#also mostly untagged beyond the cw.
ciown · 2 months
cw: sh mention
regarding archivedblog12 / angrykittenisupposes / neva. edited this for clarification and to correct myself on the later things i said
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something being for coping reasons doesn't mean it won't hurt or upset other people. there ARE harmful coping mechanisms and making a mourning altar for someone is upsetting for anyone, especially someone who has you blocked and has told you to leave him alone
from what i'm aware of, you said something that actually alluded that you wanted someone (or your hubert from your canon) to take your bad actions / abuse. i am not going through all the literal hundreds of messages you've sent us to find that, so take it with a grain of salt
maybe that isn't what you want, i am not in your head. if i somehow implied that you wanted someone to abuse because of your PD, then i'm sorry for that. i think you as a person cannot see outside of yourself and are - even unintentionally - guilting people into taking your negative behaviours and the words you use make them feel like they deserve what they get from you. i think that you would prefer if people could suck it up while you insult them and degrade them because it would give you the chance to recover. i don't think it has to do with your PD, because there are many people who struggle with BPD and do not go to the lengths you do to avoid respecting people's boundaries and avoid respecting them as a person
respect includes not spamming people when they're asleep or when they're not messaging you. even if you didn't realize he was asleep (somehow), that doesn't give you the excuse to act the way you did. if someone doesn't have the energy or does not want to respond to you for a few hours - or godforbid a full day - then that is within their right, especially when you had hardly known him for three days at that point. considering there are PDs and other mental/physical illnesses that make responding to people hard (if not impossible), i would think you'd also find your behaviour ableist, especially when you treated his PD as an inconvenience to you
i stand by my mention of you being selfish because i've repeatedly seen you talk about how all of this affects you while dismissing or ignoring how any of your actions here would make him feel. it's not ableism to point out your hypocrisy and self-centeredness. i have been the person too stuck in my own head to see how my actions have hurt other people. it was not ableist of the people calling me out to call me out on that. it's made me a better and more mindful person to think about how my words may affect other people. this is something you need to work on. you need to give yourself time to think about the things you say. no every stream of consciousness are things you need to tell other people, especially when they are things you assumedly don't mean. and if you do decide to tell them, then you can't be upset with them that they are upset or do not want to be near you
standing up for yourself is not what you're doing. you're harassing someone you hurt and stalking him and his friends. what are you standing up to? your own behaviour? because we are upset and hurt with you because of the things *you* said. we have said things in frustration because you still haven't left us alone in 8 months and likely won't for years because you've done this same thing before
i don't think you set out to abuse people. i do think you genuinely wanted to be hubert's friend but couldn't control yourself or respect him enough to not to dump it to him on essentially day 2 of your acquaintanceship. you made the active decisions to continually message him instead of venting in a private space, or playing a game to distract yourself, or turning off your phone, or going to sleep. you made the decisions to send hurtful and stressful things to someone who was only ever patient with you and who did not deserve your cruelty
you were not mean to him after he was mean to you. you were mean to him to begin with
you threatened to have a panic attack if he spoke to anyone else about your behaviour towards him (first image is unedited, second is for readability. it's the same message). maybe you meant this, somehow, as just "being the truth" but this is still something that would scare someone into not speaking up about your behaviour
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calling him stiff and cautious and guilting him over being more comfortable talking in a server than talking one on one with you, a literal stranger who he hasn't had a conversation with outside of her struggling with her mental health (unedited / edited)
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calling him a nightmare for joking around with me, his best friend. this resulted in his first ever time blocking you, so no you were cruel first (you also, again, called him a "little cruel" for not responding to you while he was asleep even before this)
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implying he traumatized you for blocking you when you triggered him. you knew each other for less than a week. also this was sent to the most popular kin blog and a vent about ren the person and not your hubert from your past life
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your response to him joking with an edelgard double in a kin server unrelated to you in every way. said joke being him reacting to a message with an emoji and sending another emoji in response to the edelgard double's response
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all the above was sent WAY before he was ever "mean" to you
what conclusions about you are you talking about? what things did he do that scared you? you repeatedly said the time he took to word his responses to you was something that made you feel better. what're you talking about
what in the world are you talking about regarding commodifying relationships? are you saying you did something kind for hubert? or are you saying hubert thought of your initial acquaintanceship as something he commodified? where does abuse come into this? what're you talking about? can you explain that in different words? i can't understand it
the issue with this is that this is something you've done to other people that had lasted 3 years. i'm not saying you do this to everyone you meet. but i am saying this is repeated behaviour. like three years for them and then 8 months for us is not whatever it is you think this is. it's not coping. it's not standing up for yourself. it's repeated harassment and stalking to the people you've deeply hurt and betrayed
i'm calling you a leech because you negatively affect and drain the happiness from the people you spam and stalk. you have stalked hubert, his boyfriend, his best friend (myself), his other friend, and who knows who else from our circle. i'm not delving into the things you did to the people before us and it's not really something i want to talk about in depth. i'm saying this to point out to you that you are repeating the toxic and abusive behaviou that you've done for years. the issue is that you haven't changed in what is now 4 years. the issue is that you do horrible things and blame it off on your emotions when this has been happening for at least eight months with JUST us. there is a limit to how far you can blame it on impulse and emotions. this is an active decision by you
if you understand how upsetting boundaries being crossed are and having your discomforts disrespected, then you surely understand how this eight months of harassment might be affecting us. right? surely? or maybe at least how your racism and transphobia might affect people?
