#also northern hemisphere badies keep in mind june IS winter before u suggest beach day
vogelmeister · 5 months
anyways i’m thinking about my birthday and im wondering what i should do (its in june). i dont wanna just go out to dinner because i did that last year and it was basically just… ik i can do better. whatever i do i know ill probably do on the friday or saturday night before or after bc my birthday is a weekday. it will also probably be my high school group (5 ppl) my hometown friends (2 ppl) and my work bestie (1 ppl).
1. powerpoint night.
- its cheap. can be done at my house and is really casual
- this is something i’ve wanted to do for a while (i actually wanted one for my 19th but my ex friends talked me out of it because they wouldn’t like it)
- my friends who havent met my cat can meet my cat
- will be getting a few different groups of friends together so it may be awkward for these people to present/ find topic
- my sister turned the ‘hangout space” into her hsc study area and really is anti giving it up for one night (i tried once). also her stuff gives bad vodoo bc hsc
- will probably have to kick family out
- i feel some ppl find the notion of a powerpoint presentation stressful bc high school (probably why my ex friends weren’t too keen)
- my house isnt great for public transport and funnily enough the friends who live furthest away don’t have their license . its a locals only bus service. you can tell.
2. escape room
- really easy team building plus it doesn’t matter if its all different groups /some people don’t know each other well.
- expensive as fuck
- done lots of escape rooms
- doing with lots of people can be overwhelming and smaller teams kinda work better here (i did an escape room once and the team was like ten people and it was Too Much. i stood there useless half the time.)
3. quiz room
- really cool and unique also im a sucker for trivia and irl game show sounds cool.
- probably good for my desired group size.
- public transport accessible
- its literally $45 pp and like ik my friends aren’t that stingy but even im going… yikes
- will probably have to be organised far in advance
4. karaoke
- really affordable if you do it right
- reliable. really easy to organise and i know how to.
- public transport accessible
- my friends and i do this all the time
- once again the three ppl there who don’t really know my high school friends might find it awkward
- if i do it i wanna go somewhere other than my place in chinatown
anyways idk. sound off in replies if you have advice or ideas bc i generally do not know anymore. might out up a poll.
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