#also ppl always say: oh you never will apply what you learned in HS to real life... um. I feel like i am constantly
jjasprtfjyghkj-blog · 6 years
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what’s up y’all !! i’m nev and i like stephen king and horror and my cat and that’s literally all there is to me ✌️👏🗣 i’m so mcfUCKING HYPE to be here wOW anyway under the cut you’ll find some general info on my lil monster boi jasper and if u click HERE you can find his stats and some more detailed stuff abt him !!
✰ ·° ˑ ✕ ( troye sivan, cismale, he/him ) i think i saw JASPER PELLETIER back in newport beach. you know, the TWENTY year old who looks just like TROYE SIVAN. i heard they’re an upcoming JUNIOR at the SCHOOL OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO (SAIC) now, but that may have changed. known notoriously for being -PRETENTIOUS and -SARCASTIC, but yet they’re +ENTERPRISING and +QUICK-WITTED, but i’ve never personally knew them. i can tell you that INVINCIBLE by OK Go really reminds me of them. (nev, cst, she/her)
so jasper was born and raised here in newport beach. his dad is a hotshot psychologist with a private practice and his mom is a published poet who teaches poetry classes and workshops locally. despite their success, his parents are both rly grounded, good people who always made time for their kids. they never spoiled jasper and his sister with material things, instead it was spoiling them with travel and culture and learning, etc. stanley (his dad) is also deeply interested in philosphy, so he’s passed that love onto jasper
jas came out as gay when he was 14, a freshman in high school. he’d always ~known but was scared as HELL to come out. because of his more feminine features and what other kids called his “tells,” he was essentially forced out of the closet before he was ready. it was tough as hell for him, but thankfully when he came out to his parents and his sister they were beyond accepting and made that experience a little easier than it would otherwise have been. especially with two years of college under his belt now, he’s extremely open about and proud of his sexuality
this boy smokes so 👏much 👏weed 👏like he generally has a joint or two on him tucked away between his cigarettes. he is also, however, big-time against hard drugs (coke, heroin, meth, etc). he’s done coke a couple times, but like in general he won’t touch that shit !! and he’ll probably purse his lips at u if u do it in front of him, but unless ur like rly good friends he prob won’t actually say anything bc he tries not to be ~preachy. if ur good friends tho boy watch out he’ll randomly get pissed off abt it and start a fight eryfjyethyrgaudhsja
he had a bf in high school that he was like heart eyes over but stuff went down and in the end they sort of mutually broke up after a huge explosive fight right before his bf went off to college. it’s mostly jasper’s fault and he knows that and it’s lowkey his biggest regret. his second bf was his freshman year at saic and that ended even worse bc he ended up being a crazy asshole, so after that jas was like ok fuck! this! and decided he wasn’t doing boyfriends anymore for a while and he’s still in that mindset except deep down he’s craving that intimacy 
he wild !! seriously he has so much excess energy and acts like a child most of the time. he will throw skittles at people’s heads for the vine
he’s like super into philosophy bc of his dad, and he’s intelligent so the concepts come to him quickly and easily, but he’s completely unable to apply those concepts to his real life he’s literally too childish. he also has a lot of random knowledge, catch him rhapsodizing about medieval juridical systems and the origins of whaling in america
he’s an artist at heart, he’ll almost always start doodling on napkins and receipts etc no matter where he is or what he’s doing. he’ll usually have paint stains on his hands and arms and sometimes legs
aesthetics include wearing dirty converse and shirts that are way too big on him, ripped jeans rolled up at the ends, tall socks, scrapes and bruises on his elbows and knees, white wine, headphones around his neck, a tattered book in his hand, sunglasses indoors, loudly popping bubble gum, snarky retorts to questions not directed at him, jumping fences for a midnight swim in a closed pool, cigarettes and joints, sunsets, eating fruit on the beach, acting tough even tho he’s literally tiny
you get the idea
also for reference he’s blond. he just recently dyed it tho so it would be a new thing for everyone back home !!
