved his twin away. "That's not helping paint the picture... It's kinda spooky you mentioned cuddling. I mean, we sure have that twin telepathy thing, but now you're seeing my dreams!"
George gasped. "That's what you dreamt about last night? You're so naughty!"
"It was totally innocent cuddling!" Fred snorted, shoving George again. "What did you dream about anyway?"
"Quidditch. She was my biggest fan in the crowd."
"That sounds nice."
The twins sighed in unison, each remembering the wonderful, though very temporary feeling that their dreams produced.
"George," Fred said in a way that prepared for a bold statement. "Let's make those dreams come true!" He sat up and pumped his fist into the air.
"So the Hannah-banana disease doesn't kill us!" George exclaimed, knocking his own fist against Fred's.
As they held their purposeful stance, both twins coughed at once, scattering flower petals all over the table top.
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin
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joka13 · 2 months
When do you think the next Twins x Slytherin chapter will be out?
Hey!👋 I wasn't in any hurry to do the next part soon because everyone seemed rather invested in the "Unrequited Love" request I've been doing (the following part to that will be my next post), but it has been a while since I've posted for the "Weasley Twins x Slytherin Girl" fanfiction. I apologize to those who have been patiently waiting for me to continue that. Instead of writing requests completely through without pause as I have been doing, I'll begin posting for my main, current story in between posts for other pieces (that is if I am working on anything else). Thanks for asking!❤️
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin
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joka13 · 2 months
FANFICTION (REQUEST): Weasley Twins x Reader (Hufflepuff Girl) - Unrequited Love - Part 2
Night fell over the castle, and, as usual, Fred and George stayed up far longer than they should have working on the next product to go in their skiving snack boxes. Though the twins appeared busy, their minds were intensely preoccupied by something (or rather someone) else.
George had taken upon himself the dull task of reading through library books to get enough information about a certain magical plant, but he quickly found himself struggling to concentrate. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, his thoughts frustratingly continued to drift towards you.
Fred became stuck in a similar predicament, and at one point caught himself stirring the cauldron for too long after replaying in his head the day's interaction with you in Filch's office.
Both Fred and George ended up going to bed early (at least earlier than what was typical for them), though neither of the twins admitted that it was because they were too distracted to work.
"I can't sleep," George grumbled after he had been tossing and turning in his bottom bunk for almost half an hour.
"I know. I can feel you wriggling like a snake lit on fire," Fred chuckled from the top bunk.
George laughed. "Sorry."
"It's no problem. I can't sleep either."
The twins lay in silence for a long moment.
"I bet I can guess what you're thinking about," said Fred eventually.
"No bet. You can always guess what I'm thinking about," George snorted. "It's probably the same thing you are thinking about."
"You're probably right," Fred chuckled.
More silence.
"And... What exactly are you thinking about?" asked George.
"You tell me!" Fred laughed.
"Fine, fine," George snickered. "We're thinking about... that Hufflepuff girl."
"Y/n," Fred sighed.
"Yeah, y/n... I can't believe I've never noticed her until now. She doesn't look like a first year."
"That's for sure."
Both twins chuckled knowingly.
"We should hang out with her," George said.
"We should have breakfast with her tomorrow," said Fred.
"And lunch. And dinner."
Fred and George laughed together.
"Look..." a disgruntled voice said from the top bunk to Fred's right. Lee Jordan sat up and rubbed his eyes, and Fred had to hold back a laugh once he saw Lee's severe bed-head. "I'm happy that you guys have a nice lady friend or whatever... but could you maybe fantasize about her in your heads?"
"We've been doing that all day," Fred huffed.
"Hmm... I don't know if I've been exactly fantasizing..." George chuckled mischievously.
"Then there will be plenty of room for it in your dreams," Lee sighed, irritated. "Just make an effort not to talk in your sleep. I don't wanna hear any of that." There was a fwump as Lee's head made contact with his pillow once again, and the twins snickered in unison.
The twins eventually fell asleep and did, in fact, dream about you.
Fred dreamt he was back home, back at the burrow. He sat on the sofa in the living room, wrapped in a soft blanket. On the side table next to him was a hot cup of tea. It was early enough in the morning that anyone else in the house was still asleep, so it was peacefully quiet. All that could be heard was the faint tweeting of birds outside and the crackle of dancing flames in the fireplace.
All of these things were great, wonderful even, but what made this dream so perfect was the precious girl Fred held in his arms under the blanket. Her head rested on his chest as she slept soundly, her breathing steady. Fred kissed the side of her pretty head, though ever so lightly so as not to disturb her. She smelled like chocolate. She smiled contently in her sleep, and Fred's heart melted. He hoped that this moment would never end...
George dreamt he was playing a serious game of quidditch. He zoomed across the field on his broom, beater's bat in hand, to wack a bludger aside just before it could make contact with his teammate's head. Deafening cheers rang throughout the stadium as George laughed triumphantly. He appreciated the praise, but there was only one person he really cared to hear cheering.
Though the roaring audience completely filled the surrounding stands, George easily spotted her in the crowd. She jumped up and down for him, waving a small Gryffindor flag like her life dependended on it. Her voice was lost amongst the other whoops and hollers, but her beautiful, smiling lips mouthed, "Geor-gie! Geor-gie! Geor-gie!"...
And then, all at once, the twins' sweet dreams turned into nightmares.
Fred closed his eyes and sighed, totally cherishing the happiness that he felt. He had never before had someone like her to love in such a way as this, and he wasn't going to take it for granted.
Suddenly, the wonderful weight of her body leaning against his disappeared, and Fred's eyes snapped open. She was gone.
George grinned like a fool, but he didn't care. He didn't have a single care in the world as long as she was cheering in the stands for him.
But the merry moment was not to last. The bludger that George had previously batted came back for revenge, catching him off guard and breaking his broom entirely in half on impact. And as George fell, all he could wonder about was what she must think of him.
Fred and George sat up in their beds at exactly the same time, choking and unable to breathe for a short while before coughing up whatever was blocking their airways.
The twins sat clutching their chests and panting heavily as they recovered from the shock. Down in his bottom bunk, George eventually reached over the side of and under the bed for his wand.
"F-Fred?" George breathed. "Are you alright?"
"I think so... You?" Fred whispered from above.
"Yeah... I... couldn't breathe... Lumos." The tip of George's wand began to glow and illuminate the strange scene before him. Strewn across the bed cover were light pink flower petals.
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin
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joka13 · 3 months
Hello! Feel free to ignore this, but I was wondering if I could request a unrequited love trope thing with one or both of the Weasley twins! And maybe where the Hanahaki disease exists, and if you don’t want to write that and is out of your comfort that is totally chill with me!!! You can go about with the plot however you like :]
Remember to feel free to ignore, thanks! :D
Hi, there! I'm flattered by your faith in me, haha. I will say I found this prompt very interesting and was thankful for the challenge! Hope you enjoy🫰
Dear reader,
As you may or may not know, I post extensive, multiple part fanfiction stories. I must remind you or clarify that I do not consider any requests I write as parts of those stories. Thank you for reading❤️
FANFICTION (REQUEST): Weasley Twins x Reader (Hufflepuff Girl) - Unrequited Love - Part 1
Everybody likes to have fun sometimes. Fred and George made sure to have fun all of the time. Unfortunately for the school staff, the twins' idea of fun usually involved starting up trouble. The brothers were widely known, even outside of Hogwarts, for their mischievous hobbies. So, any time the obvious results of a prank came about, all heads turned toward Fred and George. That was fine and all with the twins; they were always responsible for every prank anyway and everyone knew it. But then, one day, they were blamed for a joke that they did not set.
In the middle of their Potions class, Fred and George were summoned outside by Filch, Hogwarts' caretaker. Normally, the twins would've given anything if it meant not facing Filch's confrontation, but they even more could not stand the Potions class teacher, Professor Snape (he was more difficult to fool than anyone else in the school other than the Headmaster; they could never have any fun in his class), so they gladly cooperated.
"Ah, Argus!" Fred and George greeted the caretaker in unison as they stepped out into the hall. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"
"Don't call me that," Filch growled. "And you know exactly why I'm here!"
"Don't worry yourself. You already spat at us about that last dungbomb," said Fred calmly.
"Just this morning," George added.
"That's not what I'm talking about!" Filch pointed a bony, accusing finger. "A bunch of fish were found flopping about inside all of the toilets in the first floor girls' lavatory!"
The twins laughed.
"We're willing to stoop pretty low, but never low enough to actually enter the girls' bathroom," George snorted (he and Fred once released a small family of gnomes into the girls' bathroom while Pansy Parkinson was occupying a stall, but the twins technically never went into the bathroom).
Fred nodded, still chuckling. "Indeed. You know us better than that, Argus! We're rapscallions, not creeps."
Filch's face reddened. "You have magic!" he huffed. "You could have easily placed the fish from outside of—"
"I'll admit, we're not so talented. I would've liked to take credit for that one," George sighed wistfully.
