#also me cringing when writing my main OC i know that i tend to water him down especially when i talk about him to people
tastyfishistasty · 2 years
Okay so I just hit 30 tags talking about my DA mages. It might be that I need to talk about them again. (HyperFocus Engage!)
Note: I have a headcannon that all mages have an element they're drawn to but circumstances can influence it as much as personality etc.
Domynic is naturally fire and seizes being a blood mage as soon as possible. He wants to be powerful and in charge (so no one can hurt him again). He is all about that DPS life.
Domynic Amell and Irys Amell (Twins!)
Irys is water/ice naturally and pushes herself to be a healer. She wants to be a calmer soothing presence like Wynne but gets so angry...! She's more support/DPS.
They both have a natural tendency towards damage and anger, but Irys refutes it and Dom embraces it. They are my "actually opposites" twins.
Zerdali and Jezper Surana (Twins!)
Jezper is Earth naturally and very defence focused, becoming an arcane warrior to protect his friends. Think tank over support.
Zerdali is a natural spirit healer and lightning mage (she's supposed to be super powerful to Jez's average power). She went to the tower long before her brother and goes very strict arcane and creation, but becomes a shape shifter when she's given the freedom to choose and she can do real damage(!). She's more of a "dark" healer?
Abigael Hawke is my baby. She is my most OC ever. She is a Primal Mage by birth (lightning and earth combined) and very very powerful. (I like powerful electric mages, leave me alone).
She has no real healing talent but essentially forces the fade to let her be a spirit healer in a life or death situation. She heals with a spirit of Duty, not Compassion or Love or anything.
(one day I will write that fic...)
Aislynn Hawke is a spirit healer naturally but her weakness and connection to Creation and spirit school makes her feel so weak. She becomes a blood mage for the power. (I was playing an ill conceived hard run...)
Evelyn Hawke is a "people person" aka a manipulator. She is also a healer because people like that, but she's entropy and ice to the core. You ain't touching her.
(2's way of leveling means I had to choose something and healer is better than blood mage so ta-dah loads of healers...)
Jenavieve Trevelyan is a messed up lady with a lot of baggage. She is another natural healer but because Inquisition threw away spirit healer, she is spirit and ice. She doesn't do damage for a long time as she levels, just mind blast and generic attack.
When choosing her specialism she tries necromancer but (I don't like playing that school and Dorian is usually in my party taking care of that)... But! Her spirit healer spirit is upset so she stops. She embraces being part of the action so she can heal more effectively and becomes a Knight Enchanter.
Hissera Adaar
Hiss was born under the Qun and trained there for the start of her magic, which meant damage, damage, damage and forced her into fire primarily.
She was always a blunt weapon so when given the chance she goes down the subtleties of Rift Mage and study.
Elenansal Lavellan
The narrative foil of Hissera, Elenansal was coddled and raised to be a fine instrument of magic as the only other mage in the clan other than the keeper. She is precise and elegant and tends towards controlled lightning and ice.
When given a chance, she went full damage and sized on taking Arcane Warrior (Knight Enchanter) because that's Elven gosh darn it and she is a keeper by right! Also means she gets to release a lot of rage and frustrations out with a big sword.
So uh yeah
I have lots of thoughts about my mages (and my rogues and my warriors), too many for tumblr tags. And yes I know they're all OP and a bit Mary Sue but Cringe is Dead and they are the main damn characters in a game, they're allowed to be OP, so shush.
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / Depends. I think fans usually love Sonia or hate her.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / In some aspects.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO /
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL / Verse-dependent. Mostly good, unless Despair-verse or post-Neo World Program/post-SDR2 for canon verses or Talentswap!AU for my Ultimate Mafia Boss AU. Sonia's reputation is pretty terrible in these.
How strictly do you follow canon?  
