#also my uni exams are next week and i’m kinda screwed
avocant · 2 years
it’s 4 am and i’m hungry >:(
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faramosh · 7 years
omg bb!!! congrats on getting into uni i'm so happy for you sis may God bless your journey with growth, positivity, and so much success💖okay so this is my senior year, i'll give you the advice i would give myself if i could go back in time:first thing first: JOIN ORGANIZATIONS AND CLUBS. this is so important, because it's literally the vessel that leads you towards your passion. and it's such a learning experience it's also where you meet the people who will literally be your best friends. look up organizations that do with your major, your religion, your culture/identity, your sexual orientation- but even more so- look at organizations that have NOTHING to do with you bc that's where you will learn the most. i learned the biggest lessons in life in uni through interactions with people who were the polar opposite of me in mindset and beliefs. learning to communicate and build bridges with them, taught me to be more open minded about this world. communicating with people who were like myself in world views, helped expand my horizons and taught me that there's still so much to learn about myself. honestly, do this and by the end of your four years you will thank me.2nd: CONVERSATE IN YOUR CLASSES. uni is NOT like high school, one second you're sitting in class- the next you have 5 online assignments, a discussion board, in class quiz, and an exam next week. things creep up on you fast and it's not like high school where you will be reminded, you have to take initiative and check every course for due dates and any upcoming assignments. so when i say conversate, i mean talk to the people in your class and make friends! start group chats, google docs, ect, meet up with one another and study! having a group of people to keep you on track is the way to go, even if you're anti social chances are there's another anti social person who also wants to do good in the class, so just make small talk about the course, exchange numbers, and keep up with the class! every single class of mine i start conversations with everyone cause i'm that annoying classmate😂 but i'm telling you throughout college, the best memories have been the late night tutoring and study sessions with the people in my classes, we don't even regularly keep up but it makes the uni experience super fruitful! 3. buy a planner- save your life. like i said, assignments, projects, tests, quizzes, they will pile up so fast you will not know where to start once you let them pile up. your syllabus is your BEST FRIEND. each class, take that thing and write down EVERY important date in your planner. color code your classes. log onto your online homeworks (if you have any) and usually each assignment will have a due date. i can't tell you this enough- stay on top of the dates things are due because professors don't care or communicate with one another like HS, you'll have a 10 page report due the night before a huge exam for another class- so if you're not pre-planning you'll screw your self over. 4.) college is a period of transition. i'm talking old friends, new friends, heartbreak, family problems, mental health issues, financial issues, ect ect. life hits you in ways you've never been hit these next 4 years, and the best way to deal with that is to remember that everything will pass. nothing will kill you. you will learn, you will grow, and nothing can control you if you don't let it. every uni usually offers therapy/mental health resources so plz go in and talk to someone if and when you need it! remember that throughout your college experience you'll probably fail some classes for the first time, amongst a whole world of things you never thought possible- that's normal. like i said- this is a transition period. be easy on yourself, drop toxic people like a mic, step outside of your comfort zone and talk to people, and i promise you will be okay. there's probably a lot more things, these are the things that impacted my personal experience the most, but ask a few people cause they may have different experiences that could help you too. wish u the best of luck💖
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four-flats · 8 years
RCM Level 10: Update #1
so my piano and decided we were going to change my list c (romantic era piece). mainly, because i want a safer piece to play in exams/university auditions and also my teacher wants me to try out more than one piece from each list (so as to get the full level 10 experience), which i'm totally cool with. So far, my piece list is thus: List A; Bach: Prelude and Fugue in F minor by J. S. Bach (implied haha) List B; Classical Era: Sonata No. 6 in F major Op. 10 No. 2 by Ludwig van Beethoven List C; Romantic Era: ????? by Frederic Chopin (obviously). I kinda wanna play a nocturne, but we'll see. So far, I've gone through a waltz and a polonaise, so it would be fun to try that. Also some of my favourite nocturnes are on this list (like Op. 15 No. 1 and Op. 32 No. 2 - ya ik they're kinda simpler but they're so pretty and I love them so screw yu). List D; Post-Romantic Era: Arabesque No. 1 by Claude Debussy (I FUCKING LOVE THIS PIECE YESSSSSS) List E; Modern Era: Land Of The Misty Giants by Oscar Peterson (this piece is chill af and pretty short, should be able to learn it in no time). so that is my current list, will update you on my teacher's decision next week (because honestly it's more her choice, and that's fine. i think as a musician, she understands my capabilities more than i do). i'd like to note that i'm hardly a performer. i play piano, yes, but i wouldn't take these exams if i didn't think they were necessary. hell, i won't even be studying performance in uni, i want to study composition (or maybe theory/music history, but definitely leaning more towards composition). so yeah. let's see. :)
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