correcting myself in this bit, he wasn't trying to calm and placate yourself. he was trying to be nice to you because he is a nice and kind person. i feel like you'll take me saying "calm and placating you" as something negative to do to someone who is having a breakdown
he was trying to be mindful of his wording because he understands that emotions are all-consuming for those with BPD and that they can be almost impossible to deal with and control. he was trying to be patient and considerate toward you while you were clearly in distress. you told him and admitted to him that it helped and that you enjoyed that he was careful with his words so that he wasn't hurting you
when he finally set permanent and unshakeable boundaries by telling you he wasn't in a place that he could help and be patient with you when you were insulting him and disrespecting both him and his struggles with his PD, you brokedown and essentially started begging him in our server to come back. you brought this all the way to that kin blog and started to say he traumatized you. you triggered him constantly and held not a shred of care for how your words affected him
and i do not believe you are stupid enough to think he would not be following what has been the most popular kin blog for years now, or that the plethora of people in server would not be. you are NOT subtle, i don't doubt that someone noticed what you said and brought it up to him
and at the VERY LEAST, you should not have been saying he traumatized you for setting his boundaries and you should not have been using that blog to vent (again) about someone who is alive right now at this second
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ourdawncomes · 4 years
Mobile Rules
Thank you for coming to my rules page! I'd appreciate it if you could read over these to prevent future misunderstandings.
This is a Dragon Age multimuse blog. The characters here are either canons or ocs based in the Dragon Age universe. I do rp crossover with characters outside the universe, but probably won't be making many AUs. My main blog is a Solas rp blog (theharellan) and I am more active there!
Here are some basics!
mostly canon, semi-canon divergent
independent, semi-selective
mutuals only
21+, not open to smut
shipping status varies by muse
tags triggers
i am selective
Since this is my less active blog, I'll only be roleplaying with mutuals. I don't practise character exclusivity, however, and will roleplay with multiples of a single canon or variations of a PC. At best, I have default Inquisitors I'll fall back on when we need one and mains.
Thora - default Inquisitor for Tetrak
Vivienne - default Inquisitor Ruth (Divine verse especially)
Bruno, Adelaide, Vher, and Peace - default to my Solas (found at theharellan)
Some characters require plotting to write with, either due to their nature or verses.
Cole - requires plotting before any threads so no wrong assumptions are made about portrayal
Peace - requires plotting before any threads for the same reasons as Cole
Bruno, Adelaide - require plotting due to being Agents of Fen'Harel and therefore aligned against most characters
on shipping
I do practise ship exclusivity. I will only ship with one version of a character, and will list them here. I don't expect people to be reciprocal in this regard, it's for my own comfort.
Shipping Availability:
Thora: multi-ship (all genders)
Merrill: multi-ship (all genders)               ✦ Bethany Hawke (hopewrought)               ✦ Lyna Mahariel (ghilannainguideme)
Vivienne: multi-ship (all genders)              ✦ Maxima Aurum (mercysought)
Cole: no ships
Gorim Saelac: single ship               ✦ Tamar Aeducan (paragoninexile)
Lord Woolsley: absolutely not
Tetrak Cadash: multi-ship (men only)
Sylvi Cadash: no ships
Ruth Trevelyan: multi-ship
Bruno: selective ship (all genders)
Adelaide: single ship (women only)
Peace: single ship               ✦ Love (spiritualjourneys)
Vher: single ship               ✦ Miraen (ancientimpudence - qpp)
on following
This blog is not follow-for-follow. I like to keep my dash relatively slow moving. As mentioned, I do try to keep the opportunity for non-mutuals to roleplay with me or chat.