so yH he is pretentious and sarcastic as fuck and pretends not to care when he acts childish and ends up offending ppl except UH OH deep down he feels bad n is just trying to figure out how to navigate growing up n entering the adult world u dig ??
that’s all i have for u here again feel free to check out his stats page for more info but like HIT! ME! UP! bitches i am a SLUT for angst give me the most dramatic plots possible i want it all !!
girl gang ! jas needs his ladies to gossip and watch rom coms and cry abt cute boys with
hookups ! i want toxic on and off hookups, i want the hookup that happened last time they were both in town and now it’s awkward, unrequited feelings (either way), the “we hated each other in high school” hookup. all the angsty hookups
someone who jasper rly wants to sleep with/they rly wna sleep with jasper but it hasn’t happened for whatever reason
i rly want a plot where like jas and this person hated each other in high school but now they’re like.....best friends rygfskyeguhes
also vice versa. they were super close growing up and bc of a fight or whatever they’re like E N E M I E S now
someone who jasper was friends with like WAY back in the day when they were kids in elementary school maybe they were neighbors idk but they were like bffs back then and drifted apart in hs and now they like....don’t rly talk and it’s kind of awkward bc they used to be so close but just went in different directions
art buddy ! someone else who will whip out their grungy clothes and spread out newspapers all over the floor and paint the day away with him
would love for him to have his queer bff ?? preferably a lesbian ?!
he’s rly good at breaking people out of their shells so anyone who’s like more of an ~innocent and needs someone to expose them to partying n being wild.......hit him uP
he has an older sister but like i live for sibling-like friendships so get @ me with that. someone he’s rly protective over OR someone who’s rly protective over him (platonically)
also platonic touchy-feely friendships where they’re always cuddling n giving each other kisses but it’s like strictly as friends they’re just ~close 
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hellotvv · 8 years
Can’t Assume Things About Ppl
Well, it’s been an interesting past two weeks. Something I learned though, is it’s crazy how you can’t really assume things about ppl.
It’s easier to say all that I want to say, and honestly it’s kinda tiring to recap it all in writing sometimes. But this is probably a pretty important lesson that I should keep in mind for the future.
Was fairly interested in Amandi and it seemed like she was kinda cool. Just kinda tho, since we didn’t really have that many similar hobbies. She works two jobs and works prettyyy often. So she seemed like a pretty hard working girl. She tries not to eat out too often as well, to save money. So yeah! She has nice friends like Chloe and Michelle, and they are pretty nice ppl. I know Chloe more personally obviously, and Chloe is honestly really nice. From stalking her fb photos, it seemed like she was kinda nerdy or had fairly nerdy friends in HS. Then in her ig, she has an eh looking ex bf, and he didn’t look like a fk boi or anything. She also doesn’t party too often, and seemed fairly nice from our interactions. 
Turns out, oh boy do I not know her at all. Well, it makes sense, given that I’ve only known her for like 2 weeks LOL. But thankfully, Chloe sat down and talk to me. Essentially story went like this, been casually talking to her/flirting with her, and stuff. I was worried at first I seemed like a thirsty boy when asking her to hang and flexing my beanbag chair and tv that’s good for watching shows together. So I was like oh fk, gotta show off my nerdy side, so I don’t seem like a fk boi. Also I should just chill on it and only ask her to like idk eat or something normal, and she was super down. Also, since it seemed like she was a hardworking frugal girl that cares about idk how much she spends, I should try to not seem boujee or rich or spoiled or entitled idk. So I was gonna go on the in n out date, and then I told chloe about it, since she casually trying to wingman me. Then she tells me, ohh that was me? I was like ?? she told me that amandi told her that a dude that likes her is taking her to in n out. I was like ooh? I mean I knew she knew that I like her, since I told chloe that I thought she was cute and figured she would tell amandi ofc. But anyways, Chloe tells me she needs to tell me something important in person. I was like ??? wondering what it was, and she told me she had to tell me before going to in n out with Amandi. So I was like okie, i can meet u on campus in a bit. I did ask if it was another guy or something, but she told me no no. i was like ooh okie, I wonder what it could be.
