#also my colleague sent me her daughter's report card for english and it was really sweet to read
post-futurism · 9 months
i think my helix piercing is infecteddd
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
What’s in a Family?
Would you believe that I actually wanted to get through more content? This “Drabble” got a little out of hand lol. Honestly I don’t think I’ll continue this, sorry!
Thank you @abrx2002 for this amazing idea! You rock!
‘Playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne does it again.’ Thought Valentina Cross as she shoved her skinny jeans back on her. She looked back at Bruce who was still out like a light and sighed. She had a feeling she’d never see him again, but did she want to?
Almost a full month later Valentina cursed the rich man. She was pregnant.
Her parents would not be happy, not when she was only in her twenties. Valentina considered turning to her other family members, her grandparents would certainly tell her parents and her aunts and uncles as well, but there was one woman Valentina could always trust.
So Valentina showed up at her elder sister’s doorstep in Paris fresh off the boat from America. Only three months pregnant at the time, her sister vowed to look after her for the last six months and even take her newborn child.
But things didn’t go as planned. Some sick, cruel hand of fate dealt its cards. When Valentina was only one week away from her due date her sister went to run some errands and... never came back.
Callia Cross was pronounced dead from a car accident on the very day that Valentina went to the hospital. What felt like years later a newborn child with tufts of blue hair like her mother’s and beautiful bluebell eyes like her father’s was born. At first the doctor’s were afraid the child wouldn’t make it, but the lucky young girl did.
Valentina wasn’t so lucky.
Not even five minutes after her child was born Valentina was dead.
The unnamed baby was sent into the nursery while the doctors debated where to send her.
Valentina had no identification on her, she was a Jane Doe to everyone in Paris except her sister who couldn’t say a word unless it was to the worms.
Sabine Cheng and Tomas Dupain only wanted a child and one was sitting right before them. After years of trying to get pregnant with no success Sabine was ready to give up until she saw a small blue-eyed little girl staring at her with wide eyes as she was carted into a nearby room.
“Mother was a Jane Doe, we’ll have to send her to an orphanage or put her in foster care.” Sighed a petite doctor to her male coworker.
“It always breaks my heart with cases like these.” He responded before walking the baby into the nursery.
“Doctors Richmond and Poppy please report to the ER, code red.”
The doctors absentmindedly left the door open as they dashed past Tom and Sabine.
With shaky hands Sabine walked over to the baby girl who had never made it into the nursery. She picked her up and without a spoken word to Tom they silently made their way out of the hospital.
Sabine and Tom had underestimated the weight of having a child. They treated the baby from the hospital, who they named Marinette, as more of a burden than a blessing especially after Sabine succeeded in getting pregnant and brought Brigette Dupain-Cheng into the world.
With all the negligence her parents showed her in favor of her little sister, Marinette had a lot of free time on her hands. She was an inquisitive kid with practically nothing to do, so it was no surprise when she turned twelve, she started noticing things.
First off that she had blue eyes when her parents didn’t and Sabine had no blue eyes in her family so she didn’t even carry the gene. She also noticed that her blood type wasn’t possible when her Tom and Sabine couldn’t have possibly made AB blood.
Marinette kept digging, it took her two years but she finally figured out who her biological mother was under the noses of her “sister” and “parents”.
In a way Marinette was almost happy that Tom and Sabine weren’t related to her, they never acted like family to her. The only downside that Marinette could think of was that her mother had been categorized as a Jane Doe whose child was stolen. There wasn’t much to go on and there was no trace of who her father could be.
She was originally going to ask Max for help finding her birth father in hopes he was still alive and would want to meet his daughter, but it wasn’t possible when all that her class gave her since Lila came to the class was the cold shoulder. It was also the only thing her parents gave her, they didn’t even need Lila for an excuse to pay attention to Brigette over her.
Some days she wouldn’t even get back to the house because she was patrolling and fighting as Ladybug or cleaning up one of Chat’s messes and they didn’t even notice.
Chat was a whole other thing. After a few months of being the guardian of the miracle box Marinette, with the help of Tikki, found out that she had the power to make things better for herself. Maybe she couldn’t do anything about Tom and Sabine or her friends but she could make being Ladybug, the best part of her day, bearable for her.
She took Chat’s ring away. She wasn’t going to tolerate being sexually harassed and cleaning up after someone who was supposed to be helping any longer. She couldn’t say she was surprised to find Adrien the pacifist behind the mask. He was sad and slightly angry but he said he understood. Marinette wasn’t sure if he really did or maybe he had his own fantasy of why she had taken it away.