Fred placed a hand on George's shoulder. "Don't worry, dear brother. We'll think of something just as equally impressive," he comforted.
"You think so?" asked George timidly.
"Aargh!" Filch exclaimed in frustration. "I know it was you two!" And with that, Filch turned around and stomped away in the direction of Professor Dumbledore's office.
George snickered. "I'd say that one went rather well."
"Yes, yes," Fred chuckled. There was a pause. "I wonder how those fish might've gotten there..."
"Shall we go check it out?" asked George. "It's probably been labeled, so no one will go in."
Fred shook his head. "Na, Filch will be in to take care of the mess after he finishes fussing to Dumbledore."
"So we have time to go raid his office while he's busy cleaning up!"
"I like the way you think, George."
"Thank you, Fred."
After filling the toilets in the first floor girls' lavatory with fish you'd collected from the lake as a distraction for Filch, you quickly headed for his office to go through his drawer marked CONFISCATED AND HIGHLY DANGEROUS.
You'd hoped to find something good, but you were disappointed. All that was in the drawer were little, mostly insignificant things. You did recognize a few of the Weasley twins' inventions: firecrackers, puking pastels, dungbombs, etc. It wasn't much, but you started to pocket the Weasley bits anyway because you didn't want to have pulled that fish stunt for nothing.
Just as you were finishing up, you heard the door creak open behind you. You froze. Assuming that it was Filch who had entered the room, you turned around slowly while displaying a guilty expression, knowing you'd been caught.
To your surprise and relief, you were met with none other than the Weasley twins. They seemed just as surprised to see you.
"Merlin's beard, you blokes scared me!" you exhaled dramatically. You looked down at the objects in your hands that had once belonged to the twins and held them out, chuckling sheepishly.
Fred laughed while George simply grinned.
"Keep 'em," George said. "We've got plenty."
"Really?" you asked. "But I thought you guys only sell."
"That's true," said Fred. "But if you're the one who dumped those fish in the bathroom, then you've earned them."
It was your turn to laugh. "Let me guess: you two saw the opportunity I made for myself. I'm sorry to say that there's not much worth taking here," you said as you closed the drawer and shoved the goods into the pocket of your robes. "Well, other than your things."
"That would be our doing," George said shamelessly.
"We ransacked Filch's stash a while back. Guess he hasn't confiscated much since then," said Fred.
You nodded in understanding. "Ah... Well, I'd better get going. The sooner we're all gone, the better."
Fred and George stepped back, holding the door open for you as you exited.
"Thanks!" you said. "And thank you for these." You patted your bulging pocket.
"No problem," the twins replied simultaneously.
"See ya." You smiled and waved, then started to head in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room where you could hide your new toys.
"Wait!" Fred called after you. You turned around.
"What's your name?" George asked.
You grinned. "Y/n. Y/n y/l/n. Pleased to meet your acquaintance," you giggled, curtsying loosely, and then went on your way.
Fred and George watched in silence as you walked away.
"Fred," George eventually spoke. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"I didn't, George," Fred responded, still staring down the hall though you had already gone. "But... I've also never seen a girl steal from Filch... 'til now. It's kinda hot."
George nodded in agreement. "Yeah... Did you notice her house colors?"
"Yeah, can you believe it? A robbing, pranking Hufflepuff!"
"I think we just witnessed a miracle."
The twins laughed together. Though neither of them confessed it out loud, both Fred and George felt something take root (quite literally) inside their hearts that day.
TAG LIST: @jasm-1ne @tomhockstetter7-111 @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva
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joka13 · 5 months
Hey, guys! I've recently started receiving requests for a tag list, so I have decided to put one together! This tag list will be for all of my future posts, including my multiple-part fanfiction stories, requests, and announcements. If you wish to join, please interact with this post! By either liking, commenting, or reblogging this post, you are letting me know that you want to be included in my tag list. (Do not interact with this post whatsoever if you do not want to be included in the tag list.) Thanks!❤️
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joka13 · 5 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 28
WARNINGS: mentions of violence
You desperately search for a convincing excuse to give her as Professor Umbridge stomps toward you and the twins, but in all your panic you can't come up with anything. You know you've been caught.
Just before Umbridge reaches you, Fred and George simultaneously step in front of you... as if to protect you. Do they fear Umbridge will try to do you physical harm? You think it's silly at first, but then you remember all of the rumors going around the school about what she did to Harry after he challenged her...
"Don't punish y/n," the twins quickly say. "It was our idea."
"I don't care who's idea it was!" Umbridge barks. Her entire head is as red as a tomato. "Especially when she promised me that you three troublemakers were going to class!"
It's true. You had lied straight to her froggy face, but you weren't sorry for it.
You stand on the tips of your toes so that you can make eye contact with Professor Umbridge. "I didn't promise anything," you say matter-of- factly.
"Don't talk back to me!" Umbridge roars, and you can tell Fred and George are struggling to hold in a laugh. Umbridge points a chubby finger in your direction and spits, "Detention!"
As Umbridge smooths her skirt, you and the twins wait for her to elaborate, but she does not.
"O-only for me?" you eventually ask with a tone of uncertainty.
Professor Umbridge displays her knowing, evil little smile. "Yes. My office, tonight at five o'clock sharp."
"Why not punish us, too?" Fred says, upset.
"Because the... disciplining will be more effective if you aren't together. Twenty points from Gryffindor and thirty points from Slytherin." And with that, Umbridge turns around and walks back in the direction of the Quidditch field entrance.
"Oh, boy, if it was legal..." George makes an aggressive, strangling motion with his hands.
You sigh. "I probably won't even have time for dinner."
"I'm sure she's aware of that," Fred growls. He begins to pace back and forth, obviously thinking hard. Then Fred stops and, as if they both suddenly conjured the exact same thought, the twins look at each other. You watch wearily as they silently communicate, leaving you out of the conversation. Fred squints slowly. George hesitates for a moment and then shakes his head. Fred's brow furrows in intense concern. George shakes his head again, this time with more surety. Fred raises an eyebrow questioningly...
You sigh once more and brush past the twins. You start to head back to the castle.
"Wait, y/n," Fred says softly, gently grabbing your hand. "There's still a long while until your detention."
"Yeah, but that long while is another class I should be getting to." You give his hand an affectionate squeeze, and then you walk away sadly towards the castle.
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joka13 · 5 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 27
WARNINGS: passionate kissing
You struggle to keep up as Fred and George tug you through the halls of Hogwarts castle.
"Slow down!" you pant.
"We can't! We're losing daylight," the twins say together, still pulling you along.
"It's only 1:30," you huff under your breath.
Eventually, the three of you reach the Quidditch stadium field. At once, Fred and George call out, "Accio Cleansweep!" Seconds later, two broomsticks seem to come out of nowhere and into the twins' open hands.
Fred turns to George and asks, "D'you think Ginny would mind if we borrowed her broomstick?"
"Not if we said it was for y/n to use," George responds.
You shake your head. "No, don't bother. I can't fly on my own."
"Really?" George says. "But you must've taken Madam Hooch's flying class during your first year."
"I did, but I barely passed," you chuckle, embarrassed to admit it. "I don't trust myself to be so high up. I get all shaky."
"Wow! Finally, something that y/n isn't good at!" Fred exclaims.
You roll your eyes and shove his arm playfully.
"So you've got a fear of heights?" George asks disappointedly.
"No, no," you quickly clarify, shaking your head. "That's not it. If anything, I love the view more than anyone. I even enjoy a good climbing tree here and there. I just... Let's just say I can depend on my smarts more than I can my athletic skills," you laugh. Fred and George smile at this, causing you to become bashful, but you quickly shake it off. "I'm alright if I'm flying with someone who knows what they're doing."
"Well, you're in luck, y/n!" says Fred. "Because we know exactly what we're doing." Both twins mount their brooms. You watch in awe as Fred takes off, using his long legs to push himself from the ground and into the air. He hovers about ten feet away, waiting for you and George to join him.
"Come on then!" George encourages. He scoots forward on his broom and excitedly pats the open space behind him in invitation.
You take in a deep breath. "Okay."
You nervously move to sit behind George, your heart beat quickening as you wrap your arms around his waist. You can't help but acknowledge how strong his torso feels.
"Try not to enjoy this too much," George says jokingly, though you're half-certain he must've read your mind.
"I was about to tell you the same thing," you gingerly laugh. You're glad that George can't see your furious blushing, but Fred can. He grins knowingly down at you, and you hide behind George in humiliation.
George chuckles. "Ready?"
"I haven't done this in years, so please start slow," you plead, tightening your hold on him.
"Sure thing," he replies. He steadies his feet flat on the ground and you shut your eyes tight. You anticipate the jerk of the lift off, but for a moment too long you don't feel anything.
"Open your eyes, y/n," you hear one of the twins say.
You open your eyes to see Fred floating alongside you. He smiles cheerily. You look down at the green field far below and gasp, clinging to George in fear. The twins laugh.
"Careful now. Hug me any tighter and I won't be able to breath," George wheezes exaggeratedly.
