#also pluto has hands he just wears shirts that are too big so the sleeves are too long
haxxydraws · 2 years
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beasts and birds
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sasuhinasno1fan · 7 years
To space!-Fluff Week Day 6
I’ve been reading a couple kid!Paladins stories and wanted to do one of my own. Don’t think I did it well cause how kids actually talk is a challenge for me. But I still hope you enjoy.
“There’s an extra sweater in his bag and I know you have a stocked first aid kit, but I put another one in there just in case.” Shiro stood in front of Ulaz with a patient smile. He knew there were protective parents, some more than others, but Ulaz took it to a whole other level. He guessed it had to do with him being a doctor. Ulaz being his own physical therapy doctor was insight enough to how he could be. He shared a look with Thace, his husband behind Ulaz’s back, who looked a bit exasperated.
“Honey,” Thace said, interrupting his husband, “Keith is going to be completely fine. You trust Shiro and Allura don’t you?”
“Of course I do.” Shiro took a bit of pride in the look Ulaz gave Thace, like it was a stupid question to ask.
“Then I’m sure he’s more than capable in making sure Keith is ok. They’re going to a planetarium, you know, the one we take Keith to all the time.” Thace said, gesturing to their adopted son, who was leaning against Thace’s leg, looking rather bored.
“Wow, you’ve been to the planetarium huh?” at Keith’s nod, Shiro said, “maybe you should lead the tour and not our guide huh?” Keith shook his head. “no? Aright, I guess we’ll have to deal with the tour guide. Hey, why don’t you go and play with the others while your dad,” he said looking at Ulaz, “makes your bag a bit lighter?” he watched as Keith ran over to where Lance and Hunk were playing, Pidge nearby, her eyes focused on the tablet on her lap. “Ulaz, really. Keith will be fine. So let’s empty the bag a little huh?”
Keith plopped himself down next to Lance, who was laying down on his blue lion plush to roll Chuchule, one of the class pet mice, in her ball.
“Why’s your bag so big?”
“Dad kept putting things in my bag but daddy was telling him not to, but he didn’t listen.”
“Is it true you went to the planetarium?” Pidge asked, not looking up from her iPad. The kids were allowed to bring electronics on field trips, but once they got there, they were handed over to their teachers and they got them back on the trip back to school.
Keith nodded, “daddy took me there after he and dad adopted me. It’s really cool. They have this really cool room where you can play with the planets.”
“Really? I wanna see it!” Lance said, letting Chuchule roll off. “do you think we can go see it?”
Keith shrugged, “I don’t know.”
Thace came over with the reduced bag and dropped it next to his son as he crouched down next to him. “alright, Shiro convinced your dad to take some things out, so your bags much lighter. I’ll come pick you up when you get back ok? Have a good time.” Thace pressed a kiss to Keith’s head. “I’ll see you later.”
“Bye daddy.”
“Ulaz means well.” Allura stated, picking up Chuchule’s ball.
“Yeah, I know, though, he can go a bit overboard. Should we check and make sure everyone is here?”
Allura nodded. “we did get calls from some parents saying they’re kids won’t be able to come because of the cold going around. So we should have a small group.”
“Yes, but Keith and Lance are in that group and you know how that usually goes.”
Sharing a smile with Shiro, Allura said, “yes, either they’re arguing up a storm or they’re somehow getting into trouble. I just hope the manager of the planetarium doesn’t tell us off, like we’re the little kids.” The two burst into childish giggles at the thought.
Allura sobered up, “but we are going to keep an eye on them and make sure they understand they can’t cause any trouble.”
Giving a firm nod, Shiro agreed. The two looked at each other and dissolved into giggles again.
“Ok, seriously, we have to be serious if they get into trouble.” Allura said
“We will, we will. I’m sure they’ll be on their best behaviour.”
“Alright guys, remember stay with your partner at all times and have your name tags on. We don’t want to lose any of you but if we do, look for a person wearing the planetarium shirt and show them your name tag ok?” Shiro instructed. When the kids answered him, Shiro started again, “alright, our tour guide is gonna meet us soon and take us around. No wandering off and please listen to them ok?”
“Welcome little space rangers!” an energetic man with orange hair and an impressive moustache came bounding over. “This is the Lions Kindergarten correct? Well not anymore, today you are the Paladins of the Lions, protectors of space!” The kids all giggled at the eccentric man in front of them. “I am Coran and I’ll be your guide. Today, I’ll take you on your training so you can finish by going around our planets.”
Keith was holding onto Lance’s hand so they could stay close and started yanking on it, “Lance, that sounds like that planet room.”
“Really? I want to see it.”
“Maybe we go see it. I know how to get there.”
Lance’s face filled with excitement as Coran got the kids to follow him down the hall to their first activity. They were lead into a room that held a large silver dome with an opening to crawl into.
“Alright, first thing’s first. We need to learn about the different stars. So I’m going to give you a small lesson on the different constellations. What is a constellation you might ask? Well, all those questions will be answered inside the star dome. Are any of the kids claustrophobic?” Coran asked the teachers.
Shiro shook his head, “Lance has a mild case but only when he’s in a small space by himself. But I’ll sit him next to me near the entrance.” Then he looked over at Allura who started yanking hard on his sleeve. “what? What is it?”
“We’ve made a new record. Keith and Lance are gone.” Shiro looked around and saw she was right. There was no familiar heads of hair or matching Space Rangers shirts the two had been wearing.
“How the heck did they disappear so quickly? Where could they of gone?”
“Keith wanted to show Lance the planet room,” Pidge said, from her spot next to Shiro.
“If she’s talking about the one on the tour then it’s not surprising that’s where they went, it’s not that far from here. Down the hall and instead of going left, go right. The door way is big and there’s a sign next to the room.” Coran instructed.
“Ok, Allura keep an eye on the rest of them. I’ll go get our wandering Paladins.”
Finding the room wasn’t hard. The hallway wasn’t filled with people so he could hear the two kids voices clearly.
“Mars was named after the Roman god of war. He’s also called Ares.” Lance was saying.
“How do you know that?”
“My big brother is reading Percy Jackson to me. We started Heroes of Olympus last night. Did you know Roman gods have Greek names too?”
“Really? Well I like Mars the best. There are aliens there. What planet do you like?”
There was a pause of silence before Lance stared speaking again. “Neptune? I like Poseidon and that’s what he’s called.”
“Do you want to go to space?” the question was a turn in subject but that’s how kids were.
“Yeah! I wanna be like the Space Explores, and be a hero of the universe. And you’ll be there with me.”
Deciding to make himself known, Shiro walked into the room to see Keith and Lance spinning the Mars model. It looked like anyone was allowed to move the planets that hung from the ceiling in any way they wanted. “how are you two going to be Space Explorers if your missing out on training? Boys, what did we say about wandering off?”
Looking incredibly sheepish, Keith said, “I knew where we were going. Daddy takes me here all the time.”
“I know, but you two aren’t going to be able to go into space if you get into trouble. Come on you two.” The two boys took each of his hands and let themselves be lead back to where the lesson on constellations was happening. “but hey, wanna know what my favourite planet is?”
Forgetting that they were in a bit of trouble, Lance started to beg, “which one, which one?”
“I like Pluto best, small and underappreciated.”
“But Shiro, we like you.” Lance said, looking confused.
“Well then, at least I’m doing my job right?”
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