As for unfollowing (or soft blocking) I won't usually explain why, usually it's one of these couple reasons:
Inactivity (the main one tbh - if I see you're back I'll refollow!)
Offensive material (homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, etc)
Untagged Negativity / Vagueblogging (it makes me anxious)
Untagged character hate (especially Solas or Merrill hate)
As one final note on following: I don't send in passwords. I promise I read your rules before initiating interaction.
on memes
Please don't use me as a meme resource! If it's an IC meme and requires interaction, I absolutely don't expect reblog karma. However, consistently reblogging memes that require no IC interaction w/o sending me anything will result in a soft block. Also, if you do send me something I'll check to see if I can send you something in return.on messaging meI will not roleplay using Tumblr's IM system and prefer not to roleplay on IM platforms (Discord, etc) period. Feel free to message me OOC, it's open regardless of whether or not I follow you. I may take a while to get back, so if it's urgent please contact me on theharellan as I check that dash more often.
My Discord is also available for mutuals. Just shoot me a Tumblr IM or ask and I'd be happy to provide it!Threadsplease be patientRoleplaying is a hobby, please respect that.
Before you message me asking about replies please check here for a list of threads here. If you're not there, please message me and let me know! I'd appreciate it, I like to keep it updated.
i'm open to any format.
Banter, para, multi-para, novella are all possible. I prefer to reserve longer threads for plotted or intense interactions, and shorter threads for more casual roleplays b/c otherwise there's way too much navel gazing. Shorter threads are also much more likely to get timely replies.
I don't format beyond small text, and will roleplay with you regardless of whether you do or don't format yourself. I will use icons for some characters and not for others, so I will obviously rp whether or not you use icons.
common triggers on this blog
This blog regularly features themes of fantasy racism, self-harm, and mental health issues. All themes present in the Dragon Age series will also likely appear here at some point, even if it's OOC discussion. These will be tagged when referenced.
my tagging policies
I track the tag #ourdawncomes
I tag general triggers and will tag others upon request. My format is: #(trigger)+tw. For example a blood trigger warning would be: #blood tw.
For threads/writing where Merrill's blood magic is referenced or written about I will tag "#blood magic tw" and/or "#self harm tw" if self-harm occurs or is referenced.
I will also tag content warnings for things that include, for example, character death (like so: #character death cw).
I will not tag the word "queer" as "#q slur". I am uncomfortable with tagging a word I use to describe myself as a slur, among other reasons. If the word makes you uncomfortable, you can put "*queer" into Tumblr Savior and it will blacklist posts containing the word. Or simply don't follow, whichever makes you feel most comfortable.
NSFW is a rarity on this blog. When I do write or reblog something even vaguely NSFW it will be tagged #( nsfw )
For a full list of the tags I use often on this blog, please refer to this page navigation.
my tagging requests
For my comfort, please tag...
#Animal Death TW (especially pet death)
#Gore Images
#Solas Hate & #Merrill Hate
OOC Stuff
about me
You can call me Tas! I use she/her pronouns. I’ve been in the Dragon Age fandom for like 8 years now and I’ve been rping for like 18 years total. I've been rping Merrill on and off for about 6 years or so and made the original version of this blog in 2018.
I have a personal blog (queenaeducan) and my discord is available to mutuals, just shoot me an ask!
Name: Tas Age: 27 Pronouns: She/Her Interests: Elves & cats
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theharellan · 6 years
rules & stuff
Thank you for coming to my rules page! I'd appreciate it if you could read over these to prevent future misunderstandings.
This is a Solas roleplay blog. Solas is a character from the latest Dragon Age game, Dragon Age: Inquisition. He plays a large role in the story, and thus this blog will be spoiler heavy. If you have not finished DA:I (and all its DLC) then please take caution when you follow this blog. I don't tag spoilers for any DA:I content and I would hate to spoil anyone.
Here are some basics!
mostly canon, semi-canon divergent
independent, elective
will roleplay with mutuals only
21+, not open to smut
single ship
tags triggers
Rules last updated April 2021.
i am semi-selective & (mostly) not exclusive
I will only be roleplaying with mutuals for the foreseeable future. Starter ask memes may be turned into threads, but please make a separate post!