So I met up with Chloe on campus, and oh boy would I have never really guessed the news. So Chloe is going to be Amandi’s housemate next year and are good friends with her. She said she fells bad about saying these things about Amandi, since it feels like she’s talking shit. But basically, she first asked me if I was gonna treat Amandi to in n out? I was like, uh yeah probably, just to seem like a nice guy you know. Then she was like ooh, she was expecting you to. I was like ??? I thought in my head, weird i didn’t specifically say it was a date or anything, and I was even potentially inviting chloe and michelle too. But I did think it seemed kinda entitled of her to think I would, but whatever I can brush it off. Jessica, Fyona and Brent immediately went wtf too, when I told them that she expected me to pay for her, and they were ilke but u didn’t even say it was a date when u first asked. Anyways, I asked chloe, oh was that the important thing u were gonna tell me? Then she was like oh no, and explains that Amandi has a history of like hanging out with dudes she doesn’t find out, since she knows they’re gonna treat her to like dinner or something. I was like wow O_O... Chloe explains that she doesn’’t know if it applies to me or not, and kinda flattered me a bit by saying that I’m good looking, but she doesn’t know if Amandi thinks I am as well and she doesn’t really know Amandi’s intentions. Then she tells me even more worst stuff about Amandi omg. :( I was so surprised, since idk Amandi didn’t seem like that type of girl. She explains that Amandi even once kinda put out, since this dude that she didn’t even like was gonna buy her a rave ticket/concert ticket. I was like holy fk.. O_O... She explains that Amandi once told her that her ideal guy is like a rich cantonese sugardaddy basically. I was like oh my,.. Then she explains that uh Amandi is the type that expects her bf to pay for everything. I was like damn, I totally don’t like that. Like I am the type to show that my SO means more than money and treat them out, never ask for gas $$, and spoil with small/big gifts depending on circumstances. But to EXPECT your SO to do those things is legit just entitlement and weird that it’s even an expectation lmao. Like I understand wanting your SO to do nice things once in a while or periodically show that hey they care about u more than $$ and etc idk, but to expect your SO to always pay for you/spoil you, then dang... I guess it kinda makes sense why she cares a lot about money, since it doesn’t seem like she wants to spend her own $$ and prob doesn’t mind spending other ppl $$. But I generally assume ppl who work two jobs are the type that idk value $$ but not in that way? Anyways, Chloe tells me that Amandi even didn’t pay one of their mutual friend for gas $$ when asked, and Chloe still upset about that since it’s her friend. But yeah, she was telling me that honestly the fact that idk I have a single room and seem kinda balling, is actually probably a turn on for Amandi lol... But Chloe just wanted me to know kinda what type of person Amandi is, so I know what I’m getting into. Chloe also explains that, she fells bad talking about her friend like this. But Chloe hears stories from Amandi obv about what she does to those dudes she doesn’t find cute and just kinda use them for dinner/etc etc since she knows they think she’s cute, and she obv doesn’t know them so she cant tell them. But she knows me, we’re friends, and going to beyond together in a big 8+ person group. So she just thought I should know. I was like wow, thanks for telling me, and I really appreciated it like honestly... I asked Chloe what I should do and if I should even take her to in n out still lmao. Chloe told me that I could and just not pay for her and see what happens lolol (brent and fyona also suggested this later funny), but Chloe says she doesn’t know what Amandi’s intentions are and maybe Amandi is genuinely interested. But she just thought I should know basically who Amandi is and doesn’t mind what I decide to do, it was just important that I know.
