#also its so good that they sing the parts referring to the limbs they dont have
spheredotorb · 5 months
this too...........!!!!!!
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thenixkat · 5 years
Animorphs notes: Andalite Chronicles
Andalite Chronicles b/c I want that juicy taxxon info
Elfangor is the narrator
This is my hirac delest — my final statement.
I still dont get why Visser 3 vored him instead of capturing him
21 years before start
How and why would they be annihilating entire planets?
This doesnt gel with HBC. blatant andalite propaganda
Elfangor is not great at school
Arbron kicked lightly at the grass with one hoof in a gesture of contempt. Then he said the insult that went with the gesture. <Elfangor, when are you going to get your hooves back on the grass and out of the air?>
Arbon is interesting
The Electorate has voted to allow more children to be born since we're in a war now. They say if the war goes on for long and there are lots of battle deaths, some families may even have three and four children.
Population control measures
Warriors working on the battle bridge often used hand signals between themselves so that the thought-speak noise wouldn't become a jumble.
Sign Language makes sense but I’m giving a flat what to the second part of that.
Earth is a level six planet according to the andalites. Earth is a level 2 world according to the Plumbers.
Also fuck da police, which in this case means andalites
“The Skrit Na don't care what anyone else in the galaxy thinks about them. They don't belong to the Yeerk Empire. They aren't one of our allies. They don't care about laws or customs or anything. All the Skrit Na care about is collecting things and owning things.
“The Skrit Na are unusual in another way: They are actually like two different races. The Skrit look like huge insects, almost as large as an Andalite. They have fourteen legs and six sets of antennae, and aren't really very intelligent. But the Skrit each eventually weave a cocoon and a year later, out of the dead Skrit there pops a Na.
“The Na are a whole different story. The Na have four very slender legs. Sometimes they rear up and walk on just two legs, using the other legs as hands. They have large heads shaped like Andalite heads, only they have just two huge eyes.
“Skrit Na are constantly going to peaceful planet sand kidnapping the local species. Sometimes they perform medical experiments on them. Sometimes they just fly around with them and then let them go. But often they carry local creatures away to add them to zoos on the Skrit Na homeworld.
“Like I said: a weird species. No one understands the Skrit Na. Personally, I don't think they understand themselves.”
The skrit-na
The fuck was that? Why does the lack of a tail make you a primitive.?
Elfangor is a weak ass bitch who thinks bugs are ugly
Andalites think red blood is creepy
Is this the same Chapman as the other Chapman? Maybe
Andalites apparently don’t bother to try living/exploring places that aren’t comfortable
Andalites described as having 2 hearts
Elf is a car fucker
Alloran is built
The andalites erase the memories of primitives not ready for aliens
Is that comment sexist? It might be
Alloran defends his whole genocide the horks for getting themselves enslaved plan
Listen book, yall aint ready to tackle time fuckery
Alloran has a single point about vets
Uh, Chapman and David are similar kinds of kids
who the fuck hid a time machine/reality warping device on Earth?
Actually, it might have been the skrit-na, they’ve been around for awhile
Chapman has a point
Unless its a BDSM thin you can’t really be enslaved by choice?
CHapman was a fuckboi
Hey kids ready to do some real war?
The Taxxon home world has 3 moons
Alloran is specist towards taxxons too
Alloran, Arbron, and I pressed close to the hatch, waiting for it to blow open. We carried handheld shredders on setting three. There are six power levels on a shredder. Level one delivers a mild charge that will stun a small creature for a moment or two.
Level six will blast a hole through ten feet of solid alloy. Level three wouldn't kill most creatures, but it would certainly knock them down so hard they wouldn't get up for hours.
If you've never faced a Taxxon, let me tell you: They are shocking things to see up close. They are tubular, like a monstrously thick, ten-foot-long hose. They have rows of needle-sharp, cone-shaped legs. The upper third of their body is held upright, and there the rows of legs become smaller and form tiny two- and three-fingered hands. There is a row of dark red eyes, each like congealed liquid. At the very top is the mouth, a round, red-rimmed hole circled with vicious rows of teeth.
Alloran seals 3 injured taxxons in a room to kill eachother
Apparently teh dead cannot be aquired
Why did they leave the tied up hork with the wounded taxxons? That’s cruel
Alloran commits more war crimes
That’s still a war crime Alloran
A djabala is a small, six-legged animal, maybe a third the size of a young Andalite. It has a mouth and a tail and no natural weapons. It lives by climbing trees and eating the highest leaves.
You have to morph the djabala in order to pass the morphing proficiency test. So I did. But then, like a lot of arisths, I morphed a kafit bird. I have heard that some planets have many types of bird. But since we only have three, and since the kafit is the best species of the three, it's popular with young cadets looking for fun.