It was irrelevant. She should’ve known she wouldn’t last long as the sole savior of Paris especially with all the media asking about the former black cat wielder. She couldn’t survive much longer without help and Bustier’s class couldn’t be trusted anymore.
She was utterly alone. Lila ostrichsized her in class, her parents isolated her at home and she got rid of her partner. It got to the point where Marinette asked Tikki if she should give Adrien his ring back to which Plagg butted in and said no way in hell.
So Marinette did what she did when she felt alone, she researched. A big city in America sounded promising for her objective.
Kaalik opened her a portal for Gotham City. Ladybug’s mission was to find Batman or another hero and ask for something she hadn’t asked for in years: help.
It didn’t go as planned.
So there she was standing in front of a hero of Gotham, Robin, who she tied to a street light with her yo-yo.
“Are you ready to listen now?!” Marinette spat in perfect English. Robin scowled and furrowed his brows making him seem older than he actually was. Marinette was slightly annoyed that he had attacked her on sight and was acting all holier than thou on her when he couldn’t have been any older than her!
“I’m a hero from France named Ladybug, we are currently fighting a terrorist named Hawkmoth. I am the sole hero of Paris and I need some help.”
“TT. Not likely.” Frowned the boy. Marinette was about to blow a gasket when she heard a series of thuds behind her. She spun around to see the rest of the Batfamily in all their heroic glory.
‘I’m in for it now…’ Marinette thought when she realized that when the Bats saw Robin was tied up behind her they’d think she was a villain just like Robin did.
Batman stepped towards her slowly and held his hand out. Marinette looked at it quizzically.
“B you can’t be serious.” Said Nightwing.
“Yeah, that story’s obviously bullshit, we would’ve known about a crisis in Paris.” Red Hood frowned.
“We did.” Was all Batman said pressing his communicator into Ladybug’s hands, “Take this. The number for the Batcave is programmed into it. I assure you we will look into the situation. I was told by my colleague that it was nothing more than a hoax so if you’ll excuse me I have a green lantern to skin.”
“Thank you monsieur. I really mean it.” Marinette smiled blinking back tears. “Voyage.”
Ladybug placed on foot through the portal before remembering Robin. She retracted her yo-yo and stepped completely into it.
Marinette had no idea what to expect when Batman had said he would check Paris out. For all she knew the American army could be on their way.
What she wasn’t expecting was to bump into a boy the next day who looked very similar to her in facial structure. She pushed the thought away, he was only like her in stature and facial symmetry, she shared nothing else with him so it was probably just a coincidence.
He scowled at before going into Bustier’s room, she realized he must’ve been a new student.
She didn’t pay that much mind, he’d probably be a part of Lila’s web soon enough so there was no point in befriending him. She walked into the room to see her prophecy was already coming true, the emerald eyed boy was right at Lila’s desk.
She walked to the back of the class where she had been banished to. She shoved her books down before catching the conversation Lila and the new boy were having.
“So Damian, since you’re from America I bet you’ve heard of Bruce Wayne. Well…” she giggled and paused for dramatic effect, “I know him. I actually used to babysit his youngest, David.”
Damian rolled his eyes, “Unlikely as his youngest is your age and his name isn’t David.”
“Uh- I- ha ha!” Lila sputtered before laughing obnoxiously, “It seems we’re probably thinking of different Bruce Wayne’s.”
“It seems I don’t care, don’t talk to me again, got it?” Lila burst out into fake tears causing the rest of the class to glare at Damian. He simply rolled his eyes and went to the back of the class and sat next to Marinette.
“They’re like sheep.” He noted. Marinette nodded, “I think they’re dumber.” She mumbled under her breath. Damian smirked and turned to her.
“Damian Grayson.” Marinette beamed, ���Marinette!”
“I think we’re going to get along fine.” He said before turning his attention to the front of the class.
A frazzled Miss Bustier ran into the class shortly after.
“Sorry class, I got a bit held up! Now I hear we have a new student!” She squinted at where Damian was sitting, “Damian why don’t you come down here and sit next to Lila?”
“The liar? No thanks.”
“Damian, that kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Marinette has been seen bullying Lila and I just want you to have a positive experience at DuPont!”
“Really? It seems to me like you’re an enabler. Marinette is perfectly capable and seems to have more brain cells than the rest of you.” Damian sneered with a ferocious protectiveness he hadn’t felt before except with his brothers and sisters.
Miss Bustier went into a flustered frenzy, opening and closing her mouth before she finally announced, “Alright class open your books to chapter three.”
“Predictable.” Damian scoffed beneath his breath.
“Thanks.” Marinette whispered.
“Don’t mention it.”
