#also in the creepy fucking smile 🫡
the-acid-pear · 7 months
I still think it's insanely hot of Jack to be evil. Like literally rip to the whole world but seeing a man be evil because he simply wanted to is literally so cool and sexy. I know I wanna throw myself under a table to hide every time I see him be evil but that's irrelevant. It's still the ever.
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r0s3s26 · 2 months
Iwazumi and Bokuto when they see there partner punch someone
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(I also think that whenever there are scenarios of y/n getting bothered/hit on by someone there boyfriends are always the one saving em, but nah im making y/n a crashout🫡🫡, also daichi was apart of this but I made his uber long so I might post it as its own oneshot lol, tell me what yall think)
Cw/Tw: Unwanted advances/touches, violence, swearing, general male creepiness
WC: 1061
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Back story:
So you are the manager of your boyfriend's volleyball team. You're at a tournament at the moment and you realize that almost all the water bottles are empty, so you take the metal box of water bottles and start to walk to the water fountain outside of the court.
While you’re filling up the water bottles a random volleyball player walks up to you and corners you, “hey so I saw you over there and I think you're really cute” “No thank you i’m in a relationship” you reply in disgust, the guy smelling like straight ass, but you wanna be respectful because you are in public.
You try to walk away from the situation but he keeps following you “Comon baby, you know you want me”(gag) you turn to face him with a “Trust me I do NOT want you” you reply less nicely as before, raising your voice a bit. Coincidently the team walks out to try and look for you because you have been gone for so long. They see you and the dude and your boyfriend is about to step in and the unthinkable happens…
Kindichi is the first person to realize that you have been gone for a while, making everyone else start to question also. Iwa starts going into fight or flight mode trying not to freak out cause HIS partner is missing- then Oikawa steps in and says “its ok Iwa-Chan, im sure y/n-chan is perfectly fine”(how wrong he was).
They decided to travel in one big group so they could spot you from every angle, they got closer to the water fountains and then saw what's going on, and they were not happy, but Iwa was fuming. The first person that sees you getting hit on is Makki and then he pulls Iwaizumi to look also, but when he looks over he see this dude grabbing you arm trying to pull you in and Iwa goes to book it then all he sees is the same dude on the ground gripping his nose.
“OH MY GOD YOU CRAZY BITCH WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!?” he yelled at you, people passing by started to look, “I told you to GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU LIMP DICK BITCH” you yelled back with a scowl on your face. You turned around and saw the team, including your boyfriend, looking at you and your face starts heating up more out of embarrassment than rage “heyyy guys” you say sheepishly looking down slightly.
Oikawa started frantically shouting “OMG Y/N ARE YOU OK WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU-” Iwaizumi pushed his head down and yelled “Shut up Shittykawa” and then started walking over to you, “Hey honey are you ok? Did he hurt you, do I have to go over there and talk to him-” Now you are interrupting by kissing him, you pull away and smile a bit “I promise, now let's go win this game.
You grabbed the water bottle cart and started to was towards the stadium, when you were out of ear shot the rest of the boys started talking “Wow there so badass” Maddog said, “Yea and super hot” Yahaba whispered back Maddog and Kindichi agree, “WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?” Iwa yelled as he turned his head toward them, “NOTHING” all 3 of them said back and started speed walking towards the gym.
“Hey Akaashi, do you know where Y/N went?” Bokuto said with a slight frown starting to form on his face, “Know I don’t Bokuto-san, but I do believe she went to get all the water bottles filled” Akaashi replied back.
Bokutos pout started to get deeper as he started getting nervous about your whereabouts “Im gonna go look for them” He said abruptly “Lets go Akaashi” he said grabbing the setters arm, Akaashi had a deadpan look on his face cause in his gut he new trouble was brewing.
When the dynamic duo did reach you it was in the middle of you yelling at the guy; “Bro said I have a boyfriend, fuck off” you said with an angry tone “Comon everyone says that, I know you want me” “No the fuck I do not, just take the hint and leave me alone” you said turning around and trying to walk away, but the annoying player had other plans.