I guess the thing is, I was more surprised and shocked. Since I actually never met a girl that’s like that, that kinda just uses ppl shamelessly, and etc. Also, I never would have guessed honestly. Like I originally thought omg maybe i seemed thirsty for suggesting to watch shows together, when I really just wanted to watch shows and converse, not netflix and chill. So i tried to correct it, and I tried not to seem boujee and rich/entitled/spoiled/etc. But it turns out, I prob should be doing those things lol... and probably could easily get her to put out. But obviously, I wouldn’t do that, since that’s not me. Also I honestly wouldn’t really wanna be friends with a person like this, and definitely not dick them down if they’re a terrible person. I guess just shocked? Since it definitely seemed like she’s not that type of person based on idk friends (great sweet friends), seemed hardworking, and etc. But I guess you can’t really assume things about a person, and imagine I somehow dated her or even some other dude that dates her. Unless she or Chloe does tell the dude/me, I would have NEVER KNOWN. Like it’s crazy to think that a future gf that you love/cherish, could be someone that just using you for idk food/gifts/etc etc O_O... Like doesn’t she feel bad at all???? Maybe she justifies it somehow, but that’s so crazy and scary to think about.. Like I’d feel bad whoever opens their heart and become emotionally vulnerable and really care about her, only to maybe find out or even never find out she’s the type of girl that would literally put out for just concert tickets regardless if she finds them attractive or not... Like damn... I’m not even sad or anything over this, since I barely knew the girl for 2 weeks, and only thought she was kinda cute. I’m just surprised like I keep saying, since I’ve never really encountered this type of situation/person. 
It just goes to show how many interactions with another person may just be in your head. Like I assumed oh seeming boujee/thirsty is bad, but ironically would have been good lmao. Maybe not good for dating, but I guess ‘getting’ the girl. Also it’s hard to assume what type of person someone is even based on the ppl they surround themselves with, her exes, fb photos, what they look like, and how diligent they seem.
Overall, not sad, very very surprised, learning not to assume things about ppl, and wonder how hard is it to really get to know someone then? o.o... Since really, like you could date this girl and probably never know unless one of her friends or her tell you... Kinda crazy and scary... I’ve learned some valuable lessons at least... Don’t assume things about ppl, try to be as objective as possible I guess and try to find out more about them from what other ppl say about them rather than what they tell you/how they seem on social media/etc (i guess pray their friends don’t lie for them too?), and it’s honestly better to just date by becoming friends, then best friends tbh. 
I mean, everyone prefers their own way of dating. Like I’m sure some ppl don’t mind meeting their SO through like hitting on a girl at a party, going on a couple dates, and then blah blah end up together a while later. But I realized that I really prefer the friendship route, since I don’t have to worry about impressing someone, I’d be myself and if they like me for me, then yay and it wouldn’t be them liking me based on idk the mask/face/soley whatever good side I try to show them to impress them. Honestly I stay pretty true to myself even then, but still I like knowing that hey I’ve been friends with this person for a long time, they prob know a good amount about me, and genuinely somehow manage to have a crush on me/like me enough to want me to be a SO/romantically. Also chances are, if I approached Amandi as just a friend and not you know to hit on her, maybe in like months time I’d find out by her telling me or idk after being friendzone that she uses dudes LOL and I could be like whew dodge a bullet from being friends, and then idk. Idk where I was going with that, but kinda makes sense in head, but yeah she prob would still never tell another guy idk. God bless Chloe tho. But yeah, for me, friendship > dating seems best method generally. Many lessons learned, and surprised.
Will prob follow up with the conclusion to Amandi story. But she doesn’t know I know, and she still snapchats me/talks to me quite a bit, and even asked me when are we going to in n out lol today... Lol. Still want to reexplain, regardless of her intentions, even if she genuinely is interested in me for whatever reason as a person or from my looks or idk, I still am not interested anymore. Since she’s a terrible person, would make a terrible SO, and I don’t want to associate myself with ppl like this lol,.. I would not even contemplate dicking down an attractive girl, if she’s a terrible person. Since idk personal morals, and not too interested in hooking up with ppl tbh.
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