#also just my opinion as a nonbinary trans bisexual yknow
enochianribs · 1 year
bi dean vs gay dean is something that is truly holding hands to me bc I do think he's bi. as a bi person. but I also think that as time goes on hes less interested in women in an attraction way and gravitates towards men because there's a massive cas shaped elephant in the room and before anything else, he wants him but he doesn't think its tangible so he goes for the next best thing which is something else cas shaped. but even that will require Dean rituals. like, I still think he's bi in late seasons but I also think he only really wants cas. and that mostly starts in season six-ish, and just sets in stone more and more. I also think he has phases growing up where he is more attracted to women vs men and vice versa and that's cool! bisexual people don't have to be consistently perfectly split in their attraction to genders.
i also think Dean's gender expression is like schrodingers trans. he's like Link to me. I gravitate towards transmasc as a transmasc guy myself but him being transfeminine and/or nonbinary is also so obvious to me. And gender and orientation are always holding hands they're not actually that easy to separate so it's all confetti, anyways, at the end of the day. Maybe Dean loved Cassie as a woman when he knew her, even if they weren't both aware of that. Yknow? Maybe Dean has days where he wants to approach being a girl from the other side after transitioning. Anyways yeah. Dean's a nebulous thing and all I know is that he certainly isn't straight. These are just my opinions. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. 💖
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spacebarsidecar · 2 years
I know it's literally said out loud by the character and everything but I fully cannot see elliot trying to get in between rue/jules he's just such a laid back character all the intensity is coming from Jules in any of these interactions
the guessing rue's asexual comes in here too like we've only seen her passionate about drugs and if she associates elly with drugs that might come in to play too
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alright here's some more headcanons but it's not all directly related to ISWM. this is just markiplier character sexuality/gender headcanons. since i'm assuming a lot of the characters have some sort of attraction to y/n and their gender depends on you, the viewer, there's going to be a lot of bi labels. i'm also not going to label anyone as straight, gay, or lesbian for this fact as well.
all my opinions
starting off with a pretty obvious one; wilford warfstache. a pansexual king, gives me either agender or genderfluid vibes. uses all pronouns because after he descended into madness after the WKM events he stopped caring about what people perceive him as.
onto damien: i feel like he's just bi and uses he/they, but still identifies as cis.
actor mark: i want to be nice. but this man makes me want to strangle him. take your bisexual label and get out of here, simp.
celine: omnisexual queen, imo. also gives me demigirl vibes, but uses they/she. we love a witchy queen.
darkiplier: genderfluid, uses they/she/he without preference. due to dark being celine and damien i'll just say bi for them.
abe: my boy!! bi, but still unsure about it, yknow what i mean? if you asked him for his pronouns he'd be confused, but after it's explained to him he'd say he/him.
illinois: pansexual and ftm trans king, he has the vibes. he uses the confidence and cockiness to appear more masculine. he/him, we stan a trans king.
yancy: unlabeled sexuality, tends to just say queer. nonbinary vibes, uses they/he. he's a theater kid, did you think he'd be cis?
captain magnum: didn't expect to see him here, did ya? simple bi vibes, cis man. if you asked his pronouns he would say cap/tain but then after an explanation he'd say he/him.
the jims: man i'm just gonna say he/they bi kings. the they is because they're literally multiple people.
bingiplier: a they/he/it pan king! also agender due to being a literal search engine. also just gives those vibes anyway.
googleplier: it/they. triple a battery with aro/ace/agender. it honestly just wants to take over the world ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
space mark: i feel like space mark would use he/they and use neopronouns like star/stars or something cutely space related. probably either nonbinary or elsewhere under the umbrella. also panseuxal.
noir mark: bi and he/they, would probably joke about using neopronouns like bul/let but wouldn't be serious about it. cis man but is comfortable in his masculinity.
gunther: another pan king, but i feel he'd be panromantic and ace. i feel like he understands romance and physical affection but has no idea what sexual attraction is like. also cis.