He tried grabbing you by your waist to pull you in but once you felt his hand on you, you immediately turned around and socked him in the face, causing him to stumble back and hold his nose. Now from Bokuto's pov it looked like he was going to have to step in and save you and be the amazing boyfriend we know he is, but before he even got the chance he saw you turn around and punch him. His reaction was to laugh at the dude falling, and then go to check on you.
“OMG MY BABY ARE YOU OK” He ran over and started holding your head to his chest and kissing the top of your head, “Im ok Bokuto I promise” you reply back kissing the part of his chest that covers his heart. “Now my y/n, why didn’t you tell me you had a punch like that” “Bo I didn’t even know I could punch like that” you both look at each other and then start to laugh a little.
You both look over to Akaashi who is now looking at the guy on the ground with a small smile “I would not want to be you right now” he says with a polite chuckle. Bokuto also looks over to the guy on the ground and starts to walk over “You know, your lucky that my number one is such a badass, because if I was even 5 seconds earlier, you would have had to deal with me, and I would not be as nice as them” He said in tone that you have never heard before from him.
After successfully scaring away the player bothering you Bokuto grabs you up in his arms and starts to run to the stadium “I gotta keep you in my arms so know one else will bother you” he says before kissing your cheek “Don’t worry Bo I think everyone gets the hint”.
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(Author: I hope everyone enjoys, and also that im taking headcanon request so if anyone has an ides they wanna put into words please drop one in my inbox🫶🏽)
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hotmessmaxpress · 6 months
Sliding into your DMs for the OF au 🫡 Soooo, they obviously like each other physically. But can they communicate about what they like in bed? Like, are there things that maybe especially Marc does or doesn't feel comfortable doing (because of his job and stuff) and then they talk about it and Vale is all caring and stuff and Marc feels at home with him?
Vale calls him a slut once in bed.
It’s clearly directly out of some porno Vale has seen (Vale has decades of porn-watching under his belt, something that is slightly intimidating and also hilarious to Marc). He’s obviously trying to be sexy; Marc does love it when Vale is dirty and runs his mouth, so it’s not necessarily surprising that they have arrived at this point.
It’s decidedly un-sexy to Marc, though.
He jerks his head back away from where Vale is kissing him, and inadvertently smacks his head against the headboard. 
“Ow! Fuck!” he gasps, grabbing the back of his head. 
Vale hisses in sympathy, gently cradling Marc’s face in his hands and turning his head to look at him. He clearly doesn’t find any blood (Marc didn’t hit himself that hard) but the moment is still broken. Marc winces as Vale adjusts so he’s sitting beside Marc, and he continues checking him over. 
“What happened?” he asks.  
Marc winces.
“Please don’t call me names.”
Vale’s eyes widen, and Marc can tell he’s immediately feeling guilty. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, immediately.
Marc tucks himself against Vale. He needs to be touching him when they have this conversation, and he’d prefer not to have to look his boyfriend in the eye as he admits these things.
“I’ve only ever been called a slut and a whore by people who are angry with me or being creepy. Mostly it’s from men who try to get me to do things and get rejected– then they call me a whore or other mean names. I don’t like it. I don’t want you to ever call me that.”
Vale rubs Marc’s arm, holding him close, and presses a kiss to his head. 
“Sorry,” Marc says as an afterthought, suddenly overcome with the feeling that he might be disappointing Vale. Maybe he could get used to it, he thinks, if it would make Vale happy. He opens his mouth to voice the thought but Vale speaks first. 
“Thank you for telling me. I won’t ever call you that again, amore. Is there anything else you don’t want me to say? Or anything you want me to say?”
Marc is quiet for a moment. 
“I like it when you tell me nice things. I like it when you call me pretty and tell me I’m perfect. I like to be good for you. I like it when you say I’m yours.”
He truly just wants to be a good boy for Vale. He hopes that Vale won’t be disappointed with him.
He feels him smile against his hair. 