I do the best I can, considering that for most Danganronpa characters, there's limited information unless they're a protagonist. Considering DR, depending on the timeline of Sonia's class, takes place in various settings, realities, and states of mind, it can be a challenge to keep everything consistent. While I don't do a lot of threads that take place strictly in the SDR2-verse, where I do try to keep events canon to how they unfold in the game and as precisely as Sonia is presented as I can, other verses tend to be a bit more canon-divergent in order to fill in character building gaps that the game and anime don't really offer. The biggest change I tend to do is that unless I'm writing a thread of Sonia's arrival or first year at Hope's Peak or during the Neo World Program of SDR2, I don't tend to write many of her slang or word mix-ups. While Sonia reads and writes her 30+ languages better than she speaks them, I still believe she picks up on foreign languages easily and learns from her mistakes. She's a smart person, considering all of her talents mentioned in the SDR2 game alone. I also tend to disregard some of Hajime's free-time events with Sonia, particularly in terms of the hero legend and how she would allow the fabled hero to immediately marry and rule with her. My Sonia, for the most part, is a self-rescuing princess (and has a tendency to want to rescue everyone else too!).
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  
Is your muse looking for a friend and/or significant other who's just fascinated by everything they do and will support them no matter what? Someone who doesn't care about where you come from, your family, your looks, your socio-economic status but only who you are? Someone generous, kind, gentle, optimistic, smart, well-read, well-mannered, and will always be your muse's biggest cheerleader? Then your muse will definitely want to meet Sonia Nevermind, Hope's Peak Academy's Ultimate Princess and occult and serial killer-lover extraordinaire. She's poised to inherit a European country that thrives under absolute monarchy, a ridiculous amount of wealth and prestige, her own military, and more homes and assets than one person, and one family, really need. But get her talking about her favorite books/movies/TV shows, particularly horror and romantic dramas, and she'll be ecstatic. She loves exploring haunted locales, questioning the motives and methods of serial killers (real and fictional! I hope you've seen Friday the 13th, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, etc. Is your muse Team Freddy or Team Jason?), and experiencing a 'normal' lifestyle unbefitting of a royal. Novoselic has no amusement parks, so your muse can really wow Sonia by introducing her to her first roller coaster! While she can't actually participate in Freemasonry or murdering people (Despair and Talentswap verses aside!) due to her title, she's still quite intrigued by it all. And like any proper Novosonian, she adores her chocolate and her wine. She's got a massive sweet tooth, perfect for her usual sweet and kind demeanor.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?)
She's not terribly edgy or sarcastic in most of her verses. It's very easy for Sonia to get duped by someone, as she's quick to consider people friends unless otherwise shown differently. She's very poised and polite due to her upbringing and doesn't often act on every impulse she has or speak her mind, especially if her opinion is divisive or negative, unless she trusts your muse. It's easy for her to accept friends into her life and far more difficult to accept romantic love, as she's frequently facing people who love her for her looks, title, and apparent purity, which frustrates her. She doesn't want to be put on a pedestal, she simply wants to be treated normally. She also doesn't get into too many fights, especially if she's been slighted. This is not a muse who's going to throw a punch, but she's excellent with firearms of all sorts. Pistols? Check. Rifles? Mastered them. Rocket launcher? Her favorite! And of course, she learned how to drive a tank before she could drive a car. If you're looking for a meek and shy muse to write with, Sonia's not that type. She's reserved in some things, but if your muse is really out of line? She'll call them out on it. She also has a tendency to want to lead in everything (it's a struggle for her to give up control, she can't help it!) and is a workaholic unless your muse distracts her.
Sonia has a fair amount of Rich People Problems. If that doesn't interest you or your muse, you may not enjoy interacting with her. But she remains as humble as she can about it all. She's terrible at putting herself first and admitting feelings for anyone, automatically assuming the person she cares for wouldn't want to be close to her, platonically or romantically, because of how complicated her life is as a future monarch. There's a lot of press, official appearances, and times she has to be a Princess before a person. She never wants to feel like a burden to your muse, which can sometimes come off as passive. But in life or death situations? Her bravery comes through.