I will roleplay with multiples and do not practise exclusivity for either Player Characters or Canons. I have mains whose interpretations/universes I default to so that I can write in a semi-consistent universe. All duplicates I roleplay with exist in different universes.
i am singleship
This is the "(mostly)" part of the "not exclusive thing." On this blog I only ship with Iander Lavellan and am closed off for romantic ships. I am, however, incredibly interested in developing non-romantic ships- both positive and negative. As Ian is a companion OC and not Inquisitor, he exists in my Solas's universe regardless.
i reserve the right to follow & unfollow as i choose
This blog is not follow-for-follow. I like to keep my dash relatively slow moving. As mentioned, I do try to keep the opportunity for non-mutuals to roleplay with me or chat.
As for unfollowing (or soft blocking) I won't usually explain why, usually it's one of these couple reasons:
Inactivity (the main one tbh - if I see you're back I'll refollow!)
Offensive material (homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, etc)
Untagged Negativity / Vagueblogging (it makes me anxious)
Untagged character hate (especially Solas or Merrill hate)
As one final note on following: I don't send in passwords. I promise I read your rules before initiating interaction.
sending & receiving memes
Don't use me as a meme resource. Not all IC memes will work for two characters, so if it doesn't fit feel free to reblog. But OOC memes, symbols or asks you can send out of character, which require no interaction to send. I don't care if we're not mutuals, and I promise if you send me something I'll check to see if you reblogged it and send you something in return. I'm not a big fan of the "reblog from source" solution for non-mutuals, I just... pls. Send me something.
on messaging
I will not roleplay using Tumblr's IM system and prefer not to roleplay on IM platforms (Discord, etc) period. Feel free to message me OOC, it's open regardless of whether or not I follow you.
My Discord is also available for mutuals. Just shoot me a Tumblr IM or ask and I'd be happy to provide it!
please be patient
I am currently attending grad school and am a graduate assistant on top of that. Roleplying is a hobby, please respect that.
Before you message me asking about replies please check here for a list of my Solas threads or here for a list of Solas replies I currently owe. If you are on this page, I know I owe you. If you're not, please mesage me and let me know! I'd appreciate it, I like to keep it updated.
i'm open to any format
Banter, para, multi-para, novella are all possible. I prefer to reserve longer threads for plotted or intense interactions, and shorter threads for more casual roleplays b/c otherwise there's way too much navel gazing. Shorter threads are also much more likely to get timely replies.
I don't format beyond small text, and will roleplay with you regardless of whether you do or don't format yourself. I do use 100x100 icons (except in specific AUs where I have no icons to speak of), but am open to iconless roleplay if you don't use them.
common triggers on this blog
This blog regularly features themes of slavery, fantasy racism, and mental illness (specifically: depression, depersonalisation/derealisation, ptsd). All themes present in the Dragon Age series will also likely appear here at some point, even if it's OOC discussion. These will be tagged when referenced.
my tagging policies
I track the tag #theharellan
I tag general triggers and will tag others upon request. My format is: #(trigger)+tw. For example a blood trigger warning would be: #blood tw.
I will also tag content warnings for things that include, for example, character death (like so: #character death cw).
NSFW is a rarity on this blog. When I do write or reblog something even vaguely NSFW it will be tagged #( nsfw )
For a full list of the tags I use often on this blog, please refer to this page here.
my tagging requests
For my comfort, please tag...
#Animal Death TW (especially pet death)
#Gore Images
#Solas Hate
My Solas Interpretation
I've been roleplaying Solas 3+ years at the time of writing, and I've expanded upon his interpretation over this time. Here are probably some of the most important things to know about my interpretation.
some notes for elvhenan-era characters
Please at least skim this post especially if you roleplay a character with knowledge of Fen'Harel.
If you roleplay an evanuris, please do not assume Solas is your friend! This has become less of a problem since Trespasser, but I'm keeping this just in case. He has no love for the evanuris (save Mythal) and will just want to fight you.
I am open to discussion so our interpretations of Elvhenan better match, but there are some things I'm not interested in changing. If you diverge from canon in a way that rewrites the evanuris as wholly benign and erase slavery from the narrative entirely, then we're not compatible.
some notes for everyone else
Do not suspect Solas of being Fen'Harel without my permission! He is canonically very careful with his identity. The exception to this will be Elvhenan-era characters, but even in those cases don't just sweep in and out him.
My Solas was not Solas first. What I mean by this is, he had several names before choosing the name Solas. I headcanon that Elvhenan elves had a pretty fluid view of names, similar to how Abelas likely was not the name that character was born with. That being said Solas is his real name.