“You are a good boy for me,” Vale says. “You’re beautiful. You’re perfect.”
He kisses his forehead again, and Marc wiggles closer in satisfaction. 
“Thank you,” he says, quietly. 
“You’re mine,” Vale says. “It’s my job to keep you happy.”
Marc finally looks up at Vale again, and Vale presses a kiss to his lips. 
The moment that was ruined earlier picks up again, and pretty soon Marc has Vale on his back and his dick down his throat.
He looks down Vale’s skinny torso to meet his eyes, where his head is thrown back against a pillow. 
“Fuck, Marc,” Vale groans. 
Marc bobs his head, using his hands to pump the base of Vale’s cock that he isn’t reaching with his mouth. He swallows as much as he can around Vale’s cock, willing his gag reflex down. Marc doesn’t actually have that much experience with blowjobs; he is actually less experienced in in-person sex than Vale is. 
“You’re so perfect. I love your perfect little throat. You’re choking on me and you’re still doing so well,” Vale encourages. 
The praise goes straight to Marc’s cock, and he whines around Vale and rocks his hips against the bed. Vale seems to take notice of how he’s affecting Marc, and he continues to run his mouth. 
“Look at you, humping the mattress. Are you going to get off on sucking me off? You’re so perfect for me,” he coos. “Such a sexy, beautiful boy. So many men have seen you, but only I get to watch you like this. I’m the only one who gets to see your perfect mouth wrapped around my cock.”
Marc whines and picks up the pace. He accidentally takes Vale in too deep, and pulls off with a choked little gag. He looks up at Vale with watery eyes. 
He bows his head to suck Vale’s cock again, but Vale stops him with a hand on his cheek. 
“You are so beautiful,” he says, looking directly into Marc's eyes. It makes Marc want to cry a little bit, seeing how earnest Vale is.
Marc thrusts his hips against the bed again, and Vale laughs. He gently guides Marc’s mouth back onto his cock, and Marc resumes sucking with renewed vigor.
Vale moves his hand, and Marc grips his wrist. He guides Vale’s hand to the back of his head, and groans as Vale tangles his fingers in his hair. 
Marc can’t control his thrusts against the bed. His cock is too hard, and the praise from Vale has drained the brains right out of him. He’s close, and he whines and picks up the pace. 
At this point he’s basically holding Vale in his mouth while he focuses on his own release.
“That’s it. Come for me, Marc. Rub yourself off. You’re so perfect, so beautiful.”
Marc thrusts one, two, three more times before he’s shooting cum across the bedsheets with a cry. 
He sucks Vale’s cock deep into his throat, and Vale holds Marc’s head in place as he shoots his own cum down Marc’s throat. Marc feels Vale’s cock pulse as he comes, and he groans and sucks him through it. 
Marc crawls his way back up the bed, flopping against Vale.
“Okay?” he asks, voice rough from Vale’s cock in his throat. 
“Perfect,” Vale says gently, pressing a tender kiss to his lips.
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krishna-sangini · 1 year
Y'all. Sooo while returning from Vrindavan (yes I'm still crying), I had to share my upper berth with a woman and her two toddlers.
Like, I let them up cuz of the kids. But guess who judged terribly wrong?!
The first thing that the lady asked me was not my name; it was my caste. My mind went blank for a second fr. Then she asked my name. And then where I lived and stuff. And then for my freaking number!
Like, I obviously didn't give it, but ma'am?! What in the creepy-ass universe are you?!
And one of her kids WOULD NOT let me fucking breathe! And that lady was just smiling creepily the whole time and going, "She won't let you sleep". I even reprimanded that kid once, but alas, couldn't do anything beyond that :)
Thankfully, my roomie @mindless-tirade (who also went to Vrindavan with me) was sitting alone and decided to let me in with her 🫡❤️
And when I was leaving the berth to go to my roomie, that lady had the audacity to ask if they caused any problems. Internally I'm like, BISH YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!
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damelucyjo · 1 year
Possibly my favourite episode of the season. But could that be because it feels like they just remembered this show is really about Rebecca Welton and is just named after her boyfriend?? Not at all!!
