#also okuyasu is hard to draw ok
dullteal-blog · 7 years
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Hi! I wanted to ask for a match-up from Jojo and Assassinplease! Im 18 y/o gurl, bisexual, about 170cm tall with overweight. I really like to draw and write about very random stuff. Maybe not hard otaku but still fan of anime! In my free time I like to talk with my friends while playing games or drawing, watching silly stuff on the internet. With S/O I'm like them to be patient with my switching behaviour from really sad to goofy or angry, someone affectionate and with sense of humor. Thank you!
Sorry for the wait, darling! I literally have 3 exams one after the other from tomorrow on, and of course, I got too fed up with studying so I’m doing something more...Productive~!
I ship you with...
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Okay so, when I first watched part 4, I literally was during my exam session, I had a high fever that lasted about 2 weeks, I was mega stressed and I literally binged 100 episodes of JoJo in less than 5 days, and compared to the first 3 parts, DIU seemed to me like such a goddamn easy going and chill troll part, after so much angst from before.
But hear me out - 
After I re-watched it again, as I wrote my Josuke story, I realised that - He’s actually such an adorable and charming boy and I judged him too harshly because of the chill plot and weird art-style.
As soon as I read your description, Josuke came into my mind, and I think he’d be perfect for you! ( Also, I think you mentioned not reading the manga, so I didn’t want to spoil, so I didn’t think of anyone from parts 6-8 <3 )
So, now that I got that out of the question, let me tell you this-
This boy is very vocal about how he’s only interested in meeting the love of his life, so he doesn’t care what you look like, he only cares what’s on the inside, he cares about your heart, about your kindness, about your sense of humour, and I’m pretty sure there’s nobody more affectionate in such a cute and innocent way like he is!
He’s already a gamer, so he’d love to play games with you, not even having to get competitive, just super chill and fun, and while at it, he’d love to cuddle with you and eat snacks in bed, covered by a blanket, while watching some anime or movie/tv series that you like, and when you’re done binging, he’s going to chat SO much with you about it, about his opinions, about characters, developments, choices, cliffhangers and so on.
Josuke is the type to shower you with compliments and kisses all over the face, whether you need reassurance about your looks or not, he is just that loving and feels the need to both show and tell you how much he cares about you.
He has an amazing sense of humour and he’s prone to laughing easily, so if you like someone funny and goofy, who’s also a pranksters and can get mischievous, you’ve got your guy - And he may or may not ask you to film him while he pranks Rohan or something.
In modern times, I think he’d be a viner or something, because he’d love to watch funny things on the internet with you, but he’s also friends with Okuyasu and Koichi, and he has Rohan hating him, so in such a little town like Morioh, you bet this 1-Braincell Trio would get internet-famous with their silly shenanigans.
Josuke is extremely patient and understanding, especially since he has his anger-issues problem regarding hair insults, and would appreciate you being by his side and supporting him, he would turn that back at you tenfold, as he needs to show you how much he treasures you, and no behaviour switch is going to keep him from loving and caring about you.
I ship you with...
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He may seem like a smug bastard and a casanova jerk, but in all actuality, he fails at being a womanizer, and ends up being a goofy fool who makes you laugh with his antics, which, in a way, is definitely a win for him, even if his flirting attempts failed.
Jacob, in modern times, would definitely be the kind of guy to binge-watch TV series, like Peaky Blinders for example, but if you’d like to watch some anime with him, I bet he’d like Gangsta - Like, I can’t not imagine him trying to be as smooth as Worick, but failing badly.
I think he’d be a lot into fighting games, like Street Fighters or Mortal Kombat, and may be prone to getting a tiiiiiny winy bit competitive, but he has no ill-intention, he’s just silly and whiney. 
If he loses, he’d whine, pout, and throw his arms around you, telling you that the game is dumb or rigged, but if he wins, he’s gonna boast and do a little victory dance, then kiss you and tell you you’re the lucky Queen of a badass Gamer King.
Even if he won 1 out of 100.
You bet he’s gonna be the first to film himself when he gets into fights with the Blighters, kissing you after every win...And of course, wanting you to patch him up, but hey, he’s internet famous now, and you can laugh about him whenever you see him!