My Solas is queer. He is panromantic, asexual, and agender. My reasoning for roleplaying him as such can be read here, but tl;dr there is no such thing as a cishet in Elvhenan.
As stated previously, he is in a canon relationship with the companion OC Iander Lavellan. I don't expect you to know the ins and outs of their relationship by any means, but it is common knowledge within the Inquisiton. You can read a summary of their relationship story here.
I write the events of Inquisition as having played out over the course of about three years rather than the canon one. My default Inquisitor does both Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent prior to the end of the game.
I've tweaked Solas's behaviour during What Pride Had Wrought to flow better. You can find a more detailed description here.
In canon Solas says some very bigoted stuff about dwarves and qunari. This holds true for my Solas, but I tend to write him as developing/learning better throughout the course of DA:I (which is supported in part by canon, but due to banter it comes across inconsistently). This isn't to say he's cured of his racism b/c it is always an ongoing process, but that he's aware enough to try to check himself.
His ultimate goal is to tear down the Veil and use his powers as a Dreamer to reshape the world to create a future for the elves/spirits- and, more specifically, the rebels he fought with before the creation of the Veil.
As one final note please refrain from making egg jokes at him or me. I'm so tired.
OOC Stuff
about me
You can call me Tas! I use she/her pronouns. I’ve been in the Dragon Age fandom for like 8 years now and I’ve been rping for like 18 years total. Probably more. I made this Solas November 22nd, 2014.
I have a personal blog (queenaeducan) and my discord is available to mutuals, just shoot me an ask!
Name: Tas Age: 26 Pronouns: She/Her Interests: Elves & cats
For Non-RP Blogs
Hello! I'm happy you're here! Feel free to send me inbox messages addressed to either myself or Solas. I encourage you to reblog my writing, meta, drabbles, graphics, etc! I only ask that you respect the fact that my Solas has a Lavellan of his own, and I won't respond to asks that imply another love interest. Also if I've reblogged writing from another rp blog, please look at their rules before reblogging it yourself. Not everyone is comfortable with it being shared throughout the fandom.
So in list form the rules are:
Send me asks
Send Solas asks
Like my rp threads / Like p much anything
Reblog my headcanons
Reblog my metas
Reblog my drabbles
Reblog my graphics / promos
DON'T reblog promos of other rp blogs
DON'T reblog text posts from other rp blogs without reading their rules/checking with them first
Remember my Solas has a love interest, and it isn't your Lavellan. Please don't send him asks about him being in a relationship w/ someone who isn't theshirallen(Ian).
If you reblog something I made/wrote pls remember I check the tags in hopes of seeing something nice.
Thank you!
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homosociallyyours · 6 years
tmi dream talk behind a cut, untagged bc i don’t want my post showing up in any tags. cw: body disphoria, genitals, genderqueer, umm lmk if i missed anything if you decide to read this and think something else should be tagged
Last night I had a whole pile of kind of intense dreams, including some where I was on the run with a band of rebels in a standard dystopian society. In the midst of my dystopic dreams, I also had a super vivid dream of having a cock, in particular the kind of cock I’ve experienced with trans male partners. It was hard and at first I was a little shocked and embarrassed, but then I was actually feeling proud of it and really happy to just look at it. In the dream I took pictures of it, and for a moment when I woke up I thought (very happily) that I had a cock until I remembered (womp womp) that I did not have my dream cock, but instead my usual genitals (which are great, honestly, in general I have no problem with my vulva/clit/vagina). 
And while I have definitely thought about my cock before, it’s usually in a very different way--when I think of myself as having a cock, it’s about 4 1/2-5″ soft, a bit longer when hard, not terribly girthy. Gosh, that sounds dreadfully unremarkable! And yet I can see it clearly, I know how it looks and feels, and when I am fucking someone I can occasionally “feel” it even when I’m using my hands. It’s hard to explain. And it feels weird? IS THIS WEIRD? Is anyone reading this and going haha SAME?? IDK. 
So yeah, this was the first time that I’ve had such a clear vision of a different kind of cock for myself. And when I think about how I felt in the dream, I think it was about my sexuality and gender, but I can’t quite parse it beyond that. But I have had the image of that cock in my head and I am feeling so much affection for it??? 
anyway if we’re mutuals feel free to reply or message me about this. i just left it mostly untagged bc i didn’t want it seen or commented on by many strangers or porn/fetish blogs. 
bleep blorp
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