And let's not go into how her Despair verse could be potentially triggering to some muses and/or muns. Sonia's absolutely disgusting when in Despair: lots of gore, lots of torture, lots of death, lots of blood, and a fair amount of sex with bad intentions. She's a gross human being (and has to deal with all of that in a post-Neo World Program verse!).
What inspired you to rp your muse?  
I've been roleplaying for a pretty long time (not necessarily all on tumblr, but for awhile. I'm old!), and I've played action/fighting muses, know-it-all/brainy/witty muses, and muses who border on the mean girl trope with a heart of gold. But I've never really played a sincerely kind and good person. I tend to prefer writing female characters (I'm just more comfortable writing women than men most of the time!) and I've always had an interest in royalty and European history since I was a child. I played and watched Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc originally and while I found it fun, it didn't really hold my attention for long. It took 5-6 years or so for me to try out SDR2, and upon getting introduced to Sonia it was just a perfect fit. I love how kind and open-minded she is, how much she believes in the best of everyone, and how her interests in the occult, serial killers, anime, and dramas are a stark contrast to her royal upbringing. So many royal characters are complete snobs with no interest in commoners, which was never the sort of muse I wanted to write. But I loved the idea of Sonia's fish out of water situation of being the only foreigner in her class (and likely most of the school), who's just so happy to be there even though she gets various customs wrong and is just plain weird due to her personal interests. Additionally, I have a strong interest in horror, the occult, and serial killers myself, so it's been fun incorporating my thoughts on what Sonia would like outside of what the game and anime offered.
What keeps your inspiration going?  
This might be corny, but it's Sonia's innate curiosity about the world and everyone in it. Admittedly, I'm not terribly up to date on current and popular anime (and I've only played DRV3 once, so I don't know those muses as well, and I never completed that game's Talent Development Plan), so it's hard when I don't always know the franchise of the other muse Sonia's interacting with, but she's still so fascinated about others and is inclined to ask questions and take on new experiences. But when I'm feeling stuck on inspiration, I'm returning to books, movies, and TV shows. For Sonia specifically, I watch and read a lot of historical and royal-focused dramas, as well as horror and classic literature. I also follow blogs featuring royal history and modern royal coverage (though when it turns too gossipy, I tend to cringe!) for plot ideas. 
Still, it's the hardest for me to interact with other muses whose muns automatically assume I'm familiar with their fandom, especially when it's popular. I tend to do a fair amount of apologizing in that case, as most of my favorite anime are considered old or classic at this point. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. 
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO.  
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / Most of the time!
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  
Not terribly. In general, if someone doesn't like my portrayal, I question why they're following me (especially if we aren't writing together). I'm much more the type to respect someone's space if they decide to unfollow and/or softblock than want criticism of my portrayal. Of course, it's different if I'm writing with someone for awhile and we have multiple threads and character development, I'm a little more open to criticism but likely won't change my portrayal based on it. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
I do! In general though, I tend to prioritize threads and IC asks over OOC, starting with what I've got muse to write with first. I have anon turned off and so I don't really get a lot of random questions about my muse anymore unless I've posted a meme asking for muse headcanons, but when I do get them, I try to answer them to the best of my ability.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
Not really. It's okay to disagree with my headcanon, that's totally valid! But if it gets to the point where I'm being told how to write my muse, I get annoyed. When I write with a mun, I accept their headcanons in our threads, no questions asked. I prefer the same courtesy with my muse and their headcanons too.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  
Doesn't really matter to me. My general assumption is, is if someone disagrees with my portrayal, they likely won't write with me, follow me, or accept ask meme submissions from me. 
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  
We probably aren't roleplaying together. They likely either don't want to write with a Sonia or my version of her, and that's ok! What isn't ok is gossip and anon hate. I've turned off anon for this reason and won't turn it back on unless I need to (for example, a mutual I trust wants to send something on anon IC). It's a significant weight off my shoulders, not dealing with OOC anon rudeness.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
Sure! No one's perfect. The only one that bothers me is different spelling for US English and UK/AUS/CAN English. I'm from the US and it's just easier to write in that, so I don't get anything wrong.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?  