"Sorry," you apologize, loosening your hold around his waist.
Fred snorts. "He's not."
You laugh and George shamelessly shrugs.
You watch anxiously as Fred soars away. He spins around to fly upside down and performs loop-de-loops for your entertainment. You start to let go of George to applaud, but quickly catch yourself and grab George's waist once more.
"That was brilliant, Fred!" you yell.
George looks over his shoulder to grin at you. "Would you like to try that?" he asks.
"No!" you instantly shout. You clear your throat. "No, thank you," you finish sheepishly.
"Alrighty then," George chortles. "We'll just cruise for a bit."
You hold on tight as George gradually takes you higher in a wide spiral. He stops once you're level with Hogwarts' astronomy tower. The view of the castle, the rippling lake, and the surrounding mountains from so high up takes your breath away.
"Wow... how beautiful," you sigh in amazement.
"Not as beautiful as you," both twins say in unison as Fred flies up to float at your side once more.
"Aw, thank you, guys," you giggle, grinning at Fred. You rest your head on George's back and give him an affectionate squeeze. You feel his muscles relax as he sighs happily.
In that moment, you are so utterly content. You close your eyes peacefully and feel the cold wind on your face. You can hear the faint sound of birds chirping in the trees down below. You inhale the smell of honey and redwood coming off of George's sweater. And with the twins so near, there's nothing else that could make you happier.
The word "love" forms in your mind, and you can almost feel it forming on your tongue, but you force yourself to remain silent. You still wonder if it's too soon to confess, even if your feelings are obvious.
Without speaking another word, Fred flies forward towards the lake. You and George follow at a slower speed. You lean to the side to see past George and watch as Fred dips down, barely missing the edge of the trees before reaching the lakeshore. George does the same, though he descends gently.
You fly over the lake, so close to the water's surface. George reaches out with one hand and strokes the small waves, splashing droplets in your direction. You squeal in surprise.
"Hey!" you laugh, and George laughs with you.
You and George follow behind Fred as he soars higher into the sky, up, around, and over Hogwarts castle. You realize that you've never felt so free. You start to holler with gladness and the twins join in. The three of you whoop, cheer, and laugh. But soon you feel your fingers freezing up in the rushing, winter air, and you sadly request that George bring you to the ground.
You and George land back in the quidditch field with Fred not far behind. After managing to get off the broom without tipping over, you move to George on wobbly legs.
In your extreme happiness, you throw yourself onto him, pulling George into a passionate kiss. He's caught by surprise at first, but soon drops his broom and returns the gesture with even more passion. He crushes your body to his, his lips moving against yours with an overwhelming ferocity. You almost believe you're going to faint until you spot Fred dismounting his broom. You finish your kiss with George forcefully, leaving him gasping for air, before running to Fred.
Fred has already tossed his broom to the side and welcomes you with a joyful grin and open arms. You leap, and he catches you in a bear hug. You crash your lips to his and he responds accordingly, moving perfectly in sync. You cup his face with both of your ice-cold hands, but he doesn't care. He holds you like he'll never get to hold you again, clutching your waist so tight that you eventually can't breathe. You reluctantly break the heavy kiss, and, after a moment of both of you panting in recovery, Fred sets you down.
George has come to join the two of you, and you give both of the twins one more quick hug and kiss.
"George," you say after pulling away. "Fred..." You can't hold back the strong emotions inside of you. "I think... I think I love—"
"Weasley! Y/l/n!" a sickeningly familiar voice rings throughout the stadium, and the three of you freeze in place. You slowly turn around, dread welling up in your stomach, to find that the voice belongs to none other than Professor Umbridge.
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joka13 · 7 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 26
WARNINGS: British swearing
You, Fred, and George stroll cheerily down the hall together. At some point, an unspoken agreement is made and the three of you start skipping in unison. Your laugh echos throughout the halls. You're so happy that you feel like you could jump up into the air and start flying about without the assistance of a broom. Just when you're beginning to believe that nothing could ruin your mood, you turn a corner and almost plow into Professor Umbridge.
"Oh!" Umbridge exclaims, stumbling a few steps back.
"Sorry, Professor!" you quickly apologize in hopes that it will save you and the twins from detention. "We didn't see you there..."
Umbridge smiles tightly and straightens her feathery, light pink hat. "Obviously not." She brushes down her matching pink cardigan and skirt. "And where are you all coming from?"
"The vivarium," you reply smoothly. You had already rehearsed the lie many times in your head in case of an encounter such as this. The vivarium is right across from the Room of Requirement, so, unless she had somehow seen you exit the Room, your answer would give Umbridge no reason to be suspicious. "I just adore magical creatures!" You give her an ecstatic smile for added effect, and you see in your peripheral vision Fred and George exchanging a look over your head.
Umbridge blinks. "Ah. And are you aware that you are late for class?"
"Yes," you sigh. You pull an exasperated expression and nod in George's direction. "This one accidentally knocked over a cage of Cornish Pixies and they all got loose!"
"I—!" George starts to defend himself, but you quickly grind the heel of your shoe into the toe of his. George goes silent.
"As I said, it was an accident. I'm glad we were able to clean it all up as fast as we did," you chuckle sheepishly.
"I'm assuming that means everything is back in order?" Umbridge asks, checking her watch.
"Yes, Ma'am," you reply stoutly. "I made sure of—"
She waves a hand impatiently. "Yes, yes, fine, fine. Off to class now." Professor Umbridge quickly shuffles past you and the twins and continues on her way.
After a few moments of waiting for Umbridge to be out of earshot, Fred pokes you in you in the side teasingly. "Wow, y/n, I think that's the first time I've ever heard you fib!"
You slap his hand away, giggling. "No, it's not. I'm just so good at it that you didn't realize when it was happening."
"Really?" Fred asks curiously. He seems a bit concerned.
"Yeah," George answers for you as he massages the end of the shoe you stepped on. "It was when she called you handsome."
You and Fred laugh. It was as much of an insult to George as it was to Fred, seeing as how they are identical twins.
"Sorry, but I don't quite remember y/n ever calling me handsome," Fred says, pretending to wipe a tear from under his eye.
"Really? Well, we'd better fix that!" you snort.
Fred and George both cock an orange eyebrow as you make a show of quickly combing your fingers through your hair and clearing your throat in preparation.
"Oh, Fred! You're so handsome!" you swoon, dramatically putting the back of your hand to your forehead like an actress would.
To your surprise, only George laughs. Fred wears a critical expression. He shakes his head.
"You're almost there," Fred says. "But it's more like this." He proceeds to reenact your hand motion, and then faints on top of George who exclaims in alarm, barely catching him. After a few seconds, Fred opens his eyes and stares dreamily up at George (who's still holding him).
"Fred?" Fred says to George. "I-Is that you?"
"'Tis I, y/n," George replies, looking down at Fred with smoldering eyes. "Your knight in shining... I'm sorry, you're bloody heavy," George laughs, breaking character, and drops Fred. Fred lets out a girlish scream as he falls to the floor.
You clap your hands enthusiastically in applause, howling with laughter.
"That was just brilliant!" you try to say sarcastically, but you're still laughing.
"Thank you, thank you," Fred huffs as he gets to his feet and brushes his robes off. "Now it's your turn." He opens his arms in offering, and you giggle.
"I don't think so. We best be getting off to class now," you say in a lousy Umbridge impersonation.
"But class has got to be 'bout halfway done by now," says George. "I don't see a point in going."
Fred nods. "Agreed."
The twins turn to stare at you, waiting for your own agreement. After a moment of you staring back with no other reaction, they pull out their ultimate weapon: the goofy, toothy, crooked grin.
You can't help but smile and you groan, covering your face with both hands in giddy embarrassment as you blush.
"C'mon, y/n," Fred encourages, moving to wrap his arm around your shoulders slyly.
George does the same on your other side. "Life's made for livin'!" He clicks his tongue. "Say, how often do you fly?"
You peek out from between your fingers curiously. "Never."
Fred and George immediately lock eyes with each other and share a knowing smirk. "Guess we know what we're gonna do," they chuckle in unison.
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joka13 · 8 months
Hiya feel free to ignore this if you’re not doing requests but i was wandering if you could do a george weasley x reader where they’re in a secret relationship and maybe one of George’s siblings outs that the reader has a crush on George in front of them both then george kind of teases the reader for it afterwards ?
