#also most of this applies to leo as well i'm just a jason liker so i made it about him my bad g
yourthirdparent · 2 years
swear i'm gonna kill (/nsrs /hyp) the next person who says jason suggested leaving nico in the jar because HE NEVER FUCKING DID THAT
he said "mmmm but can we really trust him? hate to ask but yk,, he is p shady" when he had NO INFORMATION ON NICO other than "he was at both camps and didn't tell anyone about them" and "he had political power at cj" and like nothing else. and one of his LONGEST STANDING ALLIES was also suspicious. like. not much of an issue with being suspicious over a guy who withheld information when you don't know why he did so.
but back to the main point HE NEVER SAID "HM LET'S LEAVE HIM IN THE FUCKING JAR" like?????? even if he was like grrr nico di angelo i hate him bark bark growl he's not a fucking idiot. like he knows nico is required for the quest and that they're severely fucking themselves over if they don't go get him. like he's not stupid. he's gonna be like yeah ok we need him whatever smh but he's not gonna be like GRR LEAVE HIM LET HIM DIE GRRRR like. all he did was say "do we know where his loyalties lie? we just have to be careful" and if you see "be careful" and think oh he wants to leave that kid in that jar then idewk what you think when people say drive safe or have a safe flight.
AND HIS CONCERN WAS VALID!!!!! keep in mind jason doesn't have all the context we do about this shit. especially not the knowledge we have from future books. like at this point he's not like oh nico yeah he's loyal he'll do anything percy asks cuz he's that loyal and trustworthy. good kid love him to death. he's like oh like the ambassador of pluto who held power and trust. wdym he was at chb. wdym he was at chb for longer than he was here. wdym his loyalties lied with a specific person at chb. wdym he associated with the enemy and never told anyone. man idk if i trust him anymore. like all he knew was nico withheld information. he didn't know that his reasons for doing so were because his father specifically requested it, he just knew that nico kept secrets from him and every other person who might've possibly needed that information.
and like. was it a dick move to be like "maybe we can't trust him. look out for that kid", especially in front of hazel? yeah. absolutely. was hazel valid in her assumption that he and leo wanted to leave nico in the jar? it jumped over a few hurdles to get to that but yeah she was valid. was she justified in her anger? of course she was. but did jason ever say "leave his ass"? no.
and i suppose you could make the argument that he was siding with leo and leo mentioned that they were walking into a trap but again, please note that jason literally just said "we just have to be careful" which for all we know could literally mean "let's make a few more preparations since we're literally strolling into that trap. we'll still go, but let's make sure we all come out of it alive". and like again we don't know what he was thinking so i could be totally wrong and he could've been thinking "we should totally let nico die :) i hate that man" but he never said that. he never even implied it. he said "we just have to be careful".
anyways please if i messed up any details (or if this is incomprehensible) please correct me cuz if i'm wrong about anything i would like to know. and if you think he did imply that he wanted to leave nico in the jar then please share your evidence with me because i would love to see the viewpoint of that side of things /gen
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