#also rip to the two balloons in that photo that didn't get used
starfall-calamity · 4 months
Goop lore
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creekqueen27 · 5 years
Control (Pennywise) 2
[I always listen to music, mainly one song during writing a chapter to get the feels really going. This is the one I mainly listened to during writing this chapter. It's different for every chapter. I'll be posting them, happy reading <3]
The necessities. That's all that were packed away in the few suitcases that used to lay in the back of the large closet, collecting dust. A new apartment awaited the arrival of it's new occupant, on the more dangerous side of town. The perfect place to settle into. The pictures that hung on the walls, all the false happiness within the memories. It still burns to look at them. The pure, true hope that I had.. pure stupidity. I shake my head as I exit the home-his home. This was no longer my place. As I drove the small, slightly beaten up car across town it was deadly silent around me. The perfect way to drown in my emotions. I boiled in negativity all the way into the apartment. The anger finally rising to the surface. A few things were unpacked here and there. Pacing and thinking occupied most of my time. Deciding on the first victim took a bit of thought as I scrolled through photos of his friends. The smartphone had a photo of a smiling young man on the screen, my first target. His work friend, who first introduced him to his new lover. "Brian.." I mumble to myself. What a mistake you've made. You poor, poor soul. You have no idea what's coming to you.
I get an outfit ready, knowing where he'd be tonight. He'd always go out on the weekends with 'the boys from work'. I was probably cheated on nearly every weekend and I didn't even know it. I may just have quite a feast tonight. In fact... I fully intend to.
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I go to Brian's usual weekend hang out spot, a little bar near the edge of town. I walk up to the door and enter, nearly immediately spotting him with a trio of guys. I purposefully walk by them slowly, hearing a few whispers about my body. I smirk to myself and sit at the bar by myself, ordering a drink. I grow bored when I realize they're going to be a while. I pass by them again to exit the bar, giving them a good show on the way out, raising my shirt up a bit and doing a sexual gesture before motioning them outside. I doubt Brian even remembers me, if he does, he'd be too drunk to realize it- until it's too late.
I stand outside, waiting for them to exit the small bar. Finally, I recognize a few guys stumbling out of the door. One, two, three, four... yummy. I am pretty hungry.
"I could stand to spoil myself to a nice meal tonight." I smirk to myself as I purposefully strut over to them leaving my spot underneath the streetlight, careful to keep my face partially hidden in the shadows of my long hair. I hear two of them whistle at me as I sway my hips. Idiots.
"You boys wanna have some fun?" I asked in a flirty voice while pushing my chest out.
"Hell yeah baby!" One said. There was slurred agreement all around. I smirked to myself. Quite a feast, indeed.
"Follow me, I know somewhere we can go where we won't be interrupted." I say with a giggle. I start down the sidewalk, towards the edge of town and farther away from the city. "It's not much farther." I say as I hear one of them whisper a complaint on the length of the journey.
"Why do we have to go so far?" He asks, slurring his speech. I stop and turn around, running my hands down my chest and stopping at my sides.
"I'm a screamer. I get pretty loud. You boys look promising, I'm sure I won't be disappointed. I don't want to be interrupted either." I say in a sultry voice. He immediately perks up and quickens his pace. I smile at his actions, so eager. I can't help but giggle a bit. I go across the road and towards the woods, taking them close to the creek around the barrens. No one will hear them here.
I walk to the edge of the creek and stop, turning to look at them. The moon is so bright tonight, I can see them perfectly. I smile at them, they're standing in a near perfect line watching me intensely.
"Are you gonna strip for us first babe?" Brian asks. I giggle and bite my finger, feeling my fangs begin to come out. I walk over to him, slowly while swaying my hips. I circle around him while touching his chest lightly. I repeat this with each one, feeling an odd and sudden sensation of being watched. I ignore it and continue. I couldn't be identified even I am being watched. No one would believe the truth, anyway.
