#also my apologies it refuses to format itself correctly i am losing my fcking mind <3
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On voulait Molène en mer d'Iroise, les ancres rouillées, Les baleines, la mer turquoise, les coffres oubliés, Les sirènes, les bêtes sournoises, les grands voiliers Mais la vie nous promène en Seine-et-Oise dans sa Simca rouillée
We wanted Molène in the Iroise sea*, rusty anchors, Whales, the turquoise sea, forgotten chests, Sirens, sly creatures, big sailing ships But life leads us in Seine-et-Oise** in its rusty Simca***
*Molène is both an island and an archipelago in the Iroise sea which follows some borders of Brittany ** Seine-et-Oise is the name of an old french department which surrounded Paris *** Simca is a french-italian brand of cars which doesn't exist anymore
Monsieur le président, je suis un déserteur De ton armée de glands, de ton troupeau d'branleurs Ils auront pas ma peau, toucheront pas à mes cheveux J'saluerai pas l'drapeau, j'marcherai pas comme les bœufs
Mister the president, I am a deserter From your army of nuts, from your herd of slackers They won't have my skin, won't touch my hair I won't salute the flag, I won't walk like oxen for reference, this is a more vulgar and "actualised" rewriting of boris vian's own "le déserteur." the original song had to get the last verse edited bc apparently saying the president can send his men after him and he'll wait for them with a gun (and he knows how to shoot) would not pass well on the radio. wonder why. (it got turned into "if you pursue me / warn your policemen / that i won't have any firearms / and that they can shoot") the song was forbidden to play on the radio anyway for its antimilitarist message nearly each time that france got itself in a war. it was written in 1954 during the first indochina war. i would strongly encourage you to listen to the original song, even with the edited last verse
듣고 싶어 너의 멜로디 너의 은하수의 별들은 너의 하늘을 과연 어떻게 수놓을지
I want to listen to your melody, How the stars of your galaxy Will embroider your sky tr. credits
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