#also re: life spans like being jade dekoi obviously has the potential to become a rainbow drinker
celestialtrolls-moved ยท 9 months
Adult tealblood lesbian with an open black quad. Hemoist and insistent she's a highblood, and reluctant to date below her caste because she doesn't want the heartache of a quad that'll die before she does. Haughty, heavily lacking empathy and compassion (But she tries), abrasive, and somewhat of a control freak, but hides a soft side and insecurity. Abuse survivor and a workaholic that craves approval, though she won't admit it. Such a tsundere.
A very tough one...
But I'm actually thinking... Dekoi.
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She is lower in caste, but only by one.
She's patient, caring, compassionate, encouraging, raises children, but she doesn't take shit from anyone. She ran around with a tough crowd while she was younger, she's seen the worst and the best of people, and she understands them very well, even the most irrational actions she can still rationalise and see the reason for.
However, that doesn't mean that she lets people get away with them. She tells people when they're out of line, and while she's not a fighter, she can defend herself just fine if things come to blows.
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