I convince myself to continue with my plan. I get to the tallest one, he looks the fastest. I put my hands on his face and bring his head down to mine. Just as he thinks I'm going to kiss him, I lunge for his neck biting and ripping with my teeth. Warm, beautiful blood begins spewing everywhere. The rest of the guys have a delayed reaction because of the alcohol in their system, but they scatter once they realize what just happened.
"Crazy bitch!" One screams as he tries running for the hill. I'm faster, I catch up to him grab his ankle, successfully crushing the bone and immobilizing him; at least until I can have my full attention on him. I look frantically for Brian as the anger rises more and more, seeing him running across the creek. I target him, my speed faster than that of a human. I tackle him into the creek, smelling his blood. He must have hit a sharp rock hard, the water is already turning red. I catch a faint scent of someone-something..
I open my mouth, and dig my teeth into his jugular, drinking him down quickly. I feel the smooth, warm blood in my throat, a delightful feeling. The one with the broken ankle is struggling hard, the tall one is dead, I'm drinking Brian.. where's the other-
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" I hear the fourth one scream in pure terror while falling next to the one with the broken ankle. I stop drinking, Brian's long dead, and turn to look at what's going on. I see a tall silhouette lunge at my food. Blood goes everywhere. That must have been who I was smelling. Not only did they take one of my foods, but they started attacking the one with the broken ankle too!
"Hey! What the hell! They're mine!" I scream over to them in anger, completely offended. "I got them here, get your own!" I call as I begin walking over. I hear a- what I can only describe as maniacal- giggle as they stand to their full height. Much, much taller than me. I can't see their face, tilted down and hidden in shadows. Definitely not human, though. Is that red hair?
"Well, you're more than welcome to try to take them back from me." A male voice with a slight lisp says happily. Maybe I shouldn't push my luck...
I sigh angrily, nearly growling. I can't fucking believe this. "I don't want to have to hurt you, too." I lie. Honestly, I'm a little nervous. I'm not sure if I can take him or not. He's bigger than me, and seems to be much stronger than me too. I have no idea what he is. Is he even a he?
"Oh, are you going to hurt me?" He laughs, nearly mocking me, "That's not very likely" He says arrogantly, a slight lisp still in his voice. I roll my eyes and stare at him. What an ass. Something catches my eye, a red balloon floating towards me. I glance at between it and him, not sure what's going on anymore. The balloon gets closer and closer until it's right in front of me. It slowly spins, printed words revealing a message before suddenly popping and two of my victims, along with that arrogant thief, are gone. I look around me in every direction, searching for any sign of any of them.
Nothing. It's like they disappeared into thin air. I roll my eyes and look back at Brian lying in the creek, little to no blood left in his body as the water is tinted a beautiful shade of red. I walk over to the tall guy laying on the creek bank with his jugular ripped out. I sigh as he, too, has little to no blood. I'm not starving, in fact I'm quite full.. but I'm still pissed off.
"What in the hell just happened? Who was that?!" I sigh angrily while walking back towards town, towards my new apartment. A shower intended for relaxation turns to a nearly obsessive, repetitive brainstorming session. He wasn't one of me.. he ate their flesh..
Where did he come from?
How long was he watching us?
Has he always been here in Derry?
Why did he eat their flesh?
What is he??
I turn off the water that's going cold quickly, these questions still running through my mind as I dry myself off and get dressed. I stretch before crawling into bed and grabbing my phone, looking through social media. I smile as I read a post about a party in two nights. A good way to sharpen my hunting skills again.. I think with a smile, hopeful that I might run into someone on my drink list and just kill two birds with one stone. Should I make the new lovers the next ones; or should I make them watch as everyone around them that had a hand in my pain, dies? Decisions, decisions... Just before sleep overtakes me, my mind wonders back to the creek around the barrens. The thief.. what kind of creature could he be.. and how dangerous is he to me? Should I be worried.. cautious?