Let’s go!!
Episode 10 - International Break
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Woah! What a way for reveal Nate left West Ham! 🫢
Shut up, George!! You’re just bitter you were shut at your job and it’s showing now
Ted! We want to spend every weekend with you! Please never leave
Is this really how they find out who got chosen?? Seems like something they’d personally get told first. I think the boys knew, but the coaches didn’t!! Hmm
‘Wait, hold on. Bumbercatch, you’re Swiss?’ ‘Yeah. Look at me’ this boy really is a man of mystery!! 😂
Poor Sam 🙁
But God love Jamie though! He’s come so far!! 🥰🥰
‘I am not your bro. We are now enemies, and soon, you will be my bitch’ woah, Mexico Dani is a whole other breed of dog, huh!! I’ll stick with Richmond puppy Dani, thanks 😂
We love a convo that sounds like it’s about periods but is actually about wine 🫡
MADELINE KAHN REFERENCE!!! 😍😍 this alone could make this episode my favourite!!
Totally tracks though that Ted doesn’t like gossip
As much as I always want scenes of Ted & Rebecca alone, that reveal to Trent was brilliant. And of course he’s good at girl talk 😂
Please, they way Rebecca reacts to Ted is such married behaviour. AND TRENT IS SEEING IT ALL FIRST HAND!! I’m so excited
Oh, Ted. You’re cute. You knew exactly what they meant. You just wanted to make your wife smile. It’s okay, we get it 🥰
I’ll continue to say it; Nate & Jade are cute!
Fully expected her to flip them all off, not gonna lie
Omg I totally saw this coming, and yet it’s still heartbreaking 🥺
Keeley’s not stupid. She knows it’s not the board, Barbra
JUNO TEMPLE!!! 😢😢😢 (first time I got teary this episode)
Scary Mexico Dani 🤘🏼 You just know Cristo had a blast with this episode!! (Peep the guy in the back with the huge smile😂)
Slutty Ted in red with his arms out 🥵
‘It’s hard to see the ball when your eyes are full if tears’ fucking savage 😂
The Wunder Turd. Nice
Fuck Jane though
I think Trent’s next book should just be about Beard. That is an interesting man, for sure! Like, why do you need so many axes, my guy?!
Well that was awkward… but also a little sweet 🫣
‘The creepy old man that lives in the sewers’ Renee, you’ll always be famous to us
Okay, I could go on and on about this, but I think this is a great, subtle way to begin showing Rupert falling apart.
‘When they used to play by candlelight’ YES, REBECCA! FUCK THAT OLD MAN UP!! 😂
‘Some people just are t ready when they get their shot’ That is not at all what happened, Rupert
Oop she knows that’s bullshit, too
Okay, I love Roy’s sister. And also the subtle call back to her actually being the doctor that treated Sharon last season 👍🏼 Nice
Of course that’s the order of Phoebe’s favourite holidays. Uncle Roy is number 1! (&2😉)
Uh oh, secrets out boys! 😂😂
How fucking cute though that Jamie gets a call (probably from Phoebe herself) inviting him to this party and he actually turns up with a really thoughtful gift 🥹 THE GROWTH IN THIS BOY IS GORGEOUS!!
Omg Eloide’s face journey in this scene is perfection. Phoebe has been grossly underused this show!
Also the cutest fucking present. She’s knows your inside is so bright and colourful, Roy! You shouldn’t hide it!
‘Your sister is fit’ ‘I will cut your eyes out’ 😂 okay, but like… I would 100% be behind these two being brother-in-laws, just saying 😂
SAM RICHARDSON!!! 😍 always a blast when he shows up!
And you just know from Toheeb himself that these scenes are a struggle to get through once Sam gets on a roll
But poor Sam, though. Edwin is such a dick
Poor Nate, too. He’s so lost right now 🥺
Yeah, Lloyd, shut up (which is what she meant to say)
Seeing her signs blocked off 🥺🥺 heartbreaking
Since when does her lady ship enter a room like that?? 😂 but I’m glad it means we get to see more physical comedy from Jeremy 👍🏼 Always a bonus!