celci: demiromantic, but a biseuxal queen. celci would be the one on the Invincible that explained sexualities, genders, and pronouns to the rest of the crew and made them all have their queer awakenings. nonbinary, they/she.
burt: mans gives me aro/ace vibes, but is open to queerplatonic relationships. cis, but again, comfortable in his masculinity and wouldn't mind he/they being used for them to normalize it.
wug: depends on the wug you happen to come across, but to specify for the wug we meet (not the one that's lady's friend in the noir route), i'd say just mainly uses wug as a pronoun, but is open to he/they being used.
bandit: they/them all the way. you have no idea how much i love bandit. they'd probably say their gender is unknown to humans, and if asked they'd say bi and nonbinary, for human minds to comprehend.
lady: would say something about how human labels are so useless and refuse to answer.
that's all i can think of for right now, if you wanna know my thoughts on any other mark egos/characters i missed, lmk!
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gemsofthegalaxy · 3 years
AWWWWH okay rambley post but Kristin(formerly from buzzfeed, currently from Kitchen and Jorn)’s Wife just came out as a trans woman and it’s just. really sweet?? idk just seeing people come out makes me happy yknow. 
also. tangentially related, but they talk about this in the video like, they’re not breaking up at all. Kristen has always been ‘gay’. She evensaid part of the reason she’s so often like “im hella gay!” is because people have always been be like “no ur NOT” because of who she married, which is just biphobic in the first place? 
as far as i can remember, she was out as bi before she was married? so she’s been bi since before her wife came out (PLUS her wife was previously identifying as nonbinary and they’ve remained together) and in the video she says she’s queer** now that her wife is out. like.  
the person someone is married to is not an indicator of them being strictly gay or strictly straight!! a bi person is a BI person, and for lots of us bisexual this includes anyone of any gender identity including non-binary identities (not just “men and women” as some definitions of bisexuality state ;P)  
**if anyone watches this video, i’m still watching, and Kristen at one point say that she’s “unfortunately still attracted to men sometimes” which i know is a semi-common expression from bi/queer women that ranges from joking to serious and it can bother some people to hear that expressed. i can understand where it comes from but i also understand how it’s a hurtful sentiment so like, be aware of that. im still actively watching the video and reacting so 
ANYWAY. im super happy for both of them and especially  for Brie coming out!!! she’s always come across as a little camera shy and i don’t watch a ton of the kitchen & jorn videos, but Brie seems happier and more comfortable. and it’s always awesome to see trans people sharing their story and just living life, in my opinion. 
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semiconducting · 7 years
some sexuality talk because ive been reminded of it lately
so as of right now i currently identify as being bisexual. like. just plain bisexual.
but somethin about it doesnt feel right still.
like when i realized i Wasnt Straight (when i was literally 12) i thought hey know i think im panromantic asexual! i dont like thinking about sex its icky but i wouldnt mind dating anybody!
and then after a while it sunk in that i wasnt really pan because i just. dont have a whole lot of interest in men. like there is a slight attraction i guess because i have had crushes on guys in the past. but im not sure if thats a heternormativity thing and i just couldnt distinguish between romantic and platonic feelings.
and its not like ive had a crush on a guy since middle school. everything afterwards has been fictional characters or celebrities so.
so yknow, i was biromantic asexual. i never once questioned the asexuality thing that was the thing that was Right.
and then in a bit romantic feelings were so weird. i felt it sometimes but not always? and it seemed like i was more in love with the idea of a relationship because when actually considering a relationship i always got scared and didnt like it.
grey-biromantic asexual.
and yknow i was one of those aces. sex is gross! i dont wanna see that pda bullshit! 
but at the same time? by “pda” i meant straight people like sucking each others faces off and feelin up each other in public like. i never really went to the extent Some People do and act like hand holding or hugs (esp for wlw/mlm) was Just As Icky.
