#also my floors are 90% hardwood rn so. if the next place im at is majorly carpet. i might need to think again about the canister vac
itshomobirb · 5 months
not to be a housewife on main but guess who just discovered dry mopping. i got this industial/commercial style mop that's basically a swiffer but built to last. and reusable microfiber mop pads. and horgh it's so much better than sweeping. you literally just keep it on the ground at all times and push it around the floor. and then at the end i had a pile of fur n dust the pad didn't pick up -- easy to just vacuum the small pile, instead of lugging the heavy vacuum around the entire house !! i also put the mop handle on the floor, pad facing upright (still velcroed to the mop) and ran the vacuum over it to pick up a lot of the dirt, before tossing the pad into my laundry basket. woohoo !!! clean floors !! without too much energy spent !!
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