Thank you :)
Hello, I do take requests! And thank you for requesting; this was so fun to write! I hope you won't mind that I added just a few more background details to what you specified😁 Enjoy!❤️❤️❤️
Dear Reader,
As you may or may not know, I post extensive, multiple part fanfiction stories. I must remind you or clarify that I do not consider any requests I write as parts of those stories. Thank you for reading❤️
FANFICTION (REQUEST): George Weasley x y/n Malfoy
WARNINGS: passionate kissing
It had been a long while since you began your concealed, romantic relationship with George Weasley. It was a rather difficult situation to maintain, but it definitely had its advantages. You're a member of the Malfoy family and wouldn't be caught dead associating yourself with a Weasley, for if you were indeed caught associating yourself with a Weasley, it'd be the end of you. Your father, the infamous Lucius Malfoy, viewed every one of them as nothing but muggle-loving blood traitors. You once considered briefly the possibility of your father accepting George as your boyfriend because George was, still, technically a pureblood. But, in the end, you decided to play it safe, to stay quiet about the whole thing. Your father wasn't the only person you worried wouldn't take it well. You greatly admired your older brother, Draco, and feared you would lose his respect forever if he ever learned of your feelings for George. And so, when George Weasley expressed his similar feelings for you and you couldn't bring yourself to reject him, you promised to be George's girl as long as he did his best to keep it a secret.
George was entirely willing to pay the price. He'd been aching to have you for so long; there was nothing he wouldn't do for you. You enjoyed it immensely as well. Butterflies came to life in your stomach every time he took your hand and led you away to some new corner of the Hogwarts castle when no one else was watching. You'd kept secrets before, but this one was different. It was shared, special, personal, and intimate. But there are just some people you can't keep secrets from forever.
You and George played a silly game you called "Straight Face" while lounging on the couch in the Gryffindor common room (this would have been self-sabotage if it weren't for George "borrowing" Harry's invisibility cloak, under which you both sat; it was also late at night when everyone, including the two of you, should've been in bed, so there wasn't much risk of getting accidentally sat on). The goal of the game was to simply get the other person to smile and keep yourself from smiling when it was their turn to try and get you to smile. George almost won every time you played against him, though it didn't really matter to you. The end always resulted in at least one person smiling while the other won the game. It was, almost literally, a win-win situation.
It was your turn, so you pulled a funny facial expression. The corner of George's mouth twitched slightly, but he did not smile. For his turn, George performed for you a rather accurate voice impression of Professor Snape that easily broke you.
"Oh, bugger!" you laughed as George grinned smugly. "You're too good at this game!"
"Alright, alright, it's your turn. Show me what you've got," George chuckled.
George returned to his blank stare while you thought of something to do to make him smile. You then shook your head with a knowing smirk as an idea formed in your mind.
"You've left me no other choice," you sighed, looking up at him through your lashes. George raised a red eyebrow curiously, but otherwise didn't budge. You glanced down at his lips.
You, very slowly, leaned forward towards George as if you planned to kiss him. Then, just before your lips could touch his, you froze in place. When you observed no reaction from him, you looked up to find George staring coolly down at you.
"Come on. Where's that handsome smile of yours?" you encouraged quietly, giving him your own best smile. You slid your hands gradually up his arms, feeling his muscles flex in anticipation. Touching was actually against the rules of the game, but George wasn't complaining, so you proceeded to wrap your arms around his neck.
"He's a little shy," George replied. His face might have been blank, but you could tell he was enjoying himself.
You chuckled. "Well, then what's it going to take to have him show?"
You pretended not to realize how fast your heart was beating when you moved to sit on George's lap, still holding your face so very close to his. As you settled in, George exhaled heavily before placing his hands around your waist. He didn't verbally reply to your question, but looked at you in a way that said, "You know what."
And so you kissed him. You kissed George and was taken to cloud nine when you felt his lips smile against yours. He chuckled, then began to kiss you back earnestly.
George's hands cradled your body, laying you down on the couch cushions behind as he smoothly advanced toward and onto you. You giggled helplessly when he moved his face away from yours to nuzzle his nose affectionately against your neck.
"I love you, y/n," George breathed, and his words meant the world to you.
Suddenly, something sort of like a gasp sounded from the stairs to the Gryffindor girls' dormitories, causing your stomach to drop with dread. You couldn't see what was happening from your position, so you watched George's face as he slowly propped himself up higher above you to get a look at the intruder.
His eyes widened, and George glanced down at you. "It's Ginny," he mouthed silently, then looked back up. You and him both remained quiet and unmoving, hoping Ginny would eventually go away.
You heard some shuffling footsteps, and then Ginny spoke. "George? Fred? Who's there?" her voice sounded closer now, much too close for comfort. You gripped the fabric of George's sleeves absentmindedly in fearful suspense.
"Aha!" Ginny exclaimed, and you knew you'd been caught. "You're using Harry's invisibility cloak! And you've left your foot uncovered." You saw a small hand reach over the couch's arm rest, over your face and grasp a fistful of Harry's cloak. George's expression was more annoyed than fearful as Ginny yanked the cloak off of the two of you and gasped in alarm once more.
George moved off as you quickly sat up. "Er, hello, Ginny," you chuckled gingerly.
Ginny looked back and forth between you and George in shock. You thought for sure she was going to faint or scream, but an ecstatic grin quickly filled her freckled face.
"My brother and y/n Malfoy!" Ginny squealed, clapping her hands together cheerfully.
George shushed her. "Pipe down!"
Ginny lowered her voice. "Sorry, sorry. Merlin's beard, I can hardly believe my eyes! Well, now I can." She giggled and waved the invisibility cloak about. "I was beginning to think you'd die alone, Georgie! How long has this been going on?" You and George looked at each other uncertainly, but before either of you could answer, Ginny continued to spout.
"I'm guessing it all began three months ago. That's about the time I started noticing Fred standing all by his lonesome. It must not have been much of a bother to him, though. He's had his fair share of slinking off with that Johnson girl. Am I right? It doesn't matter. I'm just so happy that you found someone... even if she is a Slytherin, let alone a Malfoy..."
"Ginny!" George scolded. You merely shrugged. You had expected a much worse reaction.
"I'm only joking," Ginny laughed. She sat down on a nearby ottoman. "Honestly, I think it's the perfect match!" Ginny turned to you. "I've always thought that if Fred and George weren't sorted into Gryffindor, they would have been put in Slytherin," she chortled.
You laughed, "I've said the same thing!"
Ginny laughed with you while George rolled his eyes, smiling.
"I know I probably don't need to say it," George said. "But if you wouldn't mind keeping quiet about y/n and I..."
"Of course!" Ginny scoffed. "Anything for you, George." She stared at you and George contently.
After a moment, George cleared his throat. "It's 'bout time you got back to bed, Ginny."
"Oh, if you say so," Ginny sighed, standing up reluctantly. "I know that you two will just go on snogging again."
George snorted.
"What'd you come down here for anyway?" you asked quickly to change the subject.
"Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me." Ginny went over to the side table, opened its single drawer, and pulled out a tattered, black book. She tucked it under her arm. "Goodnight, you lovebirds!" Ginny said, then headed back up the stairs to the girls' dormitories.
You and George sat in silence for a short moment before he began to chuckle.
You blinked in confusion. "What?"
"I just can't believe how scared you were," he snickered. You shoved George playfully, causing him to laugh harder. "Terrifying, little Ginny!"
"I didn't want to be discovered, same as you!" you giggled, slightly embarrassed. Your smile drifted away as concern filled your mind once again. George stopped laughing when he noticed your mood faltering. "You really... you really don't think she'll tell anyone?" you asked timidly. You had a suspicion that Ginny might be one to gossip.
George smiled caringly, lovingly, and pulled you closer into a warm embrace. "Yeah. I trust her. And..." He stroked your hair as he carefully chose his words. "I've been meaning to... this was good timing. I think it's about time you met my family anyway."
You pulled away slightly so you could look George in the eye. "Do you really mean it? Even if you don't meet mine... just yet?"
"I do," George replied, then sweetly kissed the top of your head.
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joka13 · 8 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 25
WARNINGS: passionate kissing, British swearing
For once, you're happy to go to your classes. They'll hopefully help get your mind off of all of your problems. And, even better, today you get to continue Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons. Towards the end of your second class, your excitement keeps you from focusing on the assignment. Once it is time for lunch, you gobble down your food and hurry the twins to do the same, and then the three of you head up to the Room of Requirement.
You're a little disappointed when Harry begins with the basics. Though it seems simple, Harry insists that the disarming spell, "expelliarmus", could mean the difference between life and death. He has Ron help him demonstrate the spell. They point their wands at each other, Harry speaks the magic word, and Ron's wand goes soaring across the room.
"Alright then..." Harry says, turning back to the crowd. "Let's split up into pairs. Everyone, find a partner."
Almost immediately, Fred and George latch onto each of your arms.
"Y/n is my partner!" George announces to the world, pulling you closer to himself.
Fred tugs you the other way. "No, she's mine," he chortles, as if George was joking.
"Ladies, please," you say, wrenching yourself free of the twins' hands. "Control yourselves!"
George chuckles sheepishly, running a hand through his thick, red hair. Fred merely shrugs with a shameless grin.
"Are you guys having any trouble?" It's Harry. He's been walking around, checking on his new pupils.
"Yeah," replies Fred. "Trouble picking partners."
"Oh. Well, uh..." Harry searches the room. "It looks like everyone else is paired up. I suppose I can be someone's partner... George?"
