#also john playing nintendogs would be canon too
audioletter · 7 months
you also have to write a drabble based on one of your new stickers but it does not have to be tonight
I chose this sticker because John having a DS is canon:
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"So you got your little...unit thing, huh."
"Nintendo DS. And yes."
"The Daedalus brought it?"
"It looks fun."
"It is."
"What are you playing, you're getting pretty intense there with the stylus."
"Wh-what? Nintendogs?"
"I'm patting my dog. See?"
"Ah, I see. So do -"
"Jesus John, I'm right here, don't need to shout!"
"Oh, no, sorry, that's the name of my dog in the game."
"I - should I be flattered?"
"He's pretty cute."
"Um. Yeah. Look, is this like those Tamawhatsits things?"
"Nope. Real dog. Real needs."
"Real dog. You named Rodney."
"I'm. Okay, but why."
"He looks like you."
"I'll take your word on that one and choose to be flattered."
"Good. RODNEY!"
"Let's...I'm going to just check on Zelenka."
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