#also no idk what my thing with mac cleaning charlie & turning wholesome is
mhaccunoval · 5 years
Charmac w mac helping Charlie out after the Bear trap??? :)
12 PM
On a Monday
Philadelphia, PA
On the flight home, the crew that watched the Eagles win against the Patriots right before their eyes (go Birds!) slept the whole way through. All of the excitement over winning wore them out and every single one of them was out like a light within minutes of taking their seats. 
Upon arrival back home, Dee, Frank, and Mac gathered together in Frank’s car to go check on the bar, curious about what shenanigans Charlie had gotten himself into. Last Mac had seen of him, half his face – no, head – was drenched in green paint and there wasn’t enough time to explain why. So, Mac thought to himself, he would just wait and find out later. 
He was the first to stumble on the utter chaos Charlie had created, nearly setting off half the traps just by opening the door. 
“Jesus H. Christ…” He muttered, scanning the bar and taking in all the damaged. 
An abundance of strings tied wall to wall. Shoes tied together by the laces off near the door and a half empty paint can still oozing green paint on the floor. A nail gun was precariously set up across from the bar top and some nails were already in the shelf on the wall. 
Among this mess, Charlie was laid on the floor, passed very much out, TV still on but no longer broadcasting the Superbowl like it had. The aforementioned green paint was caked thick in his hair and juxtaposed the red stained pant leg, most of the dried blood being around what could only be assumed to be a bear trap. 
“What? What is it?” Dee hooted from behind Mac, stepping forward too and running into his back, ending up gripping the back of his jacket to use for stability from her debilitating case of double pink eye. 
“Charlie wrecked not only the bar but himself.” He explained, glancing over his shoulder at her. 
“Whaddya mean?” Frank asked beside them, furrowing his brows. 
“See for yourself.” Mac offered, stepping aside so Frank could peer in.
“Holy shit!” Frank exclaimed as he reeled back and looked up to Mac.
“Goddammit…” Dee growled under her breath as she failed to open her crusted eyes to look herself. 
“We should probably get his leg looked at, right?” Mac questioned, concern now lining his eyebrows, and bit the corner of his lip. 
“We can get Dee looked at while we’re at it.” Frank suggested. 
“Guys, I’m fine.” Dee interjected, once again trying to play it off. 
“You literally can’t see anything, woman!” Mac shouted, throwing his hands up. 
“Alright, alright. Let’s calm down,” Frank interrupted, devising a plan, “I’ll get Dee back in the car, you go get Charlie, and then we’ll go the the free clinic or the ER.” 
Mac and Dee both grumbled at each other as they conceded. Frank grabbed Dee by the waist to safely guide her to the passenger seat of his Cadillac while Mac cautiously stepped into the bar. 
He stopped in front of the first row of strings, shoving aside the cardboard cut-outs so he could kneel properly. 
“Charlie!” He whisper-shouted as delicately as possible. Charlie had never been that heavy of a sleeper so he began to stir nearly. 
He lifted his head a bit and blinked softly, eyes lighting up when he recognized who it was as he propped himself up on his elbows.
“Mac!” He hollered with a big goofy grin. 
“We did it! We won, man!” He continued, slowly sitting all the way up, unphased by the painted sticking to him or the ache of his entire body. 
“Yeah, we did, bud,” Mac entertained, “Now can you do me a favor and crawl over here? I don’t wanna risk setting off all your traps.”
“Oh,” Charlie gaped, looking up at all the things he had put together, “Yeah. Totally.” 
It took him a solid few minutes, between the way everything was set up and his mangled leg, but he dragged himself all the way over to where Mac was knelt, smiling widely when he finally made it. Mac held out his arms and Charlie fell into them, Mac’s hands in his hair, smiling into his shoulder. 
Charlie was much warmer than the chilled air outside, and as soft as ever. Although the leg situation wasn’t ideal, he was glad he hadn’t gotten himself hurt any worse than that. He briskly kissed his cheek, Charlie’s face then nuzzling further into his shoulder. 
“If you give me a minute, I’ll get that trap off you and then we can go out and meet the others.” Mac said quietly, carding one of his hands upwards through Charlie’s hair, feeling him nod. 
He shifted his weight on his knees, one arm tucking Charlie into it and the other feeling around for a release button or anything. 
“Lever. On the bottom.” Charlie finally responded when the search was seeming hopeless.
“Right.” Mac murmured and felt for the lever, pushing it down once he found it. Once the trap let go of his leg, Charlie climbed all the way into his lap, holding him closer by wrapping his arms around his neck. 
“I know you’re going to tell me you can walk just fine but we both know you can’t. So,” Mac started, slowly rising to his feet, locking his arms to hold Charlie bridal style in them, “You just got scooped, loser.” 
“Mac, you’re so mean.” Charlie giggled, sitting up the best he could by wrapping an arm around Mac’s shoulders, and pressing his face into Mac’s neck. 
Frank and Dee were waiting in the car with the A/C on by time Mac managed to carry Charlie out. Frank was fairly zoned out but began to smile once he noticed Charlie’s grin. When they walked over, Mac placed him in the back seat before climbing beside him.
“Chawlie!” Frank happily cried, turning to look at him from his seat. 
“Hey, Frank.” Charlie greeted back. 
“Dee, what’d you do to your eyes,” He continued, “They look disgusting.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Dee shook her head. 
He let it lie, waiting for Mac to put his seatbelt on before resting his head on his shoulder and slipping their hands together. Charlie dozed off early on in the ride and Mac let him have it, seeming as he was clearly exhausted. 
When they got to the free clinic, Dee was the first out, being led by Frank once again. Mac and Charlie took a moment longer since neither of them wanted Charlie to get dropped or be uncomfortable, and getting through the door caused a slight issue. Frank and Dee took seats in the lobby, Frank filling out the paperwork for her, and on a quick thought, Mac scoped out the bathroom so he could clean Charlie up a bit. 
Charlie was set on the sink counter and Mac went to work, being as gentle as possible to scrub off all the paint. It had gotten in every nook and cranny of that half of his face so it took a while longer than he was expecting. By the end of it, his eyes flickered between his millionth damp paper towel soaked in diluted green paint and the green of Charlie’s eyes, comparing the two. 
Charlie’s irises were more of a fern green while the paint was a forest green, borderline jade. Charlie blinked curiously at him as he mentally made the comparison but Mac just smiled. He barely had time to throw out that last paper towel before Charlie was gingerly pulling him closer. 
His arms circled around Mac’s neck as he met him halfway and their lips crashed together. Mac was momentarily shocked before stepping forward and placing his hands on Charlie’s hips. As much as he didn’t want to, he refrained from pushing the kiss too deep or introducing any tongue, knowing that Charlie would get immediately grossed out. 
“I always have been and always shall be yours…” Charlie whispered once they separated after a few minutes. 
Mac knew it was a Star Trek quote, though he didn’t know the relevance to what was happening in that moment, but he was too caught up in the sentiment of it and the tenderness of pulling Charlie close to want to bash him for being nerdy. 
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