Despite not showing his love and caring in traditional ways, it’s obvious that he cherishes you dearly, and would make sure to give you his hat if it rains, his coat if it’s cold, would put the blanket over you if you fell asleep without it, would get you in bed, if you fell asleep on the couch, would make sure that you ate, that you slept enough, and overall, taking care of yourself, ‘cause if you don’t, even if he’s a huge baby, he’ll take care of you, whether you like it or not.
Jacob is one of the chillest people in the world, so if he loves you, he loves you, and got used to any little quirk that you might have, no matter what it is, or if it bothers you, or think that it bothers him - He’d be quick to reassure you and tell you that no, you’re not bothering him, he doesn’t need to have patience with you, ‘cause there’s nothing wrong with you, and he loves you no matter what.
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northliner · 7 years
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Wait guys, why have I never seen this on tumblr or anywhere online before
Like.... first of all, guys, get off the table!!! Then I noticed... Josuke is not sitting on a chair... I went to my roommate and I’m like “please help me understand what is happening- where is Josuke sitting” “which one’s Josuke” “the pompadour asshole” she immediately went “*points at Jotaro*in his lap” I guess Jotaro’s even got like his elbow and ...jacket?? draped over Josuke... ok also like what is Rohan doing under the table? And he’s got like his knee planted firmly under Josuke’s ass
Then I realize Joseph has a sort of harem going on too LOOK AT OKUYASU HE’S SO PRECIOUS tbh I’m a human-shaped cat and I looooove sitting curled around people ^^’’’ Okuyasu feels me. He feels me deeply. My feeling he can feel deeply.  ANYWAY My goodness, this is probably the most affection we’ve seen Yukako showing any dude who’s not Koichi XDDD and I know, she’s only putting her hand on Joseph’s shoulder, that’s the point. Also I tried super hard to not draw on her face using my computer’s built in mouse tracker...  And then Reimi’s butt is like right next to Joseph’s hand, and noooo get your feet off Shizuka’s head... and were is Joseph’s butt, anyway, it looks like he’s half away from the chair
MEANWHILE it looks like Rohan’s actually sitting on a floor, but half of everybody else is FLYING. Just like that fight with RPS Kid. PEOPLE ARE JUST RANDOMLY IN THE SKY
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ARAKI WHAT DAFUQ U DOIN but nice masterpiece, excellent splash page *round of applause*
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Is it ok to request some headcanons for Josuke, Rohan, and Okuyasu helping their crush with their babysitting job?
I sense baby shenanigans-
- S/o calls up Josuke one night and asks him if he would help them out with their babysitting job. He agrees, thinking it wont be too hard, it’s just a kid right? After they get there and children are screaming, he only now realizes this might not be as easy as he originally thought. However, he’s still going to try and help them.
- S/o hands the child over to Josuke and tells him to watch them for a moment, after they leave he tries talking to them, “So…uh…how old are you anyway?” He’s awkward around kids but not awful, he’s helped out his dad and taken care of baby Shizuka before, so he’s got some knowledge about them. He’s not too keen on chasing them around and playing, but he will sit down and solve kiddie puzzles and play games with them.
-Then the little bugger grabs his hair and he instantly holds them away at arms length and puts them t the opposite end of the couch. They may be a little kid but nobody messes with his pomp. S/o just walks back in and asks
“…What did they do to you why aren’t you holding them-”
“They have no respect for my style, s/o.”
- He ends up holding the child again and assures the child “Don’t touch my hair again or I’m gonna put you in the playpin again.” Other than that he’s mostly just helping s/o out with the kid, keeping them under watch when they need it, heating up a bottle, etc. He gets happy when he manages to make the kid smile or laugh.
-If the child ever gets hurt? bam. Crazy Diamond. Problem solved. s/o is blessed that Josuke can help them out this much.
- He’s down to helping s/o with their job, he probably asks out if he can help in any way without being asked because he wants to spend more time with s/o, even if there is a little kid there with them. He’s also never had a little sibling before, helping take care of a little kid sounds like a new challenge for him!
- He’s taking care of them when s/o is wiped out. he’s also good at getting the kid to take naps. He’s by no means the best at getting them to relax or singing them to sleep, no they run around so much the kid gets tired and crashes. He’s good at that, and he’s got a lot of energy. He’ll probably try and use The Hand to cheat his way to victory and catch up to them at least once or twice (They may be a small child but he’s gonna win) until s/o tells him it’s being reckless to use his stand, considering it’s dangerous.