The last thing running through my mind is the strange message on the balloon...
"We belong..."
Okay guys, so I know it's a little rough but there will be more of our favorite guy in the next chapter and he's obviously gonna be a regular in the chapters. I plan on having his 'human' form involved just about as much as his 'clown' form. Also, of course, this in the fanfiction universe so please don't get too bent out of shape that his entire being isn't like it is in the novel (Which I haven't read all the way through.)
Comments, suggestions, requests for oneshots, let me know <3
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thedreadvampy · 5 years
At the Radical Bloc at Edinburgh Pride on Saturday, here are some Occurrences that Occurred
The RBS Rainbow Network booted us off our meeting spot to take some Fun Mass Photos for their Woke Corporate Image, with three 15-ft balloon arches, multiple men wearing rainbow balloon wings with like a 6ft wingspan, and so on. They trod on our banners and called multiple members of the Radical Bloc slurs (mostly ableist shit like the r word).
So I stood behind them while they were taking their photos and paraded up and down with a giant flag with the word "FUCK" in rainbow letters. A winged fellow tried to block me and was real snippy with me but frankly I'm a bastard and being smug at me only makes me more powerful.
Got called attention-seeking for standing in front of the RBS shoot with a banner saying QUEER LIBERATION NOT RAINBOW CAPITALISM. Pointed out to the person who said it that RBS had THREE GIANT BALLOON ARCHES AND BRANDED SHIRTS.
"Let people enjoy priiiiiide 😢" "I mean, I'm having fun ripping the piss out of corporations, how about let me enjoy pride?" << my friend & Queer Icon LV
"please stop screaming 'FUCK OFF', there are children here." (we moved, because while we didn't think that we should be disallowed from telling TERFs and corporate pride to fuck off, we genuinely didn't want to make the Gay Dads bloc feel bad or upset their kids.)
Ended up behind the SNP bloc two days after the SNP agreed to roll back support for trans youth to appease the TERFs within the party. Like 4 people marching under the SNP banners being followed directly by 50 or 60 angry radical queers singing "you can shove your consultation up your arse", "hey, hey, SNP, recognise nonbinary" and periodically "WE KNOW THAT YOU CAN HEAR US SNP"
"oh ye cannae get yer rights frae the polis"
like 10 TERFs showed up and got such an overwhelmingly hostile reception that they dropped out of the march halfway round because nobody was buying their attempts to pretend to be the One True Voice Of Lesbians and lesbians were shouting "you don't speak for me!" at them, and obverse they dropped out of the march they had to stand there for like ten minutes before the whole radical bloc had passed them screaming TRANS RIGHTS and NO TERFS ON OUR TURF. There are like six incredibly butthurt articles up around the Internet about it - insert dril tweet "I'm not owned, I'm not owned"
3/4 of the organisers turned up in denim hotpants and fishnets, myself included, and it was great
I heard a lot of bullshit about how ~inappropriate~ any NSFW content at Pride is and then my friend turned up with her tits all the way out in a bond age harness, nipple tape and hotpants and sauntered along ahead of the radical bloc and it made me feel so much better
After the march, we hung out in the park and drank some beers and went to a gig and it was definitely the most fun I've ever had at Pride even though I was fueled entirely by white-hot rage all day, because everyone around me felt the same anger and I've never been in a bloc that kept up energy and noise so consistently for a whole march. The rest of the march was pretty subdued but we were going OFF because it has been a Bad Time to be queer lately, and we all screamed and chanted until our throats were raw and I could taste blood (then got sunstroke and watched angry rock bands chew out the cishetpatriarchy, cops at Pride, patronising lefty cishet men etc)
there were also some REALLY GOOD DOGGOS but there always are at protests
We were a really big and energetic bloc in the end, and I have to hope it went some way to lampshading the corporatism at Pride (FIFTEEN FOOT RBS BALLOON ARCHES)
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