Thgat lack of biodiversity has to be artificial
That’s not how bugs or compund eyes work
Orange and green acid clouds on the taxxon home world
The first thing I noticed was that the sky was a pale gray-brown. The color of dust. The bright clouds were too high up even to be seen. The second thing I noticed was the smell. Everywhere, warm, living hearts were beating. Hork-Bajir hearts. Gedd hearts. Taxxon hearts. Blood rushed through veins. . . .
We get it, taxxon’s are vampires
Below the maze of cradles was bare, orange-red dirt. Not a blade of grass, just dirt. There were primitive magnetic levitation rails running through the massive forest of cradles. Train cars, some open, some enclosed bubbles, raced back and forth along the tracks.
So a desert?
Elf you just failed being a spy
SubVisser 7 who will be Visser 3
At the top of the Yeerk Empire is the Council of Thirteen. One of those thirteen is emperor, but no one knows which one. It's a closely guarded secret. The Yeerks fear assassination.
Guess teh emperor
Mountain taxxon rebels
Yeerks feed rebel taxxons to loyal taxxons
Taxxons see better in the dark
Why would a yeerk use any of the hork-bajir language?
CHapman is an asshole. Fuckboi supreme
WHat do you gain? You don’t even know how yeerks treat quislings yet?
Nope, no. Either the space ships only work best in space or the ships can be used deep underwater. Not both series.
Highspeed chase
Three thousand five hundred miles an hour. The ground was a blur. We were a blazing meteorite. We were an arrow of flame as we shot across the Taxxon world at impossible speeds. The scruffy bushes and stunted trees of the Taxxon world burst into flame as we passed over. We were drawing a line of fire around the planet!
So there is vegitation
Arbron is a damn good shot
There’s grass on the otherside of the montains
Andalite stalk eyes apparently don’t blink
Skrit-Na use green emergency lighting
The time matrix is 10 ft in diameter
Elfangor is driving a car he found in the skrit-na ship
With this and Ax, I’m going to have to assume that andalites are just incapable of getting singing.
I was in a vast underground cavern. Dominating the center of the cavern was a sort of hill or small mountain. It was this mountain that glowed. It glowed a dim but unmistakable red.
From this irregular glowing hill came tendrils, each perhaps three or four feet in diameter. As my
eyes adjusted I could see that there were a dozen or more of these tendrils, and that each one extended to the edge of the cavern and then kept going into the rock itself.
The tendrils, too, glowed a dim red. I realized that I could see things moving inside the tendrils.
The tendrils were hollow! They were tubes, each about as big around as ..
The living hive?
The living hive can communicate telepathyicly
The mountain taxxons did not eat the wounded arbron
He waved one Taxxon claw back toward the massive, glowing mountain. <The Living Hive. Light of the Taxxons. Mother and Father of the Taxxons. The Hive has lost many of its children to the Yeerks. Many of its servants have betrayed the Hive and made an alliance with the Yeerks. But the Living Hive is still the Mother and Father of the species.>
<The Living Hive's tunnels extend across thousands of miles, Elfangor. There is suction in the tunnels. A Taxxon has only to fold back its legs, and the pressure draws it swiftly down the tunnel, as the Hive commands.>
Arbron is thinking a lot more like a taxxon, cause from what I’ve seen andalites are quitters
Taxxons regenerate limbs very quickly
Its a blood bath, but taxxons don’t give up easy
Alloran needs to get a fucking life
Really you should assume that anyone captured by the yeerks is probably got a yeerk in them now
CHapman is a little bitch
A quantum virus is a sort of disease of space-time. You see, it slowly breaks down the force that holds subatomic particles together. It slowly disintegrates whatever it affects. Living creatures affected with a quantum virus find their very molecules breaking down. It can take days, weeks of agony.
Well, fuck you extra hard Alloran
Elfangor is not ok with the amount of luck going on
Elfangor finally figured out that everybody is yeerks
Ya know what? I’m going to make it a point to never refer to Visser 3 as the abomination b/c fuck the andalites
SubVisser 7 you really shouldn’t be an ass towards someone who decides not to murder defenseless prisoners, that’s an attitude you should want in yer enemies
Elf impersonates Subv7 and gets the yeerk fighters on his tail while he gets away with the time machine
Oh hey look at that, you don’t have to starve yer prisoner to death in this situation.
Yeerks can be frozen to put them into hibernation
Dambnit Elfangor!
Chapman needs to shut the fuck up
This is flatworld
No. Elfangor what Alloran chose to do was def wrong.it was absolutely wrong
There’s spaceship eating asteroids in Graysha Nebula.
Spaceship eating asteroids attracted by energy
Elfangor doesnt belive in psychic things
Visser 2? Did he get demoted at some point?
Oh, the asteroids prefer to eat the energy
Visser 32? Someones isn’t being consistant
Ah yes lets have someone go outside and get the time machine with no space suit
SUre, tie a bag of air over yer head, that’ll prevent depressurization
Why don’t andalite ships have airlocks? Do they not have fuckin safety regulations?
