#also pls remember English is t my first language so if this sucks ass or has any grammar mistakes I also have dyslexia lmao
writinandcrying · 2 years
TMNT - Mikey x Reader - Silent Love
(Just something that has been on my mind, it’s 3 am and cuddling with big ass pillow makes you think about turtles with soft, caring hearts) | pining, best friends to possible lovers(?), fluff, cuddling, SFW.
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(Also this gif has nothing to do with this scenario but I love it so much lmao, dorky bby boy I luv u)
There isn’t really an explanation for how it started, or why it became like that, You were his best friend from the get go, just a instant connection, you finally felt seen him with, he finally felt found with you.
You quickly became wonderful addition the boys didn’t knew they needed, it was fun seeing how well you and Mikey clicked, from your on going jokes, to how you two didn’t even have to say anything, just a quick glance and both already knew what the other needed or meant.
From early age, they all wishes to have a connection like yours, jealousy wasn’t a usual shared feeling between them tho, oh no- all of mikey’s oldest brothers could only focus on how you both made each other happy, understood, maybe there wasn’t words to describe how thankful they were for you to be in his life, but deep down, you already knew their smiles and chuckles towards your interactions carried a tender meaning behind it, and you always tried to give back the same compassion you have received and cherished.
So yeah, It was always fun to hang out with Mikey, doesn’t really matter what you do together, you know both of you will have a great time regardless- and a story to tell someone else at the end of the day.
But if you may, in your personal opinion, your top 1, 100/10, A++ shared activity- was definitely the sleep overs.
It’s not only how casual and yet special it was, you could just be yourself and he could do the same, and everything else was forgotten. The concept of time would suddenly vanish, everything you did together could have different outcomes, from laughing too much until one of you feel like throwing all the pizza you ate, to cuddling in the couch after binging avatar the last airbender for the 15th time.
Talking about cuddling, that was the most expected part of night, for both of you.
Sharing a bed with Mikey wasn’t a problem, as much as Master Splinter insisted on establishing ground rules from the very first sleep over, on how to behave in their house hold- he trusted your discernment, he knew his youngest’s jokes would take a lot of courage and time between him and you to actually conquer in so said future, he also knew it would profetize eventually. For now- He admired your companionship, so cuddling and sleeping on the same bed was allowed between both of you
Althought, there was something no one knew about you two. Neither of you could point out if something shifted or just gradually grew into this. Between the sea of a heavy duvets covering both of you, endless pillows, the soft glow of almost fading Christmas lights adoring Michelangelo’s room, your favorite activity of the night was to trace mikey’s “freckles” and valleys over his body
You adored to call it freckles, even if Donnie had insisted on correcting you as many times as he liked, on how they weren’t freckles per say- Mikey didn’t mind tho, if you viewed as freckles, so it is. The different colors between his scalled skin, gradually moving between a greenish ocre, light green, all the way to dark esmerald in some of his edges, you could swear sometimes some bits of a purple-bluefish glow to it. No words could make justice on how breathtaking, mesmerizing his skin can be
You slowly linger your fingers along his skin, from his palms to his bicep, his shoulder blades to the valley of his neck, sometimes you would imagine a hidden forest path, a unknown river, stars constellations from the decreasing paths along the scales and some scars, the last concept was your favorite, and oh how you adored to think about it as you cup his cheek
You loved how his eyes remind you of early mornings, the concept of imagination, possibility and dreams adored his complexion, the light blue of his eyes reminding of Saturday mornings on summer vacations, or clear beach waters on a enchanted island, always bright and full of promises, it fits him so well, you don’t even know if he knows how bright he can be, in every possible way. Just like a early morning sky ready to embrace the whole day
This was the best part of the sleep over, the part were you could see him getting quiet, calm, how smitten he looked while he also admired you, sometimes you wish you could read his mind, did he thought the same sappy shit as you did of him? Then again, how his hand perfectly hold you close, drawings his thumb in and out, caressing from hips to your back, movements with such gentleness and yet, a firm pressure reading that yes, you were there, and so he was. maybe, just maybe, he’s thinking even gushier, fluffier things about you.
It’s a privilege to say Mikey’s warm is Inviting and familiar, your face fits perfectly on the nape of his neck, his breathing caresses your skin, grounding, calming, centering. Your soft sleepy mumbles does the same for him. Finding a peaceful slumber is a welcomed sorrow, cuz secretly, or not so secretly- you wished these moments could last forever.
Every sleepover, before drifting off, you silently promise yourself to finally kiss good night next time
Just as he silently promises to do so too.