For a week Marinette and Damian’s small back and forth dialogue became increased. It made him a target for Lila but he didn’t seem to care. They’re friendship almost thrived on mocking Lila’s threats. Damian had many choice words for the flock of Lila’s followers as well. Marinette had been feeling a pull to him as if it was magic.
One night she thought it over, long and hard, could it have been miraculous magic?
“Tikki?” Marinette called.
“Yes Marinette?”
“I was wondering...I feel very connected to Damian but it’s hard to explain, it’s not like what I used to feel for Adrien, Luka or Kagami.”
Tikki sighed. “I’ve had my suspicions for awhile but this confirms it...I think Damian is your black cat. Every Ladybug and cat bond is different, more times than not it’s romantic but I think yours is platonic or even familial.”
“I guess that’s a relief in a lot of ways. Besides, dating Damian would be like dating my brother if I had one,” Marinette wrinkled her nose, “Though maybe I do…” She let out a long groan, “I wish I knew my birth father.”
“There, there Marinette. I’m sure you’ll know someday,” Tikki patted her back. “But as guardian it’s your decision to give Damian a miraculous or not, so we should focus on that. I know you’ve known him for a short time but do you think you can trust him?”
Marinette paused. Damian wasn’t an open person, in fact quite the opposite. He dodged the subject of his past, or gave her some small tidbits out of context. Damian had a good heart, that she could see, but it also felt tainted. But Marinette knew what made her a good guardian wouldn’t be stressing out over the choice or overanalyzing everything. That wasn’t how magic worked. “I think I can…”
The next night Kharaab made his debut as the new black cat. It was on the news and the Ladyblog quickly and spread like wildfire. She had given Damian a heads up beforehand, she had a feeling that when the news came out they’d have to face another akuma.
She was right. Chat Blanc, a jealous Adrien who missed his power, took hours to even make any slight headway. The moment Ladybug cast her lucky charm Chat Blanc had made a nasty gash in her stomach. Damian had trapped him out of pure rage and knocked him out. Disregarding the lucky charm which was nowhere to be found, Damian took Marinette back to the makeshift apartment he had been staying in. After detransforming, Damian consulted Plagg. The god of destruction told him that the only way she’d be saved was from a blood transfusion. Ladybug was passed out on his couch and if she detransformed it was likely that Marinette would bleed out faster and even die.
He took a test for her blood type himself, he had brought the necessary kits with him thank kwami. He quickly found out her blood type was AB, which was odd considering how rare it was and that he happened to share the same type. Though maybe that was just the luck of the miraculous...either way Damian didn’t waste time, he quickly fixed her and waited until she woke up.
“Damian?” Marinette asked groggily.
“W-what happened?”
“Chat Blanc hit you, he’s currently unable to escape so I patched you up and gave you a blood transfusion, luckily we share some of the same DNA.” Marinette’s eyes lit up.
“D-Damian, Tom and Sabine...they aren’t my parents.”
“What?” Damian was taken aback.
“No...my birth mother died when I was born and I think Tom and Sabine stole me. I don’t know my birth father.”
Damian cleared his throat, “Well I guess now’s a good time to tell you that I haven’t been entirely truthful. My real name is Damian Wayne and my father is Bruce Wayne. I’m also Robin.” Marinette gaped. “Don’t look so surprised. The point is, it’s possible we are related but we probably aren’t, either way...I’d be proud to call you my sister.”
Marinette brushed a tear from her cheek, “T-thanks Damian.”
“Whatever,” He said avoiding eye contact, “Let’s go, we still have an akuma to beat.”
They made short work of Chat Blanc once Marinette found her lucky charm. She returned Adrien safely home and took Damian to her home to get Kaaliki.
“Are you going to tell your parents where you’re going?” Damian frowned as Marinette got ready to open the portal. Marinette gave him a small smile.
“T-they don’t really love me. They’ve never been my family…”
“I can get my father’s lawyers for a lawsuit. Stealing a child is illegal.”
“I know Damian, but Brigette. They love her. She’s the closest thing I’ve had to a sister even if they always chose her over me. I don’t want her to grow up alone and hating the world because her parents are out of the picture.” The dangling ‘like I did,’ that Marinette hadn’t spoken was deafening.
“If my father is yours...I’m going to face him with my blade for not giving you the life you should’ve had.”
“Thanks Damian, but if my hunch is correct whoever my father really is had no idea I existed.” Damian nodded before making a motion as if to say, ‘go ahead.’
They were standing in the bat cave. Marinette quickly undid her transformation in front of the many bats before her.
“Father, this is Marinette.” Damian introduced as he walked near his father, “You know her better as Ladybug but I believe you could also know her as your biological daughter.”
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