#also saw a reddit post that made me think and feel 🤢
epaily · 2 years
more ace feelings yeehaw
i was unloading today which is kinda mindless, and i had this realization thats never fully made sense before
general anxiety and self hate aside, the thought of someone looking at me and wanting to fck me is revolting :D not at all in a fetishizing way, im not a moron i know thats normal. but to me, personally, someone looking at me and wanting to be intimate makes my skin crawl. tenfold if its just some random guy.
im so repulsed by the idea of someone wanting me because i cant/wont/dont want to do AnyThing its just all so gross to me. even the guy i like, the very first time we talked he called me cute and the thought of him looking at me once and going 🥵🍆 makes me want to die thats awful to me. not fetishing its normal im just ace!!! i am just me!!!! why am i so weird!!!!!
this is longer then i wanted it to be lol i hope this makes sense
**i saw a reddit post about op disliking oral in all forms and the line specifically "oral is a basic thing in any relationship" ..............is it? is it expected? i really, really cant imagine that.
on one side of the coin its abso fucking lutely possible to have a relationship without sex, look at older people or queer partnerships with different lines or celabit people who wait til marriage or health issues get in the way (and granted fhat one can get the other person pissy) or just people who happen to not fuck often!! its normal!!!!!!
on the other hand, ive seen.......way too much saying you cannot have a ""real"" relationship if you arent fucking on the regular. like isnt there a law somewhere defining this?
i dont know
all im sure of is i hate sex and i hate sexual activaties and i hate the thought of someone looking at me and getting turned on and i think this is very deeply ingrained because i have worn baggy and loose clothing to hide my body forever, and oh god i just want to be loved so desperately but because of the way i am and my aversion i probably never will be. i just want to be myself and be loved.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
I just saw a post making fun of the fact Sasuke’s never had another kiss besides Naruto, but then someone else replied (this is just paraphrasing cause I don’t want to repeat the entire thing. Just go into the anti Orochimaru tag and you’ll find the post I’m talking about) “anything could’ve happened with Orochimaru…”
Okay, if I got put in a room with them, and Danzo Shimura, and I had a GUN, AND THE GUN HAD THREE BULLETS-
LOL. Unpopular Answer... Please ignore me if you don't want to.
Am not all saying that Sasuke was being abused in that way... Nor did I ever felt like that on my first and second watches.
But Don't you want to blame the Real mastermind behind that view being passed onto the readers???
Yeah, I am talking about Kishimoto here.
Let me tell you something... Sasuke always always always (and he still does) made me uncomfortable during that time when he was parading around several different places with that Shit costume.
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Yeah, I hated it vehemently and it creeped me out for no fucking reason. My reasoning was, Either cover your Body or Go full-on exposing it... What the fuck is that useless shirt anyway???
Whenever he appears on screen, I feel like yelling "Just Go away... Why are you appearing at all??".
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My face would always be like how Naruto is here.... A Complete Disgust in a funny way.
Believe me, Sasuke is the only male character with whom I felt like this... And sole the reason being his costume. Creeeeep!!!!
Atleast, this was how I felt until I decided to read Manga.
Oh Man!!!!
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This poster made my skin crawling for very obvious reason... Was this poster even necessary??? Is it relevant to plot in any way???
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Because Orochimaru was standing from behind, crawling his tongue over Sasuke, touching his chest and Sasuke was wearing that Hoe costume and on top of that he was letting Oro to do whatever the fuck he wants, all the while Sasuke was closing his eyes. Ewwwww!!!!
And now compare Sasuke and Oro's poster with this following poster which portrays another Master and Student pair in a much more cute and pleasant way...
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Can you be honest and tell me Oro & Sasuke’s poster doesn't give you the vibe of what that Reddit commenter said??? "Anything could've happened with Orochimaru"
Of Course, the creep factor reached a new height and it became unbearable because Oro was shouting, "Sasuke-kun, Give me your Body!!!". Because of the Homoerotic factor.
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It’s also not helping that Anime did many damage from their side by making Sasuke naked... And we see Snakes entangle his body... Eeeekkkkk🤢🤢
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Aand insert that scene where Naruto goes feral when Oro said "My Sasuke-kun"... LOL.
What gives????
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I know chronologically this scene happened much before Sasuke's face reveal... But I find this just hilarious.
And I've seen even some old Narutoforum joke (goes way back to 2012) which says Sasuke sold his virginity to Orochimaru in order to get Moaaarrr Power🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ and there are so many jokes like this.
Again, I am telling you... I don't think Oro is a pedophile neither Sasuke let him abuse in that way... But you can't deny the vibe that poster emits... I do agree that Oro is an Abuser who has no concern for Human values. He simply acquires any body that deems to serve his Experimentation purpose... Be it a child or grown man or woman. 
So, I think people are making that kind of ugly comments because the Art they saw in the manga forced them to. The Author could've simply drawn them in a much more different way but for some God-Only-Knows-For-Whatever reason... He chose to draw in that way... 
Yeah, I’ve said many times to not blame the Author if you hate something he has written... But my point was for the things where the Author has a reason as to why he did what he did. For Example, Sakura’s characterization. But this Oro and Sasuke shit has no fucking reason and it didn’t lead anywhere... 
Probably, you should shoot Kishimoto, Anon.
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