-At first if it’s a little baby and their just wailing he just,,, holds them at an arms length and asks “Why are you crying?? Use your words I can’t understand baby-babble.”
- He’s pretty okay with little kids, but tends to scare them at first because he is a screamy boy. He just yells a lot, it takes awhile for him to realize that he needs to speak a little softer. One you get past that he’s not too bad at actually taking care of them.
- He ends up crashing with the little kid and cuddling up next to s/o. “I’ll only be, like, two minutes, ok??” and then he’s out until the job is over. He tried, therefore he succeeds.
- He goes with s/o because he’s upset they can’t get together that day. He calls s/o and asks them out on a date, since he’s likely finished up his work for the day. When he hears they can’t go he insists they let him come with them and “Help out” (he’s likely not going to help out much.)
- Rohan see’s the kid and moves away from them and s/o immediately, taking up residence on the couch. He’s regretting his decision for coming unitl he sees s/o playing with the kid, a giant grin on their face. Instantly he pulls out his sketchbook and begins drawing for references. “Maybe this wasn’t a total waste…” He’s still a little salty that s/o is paying more attention to a child than him, even if he does the same thing with his manga. At least he’s content, he’s able to spend some time with them (even if it’s unorthodox) and he gets some reference material. Kind of a win-win.
- Kids hate him oh my gosh. No matter what he just repels children. He made babies cry, children throw crayons at him. He does not get along with them at all so this is kind of a nightmare until the “Little bugger” quiets down and goes to sleep or something. The only time he can actually get along with them is when they take notice of his sketchbook, and he’ll show the children some of his drawings.
- He’ll put up with the kid id s/o needs too, he won’t be too thrilled but at least it’s an experience for his manga, right? When the kid finally goes to sleep he sits next to s/o and puts his arm around their shoulder, looks them dead in the eye and says
“we’re never having kids.”
-Mod Fish
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llheadcanons-blog · 7 years
Aww thank you its totally fine for the matchup headcanony request!! Ok so this will be in 2 parts cause Im on moblie DX I love Josuke! I am a Leo 5'6" doll like very petite. I have brown eyes caramel hair color, long Curly at the bottom. I am funny and silly. I am very independent so I can be social but I perfer to be alone and have my alone time. I dress very comfortably but cute and simple. I love to draw, act but right I love singing/dancing and Songwriting...
Part 2 hm, i hate pride in people also since im a skinny little twig I love guns curtesy of my cop daddy training me to protect me but ofcourse I would love to have a shiny knight in armor to protect me manly boyXD Ive never had a boyfriend so I dont really know what to do in a relationship so id be very shy and unsure of what to do. But I am very loyal and I am always there for my friends and family. I love playing scary games but im also a scardy cat no matter how hard I try.
Aww you sound so great~! Also, Josuke is a good boi 10/10! Now let’s see, headcanons I have for the two of you are~
Josuke’s honestly not going to know how to act in a relationship either. As cool as he can be, he’s mostly a dork and has no clue what he’s doing. While he might not be the best romantic, even though he tries so hard, he’s going to be your best friend along side with being your boyfriend. Doing things like watching Tv with you and talking about your favorite shows in great detail, all while cuddling on the couch. It’s only when this boy tries to lay some smooth moves on you does he end up falling off and embarrass himself.
Josuke is going to love your how funny you are. Josuke is a very positive person, so being with someone else who can really bring positive energy to a group is going to make him feel like he’s on cloud 9. That being said, he’s also understanding when there are times when you want to be alone. While this will make him sad, since he wants to spend time with you, he’ll go hang out with Okuyasu and Koichi instead. You might want to apologize to them later because they’re going to be hearing a lot of whining about what Josuke would be doing if he was with you instead.
Can I just say that Josuke is going to super respect your father? Like, his grandfather was basically his father figure, and he was a cop as well, so Josuke is definitely going to respect your father for doing the same. 
Josuke, being a big fan of music himself, is going to love watching you sing and dance, and he’s going to love singing and dancing with you even more~
Have you played Resident Evil 7 yet? If not, play it with this boy, you’ll be needing a friend. Trust me…. (and help me, I can’t do it aloneplease).
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