#also my appetite isn't great but at least it's kind of returning somewhat
taralen · 8 months
/pos 😏
I get the impulsive desire to dye my hair black, but I'm dealing with hair loss at the moment (likely due to my inability to keep food down and one of my meds), so I don't think that'd be a very smart idea. LOL
Also, my scalp felt like it was on fire when I applied an herbal serum earlier. Apparently, that's a sign of irritated hair follicles from stress, anxiety, or depression. Wow, I suffer from all three! GREAT!
I'm weaning off the medication that I highly suspect is contributing to the hair loss, but I'm also more manic without it... Which you know what? @#$% it. I would rather be loopy, hyper, and maniacally laughing at random $%^& than stress out over possibly going bald. LMFAO
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Also, I started therapy. It's been a while since I've seen a therapist, but I got referred to a program that lets you choose the one you think will work with you rather than just assigning you to a random person. The guy seeing me thought I was amusing and hilarious, so hopefully, it goes well. AHAEAHAE
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