#also let’s just pretend that i put effort into the wc page adjikl
ofagatas · 5 years
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✧・゚(   ariadne + ester exposito + cis female) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (   ágata saravia  ) around ? (   she  ) has been in kaos for (   three weeks ). the (   twenty-one year old ) is a (   socialite   ) from (   madrid, spain ). people say they can be (   uptight   ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (   gentle  ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   nude lipstick, flashing camera lights, and the smell of vanilla   ).  ・゚✧  (  penned by b, 21+, est, she/her  ).
Full name: Ágata Maria Saravia y Trastámara
Birthday: July 31
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Age: 21
Gender: Cis-female (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Place of birth: Madrid, Spain 🇪🇸
Occupation: Socialite
Positive Traits: Kindhearted, adaptable, generous, articulate, & dedicated.
Negative Traits: Spoiled, sheltered, insecure, naive, & vain.
Archetype: The Marionette
—> BIO:
Agata is my soft duchess in training. She was born and raised in Madrid, Spain to Rodolfo Saravia, the fourth born son of Spanish Duchess Maria-Pilar Saravia (think Cayetana Fitz-James) and his former flamenco dancer wife, Lisel. As the Duchess of Saravia’s only granddaughter in a sea of sons and grandsons, she was favored by the woman from day one. So much, that she spent more time with her grandmother than her own parents growing up. The matriarch had always been desperate for a daughter, but earned herself five sons instead. Thus, Ágata’s birth was like an answered prayer. Under her grandmother’s tutelage, she was essentially groomed to take over her place in both title and business. Her grandmother has been slowly disowning other members of the family, ripping their titles away one by one to assure that Ágata is the one to inherit it all. Much of this though is justified. While the Saravia’s are renowned for using their amassed wealth for philanthropy, they are also notorious for their scandals, which include (but are not limited to): extortion, land grabbing, intellectual theft, infidelity, and tax evasion. Her own parents have been accused of the latter two respectively. Out of everyone in her family, only Ágata and her grandmother are free of controversy. Hence, why so much focus and pressure has been put on poor Ágata, as her grandmother hopes for her to be the saving grace of the family name.
The girl was put in the best schools, rubbed elbows with only the most prestigious of peers, was sheltered to bits, and grew up to be one of the most prominent socialites and philanthropist in the country. She has been doted on so much her entire life that she barely knows how to fend for herself. Everything in her life has been planned out and decided for her by others. While she didn’t mind the attention or expectations much as a child, she found herself more and more discontent with her life as she grew up. She’d never admit it to her family, but all she really wants is to live a simple quiet life away from the limelight. Still, her dutiful nature won’t allow her to fail the expectations put on her. Due to this, she’s always been fairly obedient, and played the part she was meant to fill well. That’s really all she sees he role in life as now; a part to play to please others. Truly, she’s the Saravia family’s pretty marionette. The girl was sent to Kaos in order to serve as the face of some philanthropy work being done in the area in the family’s name. She was sent in the company of a very small team, which means that she’s practically fending for herself for the most part for the first time in her life.
Ágata is a kindhearted and gentle girl. She is the epitome of soft most of the time, and really only hardens when she feels like she or those she cares about most are threatened. In such circumstances, she can become uncharacteristically nasty and will stop at nothing to even the score. Otherwise, she wouldn’t hurt a fly. A hopeless romantic, she’s in love with the idea of love. Although she likely wouldn’t admit it, sweet words and a charming smile are pretty much all it takes to make her swoon. Even so, she doesn’t believe that she’ll ever truly find real love under her circumstances. She just finds it difficult to differentiate those who are sincere from the opportunists. She is the kind of girl that is easily trusting and insists on seeing the best in people, which is one of her greatest faults. No matter how many times they disappoint her, she has a hard time giving up on people once she cares about them enough. Her fierce loyalty and naivety makes her quite impresionable. Still, she isn’t as susceptible to manipulation as one might think. Ágata is very strategic and merely prefers to play along and make it seem as if she has fallen for someone’s trap, only to be doing it all to remain in their good graces or her own personal gain. All in all, we’ll just call her a mess in training.
Her favorite color is rose red
She wanted to be a teacher before the idea was shutdown by her grandmother
She’s intrigued by complex people/situations
Hates the sound of thunder and storms
Expert knitter
Thinks of herself as a mom-friend, is actually more of a grandma
Most likely to be sweet to your face only to talk shit behind your back
Would probably be getting married off by now if it weren’t for her family’s scandals
She was named after Nairobi from La Casa De Papel’s real name because YES
Pinterest board section: HERE
Playlist: HERE
Anything and everything!! Nonetheless, feel free to click here for a few rough ideas to get the plotting gears going. <3
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