#also im very tempted to write something along the lines of gifted kid engie but i already did enough projecting+leaps in logic
pixiestix0-0 · 1 year
literally can’t stop thinking about the engineer and his family like its not only the legacy of becoming an inventive engineer for the red vs blu war but also slowly destroying yourself to prove something. like each conagher ended up mutilating their bodies to test an invention. pointing out how nothing was wrong with dell’s hand when the same could be said for radigan (but also ignoring the fact that the dude was on like pounds of australium so who knows). like if you look at dell’s backstory under the hypothetical lens of “proving himself to the conagher name” its makes stuff like the arm thing and the 11 phd’s look very concerning. on one hand there’s nothing against him actually just wanting to follow in his family’s footsteps but on the other hand if you were really born into this life don’t you think even a little part of you would think that this is your only choice? and if you found your grandfather’s blueprints, and with it another way to make something new of yourself, is it really that extreme to give up a hand for it?
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