Authors note:
Hehehe ☺️💗
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But at the same time:
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waithyuck · 4 years
extra elongated tag game
tagged by @gohyuck my love
tagging: @kwantified @honeyyu @jensungf @renjunwrites @neo-shitty @suingjaehyun
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
okay so my ult group is nct and I can’t remember what song exactly but i remember not being a stan and LOVING back 2 u so much that I had to look into nct
for bts is was serendipity and blood sweat & tears
ateez was pirate king bc we stanned since debut 😔✊
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
favorite item of clothing?
I own a lot of hoodies but my fav is my dark gray we go up hoodie and it’s big n comfy....yeah
if you had to smell like one scent for the rest of your life what would it be?
I think I would want to smell like vanilla or lavender
favorite painter? why?
frida kahlo bc she embraced everything about herself and did wonderful self portraits
what’s your favorite horror movie (and if you don’t like horror, why not?)?
I don’t like jumpscares so most horror is not to my taste....however give a psychological horror and I’ll go off ab how much I love it (like idk if it’s considered horror but ‘a cure for wellness’ anyone???)
iphone or android?
iPhone dude
favorite tiktok trend (and if you don’t like tiktok, you can talk about how much influencers suck)?
i only go on tiktok for the kpop content I don’t know trends,,,,also can be talk about how most influencers on that app manipulate literal children into giving them money?? for doing absolutely nothing??
if you could wake up with any new ability what would it be?
the ability to read others emotions and make them happy no matter what (call me a corny ass bitch but it’s true)
favorite superhero/supervillain/antihero?
people consider her a ‘villain’ so I’m saying maleficent (from the movie maleficent) bc ??? she fell in love with a man and he fuckin just,,,,did her so dirty and left her broken-hearted and cut off her wings like ??? hell I’d be mad too I’d curse the little ass baby he had with another woman just as fast as she did. also how about that character development??? she cursed aurora but always looked out for her and eventually came to love her?? and that’s the kiss that broke the spell and woke aurora up?? call that motherly love we stan
if you could only dress in one color for the rest of your life which color would it be?
realistically black is prob the way I would go but gray is also a valid option
who’s your ult and give me five reasons why.
oof y’all already know it’s my boy lee donghyuck
1. his vocals??? the vocals alone are enough reason to stan
2. his dancing??? he is so incredibly talented and I love watching him move
3. his hardwork and dedication to his career, like he loves what he does so much and I love seeing him shine (but also like, pls let him sit the fuck down for a sec)
4. his aura and personality !!!!! is just so loveable !!! he brightens the room with his mood-making personality and I’m just in love with him god
5. okay okay now I’ll touch on the fact that he’s so fucking handsome??? a visual king ???? look at that face, look at those legs, JUST LOOK AT HIS BODY PROPORTIONS. PERFECT.
my questions:
what is your favorite memory from your childhood?
If you could travel anywhere in the world with just a snap of your fingers, where would you go and why?
describe your personality in three (3) words.
what is your favorite thing that you have ever read? (anything you’ve ever read counts! fanfiction, poems, novels etc.) why?
are you the studying type of person or the type to just ‘wing it’ when you have a big test coming up?
between bold colors and pastel colors, which do you prefer?
do you live life in the moment or do you plan every action you take?
what is your favorite holiday and why? (all holidays count! across all religions and cultures 😄)
would you rather stay up to stargaze in the middle of the night or wake up early to watch the sunrise?
what is your favorite eye color on another person?
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
the ultimate tag: answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot and then tag a few blogs you’d like to get to know better!
name: samantha
nickname: sam
birthday: march 9
zodiac: pisces sun
nationality: american
languages: english, currently learning korean
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual :)
height: 5’2” (157 cm)
inspiration for muse: music, tv, movies
meaning behind my url: hyuck is doin too much he’s gotta just give me a break and wAIT A SEC = waithyuck
blog established: 2020 but I’ve been on tumblr since 2015
followers: 791
favorite animals: pigs, cats, dogs, snakes
favorite books: lord of the flies, the great gatsby, hamlet even tho it wasn’t technically a book
favorite color: yellow, orange, pink
favorite fictional characters: gilbert blythe, prince zuko from atla idk who else
favorite flower: sunflowers, carnations, roses
favorite scent: vanilla, citrus, lavender
favorite season: spring or fall
average hours of sleep: like 4-5
cats or dogs: both
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
current time: 2:23 p.m.
dream trip: seoul, rome, greece in general, london, dublin
dream job: teaching english as a second language, linguist, translator
hobbies: writing, drawing, singing
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
last movie watched: burlesque lmao
last song listened to: kick it - nct 127
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): my fingers are double jointed lmaO idk
10 things i can’t stop listening to
slow down - chase atlantic
watermelon sugar - harry styles
to die for - sam smith
we go up - nct dream
blue side - j-hope
god’s menu - stray kids
inception - ateez
love me right - rendezvous at two
renegade - aaryan shah
HER - chase atlantic
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