Book is going with Visser 32 for now
Its too bad yall don’t have space suits with magnetic boots that could help with that
The andalite brain has 4 visible segments
The last memory I had, as the cold collapsed my consciousness, was of someone vast and incredible. A being like nothing I could have imagined. It saw me. It saw us all.
And it laughed.
Now which cosmic entity is this?
I stared at a therant tree. The trunk. The branches. The vines. Impossible! It was Hala Fala! The oldest of the therant trees in the woods near my home. My father had shown me this tree when I was just a very small child. It was my Garibah. My Guide Tree.
Right, Andal trees can talk
The Garibah could not change what had happened. And it could not tell me that I was forgiven, or that all would be well now. I knew the ritual of forgiveness. <I have made right everything that can be made right, I have learned everything that can be learned, I have sworn not to repeat my error, and now I claim forgiveness.>
Hala Fala has been alive for 7 thousand years
There it was: the scoop. The bowl dug out of the ground by my great-great-grandparents and planted with every delicious variety of grass and flowers. And there was the lodge, the blue-plex awning that covered the south quarter of the scoop and kept our things out of the rain.
The Andal sky is red and gold
A nightmare patchwork of 3 dif worlds b/c the gods of this universe are cruel
“And on the other side everything turned brown and muddy gray and a red so dark it was almost black.
On the other side of the line, wild, tall, spiky grass and trees that rose only a foot tall before spreading out horizontally for thirty or forty feet. If you could even call something like that a tree.
I was startled by something that reached up out of the ground with a soft SHLOOP! It was like a Taxxon tongue, almost. Ten feet long and dark red, it shot up from a hole in the ground. It seemed to lick the air in a slow, circular pattern, as if it was searching blindly for something. Then, after a few seconds, it SHLOOPED! back into the ground.
Ten feet away, another such tongue. This time it reached for a beast that walked past, hunched over. The beast had four thick legs toward the back and two turned-in legs forward, with no discernable head. This lumbering creature wandered straight toward the flickering tongue and suddenly, fast as a tail, the tongue reached out and wrapped around the beast's hind legs. The beast let out a groan, although where that sound came from, since it seemed not to have a head, was a mystery to me.
The tongue drew the beast toward its hole. But it could not suck the animal down, so it simply held it prisoner as the beast groaned.
The sky directly over that dark, unnerving landscape was dirty green and veined with silent lightning.”
Actually the yeek home world sounds pretty cool
“And on either side of him stood a creature like nothing I had ever seen or imagined. They were
each about three feet tall and four and a half feet long. They were mostly a dark, dirty yellow with irregular black spots. But the head and shoulders were the deep red of the Yeerk plants.
The heads were tiny for the bodies, elongated, almost needle-sharp. The mouths were long and
narrow. Hundreds of tiny, bright red teeth stuck out, jagged and wildly different in length and shape. But what struck me as strangest was that the creatures did not have legs in the usual sense. They had wheels.
Yes, wheels. Four of them, to be exact. The wheels were located where legs should be.
Each was sloppy and irregular in shape, not perfectly round.”
Visser 32’s pets, Jarex and Lerex. Who are Mortrons. Visser 32 saved a pair as pets the rest are extinct due to their sun going nova. Yeerks cant infest them
“Suddenly the creatures each split into two parts! The bottom portion, the yellow part with the wheels, swerved away. The dark red upper portion simply rose from the body, unfolded leathery wings I'd never even suspected, and flew straight at me!”
And they multiply when cut! Nice
Elfangor is strong enough for a human kid to ride on his back
Elf doesnt know what books are…. Did andalites invent books later than his childhood?
Wait, no he’s explaining them as primitive  computer files… inconsistancies
Lauren is finally upset about all of this
I guess Chapman is just fuckin dead
Huh, andalites had cities and stuff but decided they like more space and nature better
Andalites can close their hooves
Time fuckery is making them age
Binch that’s just conjecture, you aint got proof
Elf had decided that no, andalites cannot be trusted with a damn time machine
He also does not wanna go home
Why can’t she imagine that she’s back at her original age?
I knew it, Elfangor is done with war doesnt want to get dragged back
Elf knew Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
This very probably isn’t the orginal timeline from the start of the book
And then the Elimist goes and rips this man out of his life and tosses him back into war, at a point he knows he’ll die just to set up the next group of pawns in his game.
B/c the gods of this universe are cruel
...the ellimist reprogramed Chapman as a tool in his damn game
….the ellimist chose to hurt Loren the way she was all for a damn game, as part of stacking a deck to cheat in a game
Lying motherfucker
And then we never see Visser 3 serch for Loren and her kid b/c the ellimist is a manipulative sacki of birdshit
“But not the only one of his kind” too bad noone bothered to expand on that
More time fuckery
Elf realizes that the andalite millitary is crooked af
Tobias’ fucked up family situation is directly the ellimist’s fault
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