#also plo koon immediately comms windu and its just to see obiwan
darthmalewife · 2 years
your classic de-aged/only padawan memories Obi-Wan plot and the council is trying to decide what to do with him, they don't trust Anakin not to fuck up, Ahsoka is way too young so they land on Plo Koon but he's busy and eventually, surprising everyone, Mace says he'll watch him
everyone expects it to be awkward as fuck but 3 days in Mace just storms into a council meeting like 4 and a half minutes late and rips Yoda a new one, bringing up all the shit from Obi-Wan's Padawan years [Melida/Daan]
"If you hadn't meddled in that poor boys life he would've been a happy, healthy child, you forced him on Qui-Gon who didn't want him and now he thinks no-one does."
"Calm yourself you will, before accusations are to be thrown."
"No, I will not calm down. That child is traumatised because of you coddling Qui-Gon and his refusal to seek help."
"Depa, please go check on your Padawan brother. I fear my anger may have unsettled him. And you, Master Yoda are not permitted to approach my new Padawan until I deem it appropriate."
and then he just leaves because Obi-Wan asked for bagels and if the kid wants bagels after everything he's been through? he's getting fucking bagels
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