#also neatly sidestepped the latest game bc first of all i haven’t watched and second i heard it was ass lol
sednonamoris · 10 months
hellhound: a timeline
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1985 - jonathan price is born at the tail-end of england’s autumn, just outside herefordshire.
1987 - a bright, bouncing baby joins the healy family in kildare, ireland. january snow welcomes them into the world.
1998 - healy moves into their grandfather’s house on a permanent basis after their parents are deemed unfit
2001 - price joins the british army infantry at 16 to escape his father and a difficult home life. he encourages his mother to move back to her family in liverpool. she does not.
2003 - healy runs over their granddad’s mailbox peeling out of the drive on a brand new license. price is shot for the very first time.
2004 - healy joins the irish army after meeting a recruiter outside a pub that they were kicked out of for fighting. again. their granddad packs biscuits in their bags when they leave for training.
2007 - a domestic terrorism scare in belfast causes the sas and arw to team up. young sergeant healy is tasked with guarding civilians, but takes off when they see the suspect making a run for it. lieutenant price follows and they tackle the suspect in a back alley, taking him alive. price calls healy a bloody hellhound when defending their actions against a court martial, and they adopt the moniker hound shortly after.
2008 - an international terrorist group flees to vienna, where a joint venture between england, ireland, and austria attempts to capture its leader. former mi6 operative wesley martin is charged with acts of terror on english and irish soil, so the sas and arw lead the charge with austria’s unit waiting in the wings. martin flees the scene with the aid of a flashbang, and only price and hound are able to pursue. in the following altercation martin wounds price, attempts to flee once more, and is caught and killed by hound. hound then stitches price’s stomach closed in the field, saving his life but leaving a nasty scar. they part ways after. hound has a crush.
2010 - hound is promoted to lieutenant for saving their captain’s life on a difficult mission. they steal a coaster from his desk to commemorate the moment.
2011 - price’s father dies, and he flies home for a funeral where he does not cry, and helps lower a coffin into a gravesite he will not visit. he’s named captain just a week later.
2016 - price and hound meet again in egypt. price takes the brunt of a blow meant for hound and fractures his collarbone. they agree to keep in touch afterwards, sending the occasional text as proof of life and meeting for drinks on leave. both have thought about the other often over the years, and they fall into an easy friendship.
2019 - an attack is launched in picadilly circus, london, and price meets sgt. kyle garrick for the first time. together they aid farah karim, hadir karim, and alex keller in their quest to track down and neutralize stolen chemical gas from a raid in verdansk. hound is busy translating intel for the arw at the time, but when price asks them to join his task force later that year they accept without reservation.
2020 - simon “ghost” riley asks for backup he can trust in verdansk after a blown mission. price sends hound. several months later their knee is shot out when a mission goes south. price and ghost rush them to the nearest hospital. though difficult, the surgery is successful, and amidst fraught emotion price realizes that he loves hound. he does not tell them.
2021 - the situation in verdansk worsens. price keeps busy while hound undergoes intense physical therapy. they insist on helping sort through paperwork and translating intel after laswell suggests that an honorable discharge might be their best option.
2022 - hound is recovering after complications from a second surgery when general ghorbrani is assassinated and task force 141 is assigned to track down hassan zyani and several missing american bombs. they provide backup on comms as needed, filling in where laswell asks. not long after shadow company’s betrayal and the recovery of the stolen missiles in chicago, the 141 shifts its focus to makarov. hound is cleared for active duty and accompanies price on a black op in moscow. they interrogate one of makarov’s men. they plan to stage an ‘accident’, but when he threatens hound price shoots him point-blank. he and hound confess their feelings and sleep together for the first time. that christmas hound brings price home to their granddad, and soon after they convince him to get a flat together in kildare.
2023 - price is captured by makarov’s men after a mission goes sideways. hound and the rest of the 141 track him relentlessly, leading to his rescue from a not-so-abandoned gulag deep in the russian wilderness. hound tells price that they love him for the first time in the hospital afterwards. he doesn’t say it back until months later on a beautiful sunny day in a london park over leave, but they’ve both known all along.
2024 - price asks gaz to accompany him engagement ring shopping in london. after hours of searching they finally find the right one, and price proposes to hound just a few months later. gaz is asked to be the best man.
2025 - hound and price are married. they have a wonderful ceremony held in the church price grew up going to, though he’ll admit he never found much religion there until he saw hound walking towards him in white.
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