So her order is Keeley, Ted, Sassy, Leslie and never her mother 😂 I love that actually
‘I hate to break it to you, Rebecca, but those children are dead’ made me laugh just as much as it did the first time! 😂
We love a protective Papa Higgins in this house 🥰 but boy seems traumatised by that story 😂
Oh don’t suck your tie, Leslie 🤦🏻‍♀️
So that photo has shown up on both Keeley & Ted’s phone, but whose did she take it on?? 🤔
That is a bullshit text, Jack. Absolutely no excuse. I knew I was right to not trust you from the start! 😡
‘Everything? Fuck no’ another great call back
Also hell yeah to a Keeley & Mae scene!! (Do have some thoughts about what I’ve seen some people say about this scene, though…)
Whether she’s drunk or making a joke, Keeley actually going with Mae’s full name being Maybe is genius!😂
I really need a Mae in my life. I feel like I could actually get my life in order after a conversation with this woman
Everyone not knowing what to do or how to react to him wearing this t-shirt is brilliant
(Also Red Right Hand playing over this is maybe the last little push I need to finally start Peaky Blinders once this show is done)
Beard trying to get Ted’s attention- amazing. But what was he doing on his phone that he was so focused on??
‘Okay, now I’m worried. Are you alive? Text ‘no’ if dead’ living for silly, real Rebecca! 🥰
The boys all getting together to watch all the games is beautiful 🥹 they’re all so supportive!!
Also genius work casting Colin & Ryan as the commentators for this match 👌🏼
Savage Dani!!
What are you decorating, Rebecca, that you have a ‘decorating made easy’ pdf on your laptop?? 🤔
Yo, Rupert is really struggling atm, huh!
Yes I gasped when he threw it on the floor, but had no doubt he’d bake back for it!
Rebecca is a gif sender. Of course she is
Rebecca has anxiety confirmed?? 🤔
Okay this scene with little Rebecca is absolutely gorgeous!! And did make me tear up a little, not gonna lie.
(As I’ve also said, I choose to believe Paul taught her to do that when she was little)
That is going to become his new favourite t-shirt, I can see it already. Something will eventually happen to it and he’s going to be devastated!!
Again, who the fuck is Leann?! Your name is Ruth, woman! 😂 it’s times like this that fanfic really screws with you 😂
‘I teach kids. I don’t mind cleaning up a mess’ tell him like it is, RuthLeann 😂
Aannndd it’s all falling into place finally. Took your time, Roy!!
‘I like clothes that tell the truth’ BARBARA!! You juicy minx 😂 I love you, please never leave!!
I’ve absolutely loved watching these two together 🥹
She’s so awkward, maybe a little bit autistic 🤷🏻‍♀️ makes sense!
Rupert’s being nice. Makes me feel weird…
‘How could I resist the chance of having a bunch of old men speak directly to my chest?’ Don’t try so hard, man. She’s not that funny!!
His assistant is called Bread. A play on Beard perhaps?? 🤔
Okay, what has he said about Rebecca to get a reaction from her like that??
Also this is deliciously awkward. I hope it comes out that Nathan told everyone he was sleeping with his assistant, as well as others, and that’s why he left. And that Bex left him too. You must suffer
Your ex-wife is also not stupid. She knows exactly what happened with your old assistant.
He introduced her as an owner, not his ex. HE’S TRYING SO HARD!!
I’ve had this exact exchange with many an older gentleman in my time. This is too real 🤢
This man and his obsession with Chicago-style hot dogs knows no bounds! 😂
Okay, these baby pictures are cute
Sam pulling the most out of a tiny little thing is wonderful 😂 wonder how long that actually went on for??
‘An untried dream’. Eww.
So Keeley does know how to text back! 🫢
I love how they bring things in from the actors themselves, assuming this really is Nick playing
‘Is this a fucking joke?’ FUCK THEM UP, GIRLIE!!
