#also nuala being a great liar but not realising solas was lying to her is my new favourite angst thing rip
shadowglens · 3 years
12, 23, 39, 40 for nuala & maggie :3
12. how skilled at lying is your oc? how frequently do they lie? for what reason? what situations would be the exception?
nuala - she’s an exceptional liar, and in general is really good at guiding a conversation to suit her needs (or distract whoever she’s talking to from the truth), although she tries not to lie too often. she sometimes finds herself slipping back into old habits and lying to her friends, but she does her best to only do it when it will further the inquisition’s goals or against her enemies. (it’s part of why she was so broken up about solas having lied to her for so long - she thought she was an expert at being able to tell when she was being lied to. obviously not).
maggie - she’s an okay liar, but tends to lean more towards the blunt truth than lies. one thing maggie’s found over her life is that the truth can often do more damage than a lie, and she learnt to weaponsie that young. also, her parents spent most of her childhood lying to her, and the last thing she wants is to inherit anymore poison from them than she already has. 
23. what is the most annoying sound to your oc? what’s the most pleasant? is there any reason?
nuala - she hates the chantry songs that the priests will sing sometimes around skyhold, because it’s just another reminder of how much she despises the whole institution and all it stands for. favourite sounds would be a small brook running through the forset, or the rolling of thunder in the distance.
maggie - nails on a chalkboard, or anything similar. it drives her absolutely nuts. also, people who crack their knuckles. she loves the sound paint makes across a blank canvas, or the sound of an engine roaring to life.
39. how superstitious your oc? do they end up following them ‘just in case’? or are superstitions incredibly important to your oc? what are some that they believe? what about the ones they don’t?
nuala - she’s not really that superstitious, despite being raised in an environment where superstitions were a really important part of the dalish culture. over the years, and in the aftermath of solas leaving with the anchor, she falls back on a few - silly old wives tales about the glow of a wolf’s eyes in the dark, of the crack of lighting over water, of the flash of green that suposedly appears just before the sun sets. 
maggie - nope. her parents were crazy superstitious and so maggie is the complete opposite, rejecting any and all superstitions as stupid. she refuses to believe that all the creepy or weird stuff that happens in the world doesn’t have an explanation - honestly, she thinks most superstitions came about from either fucked up religious ideology, or drugs, or both.
40. are there any habits your oc has picked up from people around them? do they know where they’re from? does your oc try to stop themselves from doing it?
nuala - she doesn’t tend to adopt other peoples habits that much, being as stubborn as she is, but there are a few little things that she picks up. spending so much time with dorian makes her start using bookmarks instead of just dog earring everything, and she begins to question more of the people and world around her after talking so often with solas. i don’t think she’d even notice the changes.
maggie- she’s very much her own person and doesn’t like to let herself be moulded or changed by others too much, so not really. if she ever realised she’d picked up someone else’s habit, she’d probably forcefully stop herself from doing it.
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