and the “sex is gross” thing. sex was just gross about me. i didnt care if other people liked it, or even talked about it (so long as it wasnt like. in a situation/environment where its Completely uncalled for if you know what i mean?). that’s their business and i’m glad if they enjoy it. it’s their choice and just be safe about it! doesnt affect me at all.
like i still feel some of the same stuff in that i dont really like sexual comments directed at me, some of that may be a rejection of sexuality in a hypersexualized society, some of that may be personal body dysphoria as well, fear of a relationship (especially a sexual one), etc etc
but sex jokes? talking about it? fine. i didnt care much.
and then the ace discourse whatevers popped up on tumblr and i just. really did not like that bullshit. so i separated myself from the ace community and publicly identifying as such. i didnt want to be associated with that, all the homophobia and acting so oppressed in places where nothing was really there. i was ace nonetheless.
also i frankly dont want to dive into my stance on it so let’s skip that.
anywho. so im bi right? always been. 
and then, yknow, things sat for a while, and i thought about it and realized that the asexual label just doesnt feel right anymore? like. i still dont like sexual comments. im scared of the idea of a sexual relationship. as a dfab person im still vehemently against hypersexualization.
but also i just realized it wasnt that simple? am i attracted to other people sexually? i dont know really. but its not that strict and also i dont? need to specify it? its not anyone’s business except my own and perhaps a potential partner’s. 
and its been really difficult coming to terms with that. i feel so dirty. i feel like not being Completely Against Me Having Sex and Feeling Sexual Attraction is just...like i was lying. for attention for all those years of calling myself ace. i feel like i betrayed myself because this is how ive identified for so long
so its just. trying to recognize that the incoming feelings about sexuality is complicated but....okay? its alright to feel this sort of thing? i kind of looked at myself a little young on the sexual end of things and while that can work for some people it just. didnt for me. 
and im a strong advocate for labels change, people and feelings change, its totally okay for you to identify as something different than you once did
but its just one of those things thats ingrained yanno. ive considered myself a part of the ace community forever and its been such a part of how ive approached things.
and like, i know ive been obnoxious about it to some people on occasion. but those who come to mind are people that also loved to take my declaration of asexuality as a chance to shove sexuality back into my face when ive expressed discomfort so. :/ not that im right, but theres reasoning i suppose???
but yeah i dunno. distancing myself from the community was rather easy as ive never had a huge hand in it (not that i do with much in general, but i do post opinions about things and whatnot and im much more an advocate for lgbt rights publicly in general so?). its just separating myself from the label. embracing the sexuality as i grow older and recognizing that it’s okay. that it doesnt make my discomfort with sex any less prevalent, and my stance on sexuality in society and culture any less strong.
in general, like i said, its my business! and i dont think anyone particularly cares to hear about my feelings about sex in deep detail, nor do i need a label for it. so im just bisexual. 
but remember the heteronormative crushes and things we were talking about earlier?
that’s what’s ticking me lately.
ive seen a lot of posts on my dash recently about heteronormativity and how it affects lesbians in particular in recognizing their identity.
and like. god my feelings about calling myself a lesbian are really complicated.
like just to name a few
i’m afraid i’m doing shit for attention and im not Really a lesbian
im not really a girl, and i separate myself from femininity so much in favour of my gender identity so i can be a Real Nonbinary Trans 
i feel like im invading in the community, and that being sapphic/bi is enough to keep myself around other wlw
 it’s not like there arent nonbinary lesbians and im not denying that identity in any way shape or form, its just something for me
like, i always considered myself bisexual because im not a girl. but to people ive “come out to” in person, im a lesbian, because as far as they know im female, right? im not really into men, and i like girls, and that’s usually the quickest way to getting it across.
i think its just an issue of conflicting with my gender identity is all. which has also been recently a little less clear and defined than i thought. 
and its another one of those betraying my labels/looking for attention. im bi, and ive always been! so why should i change that yknow.
so thanks if youve read through this mess of me trying to make sense of my thoughts. 
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