George's shoulders slump forward, and he looks at you like a sad puppy. "Yeah, alright. Lead the way, Professor Potter." You hear Harry laugh as you follow Fred over to a vacant corner of the room where you both can spar, and it makes you smile. Harry hardly ever laughs anymore.
"Alright, let's do this!" Fred exclaims, obviously happy that he got you as his partner. He points his wand at you, standing with his right foot forward, and holds his left hand out behind him.
You laugh. "We're not fencing, you know."
Fred's enthusiasm dies for a brief moment, his stance weakening. "Well, I—"
"Expelliarmus!" you shout, and Fred is left empty handed.
Fred's mouth hangs open in shock. "Y/n...!"
You shrug your shoulders and flutter your eyelashes at him innocently. "I'm only playing the game!"
The surprise on Fred's handsome face turns into a dangerously sly expression that makes your face redden. "I see," he says. He doesn't move to fetch his wand, but starts slowly toward you instead. "If that's how you want to play it..." You walk backwards, giggling giddily and wondering what he plans to do as he draws closer. When you think you've reached the wall and don't run into hard stone, you look back to find that an open doorway has magically formed behind you. You gasp in alarm while Fred grins crookedly, totally unfazed. It seems that the Room of Requirement has created a small hiding spot for just the two of you. You silently thank the Room as Fred finishes, "Then you won't mind if I cheat a little bit."
Fred corners you into the little stone cubicle with a rather fervent, perfectly intoxicating kiss. His big, warm hands cup the sides of your face gently, yet purposefully. You absolutely bask in the moment, closing your eyes and once again letting your head spin because of that delightful honey-redwood scent. You feel Fred's hands slide from your face and down your arms. It isn't until your wand slips out of your grasp that you realize what Fred is doing, and your eyes snap open.
Fred backs away and holds up your wand with a triumphant smile. "Expelliarmus," he sniggers.
You laugh out loud, but quickly stop yourself in case the Room of Requirement didn't make the walls sound-proof. "I'm not even angry," you snort, taking your wand back and tossing it aside (a soft pillow conveniently appears to catch it before it hits the floor). Fred's eyebrows rise in surprise when you grab his loosely knotted Gryffindor tie and tug on it teasingly. "But I might be soon if you don't come back here."
The tops of Fred's ears turn red and he clears his throat, grinning flusteredly. "Yes, ma'am!" he laughs and obediently proceeds to kiss you again, swiftly picking up an intense level of energy that sends your heart pounding as you do your best to match it.
But Fred's exceeding height makes it difficult for you two to reach each other. Fred has to bend down quite a bit; you want to wrap your arms around his neck, but can't entirely even when you're standing on the tips of your toes.
"You... are... too... tall!" you giggle in between kisses.
Fred lets out a low grumble that communicates something in between agreement and impatience.
Then, to your surprise, Fred clamps his large hands around your waist and lifts, carrying you like a pot of water a couple paces before sitting you down on a sort of stone bench (that wasn't there before) which protrudes from the wall about four and a half feet above the ground.
You're delighted to discover that you are now sitting at precisely Fred's height. He appears satisfied as well, smiling that handsome, crooked grin before diving for your lips once again.
Fred kisses you passionately, fiercely, hungrily, pushing you up against the wall like he can't get you close enough. Now you easily hug his neck, feeling your hands around his strong back and broad shoulders. Fred's own hands gradually come back around out of the hug and slip down your waist to rest at your hips, his forearms on your legs. His kisses slacken and begin to move.
Fred kisses the side of your mouth, then your cheek, and beneath your ear. You've closed your eyes by now and open them momentarily when you feel his fingers brush your hair aside. Fred follows with a line of lovely kisses that trail down your neck, causing goosebumps to rise on your arms, and your eyelids close again involuntarily. Fred comes to a halt when his mouth reaches the collar of your dress shirt that keeps him from going any further.
"Hmm," Fred's deep voice hums in your ear. You hold back what would be an enjoyed shiver, and feel something tug lightly at your collar. "I'd very much like to remove this..."
You feel yourself blush severely, but he can't see it so you play it off coolly with a chuckle. "Sorry, love," you say softly, petting the back of his head. "It's not the time and place for it."
"I suppose you're right," Fred sighs in mild disappointment. He plants one more kiss on your neck and pulls away. "Though I can't imagine—"
You gasp as the sudden realization hits you, and Fred's eyebrows lift in surprise. "The time!How long have we been here? Is lunchtime over yet? Has everyone left?"
"Ah," Fred replies, nodding once. He helps you down off of the stone seat before you can squirm off. "I doubt George would leave without us." You go to snatch your wand from the pillow and you rush out of the little room with Fred close behind.
"There you are!" It's George. Other than you and Fred, he's the only person left in the Room of Requirement. He comes trotting up to you, wearing a relieved smile. "Where in the world did the both of you bloody apparate to?"
"Over there," Fred responds, jutting his thumb back over his shoulder. You and George look to see nothing but a full, stone wall, and you wonder how no one had noticed the opening while you and Fred had occupied it. "We only stepped away for a quick peck."
A contagious, ecstatic grin spreads across George's just previously confused face, and he looks to you. You blush slightly and shrug. "It was a little more than a peck..."
Then George looks down somewhere below your gaze, and his expression morphs into one of concern. "What's that on your neck?" he asks.
Your hand immediately flies to the side of your neck where Fred had kissed you. No way. That's all it had been, right? Only kisses. There's no way Fred had given you a... a hickey without you realizing it... right? You swallow nervously and turn to face Fred with a look of partially accusatory questioning.
"No! Nope, I did no such thing!" Fred snorts, shaking his head back and forth quickly. He glares half jokingly at George who laughs.
"George!" You punch him hard in the arm. "You had me scared out of my socks!"
George rubs his bicep in pain, but continues to laugh. Fred can't help but join in and soon you have to let go of your anger and find yourself chuckling, too.
"How did you know?" you ask George as you, him, and Fred exit the Room of Requirement with your arms linked together (with you in the middle, as usual). "That I'd fall for your prank?"
"Fred always goes for the neck," George responds simply.
"Wha— I do not!" Fred defends, and you laugh.
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joka13 · 9 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 24
WARNINGS: frightening and intense scenes, gore, swearing
You silently cry yourself to sleep and into a nightmare.
You stand in the middle of a wood bridge that arches over a brutal, stampeding river. The air is thick with cold fog, making it difficult to see anything but the rapids beneath you. The water is deep enough that you can't see the bottom, and moves bone-crushingly fast. It absolutely terrifies you.
The bridge suddenly begins to splinter under your weight, and you fear you'll be dropped into the river if you don't act quickly. But you can't move. To escape the threat of the collapsing bridge you'd have to cross it and go into the fog, which now appears almost as equally frightening as the water. Then the fog parts toward the opposite ends of the bridge, revealing two sunny, welcoming paths to freedom. Your hopes are lifted momentarily, but there's another dilemma. Which path should you take? Then a sickening crack rings in your ears, and you're plunged into the dark, watery depths below.
Icy cold surrounds you. After the bubbles have ascended out of your vision, you search for the surface of the river, for air, but a flash of bright yellow catches your eye. You do a double take, still under the water, and find yourself puzzling over two, glowing, gold stones. They somehow remain completely parallel to each other beneath the ever rushing rapids, and they're growing larger by the second. With a horror more extreme than any sort of fear you've ever experienced, you realize that the pretty stones are not stones at all, but the eyes of a gigantic creature that's swimming toward you.
You naturally want to swim for your life, but suddenly find yourself without the ability. You've been literally petrified.
You bob helplessly under the water as the creature comes nearer and nearer, until you can recognize its terrible face as belonging to the basilisk that haunted your second year of school at Hogwarts. No, it's not possible... Harry had killed it! Indeed, a silver blade protrudes up through the monster's head. Now you notice the details of the basilisk's appearance: its scaly flesh has rotted away in some areas, revealing the cracked and yellowing bones of a snake-like skeleton. Its eyes are no longer parallel with each other; one floats loosely in the water, barely attached to the socket by a pink string of nerves. Three years ago, you thought you'd successfully made it to the end of the school year without being petrified or even killed by the monster. But, somehow, it has come back from the dead, zombified, with the sole purpose of taking you down to the grave back with it.
The basilisk opens its incredibly wide jaws, and you get a good look at the other half of the sword coming down through the roof of its mouth. Just before the decaying creature clamps its teeth down on you, you read a name engraved on the sword below the hilt: Godric Gryffindor.
Your eyes open and you roll over onto your back. You stare at the bottom of the bed above you for a couple minutes, still recovering from the awful dream you had during the night. But you don't have time to ponder. You've got to get to breakfast.
You get out of bed and slowly dress into your robes. As always, Maddy has woken up and left the room before you. You're glad of it. You don't want to have to face her again after last night. Your eyes begin to water at the memory of it, but you quickly pull yourself together... or you think you do, at least.
When you eventually get out of the Slytherin common room, you are met with Fred and George, who stand on either side of the doorway. "Good morn—" you start to say, but are cut off when the twins lean in to lay a kiss on each of your cheeks at the same time. The sweet, combined gesture is too much for your already sensitive emotions to handle, and the tears begin to well up.