I like to think so! I'm pretty easygoing and understanding of things like hiatuses, no writing inspo, etc, as long as I'm told that's what it is. Of course, I have my preferences for writing style (I don't do much one-liners or crack RP, just not my thing. I write a lot and try to avoid purple prose as much as I can!), but otherwise I like to plot, to wing it, coming up with new AUs and ships, etc. I also like chatting fandoms and such OOC as well! Admittedly I'm not great when it comes to mental health struggles, as I go through them myself and while I'm pretty high-functioning, RP and tumblr is my escape from my career and horrible stuff IRL, keeping me grounded and such. I like roleplaying, chatting fandoms and fun things, and just having a good time over here and on discord.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @monsieur-de-paris​ (Thank you!)
Tagging: Since this is a very long meme, whoever wants to do it. 
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the-owlchemist · 4 years
How I Run My Blog
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I’ve been seeing these on the dash, and it’s Munday, so I’mma do it too.
Speed: Okay, so. I’m pretty FAST for the most part. I’ve bounced back replies in only a handful of hours, in cases where the muse is strong. Otherwise it’s maybe a day or two to get a reply back to you. No more than little over a week at the very latest. S
Replies: I’ll always try to match length, but in doing so will usually end up going OVER. I noticed my usual length is maybe about.. three paragraphs? But I tend to dip into the longer sides quite easily when it comes to heavier / character driven threads. Which I won’t apologise for. I kinda live for that shit. But please let me know if it’s not your jam. I’ve been pretty lucky in that a lot of my main mutuals seem to also be geared that way.
I don’t tend to shitpost often since I’m always kinda paranoid it mine aren’t funny ( or is even outright cringe ) but I appreciate seeing it on the dash.
Starters: I like writing starters. Though I’m kinda worried that mine might end up being a bit ‘daunting’ because they tend to be a bit.. lengthy. Usually since I’m trying to set a general setting, scenario, or mood, for the thread itself. I’ll post starter calls on occasion or prompts that can be turned into threads.
Inbox: Is pretty much always open, especially to mutuals. I don’t get many questions asking about Noctus ( or the extended lore of his world ) so I always appreciate them. They’re a good excuse to ramble IC/OCC about stuff. That and I enjoy when people kinda ‘check in’ with their characters as well.
Selectivity: I’m semi-selective though not-private. So I’ll write with people I’m not mutuals with & accept prompts from them, however mutuals will always have priority with threads. I’m kinda testing the waters since I don’t want to go private. 
If I don’t follow back it’s not inherently a personal indicator. I’ve got some non-mutuals that I check out every few days/weeks for their activity. I’ll send in prompts, ect, no differently than if we were mutuals. It may just be I don’t feel our characters / writing would click or they post a lot of ooc. There are some blogs I check sporadically as well since, when they followed me, they didn’t have any recent posts of threads. So I couldn’t gauge how things might click between us. 
Wishlist: I don’t have a big wishlist since, being an OC blog, I don’t always get a whole heap of control over the range of characters I may get to interact with. But some include; 
Mobian!Noctus getting to study the chaos emeralds
Mobian!Noctus sharing a class with Starline during their university days
A ‘ Be More Chill’ inspired crossover
A slow burn manipulation type thread with a villain character
A villainous AU for Noctus in any of his verses.   ( This maybe linking in with the manipulation one)
Honest Note: I’m somewhat of a ‘social chameleon’ when it comes to talking to people, especially online. So if you want a chill crescent ( the default ) or a slightly more hyper/rambly Crescent then that is totally up to you.
Also while I don’t practice exclusives, I won’t follow-first any duplicates of my mains’ characters. Which means I won’t search out, for example, Shadow or Silver blogs. If blogs for those characters follow me first  though then I may follow back. My mains are super precious to me both IC & OOC after all. They’re not something I go making super lightly.
tagged by: 
tagging: @dolcetters​, @argentnaivety​, @zcnecop​, @guardingxsword​, @dieviskais​
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