#also like………bird species evolving to become less violent than mammal species. ma’am…..may I present to you: duck penises.
fishslappping · 1 year
I’m back to prince lestat and the realms of Atlantis now and I was screaming NO ANNE WHY at the top of my lungs, tears streaming down my face, and laughing like a maniac, as Simon Vance calmly read to me over my car’s speakers on my way to work yesterday because I truly thought I had remembered it wrong that the bird alien’s humanoid bio-robot-bio-weapon’s (DEREK’s) lobbed off arm crawls out of a fire, rears up like some beetlejuice nightmare worm with a mouth on the palm of its hand and then 👏 latches 👏 onto 👏 this man’s 👏 NIPPLE.
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