The twins pull away and, seeing their smiles fade at the sight of whatever expression you are making, the dam finally breaks. You begin to cry.
"Y/n?" George says. Both him and Fred are obviously shocked. Yours was the opposite of the reaction they were expecting.
You turn to George and move towards him, asking for comfort. Though still confused, he opens his arms and you step into his embrace.
"What's happened?" Fred asks as you sob all over George's shoulder.
"I'll t-tell you at b-breakfast," you manage to hiccup.
And so you do. After you finish weeping your eyes out, the three of you head to the Great Hall, sit down at your usual table, and you tell Fred and George about everything: last night's conversation with Maddy, your rising fear of the future, and your most recent dream. All the while, the twins listen intently without taking a single bite of their breakfasts.
"Blimey," Fred mutters in disbelief.
"Do you often have such vivid dreams?" asks George.
"Yes, actually," you answer, pushing around the food on your plate with your fork in one hand and resting your chin in the other. "Ever since I was little. I almost always remember them, too." Then you sigh and shake your head. "I'm so sorry to dump all of my drama on you two."
There's a pause in the conversation as the twins contemplate your words.
Then, to your surprise, George chuckles. "If you aren't the one who's causing the drama, don't feel bad about it. That's what Mum once said to Ginny when she was in a social pickle."
"Yeah," Fred agrees. "Though she could really use her own advice sometimes if you know what I mean!"
Fred and George laugh together, and you can't help but join in. In that moment, you suddenly feel so grateful for them, for their ability to make you smile no matter the situation. But your worries won't go away that easily.
"What do you make of this... 'something is coming' bit?" you ask the twins, quoting Maddy. Fred's and George's expressions turn serious once more. They exchange a look and then glance briefly around the room to make sure no one is listening in.
Fred speaks in a hushed tone, "Something really is coming—"
"Of course there is," you cut in. "There are rumors that You-Know-Who is back. That obviously means that something is gonna happen... Such as the Ministry losing its marbles." You laugh a little too forcefully.
"But it's not like before," says George, reaching his long arm over the table to hold your hand (you hadn't realized that your hands were shaking until now). "Not like what that bastard Professor Quarrel brought in..."
"Or Tom Riddle," Fred adds. A silence falls over the three of you, and you shiver. From your second year of attending Hogwarts, it had taken months for your nightmares about the basilisk to cease, until you had that bad dream last night, of course. But you can't imagine the fear the Weasley family must've experienced, with Ginny being so involved... The twins shake their heads at the same time, as if to push the memory to the back of their minds.
"Our point is, y/n, that You-Know-Who has completely come back," Fred continues. "He's not just a spirit, or a fragment or whatever."
You stare at the table for a moment, then swallow thickly. "And Maddy is afraid that I'll get on his bad side..."
Neither of the twins have time to say anything in response before the Hogwarts bell sounds, indicating that it's time for classes to start.
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joka13 · 9 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 23
You walk back to your dormitory in a daze. You are half convinced that what just happened minutes ago back up in the twins' dormitory was a dream (you've had many dreams about the Weasley twins, so another one wouldn't be uncommon). But... no. It was all too real to be a dream. You recall the glorious feeling of being held by George, his arms around you, his lips on yours...
You begin to smile at the memory, but quickly stop yourself. You want to be happy about your wonderful time spent with George, and yet, some part of you can't help but feel that it's all wrong.
"What about Fred?" you had said, and George had appeared completely unbothered by your expression of feeling torn between him and his brother. Wouldn't a man naturally become jealous if he found out that the woman he admired — even if she had the same feelings for him — had feelings for another man, let alone his brother? When it was revealed to you that Fred had been a witness of yours and George's moment, Fred had acted the same. He had even congratulated his twin brother, as if having absolutely no romantic feelings towards you. And then Fred proceeded to flirt with you in the most simple, yet effective way possible right in front of George. Neither of the twins were even a little bit jealous of or upset over the other, and you find it utterly puzzling. Was it possible that (as devilish as the thought was in your wondering mind) the twins had made some sort of agreement, whether it be unspoken or written down on a piece of parchment, to... share you?
For a moment you are so distracted that you're almost caught by a prefect who marches up and down the next hallway. You dash into the shelter of a nearby doorway until it is safe for you to continue.
Fred and George are identical twins, so they tend share a lot of things: clothes, school supplies, good looks... but girlfriends? (Is it even safe to say that you are at the "girlfriend level" with either of the twins, even after pushing past your original limits with George tonight? You've certainly been spending a lot of time with Fred and George over the past few months, and you feel this kind of specialness with them that you've never felt before...) You try to remember if you ever saw or heard about Fred or George with a girlfriend before you officially met them. You know they each had their own individual dates to the Yule Ball last year, but you haven't seen those girls with the twins since.
You sigh as you finally reach the Slytherin common room entrance. You're tired and overwhelmed by everything that has happened, so you push it all to the back of your mind for now. You don't particularly enjoy imagining the twins being with other girls anyway.
You open the door to your dorm to find Maddy in the middle of changing into her pajamas. She makes brief eye contact with you before you politely look away.
You go to pull your trunk out from under your bed and take out your own night clothes to change into. You face your bed and, as you begin to undress, Maddy's low voice interrupts the quiet of the night.
"He talks about you."
You freeze momentarily, wondering at first who in the world she could be referring to, until it dawns on you. Malfoy. The only guy she would ever give a second thought to now. Of course he talks about you. He hates you for wounding his ego, and Malfoy talks an awful lot about the things that he hates. You continue changing.
Maddy goes on as you unbutton your shirt. "Draco doesn't really like me. I wish he did, but he likes you."
The silence that follows is uncomfortable. Maddy has caught you off guard. You expected her to say, if anything, something rude or haughty. But her words are sad, with a touch of envy.
"I'm sure he'd still have you," Maddy sighs. "I'll step out of your way without a fight if you change your mind." It sounds strangely like an offer.
What? Even after all these months you've seen Malfoy and Maddy together, you still can't wrap your head around it. The long time during which you and Maddy were good friends, you'd both easily agreed that Malfoy was, in a nutshell, a rotten person whom neither of you would want anything to do with ever. Now, Maddy talks like he's a good opportunity in the dating field!
You surprise yourself by laughing harshly. "I wouldn't even consider going out with Malfoy if we were the last two people on earth!"
Maddy doesn't respond immediately. You step into your pants, close your trunk, slide it back under the bed, and crawl into bed under the covers.
"You don't understand," Maddy eventually says quietly. "I'm trying to help you, giving you a second chance because he's too scared or whatever to do it himself—"
"Well, I don't want a second chance!" you interrupt, rolling over on your side to finally look at Maddy. She's already facing you. "I don't like Malfoy."
Maddy's expression is an impatient grimace. "Yes, I am very aware of that," she says quickly. "But..." She desperately searches for the right words to say. "I've been hearing things... Something is coming." Your face softens with confusion. Maddy also seems to relax now that she really has your attention. "I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I think there are going to be two sides to it, and at the end of the day..." She takes in a deep breath, then exhales, "I want you to be on my side."
You take a long moment to let her words sink in. Two sides? To what? Maddy makes whatever it is sound big. A knot forms in the pit of your stomach as you realizes that she may be referring to what the Ministry has been fearing since last school year. If He-Who-Must-Not-Be- Named really is back... no doubt, there would be a war at some point. A war between You-Know- Who's army and... everyone else. You sit up on the edge of your bed, chewing on the inside of your cheek nervously. "And what side is that?" you ask.
"The one that is going to win," Maddy replies firmly without hesitation. The way she says it makes your heart beat faster with anxiety. "And I know that the Malfoy family will be on that side," Maddy continues, growing excited. "I believe that, if you build a good relationship with the Malfoy family through Draco, you can redeem yourself and be saved!" You shake your head, struggling to make sense of what she's telling you. She must've seen the gesture as a protest because the excitement on her face dies away suddenly. "People are going to die, y/n," she says morbidly. "And I don't want you to be one of them." You're speechless. It's been so long since you've heard Maddy say your name.
Then you begin to wonder if Malfoy put her up to this, if he truly does fancy you that is. She's basically become another one of his cronies and may not care for you as much as she says she does. Maybe she's only following orders. You consider accusing her of it, but decide it wouldn't be a smart move. She seems so genuine, you could be wrong. Maybe you really can get your friend back! But, then again, she's a Slytherin. She could just as well be lying to you.
"What about doing what's right?" you say, staring her in the eye. "What if I'd rather die fighting for what's right than live on ashamed and regretful for the rest of my life?"
Maddy's face contorts into an angry scowl, and she gets to her feet. She walks to the middle of the room and starts pacing, her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides. It's like she wants to argue with you, but there's also a quarrel within herself. She doesn't know what she wants. Either that, or she does and something is keeping her from having it. When Maddy turns to face you once more, she has tears in her eyes.