And Sam’s face 😂
They really just said let’s surround Hannah with kids this episode, huh 😂
Love her talking to a bunch of old men like they’re children, too
Jamie wearing 24 for Sam 🥹🥹🥹 yes, I have to pause until the tears go away
Roy, your handwriting is atrocious
How dare this show make me have a feeling towards Rupert 😡
I agree with you, Edwin, what a lovely speech indeed. Rebecca, you have come so far from the bitter ex-wife who just wanted to destroy something your ex-husband loved. You truly care and love the sport and your boys now and it’s delicious to witness 🥰🥰🥰
Omg that reveal with amazing!! (Although I will say, on my first watch I though initially the food on Tony’s head was because he’d been punched 🫣😂)
Those giggles were purely Hannah & Tony
Nick is absolutely killing in this season. This scene is a great showcase of exactly how these types of families are. It’s beautiful to witness
Also shoutout to the actor playing his dad. He’s done an amazing job too!!
I’m feeling so many emotions watching this scene. Tony is showcasing beautifully exactly how charming Rupert can be. Reminiscing about old times, getting food out of her hair. Doing his ‘Rupert act’ that likely always works for him. But not with her. Not anymore. She’s the strong one now and he’s lost 🥹 Good for you, Rebecca!
She has to look now, Roy, because nobody can read your handwriting 😂
Brett & Juno kill me. His letter is just beautiful and made me tear up every time I’ve listened to it 🥹 AND HE TOLD HER HE STILL LOVES HER!! 🥰
‘Sincerely yours, Roy Kent. XOXO’ 😂😂 never change, please
They really are beautiful and I can’t wait to see them coming back together!
Keeley opening that door and screaming at Rebecca was *chefs kiss* 😂 Juno Temple, comedy queen!
And I want what they have!! I love how she can share her good news, ask for a hug, then tell her she’s cross with her friend. And her friend completely understands. It’s wonderful
Again, being accountable for you actions. Rebecca doesn’t even have to say anything to her
I’ve seen people against Rebecca funding KJPR, but I think it makes perfect sense. Rebecca has the money and she wants to do something within her means to help her friend reach her full potential. Why wouldn’t she help?!
Keely’s disgust is all of us 😂
Baby girl is finally at the top of her mountain! Now just needs her lightening 😉
I love that the salute has become Rebecca & Roy’s thing 🥰
Wilk is shocked! Bit what a beautiful gesture!
Barbara left Jack and wants to stay with Keeley, as she should! I’ve said from the beginning she knew what Jack was like, but I think the difference is she actually likes Keeley…
Puppy Dani is back!!
Roy wears a colour other than black (or charcoal heather grey) and Beard learns he can share bits of himself with people. Yes, we’re coming to an end, guys…
She didn’t get rid of the painting!!
Also doesn’t need saying, but how fucking gorgeous is Hannah in this scene! That dress & colour on her are delightful. She’s so fucking soft now!!
She didn’t open the biscuits right away! 👀 and she shuffled closer to Ted 👀 is this it, girls? Is it happening?? I’m not ready! What do I do?!! 🫠
The little smile after she says so no longer cares about beating Rupert 🫣 He’s so proud of her!!
The heart eyes 😍 Ted, she is still your boss! She’s not your wife yet!!
OMFG!! 😂😂 how many times do you think she had to do that before she could do it without laughing?? 😂
‘As long as none of that tree piss gets in my mouth, I’m actually okay with it’ Okay, Ted. We get it!!
Well that episode was absolutely beautiful! On so many fronts!!
I do have more thoughts about a few points which I may elaborate on at some point, but I do feel like it’s showing we’re on the home stretch now 😢
Looks like we’re getting Mumma Lasso next episode, too!! 🫣 Kinda vibrating with excitement, but at the same time telling myself not to expect too much! But she’s in Richmond so it’s only right to assume there’d be a scene between her & Rebecca, right??
Only 2 more left babes!! 🫡
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