Maddy's voice shakes, and it breaks your heart. "Please, y/n. Come with me," she begs, but she seems to already know how you'll answer.
"I'm sorry," you whisper as you, too, start to tear up. "I can't." You lay back down on your side facing the wall. It's your way of saying that the conversation is over, but, as the tears roll down your face and onto your pillow, you know that you'll be thinking about it for a very, very long time.
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joka13 · 9 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 22
WARNINGS: passionate kissing
Sadly, there had not been enough time left for a full lesson after Harry's speech back in the Room of Requirement. You want to begin Dumbledore's Army sessions as soon as possible, but you're going to have to remain patient for now.
You can't believe this is all happening... all of this. You-Know-Who is back. The entire Ministry of Magic has gone completely bonkers. You are going to learn defensive magic (and also, hopefully, some offensive magic; that would be absolutely wicked) from Harry Potter himself! But, somehow, above all else, you've gotten to know Fred and George Weasley on a personal level. You smile to yourself at the thought.
"What are you so happy about?" George asks.
You are currently in the twins' dormitory, sitting cross-legged on the floor by the warm stove. In your hands is an open book with the title of "Potion Ingredients: Combinations and Functions". Tonight is a study night, so there's no bubbling cauldron in the center of the room. George lounges in bed, lying on his side with his head propped up on his hand. Fred sits on the other side of the stove, flipping through some other text book.
You weren't aware of George watching you, so you're caught off guard. "Nothing," you reply quickly out of habit. Fred looks up from his book, and George raises an eyebrow, but neither of them push any further.
You go back to your own book for a few minutes until you spot some movement in the corner of your eye, and you lift your head. You catch a glimpse of Fred nodding briefly to George.
"What was that?" you ask.
"Nothing," the twins reply in unison.
You laugh. "Fair enough, fair enough."
Fred gets to his feet and stretches his long arms up above his head. "I've got a scheduled visit with the loo right about now. I'll be back soon; don't miss me too much." He gives George one of their unspoken and indecipherable twin communication looks.
"We won't," George chortles as Fred closes the door behind him.
There's a long moment of silence in which the quiet snoring of the twins' roommates and the soft crackling of the stove are all that can be heard. You start to yawn sleepily, but cut it short when George sits up in bed. You curiously watch him stand up and come over to sit by and facing you on the floor.
You close your book and set it aside. "Well, hello th—"
George interrupts you with an unexpected hug, and it's very different from any hug you've ever received before.
He brings you to him, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you up against his torso. His large hands splay out over your back and grasp fistfuls of your sweater. He buries his face in your neck, causing a pleasant shiver to run down your spine.
You are absolutely stunned, frozen until the sound of your own heart thumping rapidly in your chest brings you back into the moment. You exhale excessively, not having realized that you were holding your breath, and return George's embrace.
It isn't until now that you fully recognize just how big George is. It's obvious to anyone that the twins are tall, and you've hugged George once before, but now that you aren't occupied with crying your eyes out (as you had been during that previous hug) and can take your time to really feel him in your arms, you seem like a complete child compared to George! You're even having to prop yourself up on your knees for this hug while he's sitting down.
A minute later, George hasn't let go of you yet, and you begin to worry.
You gently run your fingernails up and down his back and his frame quivers beneath you. "George?" you say quietly.
"Yeah?" he replies, his voice muffled by your neck. You have to force yourself not to giggle when the movement of his mouth tickles your skin.
"Are you alright?"
George pulls away from you so he can see your face, but keeps his hands on your waist. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
He does appear to be just fine, happy even. So, why else would he hug you if it wasn't for comfort? You know that hug was too intimate to be a simple I-appreciate-you-as-a-friend hug, and even now the way George continues to hold you sends a very particular message...
You make contact with his lovely, bright, green eyes, and feel yourself start to blush. "I mean, maybe it's just me..." You look down at your hands to hopefully hide your blush until it goes away, but your hands are on his broad chest and realizing this makes your face redden even more. "But you seem to be acting a little out of character."
George lowers his head and forces you to meet his eyes. He notices your bright, red cheeks and grins in amusement. "I'm not," he says, tucking a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. You must be blushing an incredible shade of red now, and you are grateful he doesn't mention it. "Acting out of character, I mean." He finds your hands on his chest and takes them into his. He pulls them up over his shoulders, giving you no choice but to come closer so your face is only mere inches away from his. He places his hands on your waist once more and gives you one of his crooked smiles, and your heart melts at seeing it so up close. "As you, of all people, should know," George continues. "The further you get in a book, the more you get to know the characters. I think that..." He pauses, glancing down at your lips, and his words become almost a whisper. "You just need to keep on reading."
Your face is hot, your palms are sweaty, and your heart is beating so hard that you wonder if George can hear it. You can't help but stare at his mouth, his dashing smile, his lips... You start to lean in, but George is the one who closes the gap.
He kisses you. George Weasley. Kisses. You.
The way his lips brush yours is sweet, gentle, almost careful, like he's unsure of what sort of reaction to expect from you. You don't blame him. Even you don't know what to expect from yourself in this kind of situation. So, you try not to expect anything. You simply listen to your heart, close your eyes, and soon find yourself kissing George back.
George's cautious approach immediately disappears. His hold around you tightens, his lips now moving with yours confidently, joyously, triumphantly.
For the first time, you allow yourself to be entirely submerged in that now familiar, sweet scent of honey and redwood. You acknowledge the firmness of George's arms as they flex around you, appreciating also his broad, muscular shoulders. Your hands move up the back of his neck and into his thick, red hair. He sighs into your mouth and you feel his entire body momentarily relax as you unintentionally begin to massage and scratch his scalp with your fingers, but he recovers quickly and comes back kissing you with twice as much vigor.
You sense George is getting carried away when his fingers begin to fiddle with the bottom edge of your sweater, so you reluctantly break the chain of kisses. This seems to bring him back to his senses, and the both of you remain on the floor for a minute or two, panting heavily.
"Did I read far enough?" you eventually chuckle.
George laughs and stands up. "Don't put my book back on the shelf just yet." He helps you to your feet, then wraps you into another hug. As you rest your head on his chest, a concerning thought forms in your mind. You take a step back from George.
"Y/n?" George asks. His expression turns worried and he goes to take your hand, but you pull it away.
This is wrong. This is so wrong. You're interested in two guys. Two guys that are brothers. And even worse, they're twin brothers. They are each other's best friends. You're almost certain that Fred feels the same way, and to the same extent, about you that George does, and you can't favor one over the other. Your equal range of feelings for both twins won't allow you to choose between them. Even if your heart did have a preference, you're sure it would cause a rift between the brothers if you followed it. Ever since you've known them, you've treated the twins exactly the same regarding relationship status. But what you just did solidified huge progress in your relationship with George that you don't have with Fred. Could you have possibly just... accidentally chosen George?
"What about Fred?" you whisper, mostly to yourself. "What happens when he finds out...?"
George's expression softens with relief, and he chuckles. "I have a feeling he already knows."
You're eyebrows knit together in confusion. George nods toward the door, which is cracked open suspiciously. You see something move behind it.
You slowly approach the door and open it to find... nothing. Then you look to your left and gasp in alarm. "Fred!"
He casually leans up against the wall by the door, propping his leg up and folding his arms like he wasn't just eves dropping on you and George seconds ago. He turns his head at the sound of your voice. "Y/n! How do you do?" he greets you, standing up straight. There's not an ounce of guilt on his handsome face.
Your mouth hangs open in disbelief. "When did...? How long...?"
"I saw and heard everything!" Fred declares cheerily. He brushes past you and enters the dorm. He greets George with a congratulating handshake. "And you, dear brother! How was it?"
George looks over at you longingly. "It was absolutely grand," he replies, and you blush, flattered and flustered by the memory of kissing George, until you remember that Fred is now present.
"Fred... y-you're not upset?" you stutter, still trying to process all of the emotions currently running amuck in your mind.
"Not in the slightest," Fred responds. He comes back over to you and rests his forearms up on the top of the doorframe that you still stand under, making himself appear even larger than he actually is. "But you seem to be." With the dim light of the room behind him, Fred's body is only a shadowy silhouette in the doorway, so it is rather spooky (in an exciting, stimulating sort of way) when his green eyes seem to glow despite the lack of surrounding light. Fred's hands gradually slide down the sides of the doorway as he bends down so that his mouth is right by your ear when he speaks. "Don't worry, love," he whispers. His warm breath on your skin causes goosebumps to form on your arms. "You'll have your time with me soon enough."
Fred's words ring in your ears long after he says them. He stands up straight and smirks at the look on your face. George is suddenly standing behind him, and, for a fearful moment, you wonder if he's cross about Fred flirting with you, but no. He taps Fred on the shoulder.
"Excuse me, good sir," says George politely. Fred gives you a wink before moving out of George's way.
George steps forward to hug you once again. He plants a quick but tender kiss on your lips before encouraging you out the door. "You'd better get moving," he says. "It's almost midnight."
"Oh, wow! Midnight?" The time had really flown by. "Alrighty then. Goodnight, George." You stand on the tips of your toes to kiss him. You then peer over his shoulder and wave to his twin. "Goodnight, Fred."
"G'night, y/n," Fred responds, smiling knowingly and returning the gesture, only adding a little bit more flare by waggling his fingers. You giggle.
You turn away to start heading down to your own dormitory, but George grabs your hand and spins you back around. "One more, one more," he chuckles, and does indeed give you one last passionate kiss for the night.
You walk away feeling lightheaded, and silently pray that the recollection of tonight's events won't cloud your mind, causing you to let your guard down and get caught on the way back to your common room.
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joka13 · 9 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 21
The Room of Requirement is extremely spacious, with nine-foot tall victorian style windows reaching all the way to the ceiling, leaving no lack of light. The walls are made of plain, grey stone, but the bricks are bulkier than the ones generally used around Hogwarts. Tucked away in this part of the castle, you thought the air would be colder without a fire or stove of some sort, but the temperature of the room is somehow just right. The same group of students (almost the same; there are a couple of people missing that you don't wish to think about) that had gathered in Hog's Head only days ago stand in the center of the room.
As you gaze around the room in awe, your hold on the twins' hands begins to loosen unconsciously. You're pulled back to reality when they both tighten their own grips. They don't want to let go. You blush and keep your head down until the warm feeling in your cheeks fades away.
"Ah!" Hermione appears at the edge of the crowd and hurries over to you. "Glad you could make it! I was wondering where the other trio was," she giggles. She looks as if she wants to link her arm with yours and walk with you like she often does, but Fred and George continue to hold your hands. She clears her throat, giving you a knowing smile that makes you self conscious. "If you all would please join us, we'll be starting now."
Harry gives a speech that is short, yet powerful. He emphasizes the topic of Professor Umbridge and her pursuit against Dumbledore and himself. He knows for a fact — he has witnessed it personally — that Voldemort has returned to his full, physical form (you feel a chill run down your spine and shiver at the mention of the Dark Lord's name. Fred and George must notice this because Fred rubs his thumb lightly back and forth across the top of your left hand and George squeezes your right comfortingly. You immediately feel better). The Ministry of Magic refuses to believe that He-Who-Must- Not-Be-Named is back, and therefore sent Umbridge to silence the rumors. She isn't teaching the students properly as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, so here we are as Dumbledore's Army to teach ourselves.
Harry's small audience begins to clap in approval. The twins reluctantly let go of your hands and the three of you clap. Fred and George cheer loudly, making you smile.
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joka13 · 9 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl - Part 20
Throughout the day, even when they're not around, all you can think about are the twins. Memories of your most recent times spent with them cloud your mind. This is the first time you've ever struggled to focus in your classes and on your work. You really do try, but your thoughts always eventually drift off toward Fred and George.
While in his class, Snape notices that you are distracted. You startle when his voice sounds from right behind you.
"Miss y/l/n."
You slowly turn in your seat to face him with a smile. "Greetings, Professor," you chuckle gingerly. The corner of Snape's permanent frown twitches. You can't tell if he's amused or irritated.
"Staring at the cauldron isn't going to do you any good," he sniffs. A couple desks to your right, Malfoy snickers. Snape shoots him a glare, and Malfoy goes silent. Now you want to laugh, but control yourself as Snape turns to face you once again. "I want this potion finished by the end of class. I know you can do it."
You sigh quietly after Snape walks away. You make eye contact with Malfoy, who gives you a smug grin and nods at his own cauldron that has blue mist wafting out of it. He's halfway done with the potion. Though you haven't even started yours, you take it as a challenge and quickly get to work. Malfoy realizes what you're doing and also begins to rush, trying to be the one to finish first.
It isn't long before you easily beat Malfoy in the race, despite his head start on you. Before you can start celebrating, Professor Umbridge enters the room. The entire class, including Snape, freezes.
Snape's eyes dart down to the clipboard in Umbridge's hand. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asks her, though he appears far from pleased.
"Oh, don't worry about me! I'll only be a few minutes," she replies too happily. "I'm here for a class inspection." Before Snape can react, Umbridge starts to walk around the room.
She gives her attention to the students' potion brewing. She walks between the rows of desks, peering into cauldrons as she passes by. She comes to a halt by Malfoy's desk.
Malfoy had not only failed to beat you in your unspoken race, but also, in his hurry, destroyed his potion entirely. Even from where you're sitting, you can see a strange, black concoction threatening to bubble over the brim of Malfoy's cauldron. Umbridge leans over it, then grimaces and plugs her nose, hastily taking a step back. Once she's a safe distance away, she scribbles something down on her clipboard.
You look over at Snape. He's staring down Malfoy with a murderous rage in his eyes. Malfoy shamefully sinks low in his chair. You start to smile, but stop when Umbridge approaches your desk. She seems to admire the shimmering, purple liquid in your cauldron.
"Professor, what have you instructed these children to brew?" Umbridge asks without looking up from your cauldron. You don't appreciate being called a child, but manage to keep your mouth shut.
"Common cold serum," Snape answers, still standing in the same place he was when Umbridge walked in. "Madam Pomfrey requested that we prepare more before the winter."
Umbridge nods and writes again on her clipboard. "Well, you've got at least one batch," she says. She gives Snape a sappy smile. "Good day to you, Professor."
Snape merely nods once in response. And with that, Umbridge exits the room.
The whole class immediately seems to relax. Even Snape exhales sharply as if he'd been holding his breath. He shuffles toward the front of the room.
"Malfoy," he says, sitting down behind his desk. Malfoy stiffens fearfully. "Detention in my classroom tonight. You will be packaging y/l/n's serum for the infirmary, and attempting to scrub the mess you made out of my cauldron. If you do not succeed, you will buy me a new cauldron."
Malfoy's shoulders slump forward in dismay, and you cup your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from laughing out loud. Your smile disappears when Snape looks at you, but he's not upset. If anything, his expression is almost thankful. Almost. He's frowning just a little bit less, his brow less furrowed.
"And ten points to Slytherin," Snape finishes. He doesn't have to say why.
Malfoy scowls at you, and you return the smug grin he'd given you earlier.
After Snape's class, you're in a good mood. It's lunch time, so you head on up to the Great Hall. You are the first of your friend group to arrive, so you sit down by yourself and start eating.
Students file in through the Great Hall's large doors, but none of them are Fred or George. You notice Harry, Ron, and Hermione are also absent, and you begin to wonder if your missing out on something when Fred and George stumble into the room.
"Y/n!" they both pant, rushing over to you.
"Yes?" you reply in concern through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
"We've got to go!" says George. He lifts your bag and swiftly swings it over his shoulder.
You swallow thickly. "What? Why?"
Fred grabs your arm. "They'll be starting soon," says Fred.
"Who... What's starting?"
George grabs your other arm, and together the twins hoist you up out of your seat. You land unsteadily on your feet, but Fred and George hold you up. They start walking, practically carrying you along.
You squirm in their grasp. "Hey! You know I don't like being manhandled!"
Once you're outside of the Great Hall doors, the twins set you down. You notice a new educational decree on the wall, but don't get a chance to read it. Fred and George each take one of your hands into their own and gently encourage you to walk with them.
"Sorry about that," Fred apologizes.
"Yeah," says George. "Your size just makes it so easy." He chuckles.
You laugh. "No, I'm not small. You two are big."
"We used to do that sort of thing with Ginny... until she bit George on the arm for trying to pick her up," says Fred.
You gasp.
"She did warn me," George chuckles guiltily.
"She's like a feisty little dog!" you laugh.
"That's what we always say!" the twins exclaim together. The three of you laugh.
Fred and George pull you along through three hallways, two doors, and up one flight of stairs. It feels so nice to walk hand in hand with them both that you forgot you don't know where you're going.
"So, um, what is it that I'm sacrificing my lunchtime for?"
George laughs. "Oh, yeah..."
Fred leans in close to your ear. "The D.A.," he whispers. You look around for whomever he's trying to keep this information from, but the current hallway you're in is empty.
"D..." Realization hits you. "Oh...!" Dumbledore's Army. "Why didn't anyone tell me this was happening?"
"We didn't know about it either," says George. "Until Neville told us during our last class."
"Well, where is our first session being held?"
"In the Room of Requirement," Fred answers.
There's a moment of pause as you wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn't. "And... What is that?"
"It's a magically hidden room that changes according to whatever it is you may require," says Fred.
"This better not be like your 'I-Miss-You' box," you snort.
"No, no. This is for real," George assures you.
"So was the box!" Fred chuckles.
Before you can react, the twins come to a halt at the same time in front of a blank wall. You expected something similar to the common room entrances with a painting guarding the room, but there's nothing but cold, hard stone.
Then, right before your unbelieving eyes, a black, metallic door materializes inside the wall. You gasp in astonishment, and the twins smile.
Fred opens the door with one hand, still holding onto yours with the other, and guides you through the doorway with George following close behind you.
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